Vocabulary Unit 1 1. approbation n. the expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise; official approval 2. assuage v. to make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, appease, satisfy, quench 3. coalition n. a combination, union, or merger for some specific purpose 4. decadence n. a decline, decay, or deterioration; a condition or period of decline or decay; excessive self-indulgence 5. elicit v. to draw forth, bring out from some source (such as another person) 6. expostulate v. to attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning 7. hackneyed adj. used so often as to lack freshness or originality 8. hiatus n. a gap, opening, or break (in the sense of having an element missing) 9. innuendo n. a hint, indirect suggestion, or reference (often in a negative or derogatory sense) 10. intercede v. to plead on behalf of someone else; to serve as a third-party or go-between in a disagreement 11. jaded 12. lurid adj. adj. wearied, worn-out, dulled (in the sense of being satiated by excessive indulgence) causing shock, horror, or revulsion; sensational; pale or sallow in color; terrible or passionate in intensity or lack of restraint 13. meritorious adj. worthy, deserving recognition and praise 14. petulant adj. peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset 15. prerogative 16. provincial n. adj. n. a special right or privilege; a special quality showing excellence pertaining to an outlying area; local; narrow in mind or outlook; countrified in the sense of being limited and backward; of a simple, plain design that originated in the countryside a person with a narrow point of view; a person from an outlying area; a soldier from a province or colony 17. simulate v. to make a pretense of, imitate; to show the outer signs of; to create a likeness or model 18. transcend v. to rise above or beyond; exceed 19. umbrage n. shade cast by trees; foliage giving shade; an overshadowing influence or power; offense, resentment; a vague suspicion 20. unctuous adj. fatty or oily; pliable; excessively smooth or smug; trying too hard to give an impression of earnestness, sincerity, or piety Vocabulary Unit 2 1. ameliorate v. to improve, make better; correct a flaw or shortcoming 2. aplomb adj. poise, assurance, great self-confidence; perpendicularity 3. bombastic adj. pompous or overblown in language; full of high-sounding words intended to conceal a lack of ideas 4. callow adj. without experience; immature, not fully developed; lacking sophistication and poise; without feathers (in young birds) 5. drivel n. v. foolish, aimless talk or thinking; nonsense; saliva or mucus flowing from the mouth or nose to utter nonsense or childish twaddle; to let saliva flow from mouth; to waste or fritter away foolishly 6. epitome n. an instance that represents a larger reality; a summary, condensed account 7. exhort v. to urge strongly, advise earnestly 8. ex officio adj/ adv. by virtue of holding a certain office. Example: "Heads of state are often ex officio heads of the armed forces." 9. infringe v. to violate, trespass, go beyond recognized bounds 10. ingratiate v. to make oneself agreeable to gain favorable acceptance by others (sometimes used in a critical or derogatory sense) 11. interloper n. an intruder, one who moves in where he or she is not wanted or has no right to be 12. intrinsic adj. belonging to someone or something by its very nature; essential, inherent; originating in a bodily organ or part; good for its own sake 13. inveigh v. to make a violent attack in words, express strong disapproval 14. lassitude n. weariness of body or mind, lack of energy 15. millennium n. a period of 1,000 years; a period of great joy, prosperity, or peace (pl. millennia) 16. occult adj. n. secret; hidden from view; mysterious, magical, supernatural matters involving the supernatural 17. permeate v. to spread through, penetrate, soak through 18. precipitate v. to bring about suddenly; to hurl down from a great height; to give distinct form to; to fall as moisture (rain); characterized by excessive haste moisture; the product of an action or process adj. n. 19. stringent adj. 20. surmise v. n. strict, severe; rigorously or urgently binding or compelling; sharp or bitter to the taste to think or believe without certain supporting evidence; to conjecture or guess an idea or