Composition II Writing About Issues and Ideas Fall 2010

Prince George’s Community College
English 1100-LD01: Composition II
Writing About Issues and Ideas
Fall 2010
Professor Anthony Fulton
Office Hours
Office Phone
Marlboro Hall 3095
MW 3:30-5:00;
F 2:00-4:00
and by appointment
(301) 322-0585
Course Description
EGL 1100 focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about contemporary American issues while demonstrating clear
reasoning and persuasive writing skills. A continuation and extension of the rhetorical principles and composition skills
addressed in EGL 1010, this course aims to help students develop and sharpen their critical thinking and writing skills as
they work with materials from various disciplines. Placing emphasis on evidence-based analysis, evaluation,
interpretation, and persuasive presentation of conclusions, this course will explore a wide range of contemporary issues
and controversial topics.
Prerequisite: Grade of a “C” or higher in EGL 1010.
Expected Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
 Summarize an argument, including its principal claim and supporting evidence and reasons
 Analyze the evidence and reasons supporting an argument
 Evaluate the soundness of the evidence and reasons supporting an argument, including identifying fallacies in
 Develop clearly defined claims for various types of arguments (such as definition, casual, resemblance,
evaluation/value, and proposal/policy arguments
 Support an argument with sound evidence and reasons
 Integrate researched material appropriately in support of a clearly defined claim, correctly using a standard
documentation format such as MLA or APA
 Write essays demonstrating the abilities listed above, using a clear thesis, clear topic sentences, well-organized
and well-developed paragraphs, clear sentences, and conventional grammar and punctuation
Required Text
Lunsford, Andrea, John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters. Everything’s an Argument with Readings. 5th ed.
Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 2010.
Recommended Text
Hacker, Diana. Rules for Writers. 6th ed. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2009.
Or, any writing handbook used in EGL 1010
This course is divided into four units. Within each unit, students will produce an essay, composing multiple drafts and
receiving feedback from their peers and myself before formally submitting it for a grade. After I return an essay with a
grade, students can revise and resubmit it, along with a reflective memo that discusses the changes made. The first two
units in this class will focus on analyzing the persuasiveness of various arguments, using assigned readings from the
textbook. In the last two units, students will choose a contemporary issue that they are interested in or a topic connected to
their intended major or career path and then investigate that issue through a wide range of writing and research activities.
Major Writing Projects
Unit 1 Rhetorical Appeals Analysis
Unit 2
Visual Argument Critique
Unit 3
Topic Proposal & Annotated
Unit 4
Problem/Solution Essay
Students will analyze how effectively an author
utilizes various rhetorical appeals in an argument
related to religion in public life.
Students will write a professional report, analyzing the
persuasiveness of a magazine advertisement
Students will propose a topic for the Unit 4:
Problem/Solution essay and begin locating and
evaluating relevant, academic sources
Students will narrow in on a contemporary problem or
issue of their choosing and propose a viable yet
creative solution
Writer’s Notebook
You will regularly compose small texts and preliminary writings in class and outside of class to prepare you for the four
major writing projects. The notebook will include responses to readings, practice with invention and style, reflections, and
other forms of writing and research that exercise students’ abilities to read and think critically and write clearly and
analytically. Essentially, this is a low-risk space for experimenting with ideas and strategies, as entries will be evaluated
according to the depth and relevance of the ideas, as opposed to grammar and formal correctness.
Writer’s Notebooks will be assessed at the end of each unit; however, I may collect notebooks during a unit to offer
comments and feedback. Each unit of entries will be worth 25 points and evaluated using a checkmark system: a
Checkmark signifies full credit, indicating that the majority of entries discuss relevant ideas in detail and meet all assigned
requirements; a Check Minus equals half-credit, indicating that the majority of the entries need to go into more depth
and/or address more relevant topics; a Check Plus equals full credit plus an extra five points, as the majority of the entries
go above and beyond assignment requirements; and a Zero indicates that a number of the entries were not completed and
the work, as a whole, cannot be adequately assessed. Each entry should begin with the unit number, followed by the entry
number and the date (example: “Entry 2.3, 10/11/2010” indicates the third entry for unit 3).
Class Participation
This is an activity-centered class, in which we will share our ideas, read each other’s work, and engage in dialogues about
writing and contemporary issues. Therefore, in addition to the major projects described above, you are expected to
contribute to our daily discussions and participate in daily activities, such as peer reviews and small group discussions.
