Women in Indiana History: Searching for unique resources to document their role. Women in Indiana History: Searching for unique resources to document their role. What are the standard sources of Indiana History? Biographical sources? How are women presented in Indiana history? Unique sources to explore. Women in Indiana – How are women described in basic Indiana History Resources • Buley, The Old Northwest: Pioneer Period, volume 1. Indianapolis, IN: 1950. Page 309. • “All too many women lost their bloom with their teens, were tired out and run down by thirty, and old at forty. Tombstones in the churchyards bear testimony that many a wife died young, to be followed by a second who contributed her quota and labors, and perhaps a third who stood a good chance to outlive the husband.” Women in Indiana – How are women described in basic Indiana History Resources “When writing this chapter, the author frequently asked himself what were the principal roles that woman and girls had in the pioneer economy and in pioneer life versus the roles that men and boys had. As this chapter has indicated, the pioneers, regardless of sex had almost endless work to do, and a considerable variety of tasks were required of them. Only a cursory view is required to make it apparent that there were many tasks done largely and even entirely by woman and girls, and many other tasks done largely or entirely by men and boys….. “The division of labor between the sexes suggests that pioneer men were the “providers” for and women the “keepers” of the household. …. Men might become farmers, tradesmen, merchants, teachers, ministers, lawyers, or doctors, however these and other occupations with few exceptions were closed to women.” Carmony, Donald F. Indiana 1816-1850: The Pioneer Era, The History of Indiana Volume II. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Historical Society. 1998. page 77. Women in Indiana – How are women described in basic Indiana History Resources Index: Woman Suffrage, 259-261, 284. Woman’s Rights Association, 35-36, 259. Woman’s rights movement, 34-37, 258261, 699. Woman, service in Civil War as nurses, 172-173; employed in industry, 440; union for working, 445; academies for, 487-488, 525n; in teaching profession, 501-502; admitted in colleges and universities, 521-522, 528; separate prison for, 591-592, 592-594n; periodicals for, 690. Thornbrough, Emma Lou. Indiana in the Civil War Era, 1850-1880: The History of Indiana Volume III. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Historical Society. 1965. Women in Indiana – How are women described in basic Indiana History Resources Index: Woman Suffrage, 18, 35, 126, 127, 494, 498-502. Women, on the farm, 145, 148n,; in industry, 327-331; labor union for working, 344; in teaching profession, 404; private schools for, 409-411, 425-426; admitted in colleges and university, 426; in nursing profession, 476-478; separate prison for 488; in temperance movement, 494, 495; organizations of, 500, 501, 505; periodicals of interest to, 501; aid war effort, 597-598. Phillips, Clifton J. Indiana in Transition: The Emergence of An Industrial Commonwealth, 1880-1920. The History of Indiana Volume IV. Indianapolis, In: Indiana Historical Society. 1968. Women in Indiana – How are women described in basic Indiana History Resources Index: Women, nomination of, and election to General Assembly, 36-37; employed by SPA, 127; in the labor force, 246, 247; unionization of, 254; on college and university campuses, 290, number employed in war production, 389, 406407; treatment as second-class employees, 390; working mothers, 390-391; lasting effects of World War II on, 406-407. Women’s clubs, 346-347. Women’s suffrage, 36-38 Madison, James H. Indiana through Tradition and Change: A History of the Hoosier State and Its People, 1920-1945. The History of Indiana Volume V. Indianapolis, In: Indiana Historical Society. 