Sample FH History Powerpoint

FarmHouse Fraternity
Founding Fathers
D. Howard Doane
 Robert F. Howard
 Claude B. Hutchison
 Henry H. Krusekopf
 Earl W. Rusk
 Henry P. Rusk
 Melvin E. Sherwin
D. Howard "Daddy" Doane (1883-1984)
• Student, a teacher, a writer, a business man, a poet, a
farmer, and a devout Christian.
• Served on an agriculture task force appointed by
President Herbert Hoover.
• Wrote four books and numerous articles for the
leading agricultural magazines.
• Received three Honorary doctorates as well.
Robert F. Howard (1883-1963)
•An educator.
• Ran a large beef cattle operation and commercial
pecan farm in Texas.
• Professor and chairman of the Department of
Horticulture at the University of Nebraska
• also taught at the University of Missouri, and the
University of Wisconsin.
Claude B. Hutchison (1885-1980)
•Educator for more than 40 years of his life.
•Vice President and Dean of Agriculture California Berkeley (1930-52)
•Agricultural mission trip to China by the US
Department of Agriculture.
• Mayor of Berkeley, Calif.
Henry H. Krusekopf (1886-1979)
•Spent 48 years as a professor and researcher in the
College of Agriculture at the University of Missouri.
•"Krusey" was a member of a number of scientific,
honorary, and professional societies.
•Krusekopf owned and operated a farm in Southeast
Earl W. "Farmer" Rusk (1885-1968)
•Spent most of his career as a farmer.
• Farmer Rusk graduated from Missouri in 1909.
• His son, William D., was the first son of a
FarmHouse man to be initiated into FarmHouse in
Henry P. Rusk (1884-1954)
•Was on the staff of the University of Illinois.
• Served in the Department of Animal Husbandry.
• Chair of President Hoover's commission on
• Received honorary doctorates from three
Melvin E. Sherwin (1881-1924)
•Head of the soils department at what is now called
North Carolina State University.
• An agronomy instructor at the University of Maine
before he joined the staff at NC State in 1910.
Individual Awards
Doane Award
◦ To an outstanding senior.
◦ Chosen by fellow brothers.
Synder Award
◦ Recognizes the significant contributions made by
Alumni members of the Fraternity.
Skinner Award
◦ Recognizes women who have made significant
contributions to FarmHouse.
Friend of FarmHouse
◦ Given to Non-member who has made significant
contributions to the chapter or association.
Chapter Awards
Chapter Award of Excellence
◦ Meet 90% of performance standards of operation
as outlined in Bylaws
◦ Meet 80% of performance standards chapter
receives Chapter Award of Achievement
Chapter Programming Awards
◦ 12 total, including each of the four aspects
◦ Chapter submits program/project and are
judged as to how it builds men above and beyond
the four aspects
Chapter Programming Awards
12 different categories
1) New Member Recruitment
2) New Member Education
3) Total Membership Education
4) Alumni Relations
5) Financial Management
6) Campus Involvement
7) Community Service
8) Risk Management
9) Intellectual Development
10) Spiritual Development
11) Social & Moral Development
12) Physical Development
Outstanding Chapter Award (Ruby Cup)!
Most Improved Chapter Award
Both are determined by the chapter’s score for the
Award of Excellence and Chapter Programming Awards
 Chapter with strongest overall score receives the
Outstanding Chapter Award
 Chapter that showed the most improvement receives
the Most Improved Chapter Award
The Outstanding Association Award
◦ Recognizes the outstanding work of the
association as it contributes to the activities and
man building process taking place in the Chapter
Chapter Newsletter Award
The Summa Cum Laude Award
◦ Chapter must be 30% or higher than the All Men’s
Average on their respective campus.
The International Executive
Board Service Award
◦ Plaque to recognize a man’s service to the
International Executive Board
Master Builder of Men
◦ Recognizes an outstanding member of the
◦ Awarded to the member that gives himself
unselfishly to developing young people, is a living
example of Fraternity principles, and is respected
as a true gentlemen and citizen of his community
◦ Awarded at Conclave
Organization of FH International
International Executive Board
 FarmHouse Staff
 Conclave
International Executive Board
President, Rick Barnes (TT ’82)
VP, Shawn Eagleburger (IA ’02)
Cameron Dunlap (NM ’93)
Ryan Feist (SD ’00)
Tony Fiore (OH ’95)
Jeff Norris (TT ’89)
John Ortner (CO ’04)
Patrick Robinson (KY ’98)
Chris Atkins (VT ’10)
David Blackmon (AU ’11)
FarmHouse Staff
Chad Harris, CAE (IA ’98), Executive Director
Brian O’Banion (WKY ’95), Expansion Coordinator
Tim Hadachek (KS ’07), Assistant Director of Chapter Services
Ben Hoptroff (TN ’08), Educational Leadership Consultant
Drew Goering (KS ’07), Educational Leadership Consultant
Lorie Widdice, Office Manager
Brian McCann (MS ’95), Webmaster
Biennial meeting of the International
 Meets on even numbered years
 Delegates of each chapter and
 Seven Committee’s:
◦ Based off FarmHouse. Forward.
 Strategic Plan for 2011 to 2014
48th Biennial Conclave:
◦ Charlotte, NC
Seven Strategic Areas of Focus
Engaged and accountable leadership.
Communications and marketing.
Expansion and membership growth.
Chapter housing.
Active alumni membership.
Educational programming and chapter operations.
Celebrate FarmHouse!
The President’s Trophy
• Purpose is to stimulate Conclave attendance
• Rewarded on the basis total number of
undergraduate men attending, times the distance
traveled to reach Conclave site.
• House-mom attendance is worth a lot!
• Host chapter is ineligible
Symbols of FarmHouse
FarmHouse Colors
 The FarmHouse Flag
 Coat of Arms
 Flower
Colors of FarmHouse
 Green
◦ Spring
◦ Autumn
◦ Winter
Flower of FarmHouse
•Red and White roses in equal number
Pledge Badge
Recognition Pin
Standard Badge
FarmHouse Flag
FarmHouse Crest
3 Golden Stars
Diagonal White Band
Sheaf of Wheat
The Coat of Arms
 Diagonal band of white
The Noble Goals
1) Purity
2) Innocence
3) Worthiness of Ambitions
4) Best in Manhood
• Three Gold Stars
3 Great Attributes
1) Loyalty
2) Helpfulness
3) Pride in Efforts of Accomplishments
Lamp of Learning (flamed)
Ambitions in Scholarship
 Sickle above the Sheaf of Wheat
◦ “As ye sow, so shall ye reap”
◦ Sickle: Hard labor necessary to achieve success.
◦ Shock of Wheat: Conserve the fruits of one’s
accomplishments with prudence and
Conduct as Gentlemen
 Ribbon