Word Study Crossroads Middle School 7th Grade Trimester One *Updated September 2015 cent ●Language of Origin: Latin ●Definition: hundred ●century ●centennial century ●Part of speech: noun ●Definition: a period of 100 years ●Sentence: Millions of people celebrated the beginning of the 21st century on January 1, 2000. centennial ● Part of speech: adjective ● Definition: relating to the 100th anniversary or its celebration ● Sentence: The year 1965 was the centennial year for the ending of the US Civil War. deca / deci ●Language of Origin: Greek / Latin ●Definition: ten ● decimate ● decade ● decimal decimate ● Part of speech: verb ● Definition: to cause great destruction or harm ● Sentence: Moths can decimate thousands of trees in a forest by eating all the leaves. decade ●Part of speech: noun ●Definition: a period of 10 years ●Sentence: The bridge was built a decade ago so it will be inspected this year at the ten-year mark. decimal ●Part of speech: adjective ●Definition: relating to any real number expressed in base 10 ●Sentence: In the number 8.901, the 9 is in the first decimal place. omni ●Language of Origin: Latin ●Definition: all, every ● omniscient ●omnipresent omniscient ●Part of speech: adjective ●Definition: having universal or complete knowledge ●Sentence: The omniscient narrator knew every single detail in the story. omnipresent ●Part of speech: adjective ●Definition: existing in all places at all times ●Sentence: We are seeking some much-needed relief from the omnipresent noise of the big city. pan ●Language of Origin: Greek ●Definition: all, entire ● panorama ● pandemic panorama ● Part of speech: noun ● Definition: a full and clear view in every direction ● Sentence: We admired the beautiful panorama from the top of the mountain. pandemic ● Part of speech: noun ● Definition: a fast spreading disease occurring over a wide geographic area affecting many people ● Sentence: The pandemic caused illness throughout the entire country because it was such a contagious disease. equi ●Language of Origin: Latin ●Definition: same, equal ● equitable ● equivalent ● equilibrium equitable ● Part of speech: adjective ● Definition: being fair or just ● Sentence: The lawyers were pleased with the judge’s equitable ruling. equivalent ● Part of speech: adjective ● Definition: alike or equal in number, value, or meaning ● Sentence: At Crossroads, a 90 is equivalent to an “A” on the report card. equilibrium ● Part of speech: noun ● Definition: a state of physical or emotional balance ● Sentence: Because her equilibrium was off, she kept falling down. vor ●Language of Origin: Latin ●Definition: eat, consume ● voracious ● omnivorous ● devour voracious ● Part of speech: adjective ● Definition: having a huge appetite, ravenous; eager ● Sentence: Since he is a growing boy, Jon has a voracious appetite. omnivorous ● Part of speech: adjective ● Definition: feeding on both animal and vegetable substances ● Sentence: A bear is an omnivorous animal and will eat almost anything! devour ● Part of speech: verb ● Definition: to eat eagerly or hungrily ● Sentence: After their swim, Abby and Jess devoured their sandwiches. ped / pod ●Language of Origin: Latin/Greek ●Definition: foot ● pedestrian ● hexapod pedestrian ● Part of speech: noun ● Definition: a person moving on foot; a walker ● Sentence: A pedestrian has the right of way when crossing the street. hexapod ● Part of speech: noun ● Definition: an insect or object with six legs ● Sentence: The strange looking insect was a hexapod. mort ●Language of Origin: Latin ●Definition: death ● mortify ● immortalize mortify ● Part of speech: verb ● Definition: to embarrass greatly; humiliate ● Sentence: Sometimes parents mortify their children when they dance in public. immortalize ● Part of speech: verb ● Definition: creating a living or lasting memory ● Sentence: The city will immortalize the heroes by building a statue for them.