1982. Articles on Women in Indiana History • Searching America History and Life by subject – Indiana and women, finds several specialized studies. [Note—covers only back to the 1980’s] • Most published in Indiana Magazine of History and/or Traces but a variety of other journals have included articles on women in Indiana. • Searching other indexes (PCI, Readers Guide, identifies a few other articles especially in nonhistory fields.) Articles on Women in Indiana History Examples: Gabin, Nancy. “FALLOW YET FERTILE: THE FIELD OF INDIANA WOMEN'S HISTORY.” Indiana Magazine of History 2000 96(3): 212-249. Seigel, Peggy Brase. “SHE WENT TO WAR: INDIANA WOMEN NURSES IN THE CIVIL WAR.” Indiana Magazine of History 1990 86(1): 1-27. Ashendel, Anita. "WOMAN AS FORCE" IN INDIANA HISTORY. Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History 2000 12(1): 4-15. Articles cont’d Scholten, Pat Creech. “A PUBLIC "JOLLIFICATION": THE 1859 WOMEN'S RIGHTS PETITION BEFORE THE INDIANA LEGISLATURE.” Indiana Magazine of History 1976 72(4): 347-359. Stetson, Erlene. “BLACK FEMINISM IN INDIANA, 1893-1933.” Phylon 1983 46(4): 292-298. Bailey, Joanne Passet. "THE RULE RATHER THAN THE EXCEPTION": MIDWEST WOMEN AS ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS, 1875-1900. Journal of Library History 1986 21(4): 673-692. Books specifically about women in Indiana’s History….. a few examples: Arnold, Eleanor, ed. Living Rich Lives: Memories of Hoosier Homemakers. Indianapolis: Indiana Extension Homemakers Assoc., 1990. Hine, Darlene Clark. When the Truth Is Told: A History of Black Women's Culture and Community in Indiana, 1875-1950. Indianapolis: Natl. Council of Negro Women, 1981. 90 pp. Springer, Barbara Anne. "Ladylike Reformers: Indiana Women and Progressive Reform.“ DAI 1986 46(12): 3845-A. DA8602417 Indiana U. 1985. 300 pp. Szopa, Anne. "Images of Women in Muncie Newspapers: 1895-1915.“ DAI 1987 47(10): 3857-A. DA8703643 Miller, Kathy Kay. "Rural Women's Work and Role in Community Building and Institution Building in Indiana from 1900-1980."DAI 1998 58(12): 4826-A. DA9819002 Purdue U. 1997. 209 pp. The Education of Women in Indiana “Women during this period were admitted to full privileges in the State University (1867). The percentage of women among teachers in the common schools was greatly increased also. All of which were but parts of the same social and culture movements which put women into the seminaries, and attracted from other states, as well as the institutions of our own, scholarly, refined, womanly women…..” Boone, Richard G. A History of Education in Indiana. New York: D. Appleton and Company. 1892. P. 231. Indiana Women Writers •“women” not in index so there is no separate identification. • Going through the index, looking for “female” names gives the following: Adams, Maude Fletcher, Louisa McGaughty, Helen Alexander, Grace C. Hack, Elizabeth Miller Madeleva, Sister Mary Bacon, Mrs. Mary Schell, Handing, Berrita Marbourg, Dolores Beecher, Mrs. Henry Ward Hayden, Mrs. Sarah Marshall Marlowe, Julia Bolton, Sarah T. Booth, Beebe Mostwick, Mary E. Boyd, Louise Vickroy Bruner, Margret E. Hayes, Helen Hibbard, Mrs. J.R. Hill, Mrs. Rebecca Wright Cary, Alice Jackson, Margaret Weymouth Cary, Phoebe Janis, Elsie Catherwood, Mary Hartwell Johnston, Annie Fellows Chitwood, Mary Louisa Jordan, Dulcina Mason Collins, Mrs. Angelina Maria Lor Knight, Caroline Brown Dobson, Ruth Lininger Drake, Mrs. Alexander Krout, Caroline Virginia Krout, Mary Hannah Lard, Rebecca Nicholas, Anna Nolan, Jeannette Covert Wallace, Susan Elston Ploughe, Mary W. West, Jessamyn Porter, Gene Stratton White, Esther Griffin Rabb, Kate Milner Wilson, Elizabeth Conwell Rose, Henrietta (Mrs. Hamilton) Wright, Frances Sister Mary Genevieve Wynne, Faith Sister Mary Madeleva Young, Marguerite Snedeker, Caroline Dale Stein, Evaleen Strauss, Juliet V. Tayler, Eletha M. Shumaker, Arthur W. A History of Indiana Literature: with emphasis on the authors of imaginative works who commenced writing prior to World War II. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Historical Society. 1962. Indiana Women Writers Biography written by Judith Reick Long. Indiana Women’s Clubs Chronology and types of clubs * Female Bible Society 1839 * Edgeworthalean Society 1841 * Clionian Society 1858 * The Minerva 1859 * Birth of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs 1889 * Woman’s Club of Greencastle 1841 * Indianapolis Woman’s Club 1875 Courtney, Grace Gates. History Indiana Federation of Clubs. Fort Wayne, IN: Fort Wayne Printing Company. 