thought that seems likely but lacks definite proof Vocabulary Unit 3 1. abominate v. to have an intense dislike or hatred for 2. acculturation n. the modification of the social patterns, traits, or structures of one group or society by contact with those of another 3. adventitious adj. resulting from chance rather than from an inherent cause or character; accidental, not essential 4. ascribe to assign or refer to (as a cause or source); to attribute (credit somebody with something) v. 5. circuitous adj. roundabout, not direct 6. commiserate v. to sympathize with, have pity or sorrow for, share a feeling of distress 7. enjoin v. to direct or order; to prescribe a course of action in an authoritative way; to prohibit 8. expedite v. to make easy; to cause to progress faster 9. expiate v. to make amends, atone, make up for; to ward off or avert 10. ferment n. v. a state of great excitement, agitation, or turbulence to be in or work into such a state; to produce alcohol by chemical reaction 11. inadvertent 12. nominal adj. resulting from or marked by lack of attention; unintentional, accidental adj. existing in name only; not real; too small to be considered or taken seriously 13. noncommittal adj. not decisive or definite; unwilling to take a clear position or to say yes or no 14. peculate v. to steal something that has been given into one’s trust; to take improperly for one’s own use. 15. proclivity n. a natural or habitual inclination or tendency (especially of human character or behavior) 16. sangfroid n. composure or coolness, especially in trying circumstances 17. seditious adj. resistant to lawful authority; having the purpose of an established government 18. tenuous adj. thin, slender, not dense; lacking clarity or sharpness; of slight importance or significance; lacking a sound basis, poorly supported 19. vitriolic adj. bitter, sarcastic; highly caustic or biting (like a strong acid) 20. wheedle v. to use coaxing or flattery to gain some desired end Vocabulary Unit 4 1. affable 2. aggrandize adj. v. courteous and pleasant, sociable; easy to speak to to increase in greatness, power, or wealth; to build up or intensify; to make appear greater 3. amorphous adj. shapeless, without definite form; of no particular type or character; without organization, unity, or cohesion 4. archetype n. an original model on which something was patterned or replicated; the ideal example of a particular type of person or thing 5. aura n. that which surrounds (as an atmosphere); a distinctive air or personal quality 6. contraband n. adj. illegal traffic; smuggled goods illegal; prohibited 7. erudite adj. scholarly, learned; boorish (dull, rude); pedantic 8. gossamer adj. n. thin, light, delicate, insubstantial a very thin, light cloth 9. inscrutable adj. 10 . insular adj. impossible to see through physically; incapable of being understood relating to, characteristic of, or situated on an island; narrow or isolated in outlook or experience 11. irrevocable adj. incapable of being changed or called back 12. propensity n. a natural inclination or bent toward; tendency 13. querulous adj. peevish (irritable); complaining; fretful 14. remonstrate v. to argue with someone against something, protest against 15. repudiate to disown, reject, or deny the validity of 16 resilient 17. reverberate v. adj. v. able to return to an original shape or form; able to recover quickly to re-echo, resound; to reflect or be reflected repeatedly 18. scurrilous adj. coarsely abusive, vulgar or low (especially in language), foul-mouthed 19. sedulous adj. persistent; showing industry and determination 20. sleazy adj. cheap; inferior in quality or character; ethically low, mean, or disreputable Vocabulary Unit 5 1. amnesty n. general pardon for an offense against a government; in general, any act of forgiveness 2. autonomy n. self-government, political control 3. axiomatic adj. self-evident; expressing a universally accepted principle or rule 4. blazon v. to adorn or embellish; to display conspicuously; to publish or proclaim widely 5. caveat n. a warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding or discourage behavior 6. equitable adj. fair, just; embodying principles of justice 7. extricate v. to free from entanglements or difficulties; remove with effort 8. filch v. to steal, especially in a sneaky way and in petty