During the semester, students will take a mid-term exam during one class period and a final exam during our scheduled
exam time. I will announce specific topics prior to exams, but both will require students to employ critical reading and
writing strategies developed in the course to explain rhetorical concepts and to demonstrate an understanding of the
conventions of academic writing. The midterm and final exam will be worth 5% and 10% of the course grade,
Grade Breakdown
Unit 1: Rhetorical Appeals Analysis
Unit 2: Visual Argument Critique
Unit 3: Topic Proposal & Annotated Bibliography
Unit 4: Problem/Solution Essay
Writer’s Notebook
Class Participation
Plagiarism Statement
Plagiarism is using someone else's work (for instance, information from a book, a magazine, a newspaper, or another
student's essay) without giving credit to the original source. Credit to the source must be given in either the text of the
paper or in a footnote or endnote. There are five basic forms of plagiarism:
1. Copying a source word for word without using quotation marks and without identifying the source
2. Extensive borrowing of words and phrases from a source without using quotation marks and without identifying
the sources.
3. Too close paraphrasing.
4. Using others’ ideas or information (including graphics, statistics, observations, or research data and findings)
without giving credit to the source in the text of your paper in a footnote or endnote.
5. Submitting the work of someone else as your own.
Be advised, these forms of plagiarism can be carried out both intentionally and unintentionally. In this class, plagiarism
issues will be handled on a case-by-case basis. However, plagiarism in any form is dishonest and carries severe academic
penalties, which can include receiving an “F” for an assignment, failing the course, having the incident reported to the
Office of the Vice President for Student Services for disciplinary action, and being suspended from the college.
Class Attendance, Late Work, and Tardiness
Because this is an activity-based writing course, it is important that students come to class on time, ready to participate.
Unexcused absences totaling 10 or more class meetings (roughly 25% of the semester) will result in an automatic failure
for the course. Students who do accumulate this many absences should consider dropping the course. Missed homework,
quizzes, and in-class writing due to unexcused absences cannot be made up. For the major projects, five points (roughly a
half-letter grade) will be deducted for every class day that a project is late. Major projects submitted after the class period
in which they are due will be considered late.
If you are forced to miss a class, please contact me in advance to arrange submission of any projects prior to your absence.
In the event of a family or personal emergency, please contact me as soon as possible. I will require official written
documentation, which will vary on a case-by-case basis, to excuse you from class. Once documentation is submitted and
approved, we will meet to talk about making up any missed work as a result of any excused absences. Finally, please note
that students who are late 10 minutes or more to class will be marked absent and will not receive credit for that day’s
A “Q” grade is assigned to students who never attended the course or ceased attending during the first part of the
semester. Faculty are required to report the date of last attendance for each student receiving Q or F grade(s) in order for
the college to report this date to a variety of federal agencies as mandated. The date of last attendance is considered the
date of the student’s termination from the course, regardless of the date of grade submission. Early termination from a
course may result in reduction in student loans and financial aid and may require the student to reimburse funds to the
funding agency.
Classroom Conduct
Throughout the semester, we will be discussing many controversial and challenging issues. While lively and healthy class
debates are certainly encouraged, students must respect each other’s comments, beliefs, and opinions; disparaging
comments aimed towards another student or myself, either during class discussions or in writing, will not be tolerated.
Other forms of disruptive behavior, including (but certainly not limited to) disrespectful treatment of instructor or peers,
repeated tardiness, and actions that cause others to feel threatened, will also not be tolerated. Disruptive students will be
asked to leave class and, in certain cases, could even face disciplinary action, which includes suspension from the college.
Students barred from class for disruptive behavior will receive a zero for all missed work, and each missed class day will
count as an unexcused absence.
Please put away all cell phones, pagers, iPods, and other electronic devices prior to the beginning of class, and place all
cell phones and pagers on vibrate. You may not answer calls or text during class or leave the room during class to take
calls or respond to texts. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in receiving a zero for the day’s work and being asked
to leave class for that day. For repeat offenses, you will receive a zero for the entire week. If you are experiencing a family
or personal emergency that requires you to leave your phone turned on, please alert me before class, and we will discuss
the issue.
Disability Support Services
Students requesting academic accommodations should contact the Disability Support Services Office (B-124) or call
(301) 322-0122 to establish eligibility for services and accommodations. Students with a documented physical or learning
disability should discuss the matter privately with me at the beginning of the semester to discuss arrangements.