Today… Hydrologic cycle General origins of solutes Reservoirs, fluxes, transient, steady state processes Atmospheric deposition, surface water, groundwater Other types of water… Terminology - hydrologic cycle Reservoirs = location of mass: H2O cycle: glacier, lake, ocean, river etc. Gases (atmosphere) Solutes in water etc. Flux = transfer of mass between reservoirs Water, other fluids, solutes Units = mass per area per time ( e.g., m3/m2/yr) Requires physical transport – advection and diffusion, both water and solutes Major H2O reservoirs Three phases (gas, liquid, solid) Free H2O only (not hydrated minerals) 97% in oceans 2% in ice (solid) Melting would raise sealevel by 2% (about 80 m) Greenland alone would raise sealevel ~7 m 1% in ground water 0.01% in streams and lakes 0.001% in atmosphere (vapor) Continental ice sheets and sea level East AAIS (52 m) Gainesville (your house) elevation ~2030 masl West AAIS (5 m) Greenland IS (7m) Modern Sea level More or less to scale… including whale Steady state system: One that has invariant concentrations through time Fluxes: Input = output Often can be described by equilibrium conditions (thermodynamics) Transient system: Abundances within reservoirs variable with time Fluxes variable with time Transient systems Can be described by “Response time” The amount of time for mass to change to certain value Typically doubling or halving. Sometimes considered “e-folding time” Amount of time for exponentially growing quantity to increase by a factor of e. Exponential decay = time to decrease by a factor of 1/e Transient conditions Transient systems described by kinetics Much more complicated than equilibrium chemistry No real theoretical basis – largely empirical Based on reaction rate reaction coefficients Hydrologic cycle Hydrologic cycle = closed loop of the flux of water E.g., all reservoirs and all fluxes May be steady state or transient Box models Convenient way to describe reservoirs and fluxes Three reservoir box model Fluxes and abundances of water Does this model represent all fluxes/reservoirs? More descriptive box model Same as previous model except finer resolution Provide more/better info on system Harder to parameterize Example: Sea level rise since LGM At these space and time scales, global hydrological cycle is transient Smaller scale may be considered steady state Lambeck et al., 2014, PNAS Projected Greenland contributions to SL Clearly not steady state Surface mass balance and outflow projected for 21st century Red – mass loss; blue – mass gain Purple and green – equilibrium lines at start and end of 21st century Insets – model estimates contributions from outlet glaciers & entire ice sheet IPCC, 2013 5th AR IPCC Global Carbon Cycle Perturbation Perturbation Black – fluxes and reservoirs - pre 1750 Red – Anthropogenic induced fluxes Includes weathering – but limited to silicate minerals Solomon et al., (eds) IPCC report 2007 Residence Time Average time that material is in reservoir Only systems in steady state Definition: t= A/J Where: A = abundance (not concentration) of material (units of mass) J = flux (in or out of reservoir) of material (units of mass/time) Example: What is t of students if 6 students/hr enter room with 6 students? t = 6 students/6 students/hr = 1 hour Global hydrologic and solute cycling Hydrologic cycle depends on processes transferring water to and from reservoirs Solute cycles depend on the compositions of water Thus… useful to think about what controls concentrations within reservoirs of the hydrologic cycle Constant composition? Precipitation Solutes? Reaction zones Recirculated seawater/MOR Fluxes in hydrologic cycle – this figure is for water. How would dissolved mass be included in this? Water chemistry and the hydrologic cycle Atmosphere Streams & Groundwater Rain + other depositional processes Starting point – what controls composition? Water/rock interactions – greatest amount of alteration Meteoric vs non-meteoric water Oceans – constant salinity, constant composition for some solutes Composition of Water Chemical composition of water Reaction: A = B Langmuir, 1997 Begin to quantify changes in composition – kinetics & thermodynamics A = # of moles V = volume dNA = fluxes of A in and out Importance Dissolution of gases (e.g., CO2) Dissolution of solid phases – porosity Precipitation of solid phases – cements Coupled with hydrologic cycle - controls flux of material Controls on rainfall compositions, dNA Rain water chemistry Na+ concentrations • What might be the most likely source for Na and Cl? Cl- concentrations • How could you test to see if this hypothesis is true? • What are implications if this is true, e.g. what and where are other sources? Ca Concentration Sources of Ca other than marine aerosols