Course topics

ENGR 100
Koç University
Department of Industrial Engineering
Introduction to Industrial Engineering
Onur Kaya
Room: ENG 206
Phone: 1583
Office Hours: M-W 14:00-15:00
Fatih Bağcı
Spring 2010
O. Kaya
Müge Güçlü
Course Description
The objective of this course is to introduce the profession of industrial engineering and our
academic curriculum to freshmen students. The course aims to fulfill this task by using MATLAB
as the main computational tool in various numerical applications of industrial engineering.
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables one to perform
computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages such as C, C++,
and Fortran. After some of the important features of MATLAB are discussed, a conpendium of
current topics and applications of industrial engineering will be introduced by the faculty members.
The detailed outline of the topics that will be covered and the course schedule is given below.
Course topics:
Introduction to Industrial Engineering (One week)
Matlab (Approximately 4 weeks)
Overview of Areas in Industrial Engineering
o Production and Service Systems
o Modeling Concepts
o Introduction to Linear Programming
o Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management
o Network Models and Transportation Problems
o Inventory Models
o Probability and Stochastic Modeling
Optional Textbooks:
 Turner, W.C., Mize J.H, Case K.E, Nazemetz J.W., Introduction to Industrial and Systems
Engineering, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall.
 Palm, William J., Introduction to Matlab 7 for Engineers, McGraw Hill
Course material including syllabus, lecture notes, lab assignments and their solutions will be placed
in the (F): drive reserved for this course. The students can access this site through the network at the
location Storage (F): \COURSES\UGRADS\ENGR \ENGR100\ SHARE.
1. Labwork and Homeworks: 20 %
2. Project: 20 %
3. Midterm Examination: 25%
4. Final Examination: 30%
5. Attendance: 5%
Any duplication in any classwork or examinations will be regarded as cheating and will be
prosecuted to the fullest extent allowed by university policy regarding academic dishonesty. We
will look for duplication in all submitted work extremely carefully.
Lab Sessions
Lab sessions are scheduled primarily to learn MATLAB, and use it to solve various industrial
engineering problems and cases discussed in the lectures.
Web Links
A number of Web sites can be visited in connection with this course. These links are:
1. (IIE) Institute of Industrial Engineers
2. (INFORMS) Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences
3. (EURO) Association of European Operational Research Societies
4. (IFORS) International Federation of Operational Research Societies
5. (YAD) Yöneylem Araştırması Derneği
6. Michael Trick’s Operations Research Page
Term Project: Opening a Business
You are required to complete a term project in a group of 4-5 students. Each group will make the
necessary plans with all details to start and operate a business. Each group can choose any business
to work with (e.g. Opening a restaurant, factory, market, bookstore etc…). After choosing the
project, each group will prepare a report that includes all the necessary information about their
business and prepare a web site that presents their project to the interested readers. Some (but not
all) of the necessary information that you are required to consider in your project are listed below:
Product information, Location of your business, Targeted market segment, Expected Demand
information, Capacity decisions, Layout of your business and flow of materials, Supply
information (where and how to get the required inputs), How to operate and continue daily
activities, Expected cost and profit, Problems that you might encounter in the operation of your
business and how to solve them, etc.
You are required to make extensive analysis, think about all aspects of your business, explain how
to operate and make decisions for each of these aspects. You are also required to present logical
reasons for all of your decisions in operating your business. Each project will be graded based on its
originality, completeness, attention to details and correctness.
You are supposed to form your groups and report the people in your group to the TAs before Feb
26. Each group will prepare a progress report (no more than 5 pages) in the middle of the semester
and make a 10-minute presentation and prepare a final report (no more than 15 pages) at the end
of the semester. In addition, each group will prepare a web page explaining their project at the end
of the semester.
Academic Honesty
Honesty and trust are important to all of us as individuals. Students and faculty adhere to the
following principles of academic honesty at Koç University:
1. Individual accountability for all individual work, written or oral. Copying from others or
providing answers or information, written or oral, to others is cheating.
2. Providing proper acknowledgement of original author. Copying from another student’s paper or
from another text without written acknowledgement is plagiarism.
3. Authorized teamwork. Unauthorized help from another person or having someone else write
one’s paper or assignment is collusion.
Cheating, plagiarism, and collusion are serious offences resulting in an F grade and disciplinary