amounts 9. flout v. to mock, treat with contempt 10. fractious adj. tending to be troublesome; unruly, quarrelsome, contrary; unpredictable 11. precept n. 12. salutary adj. beneficial, helpful; healthy, wholesome 13. scathing adj. bitterly severe, withering; causing great harm 14. scourge v. n. 15 soporific adj. n. a rule of conduct or action to whip, punish severely a cause of affliction or suffering; a source of severe punishment or criticism tending to cause sleep, relating to sleepiness or lethargy something that induces (causes) sleep 16. sepulchral adj. funereal, (solemn; mournful); extremely gloomy or dismal; typical of the tomb 17. straitlaced adj. extremely strict in regard to moral standards and conduct; prudish, puritanical 18. transient adj. n. lasting only a short time, fleeting; one who stays only a short time 19. unwieldy adj. not easily carried, handled, or managed because of size or complexity 20. vapid adj. dull, uninteresting, tiresome; lacking in sharpness, flavor, liveliness, or force Vocabulary Unit 6 1. anomalous adj. 2. aspersion n. extremely strange, unusual; atypical a damaging or derogatory statement; the act of slandering or defaming 3. bizarre adj. abnormal, irregular; departing from the usual 4. brusque adj. abrupt; blunt, with no formalities 5. cajole v. to coax, persuade through flattery; deceive with soothing thoughts or false promises 6. castigate v. to punish severely; criticize severely 7. contrive v. to plan with ingenuity, invent; to bring about as the result of a scheme or plan 8. demagogue n. a leader who exploits popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power 9. disabuse v. to free from deception or error; to set right in ideas or thinking 10. ennui n. weariness and discontent from lack of occupation or interest; boredom 11. fetter n. v. (often used in plural) chain or shackle placed on the feet; anything that confines or restrains to chain or shackle; to render helpless or impotent 12. heinous adj. very wicked, offensive, hateful 13. immutable adj. not subject to change; constant 14. insurgent one who rebels or rises against authority rising in revolt, refusing to accept authority; surging or rushing in or on n. adj. 15. megalomania n. a delusion marked by a feeling of power, wealth, talent, etc. far in excess of reality 16. sinecure a position requiring little or no work; an easy job n. 17. surreptitious adj. stealthy, secret, intended to escape observation; made or accomplished by fraud 18. transgress v. to go beyond a limit or boundary; to sin, violate a law 19. transmute v. to change from one nature, substance, or form to another; to transform 20. vicarious adj. performed, suffered, or otherwise experienced by one person in place of another Vocabulary Unit 7 1. austere adj. severe or stern in manner; without adornment or luxury, simple, plain; harsh or sour in flavor 2. beneficent adj. performing acts of kindness or charity; conferring benefits; doing good 3. cadaverous adj. pale, gaunt, resembling a corpse 4. concoct to prepare by combining ingredients, make up (as a dish); to devise, invent, fabricate 5. crass v. adj. coarse, unfeeling; stupid 6. debase v. to lower in character, quality, or value; to degrade, adulterate; to cause to deteriorate 7. desecrate v. to commit sacrilege, treat irreverently; to contaminate, pollute 8. disconcert v. to confuse; to disturb the composure of 9. grandiose adj. 10. inconsequential grand in an impressive or stately way; marked by pompous affectation or grandeur; absurdly exaggerated adj. trifling, unimportant 11. infraction n. breaking of a law or obligation 12. mitigate v. to make milder or softer, to moderate in force or intensity 13. pillage v. n. to rob of goods by open force (as in war), plunder the act of looting; booty (the stolen goods) 14. prate v. to talk a great deal in a foolish or aimless fashion 15. punctilious adj. very careful and exact; attentive to fine points of etiquette (manners) 16. redoubtable adj. inspiring fear or awe; illustrious, eminent (prominent; outstanding 17. reprove v. to find fault with; scold; rebuke 18. restitution n. the act of restoring someone/ something to the rightful owner or to a former state or position; making good for loss or damage 19. stalwart adj. n. strong and sturdy; brave; resolute a brave, strong person; a strong supporter; one