Relative concentrations, Rainfall Note – total concentrations differ between samples Pollution – H2SO4 Gypsum dust Close to ocean composition but still modified SO4 matches pH – H2SO4 SO4 matches Ca SO4 marine influence – dimethyl sulfide Temporal variations During storm Rain starts salty, becomes fresher during storm as moves from ocean – ultimate source of water/aerosols O and H isotopes also change during storm Snow melt initially saltier & lower pH change in melting temperature Fractionation factor, Fc Determine amount of dissolved mass from sea spray and aerosols Where: C ( ) sample FC Cl C ( ) seawater Cl C is dissolved component, Cl is chloride composition of sample or seawater Similar idea (ratio of ratios) in isotopes Other atmospheric sources Rainfall is not the only mechanism to deposit material from atmosphere to land surface Aerosol – suspension of fine solid or liquid in gas (e.g. atmosphere) Examples – smoke, haze over oceans, air pollution, smog Dry deposition – aerosols Occult deposition Sedimentation of large aerosols by gravity More general term - Dry deposition plus deposition from fog Dry and Occult deposition difficult to measure Atmospheric deposition of material called “Throughfall” Sum of solutes from precipitation, occult deposition, and dry deposition A working definition Data Available National Atmospheric Deposition Program Compositional changes resulting from throughfall – NE US • Open boxes – throughfall composition • Shaded boxes – incident precipitation composition • Note – only H+ greater in precipitation Surface and Groundwater Atmospheric deposition leads to surface and ground water Variety of processes alter/move this water: Gravity Evaporation Transpiration (vegetative induced evaporation) Evapotranspiration Movement across/through land surface Overland flow – heavy flow on land surface Interflow – flow through soil zone Percolate into ground water Conceptualization of water flow Important to consider how each of these flow paths alter chemical compositions of water Throughfall Examples of changing chemistry Plants Soil/minerals Provide solutes, neutralize acidity, extract N and P species Dissolve providing solutes Evaporation Increase overall solute concentrations Elevated concentrations lead to precipitation Salts/cements Stream Hydrology Baseflow Augmentations of baseflow Ground water source to streams Allow streams to flow even in droughts Interflow, overland flow, direct precipitation Result in flooding Chemical variations in time caused by variations in compositions of sources Bank storage Flooding causes hydraulic head of stream to be greater than hydraulic head of ground water Baseflow direction reversed Water flows from stream to ground water Hyporheic flow Exchange of water with stream bed and stagnant areas of stream Nutrient spiraling – chemical changes in composition because changing reservoir Stream compositions Generally little change downstream Changes usually biologically mediated Short residence time in stream Little contact with solids Nutrients (N, P, Si) uptake and release (Nutrient spiraling) Pollutants Chemistry changes with discharge Chemistry changes with exchange of GW and SW Diel stream variations Example from Ichetucknee River Clear water – high solar radiation Solar radiation changes Nutrient and DO change SpC, pH and Ca change All sub-aqueous plant mediated De Montety et al., 2011, Chem. Geol. Stream water composition USGS provide stream water quality data across US URL is Ground water Unconfined example Porosity – fraction of total solid that is void Porosity filled w/ water or water + gas Vadose zone – zone with gas plus water (unsaturated – can be confusing term) Phreatic zone – all water (saturated zone) Water table – separates vadose and phreatic zone Groundwater flow Flow through rocks controlled by permeability Water flows from high areas to low areas Head gradients Water table mimics land topography Flow rate depends on gradient and permeability Confined aquifers Regions with (semi) impermeable rocks Confining unit Confined aquifers have upper boundary in contact with confining unit Water above confining unit is perched Level water will rise is pieziometric surface Hydrostatic head Effects of confinement Perched aquifers, springs, water table mimic topography GW withdrawal lowers head Other types of water Meteoric water – rain, surface, ground water Water buried with sediments in lakes and oceans Formation waters Pore waters Interstitial water/fluids Typically old – greatly altered in composition Other water sources Dehydration of hydrated mineral phases Water from origin of earth – mantle water Clays, amphiboles, zeolites Metamorphic water Juvenile water Both small volumetrically; important geological consequences