Instructor Syllabus

MATH 021
College Algebra I
Summer 2013
Instructor Syllabus
Office Phone:
E-Mail Policy:
Matthew Mizuhara
010 McAllister Building
+1 814 863 9675
Put "MATH 021" in the subject line
You can expect a response within 24 hours
Class Times:
MTWRF 11:10-12:25 pm in 273 Willard Building
Office Hours:
-TR 1:00-2:00pm
Office Hours can also be made by appointment
Web Pages:
-Your portal to MyMathLab
-Contains homework and the e-Book
-Your portal to ANGEL
-Contains grades, course announcements, and documents
-Department website for MATH 021
-Contains the course syllabus, lecture notes, and sample exams
-My personal website
Required Text:
Must buy Access Code for Intermediate Algebra by Trigsted.
This is available online or at the bookstore. This gives
you access to your eText and all homework assignments. Use the
course ID hair14545.
Course Description:
Quadratic equations; equations in quadratic form; word problems,
graphing; algebraic fractions; negative and rational exponents;
A calculator may be useful as a study and learning tool, however it is
not necessary. Further, no calculators are allowed on quizzes,
midterms, or on the final exam.
There are three 75-minute midterms throughout the semester.
They will take place from 6:30pm - 7:45pm on
-Tuesday, July 9
-Thursday, July 18
-Thursday, August 1
No books, notes, references, or calculators are to be used on the
exams. Work is not a valid excuse to miss an exam, so ask off from
your employers now. Bring your University ID to all examinations.
Makeup Exams:
If you have a valid reason to miss any of these exams then you can
contact me to schedule a makeup exam. You must contact with at
least 3 days before an exam to schedule a makeup exam. If you are ill
you must contact me on exam day.
Personal business such as travel, employment, weddings,
graduations, or attendance at public events such as concerts,
sporting events, are not valid excuses. Forgetting the date, time or
room of an exam is not a valid excuse.
Final Examination:
The final exam will be given by August 9. More information will
follow as the registrar determines the final period schedule.
Each midterm is worth 100 points, homework/quizzes are worth
150, and the final is worth 150 points. Grade cutoffs are available on
the MATH 021 website. Note that there is no extra credit in this
Homework/Quiz Policy:
Homework is done exclusively on MyMathLab. No extensions on
homework will be given. Contested scores should be e-mailed to me
within 24 hours after the due date. Your cumulative total is weighted
to 75 points. Quizzes will be given about once a week. The lowest
quiz score will be dropped and the remaining quizzes will be
weighted to 75 points.
Attendance Policy:
It is mandatory to attend all lectures. I retain the right to enact random
attendance checks which will count towards homework. If you miss a
quiz or random attendance check as a result of a valid excuse, then
contact me immediately to discuss makeup work.
You are expected to stay in class until you are dismissed. If you must
leave early please let me know at the beginning of the lecture.
I will always do my best to keep lecture to the allotted time.
Food Policy:
Since we have class during a time when many people may feel
hungry, I am fine with students bringing a snack into the classroom
provided it is quiet and does not make a mess or distract the class in
any way. If this becomes an issue this policy will be revoked.
Phone Policy:
Please be polite about phone use. This should be common sense.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns
throughout the semester, whether during office hours or through email. If there are any issues that you feel you cannot resolve
with me, contact the course coordinator, Dr. Steven Hair