who takes an uncompromising position 20. vulnerable adj. open to attack; capable of being wounded or damages; unprotected Vocabulary Unit 8 1. acrimonious adj. stinging, bitter in temper or tone 2. bovine resembling a cow or ox; sluggish, unresponsive adj. 3. consternation n. dismay; confusion 4. corpulent fat; having a large, bulky body adj. 5. disavow v. 6. dispassionate to deny knowledge of, responsibility for, or connection with; disown; repudiate adj. impartial; calm; free from emotion; devoid of personal feeling or bias 7. dissension n. disagreement, contention, or quarrel; a sharp difference of opinion; discord 8. dissipate v. to cause to disappear; to scatter, dispel; to spend foolishly, squander; to be extravagant in pursuit of pleasure 9. expurgate v. to remove objectionable passages or words from a written text; to cleanse; purify of moral offensiveness n. an armored or protective glove; a challenge to combat; an ordeal; two lines of men armed with weapons used to beat a person forced to run between them 10. gauntlet 11. hypothetical adj. 12. ignoble adj. 13. impugn v. based on an assumption or guess; used as a provisional or tentative idea to guide or direct investigation mean, low, base; of low character, grade or quality; not noble, of humble rank call another’s statements, motives, etc. into question, cast doubts; attack as false 14. intemperate adj. unrestrained, unbridled; immoderate in indulgence of appetite or passion; lacking in self-control; inclement; extreme in temperature, as in climate 15. odium n. extreme hatred or dislike, especially toward a person or thing regarded as contemptible, repugnant, or despicable; disgrace or infamy resulting from hateful conduct 16. perfidy n. a deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery 17. relegate v. to send or consign someone to a lower (inferior) position, place or condition; to assign, or refer, or turn over (something) to send into exile; banish. 18. squeamish adj. easily nauseated or disgusted; easily shocked or upset by anything slightly immodest, prudish; excessively fastidious or dainty 19. subservient adj. subordinate in capacity or role; submissively obedient; serving to promote some end 20. susceptible adj. easily influenced, impressionable, capable of affected emotionally; lacking in resistance Vocabulary Unit 9 1. abate v. to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, become less; to nullify; to deduct, omit 2. adulation n. praise or flattery that is excessive; excessive devotion 3. anathema n. an object of intense dislike; a curse or strong denunciation (often used adjectively without the article “the” or “an”) 4. astute adj. 5. avarice shrewd, clever, crafty, cunning; showing practical wisdom n. greedy desire, particularly for wealth 6. culpable adj. deserving blame; worthy of condemnation; blameworthy 7. dilatory tending to delay or procrastinate; not prompt; late or tardy; intended to delay or postpone adj. 8. egregious adj. conspicuous; glaring, flagrant; standing out from the mass (used in an unfavorable sense) 9. equivocate v. to speak in a way that allows for more than one interpretation; to be deliberately vague or ambiguous; to hedge 10. evanescent adj. fleeting; vanishing; soon passing away; light and airy 11. irresolute adj. unable to make up one’s mind; hesitating; vacillating; doubtful 12. nebulous adj. hazy or cloudlike; cloudy in color; not transparent ; vague, confused, indistinct 13. novice n. one who is just a beginner at some activity requiring skill and experience; tyro 14. penury n. extreme poverty; barrenness; insufficiency 15. pretentious adj. 16. recapitulate v. to review a series of facts; to sum up (shortened version: recap) 17. resuscitate v. to revive, bring back to consciousness or existence 18. slovenly 19. supposition 20. torpid adv. n. adj. done for show, striving to make a big impression; claiming merit or position unjustifiably; ambitious untidy or unclean in appearance or habits, dirty; careless something that is assumed or taken for granted without conclusive evidence; assumption inactive, sluggish, dull Vocabulary Unit 10 1. accrue v. to grow or accumulate in the course of time; to happen as a natural result 2. annotation n. a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a literary work 3. bedlam n. 4. covert adj. n. a state or scene