1939. Harper, Ida A. The Associated Work of the Women of Indiana. Indiana World’s Fair Monographs. Indinaapolis, IN: Burford Printer and Binder. 1893. Indiana Public Welfare Mrs. Jacob P. Dunn, Member Board of Trustees, Indianapolis. “The Woman’s Prison.” in Conference on Delinquency called by Governor Warren T. McCray, Indianapolis, at the State House, January 12, 1922. “We do not have the same class of women that we had even ten years ago. ….The women who come to us are not of as high a class, mentally, morally or physically and so it is necessary of course that a great deal of educational work be done ….Every woman who comes out is trained as a home maker first.” Other Public Welfare articles by women • Mrs. Edna H. Jatho, Psychologist, Indiana Committee on Mental Defectives, Indianapolis. “The Defective Delinquent.” • Miss Blanche Merry, State Attendance Officer, Indianapolis. “School Attendance.” • Mrs. Carina C. Warrington, State Probation Officer, Fort Wayne. “The Juvenile Court.” • Rachel L. Hill. Board of State Charities, Indianapolis. “Children’s Homes: Standards of Management.” The Development of Public Charities and Correction in the State of Indiana, 1790-1915. Indiana Agriculture Reports • Published between 1860s and 1908. • Included reprints of papers given at Farmers’ Institutes, Horticultural Society, and other “farm” groups. • Surprised by number of articles by women. • Surprised by number of articles about women’s roles. Indiana Agriculture Reports. • Examples: 1886 Hufford, Mrs. L. G. (Indianapolis) “The Place of Women among the World’s Workers.” 1888 Harper, Mrs. Ida A. (Terre Haute). “Woman’s Work.” 1898-99 Brown, Mrs. R. M. “The Farmer’s Library.” Lindley, Mrs. Harriet J. “Give the Wife a Chance.” 1899-1900 Gunkle, Mrs. S. J. (Mulberry) “Our Daughters—What shall we teach them?” Murray, Miss Nelle (Connersville) “What a women can do on a farm.” 1900-1901 M’Dermott, Mrs. J. J. (Franklin) “How Shall Woman Accomplish the Most Good.” 1901-1902 Harding, Mrs. Belle (Corunna) “The Wife’s Share.” 1902-1903 Johnson, Mrs. Sylvester. “Women in Floriculture and Horticulture.” 1903-1904 Nillis, Mrs. Maggie (West Fork). “The Woman on the Farm.” 1904-1905 Stevens, Mrs. W. W. “Experiences and Observations at the World’s Fair.” 1905-1906 Jenkins, Miss Ruby (Orleans). “The Country Girl Versus the City Girl.” 1906-1907 Smith, Emily Hayward (Hobart). “Woman’s Place on the Farm.” •List at http://www.indiana.edu/~libgpd/louhome/womenINagriculture.doc A couple of concrete examples: 1884 Davidson, Miss LuLu A. (Montgomery County). “A Farmer’s Recreations and Amusements.” “Next we come to the library…it is full of state agricultural reports and religious debates….Begin at the bottom, put in histories first for the children and progressively up the concise standard works for adults, interspersed with good biographies and books of travel. The next shelf is for poetry and fiction, and we place caution at your elbow to make you put in only the best….” Another example— close to my heart: 1883 Adkinson, Florence M. “The Industrial Progress of Woman.” “The census of 1880 tells a wonderful story of woman’s industrial progress in the United States….Impelled by necessity, or by failure on the part of the so-called “natural protectors,” or by the growing demands of living and luxury, or by a desire to use strength and ability more widely, women have entered 219 of the 265 occupations enumerated by the census for 1880.” Status of Women 1800’s Before 1850: Basically Common Law Married versus Single After 1850: Acquire property Married women would not lose or forfeit legal rights Inheritance David, Victoria. The Legal Status of Women in Indiana, 1816-1860. Senior Honors Thesis, Indiana University. August 1974. Census information on women in Indiana -- 1880 “The first attempt at obtaining accurate statistics regarding women’s occupations in the state of Indiana was made in 1881.” Women in Indiana -- 2000 Indiana does not rank well in national ranking (51 including District of Columbia) on a number of indicators: * 24th in health and well-being * 24th in political participation * 36th in economic autonomy * 43rd for reproductive rights * 44th for employment and earnings. Census 2000 shows that Women in Indiana make up 51 % of the current population. The Status of Women in Indiana: politics, economics, health, demographics. Institute for Women’s Policy Research. [Bloomington, IN: The Institute]. 