Deserts William Lee - SD43 Teacher Sites

The extremes about it,
the life in the desert and
some cool interesting
facts about It.
There are many animals that live in the Sahara desert, but how
do they do that. Animals living in the Sahara deserts have
made some amazing adaption to live their life. To avoid heat
most desert animals dig burrows in the ground and stay there
until early morning or the evening. Some animals also cover up
the entrance to avoid sandstorms or the heat. To preserver
water some desert animals story fatty tissues in many parts of
their body. When they need water the fatty tissue turns into
energy as well as water. Cactus is the main source of water in
the deserts. Many rodents filter the moisture out of their breath
through organs in their nose.
The climate of the southern tropical region of the Sahara is
about 17.5 Celsius. This is the average temperature. On higher
ground in the desert, temperatures have reached -15.5 Celsius.
The average annual precipitation is at 5 inches, it also snows in
the higher elevated lands. In the western side the cold canary
current reduces rain, the likeliness of getting fog and lots of
The dry subtropical in the north is very dry. The winters are
cold compared to other deserts, with a temperature of 13
Celsius. In the summer this desert, the Sahara desert has the
highest temperature ever of 58 Celsius. The average rainfall is
76 inches a year, mostly between December and March, most
rain in August and barely any rain during May and June.
Many kinds of technology are used in the Sahara deserts to
explore, move, and live, but what are they. There is something
called a desert RAT which is like a spacesuit but used for the
deserts. It has many gadgets to help the human inside and it is
made to survive the harsh conditions of the desert. Something
to help scientists explore are Desert Rovers. It is almost same
as a rover used to explore mars. It has cameras to take pictures
and can withstand anything that the desert an do to it. On
higher elevated grounds people use snowmobiles to get across
faster or across ice without lipping or falling.
There were many past explorations that happened in the
Sahara desert. James Richardson is one of them, he had
explored the Sahara desert for nine months. James
Richardson is known as the explorer of the Sahara. He went
on his journey to find out more information on the Tuareg.
When he came back he published his book “Travels into the
great desert of Sahara” which holds all the information he had
Canada has not really done a lot to help explore this biome.
There was a Canadian inventor who invented the snowmobile.
This snowmobile helps people cross the elevated cold icy
grounds or when it is snowing. It was invented by a man by the
name of Joseph-Armand Bombardier.
You could explore this biome, but you would probably want to
explore it responsibly. To explore this biome responsibly you
would probably want to ride a camel besides a motor vehicle or
something that releases smoke. Also if you have garbage or
anything don’t throw it on the floor. You would also probably try
to leave nothing behind such as a water bottle or part of your
To explore this biome is not as easy as it looks. There are many
problems and obstacles that come your way. One obstacles for
exploring this area are the animals. There are many poisonous
snakes and lizards that live there. You will also need to have a
good source of water and food. Since it is very cold at night you
will need something to keep warm. You will also need a type of
transportation unless you want to walk in in blazing hot
There are many deserts in Canada. There is the Sonoran desert
which is the second largest desert in North America. There is
also the Mojave Desert which is the hottest desert in Canada.
There is one, which many people mistake as the biggest one in
Canada it is called the Great Basin Desert. There is one called
the Chihuahuan Desert which is the biggest desert in North
America. There is a desert in the Yukon called the Carcross
desert. Nk’Mip is a desert in Canada that is known as the true
hot desert. These are some of the deserts in Canada. There
are many more deserts in Canada then the ones that I listed.
This biome is extreme in its own ways. There are many things
that make this biome an extreme biome. First of it is impossible
to survive or thrive in this biome without technology. You will
need technology to protect you from the blazing hot heat and
the cold. It could be snowing too.