Union Parish Staff Serving Union Parish Through Education Carol B. Remy Parish Chair/Extension Agent (4-H) Jason E. Holmes County Agent (ANR/4-H) Rafash E. Brew Area Horticulture Specialist Odis Hill Assistant County Agent Southern University Classified Support Staff Nona B. Everett Administrative Coordinator 3 NOTE: If you have a disability which requires special assistance for your participation in any of the meetings or activities, please contact: Carol B. Remy Union Parish Extension Office at (318) 368-9935 Marianna Langston Food & Nutrition Program Educator 2 Regional Support Staff Dr. Allen Nipper – North Central Regional Director Karen Martin – Regional 4-H Coordinator Dora Ann Hatch – Extension Agent (CRD) Cathy S. Judd – Extension Agent (FCS) Cynthia Stephens – Extension Agent (FCS) Johnnie Whitmire – Asst. Extension Agent (Poultry) It is the policy of the Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, or disability. Union Parish Cooperative Extension Service Program Highlights Spring Semester 2009 210 East Water Street Farmerville, LA 71241-3030 Office: (318) 368-9935 (318) 368-2999 Fax: (318) 368-2997 E-Mail: union@agctr.lsu.edu Visit our website at: www.lsuagcenter.com Louisiana State University Agricultural Center William B. Richardson, Chancellor Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service Paul D. Coreil, Vice Chancellor and Director Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture. The Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. 4-H Youth Development 4-H project leaders conducted once-a-month programs in the areas of art, clothing, out door skills, photography and wildlife. 4-H Wildlife Club worked with the D’Arbonne State Park to establish a deer food research plot. Fifty youth, teens, volunteer leaders and agents attended 4-H youth camp at Camp Grant Walker. Agent presented “Our Lives, Our Water” video to over 500 youth stressing information concerning the Sparta Aquifer. Volunteers secured funding and a storage building was constructed for the 4-H Shooting Sports program. 4-H agent conducted monthly 4-H club meeting programs at all Union Parish schools stressing a variety of science, engineering and technology topics. Fourteen 4-Hers exhibited 42 market and breeding animals. Numerous sewing clinics were conducted. Over sixty-five youth gave speeches and demonstrations as a part of the 4-H Speak-Up program. Twelve students out of seventeen were blue ribbon winners at 4-H University. They included: Cody Kenly and Cole Griffin, Automotives; Dana Bennett and Andrea Deason, Ag Demonstration; Reva Carpenter, Child Development; Victoria Alexander, Horticulture Demonstration; Mary Bush, Horticulture Demonstration; Victoria Bryan, Dog Care; Katie Knight, Fashion Revue; Conrad Cable, Diesel Operations; and Taylor Snell, 4-H has Talent.; Cody Kenly won high individual in the state Automotives Contest and won trip to San Antonio, TX. Conrad Cable served as 2008-09 Regional Representative on the State 4-H Executive Board. Bethany Rhodes placed 1st in State Beef & State Dairy Poster contests. Tiffany Johnson, Shaniqua Nation, DaNesha Williams and Shantoria Kidd attended La. Co-op Leadership Conference. Shantoria was named one of the top leaders at the conference and received a trip to San Antonio, TX. Jordan Dunn and Derek Warden received the 4-H Scott Truck and Tractor Scholarship. Agent presented over 30 basic life skills classes. Agent conducted once-a-month workshops to 35 youth at Bernice High School. Secured funding to purchase Genesis bows, arrows, targets and safety equipment for 4-H Archery program. FCS agent conducted a three day “Celebrate Girls” self-esteem workshop for Lincoln and Union junior high girls. A total of 38 girls completed the course. Agent conducted a three day “Babysitting Clinic for Lincoln and Union Parish youth. A total of 35 youth completed the course. Agriculture and Natural Resources County Agent presented programs on farm finances and taxes; U.S. Bio-fuel Industry and Opportunities for La. Agriculture; Pesticide Applicator Recertification Classes; firearm safety and shotgun discipline training for 4-Hers age 9-13; hunter education classes; and Global Positioning Systems. Four probationers attended educational program on car buying. Participants learned the importance of knowing their credit scores prior to shopping, how to negotiate the price of a new and used vehicle, and selecting a vehicle that meets their families needs. Two potential home buyers attended a home buyer’s education program and have been approved for a home loan. Completed construction of poultry demonstration houses at the Hill Research Farm. Southern Agent conducted Ag Days of Summer Camp for St. Landry and Pointe Coupee youth to introduce them to various agriculture enterprises in north Louisiana. Community garden project started at nursing home for residents. Four Union Parish residents became Master Gardeners. Presented programs to Summer Job Training Employees Conducted farm demonstration plots using 15 different varieties of seedless watermelons. 68 entries in the La. Watermelon Festival Interior Quality Contest. Family and Consumer Sciences Bernice Community Center GED participants along with their children completed a 6 week series of lessons on basic nutrition. The series combined books on nutrition with hands on activities and food tasting. 123 students at Marion School, Farmerville Head Start and Bernice Head Start completed the 6 week series of nutrition lessons from the “Show Me Nutrition” curriculum. The lessons focused on basic nutrition using books and food sampling. 839 Union Parish residents receive nutrition information with their monthly commodity boxes. Nutrition lessons are presented monthly to the residents of the Farmerville Square and Marion Manor Apartments.