of uproar and confusion; etymology: refers to a London hospital for the insane hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded a sheltered place; a hiding place 5. debonair adj. pleasant, courteous; smooth and polished in manners and appearance; suave 6. dun v. n. adj. to demand insistently, especially payment of a debt a creditor dark, dull, drab, dingy (color) 7. efficacious adj. effective; producing the desired results 8. equanimity n. calmness; composure; refusal to panic 9 . fortuitous adj. accidental; happening by a happy chance; lucky n. the essential part, main point, or essence 10. gist 11. gratuitous adj. freely given; not called for by circumstances; unwarranted; needless 12. imperious overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling adj. 13. invective n. adj. a strong denunciation or condemnation; abusive language abusive; vituperative 14. motley adj. n. showing great variety; composed of different elements or many colors a jester’s costume; a jester 15. munificent adj. extremely generous; lavish 16. procrastinate v. to delay, put off until later 17. provocative adj. tending to produce a strong feeling or response; arousing desire or appetite; irritating; annoying 18. recondite adj. exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding; known by few 19. reprobate n. adj. a depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person; a scoundrel wicked, corrupt, or unprincipled 20. sedentary adj. characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place v. to disapprove of, condemn Vocabulary Unit 11 1. abstemious adj. moderate, sparing (as in eating and drinking); characterized by abstinence and self-discipline 2. censurable adj. deserving of blame or correction 3. contingent adj. n. likely but not certain to happen, possible; dependent on uncertain events or conditions; happening by chance a representative group forming a part of a larger body 4. corroborate v. to confirm, make more certain, bolster, substantiate, verify 5. denizen n. an inhabitant, resident; one who frequents a place 6. discursive adj. passing aimlessly from one place or subject to another, rambling; roving; nomadic 7. disseminate v. to scatter or spread widely 8. dowdy adj. poorly dressed, shabby; lacking smartness and good taste 9. florid adj. highly colored, reddish; excessively ornate, over decorated; showy 10. foist v. to impose by fraud; to pass off as worthy or genuine; to bring in by stealth, dishonesty, or coercion 11. gauche adj. awkward, lacking in social graces, tactless, clumsy 12. heresy n. an opinion different from accepted belief; the denial of an idea that is generally held sacred 13. inculcate v. to impress on the mind by repetition; teach persistently and earnestly 14. palpable adj. capable of being touched or felt; easily seen, heard, or recognized 15. perceptive adj. having sympathetic insight or understanding, capable of keen appreciation 16. pernicious adj. extremely harmful; deadly; fatal 17. salient adj. n. leaping, jumping, or springing forth; prominent, standing out, conspicuous a projection or bulge, a land form that projects upward or outward 18. satiate v. adj. to satisfy completely; to fill to excess full, satisfied 19. sear 20. specious v. adj. to make or become dry and withered; to char or scorch the surface of; to harden or make unfeeling; to parch, singe deceptive, apparently good or valid but lacking real merit Vocabulary Unit 12 1. absolve v. to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt 2. caricature n. v. a representation, such as a drawing, that exaggerates a subject’s characteristic features to represent someone or something in a deliberately distorted way 3. clangor n. v. a loud ringing sound; to make a loud, ringing noise 4. contiguous adj. 5. cupidity n. 6. deleterious side by side, touching; near; adjacent in time an eager desire for something; greed adj. harmful; injurious 7. enhance v. to raise to a higher degree; to increase the value or desirability of 8. enthrall v. to captivate, charm, hold spellbound; to enslave; to imprison; 9. extenuate v. to lessen the seriousness or magnitude of an offense by making partial excuses 10. implicit adj. implied or understood though unexpressed; without doubts or reservations, unquestioning; potentially contained in 11. incisive adj. sharp, keen, penetrating (with