2000. American Factfinder. http://www.census.gov Accessed March 27, 2002. Historical Census Browser. University of Virginia. http:// Accessed March, 2002/ Women in Indiana Politics: * First Ladies of Indiana and the Governors * Biographical Directory of the Indiana General Assembly Women Elected Officials of Indiana 1980. Women in the Indiana General Assembly 1978-2001 http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/WWW/INDIANA/women.html http://www.state.in.us/judiciary/capitol/pictures.html Achor, Helen E. Martin (1969) Allstatt, Angeline Patterson (1973-74) Atkins, Katharine Lewis Watson (1945) Women in the Indiana General Assembly Gardner, Ella Van Sickle (1927) Garrett (Mary Ann Cornelison (1949) Balz, Arcada Campbell Stark (1943) Gaylord, Ella Frances Henderson (1967) Barning, Elsie Christene Seiler (1949) Gubbins, Joan Margaret Burton (1969) Blankenbaker, Virginia Mabel (1981-) Haines, Tella Chloe (1931) Brown, Alice Mathias Sabo (1955) Hall, Katie Beatrice Greene (1975) Budak, Mary Kay McMahon (1981) Hawthorne, Marcia Moorman (1961) Burnett, Martha Louise Yeager (1957) Hibner, Janet Louise Nelson (1977) Caesar, Victoria (1965) Kirk, Naomi Joy (1955) Carson, Julia M. Porter (1973) Klinker, Sheila Ann Johnston (1983) Roach, Grace Elizabeth Brewington (1949) Conn, Harriette Vesta Bailey (1967) Lauck, Marie Theresa (1959) Schultz, Marilyn Frances (1973) Coons, Clara Leona Van Cleave (1941) Lloyd, Daisy Riley (1965) Seyfield, Maryann Crossen (1975) Crimmins, Janiece Lucille (1971) Logan, Cecilia M. (1965) Smelser, Anna May Padberg (1953) Currie, Lucille A. Smith (1959) Lowe, Mabel Leota Hoar Smith (1943 Stout, Harriet Cracraft (1955) Daugherty, Elizabeth Hunt (1925) Lynch, Irma Stone (1945) Dorbecker, Doris Lorene Phipps 1969) Malinka, Bernadine (Betty) (1943) VanArsdale, Catherine Eva Stackhouse (1975) Downing, Elizabeth Williams (1943) Maloney, Anna (1961) Wilson, Esther Marie Rulza (1977) Engle, Barbara Louise (1983) May, Emma Mary (1945) Wilson, Ida Roth (1943) Ferguson, Lettie McCave (1929) Miller, Patricia Louise Miller (1983) Fifield (Esther Lillian Harper (1979) Misener, Mary Zeola Hershey (1929) Wooffendale, Mattie Lucille McEwen (1973) Fruits, Katherine O'Connell (1965) Mosby, Carolyn Allan Brown J. (1979) Worman, Marna Jo Newhouser (1977) Gardner, Dorothy Haberstroh (1947) Nelson, Julia D. Reynolds (1921) Wyatt, Margaret Lambert (1945) Nicolson, Roberta West (1935) Zimmerman, Bertha A. Goad (1929) Noble, Jane Ann (1949) Norris, Fern Elizabeth Duenk (1951) Parent, Lillian May Cox (1977) Petterson, Mary Jean Miller (1979) Pond, Phyllis Joan Ruble (1979) Rainey, Elizabeth (1923) Women from Indiana in Congress. Virginia Ellis Jenckes 73rd-75th Cecil Murray Harden 81st-85th Katie Beatrice Hall 97th-98th Jill Long 101-103rd Julia Carson 105th - Web Sources Women's History: Significant Indiana Women http://www.ulib.iupui.edu/whistory/significant.html Indiana History--Women http://www.ipfw.edu/ipfwhist/indiana/women.htm Indiana Women's History http://www.statelib.lib.in.us/www/ihb/wopeoplein.html INDIANA'S TRAILBLAZING WOMEN: 2001 Engagement Calendar by Judy H. Singleton. 2000, 2001 http://www.trailblazingwomen.com/ Biographical Sources for Women in Indiana • Biography Resource Center (allows searching by place of birth and time period) • Biographical and Genealogical MasterFile • Indiana Women (1941) • First Ladies of Indiana and the Governors (Post—1984) • Madison, Clifton, Carmony... Since there is no one source that pulls together biographical information about important women in Indiana, shouldn’t we construct a Biographical List of Women in Indiana? List of women included in various sources…..including: – – – – – – Shumaker Phillips Post Biographical Resource Center Biographical and Genealogical Master Index Biographical Directory of the Indiana General Assembly What it doesn’t include: • • • • Madison Thornbourgh Indiana Scientists Courtney THE QUIZ! The End http://www.indiana.edu/~libgpd/louhome/womeninindiana.ppt