a suggestion of decisiveness and effectiveness) 12. inimical adj. tending to cause harm or obstruct developments; being oppositional or adverse 13 ostentatious 14. paragon 15. politic adj. n. a model of excellence or perfection adj. 16. prosaic tactful; diplomatic; prudent , shrewdly conceived and developed; artful; expedient adj. dull, ordinary; lacking in distinction and originality; matter-of-fact; straightforward 17. redundant adj. 18. sanctimonious 19. scintillating 20. winsome marked by conspicuous or pretentious display; showy extra, excess, more than is needed; wordy, repetitive; profuse; lush adj. adj. adj. self-righteous, holier-than-thou; making a show of virtue or righteousness; hypocritically moralistic or pious sparkling, twinkling, exceptionally brilliant (applied to mental or personal qualities) charming, attractive, pleasing (often suggesting a childlike charm and innocence) Vocabulary Unit 13 1. abet v. to encourage, assist, aid, support (especially in something worthy or unworthy) 2. aver v. to affirm, declare confidently 3. blatant adj. 4. broach v. noisy in a coarse, offensive way; obvious or conspicuous, especially in an unfavorable sense n. to bring up or begin to talk about (a subject); to announce, introduce; to break the surface of the water; to turn sideways to the wind and waves; to pierce (a keg or cask) in order to draw off liquid a spit for roasting; a tool for tapping casks 5. buttress v. n. to support, prop up, strengthen a supporting structure 6. carousal n. noisy revelry or merrymaking (often with a suggestion of heavy drinking) 7. collate v. to compare critically in order to note differences, similarities, etc.; to arrange in order for some specific purpose 8. connoisseur n. an expert; one who is well qualified to pass critical judgments, especially in one of the fine arts 9. disconsolate adj. deeply unhappy or dejected; without hope; beyond consolation 10. encumber v. to weigh down or burden (with difficulties, cares, debt, etc.); to fill up, block up, hinder 11. foment v. to promote trouble or rebellion; to apply warm liquids to, warm 12. grisly adj. frightful, horrible, ghastly 13. herculean adj. (capital H) relating to Hercules ; (lowercase h) characterized by great strength; very hard to do in the sense of requiring unusual strength 14. impassive adj. 15. inauspicious showing no feeling or emotion; inanimate; motionless adj. unfavorable, unlucky, suggesting bad luck for the future 16. incontrovertible adj. unquestionable, beyond dispute 17. nonplussed 18. opportune 19. prolific 20. rejoinder adj./ part. adj. adj. n. puzzled, not knowing what to do, at a loss suitable or convenient for a particular purpose; occurring at an appropriate time abundantly productive; abundant, profuse a reply to a reply, especially from the defendant in a legal suit Vocabulary Unit 14 1. amenable adj. willing to follow advice or authority, tractable, submissive 2. berate v. to scold sharply 3. carnage n. large-scale slaughter or loss of life 4. credulous adj. too ready to believe, easily deceived 5. criterion n. a rule, test; a standard for judgment or evaluation (pl. criteria) 6. deplete v. to use up as a result of spending or consumption; to diminish greatly 7. expatiate v. to expand on, write or talk at length or in detail; to move about freely 8. extraneous adj. coming from the outside, foreign; present but not essential, irrelevant 9. inception n. the beginning, start, earliest stage of some process, institution, etc. 10. infirmity n. a weakness or ailment (physical, mental, moral, etc.) 11. jejune adj. lacking in nutritive value; lacking in interest or substance; immature, juvenile 12. obdurate adj. stubborn; unyielding 13. potpourri n. a collection of diverse or miscellaneous items; a general mixture; petals mixed with spices for scent 14. precocious adj. showing unusually early development (especially in talents and mental capacity) 15. sadistic delighting in cruelty, excessively cruel adj. 16. sententious adj. self-righteous, characterized by moralizing; given to use of maxims or adages; saying much in few words; pithy 17. supplicate v. to beg earnestly and humbly 18. surfeit n. v. an excess or overindulgence, as in eating or drinking, causing disgust to feed or supply with anything to excess 19. tortuous adj. winding, twisted, crooked; highly involved complex; devious 20. turgid adj. swollen, bloated, filled to excess; over-decorated or excessive language Vocabulary Unit 15 1. adamant adj. n. firm in purpose or opinion, unyielding, obdurate; implacable, inflexible an extremely hard substance 2. brouhaha n. a confused hodgepodge of sounds, hubbub; an uproar or commotion that goes far beyond what is justified 3. bulwark n. v. a strong defense or protection, a solid wall-like structure for defense to provide such defense or protection 4. choleric adj. easily made angry; bad-tempered 5. cloy v. to spoil or destroy an appetite by too much indulgence, especially in sweet or rich things; to glut, satiate, surfeit 6. curtail v. to cut short, bring to a halt, or end sooner than expected; to reduce 7. deference n. courteous yielding to the wishes and ideas of another person; great respect marked by submission, as to a superior 8. definitive adj. 9. demeanor n. 10. enigmatic adj. conclusive, final, the limit of what can be done the way a person behaves, overall impression made by comportment, manner, etc.; facial appearance, mien puzzling, perplexing, inexplicable, not easily understood 11. impromptu adj./ adv. without preparation, offhand, suddenly or hastily done n. an extemporaneous composition or remark; a minimal piece suggestive of improvisation 12. mawkish adj. excessively and objectionably sentimental; having a mildly sickening flavor 13. mollify v. to soften; to calm, allay (as an emotion); reduce in intensity 14. onus n. something that is heavy or burdensome (especially an unwelcome responsibility); a stigma; blame 15. presentiment 16. profligate 17. remit n. adj. n. v. a vague sense of approaching misfortune given over to dissipation and self-indulgence, immoral; recklessly extravagant a person given to wild spending to send or hand in (as money); to cancel (as a penalty or punishment), forgive; to lessen, diminish; postpone, defer 18. requisite adj. needed, necessary, regarded as essential or indispensable 19. sartorial adj. of or pertaining to a tailor or his work; having to do with clothes or dress (especially men’s) 20. thwart v. to oppose successfully; to prevent, frustrate Vocabulary Mnemonic Wall Card 1. This project is to help you remember the meanings of the words in our vocabulary list. 2. The BEST thing to do is to make a little card for EACH word on the vocabulary list and then put the cards on a book ring to have as a running collection of flashcards. This is what the honors and AP students do to study vocabulary. FOR MY CLASS, I will give you a large index card and you will be responsible for making a card for the ONE word you are assigned. 3. I will pick the card where the picture BEST represents the meaning of the vocabulary word and hang it in the room to look at during the vocabulary quiz on Wednesdays. Here's what you do! A. ON THE FRONT: 1. Write the vocabulary term in big, easy-to-read letters and outline them so they will show up well for the people in the last row 2. Illustrate the word's meaning - DO NOT use words/ dialogue to help 3. You may draw the picture, use clip art or get a picture from the Internet. Be sure not to have any words or dialogue in the picture. B. ON THE BACK 1. Write the definition(s) from the list given to you 2. Write the POS (Part of Speech) – given on the vocabulary list 3. Write the other forms of the word (for this one you may have to use the dictionary book and not an on-line dictionary site). Example: vocab word is govern forms of the word are: governor, governing, government, governmental, etc. 4. Write synonyms for the word not already listed in the definition 5. Write antonyms for the word (may have to use the Thesaurus) 6. Use the word in your own sentence. You may also include the sentence given by the Dictionary.com site but you also need to make up your own sentence using the word. SAMPLE: Front of Card BARTER Back of Card Verb- To trade by exchange of commodities rather than by exchange of money Noun – the act or practice of bartering The item to be bartered Forms: barter, bartering, bartered, outbarter, unbartered, unbartering Synonyms: trade, traffic, swap; haggle; Exchange; interchange Antonyms: agree to pay; pay money; Buy Sentence: In the olden days, people could not pay with money so they bartered with animals or vegetables to pay for good or services.