9.6 Life‐Cycle Cost Analysis

Specialty Engineering
As Described in the INCOSE Handbook
August 2, 2012
B. David Krigelman, President
Krigelman and Associates, Inc.
Melbourne, FL 32940
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
INCOSE SE Handbook
Section 9
January 2011
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
Specialty Engineering Activities
9 Specialty Engineering Activities
9.1 Design for Acquisition Logistics – Integrated Logistics Support
9.2 Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis
9.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis
9.4 Environmental Impact Analysis
9.5 Interoperability Analysis
9.6 Life‐Cycle Cost Analysis
9.7 Manufacturing and Producibility Analysis
9.8 Mass Properties Engineering Analysis
9.9 Safety & Health Hazard Analysis
9.10 Sustainment Engineering Analysis
9.11 Training Needs Analysis
9.12 Usability Analysis/Human Systems Integration
9.13 Value Engineering
9.14 References
Listed alphabetically – not by importance.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
“‐ilities” Influencing the System Design
 Acquisition Logistics focus on design requirements criteria
applicable to all system elements. Sometimes referred to as the
“‐ilities,” these criteria comprise, but are not limited to, the
following list of engineering specializations:
Affordability (LCC – Life Cycle Cost)
Cost/System Effectiveness
Disposability (Recycling/Retirement)
Packaging, Handling, Storage & Transportation (PHS&T)
Producibility (Manufacturability)
Reconfigurability (Flexibility/Standardization)
Supportability (Serviceability)
Survivability; and Vulnerability
The Acquisition Logistics process includes elements of the
Support System Engineering process.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.1 Design for Acquisition Logistics
Relationship between ILS analysis activities
The overall integrated system includes the mission system
and the support system (Support System Engineer).
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.1.2 “‐ilities” Analysis Methods
 Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis Level of Repair Analysis Logistic Support Analysis/Supportability Analysis Reliability Centered Maintenance Analysis Survivability Analysis System Security Analysis
Design for Acquisition Logistics derives the ILS requirements
and impacts the design from a logistics standpoint.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.1.2 “‐ilities” Analysis Methods
 Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability
 These are major system drivers for the use of support resources
and the related in‐service costs.
 Reliability is concerned with the probability of the
system‐of‐interest working when it should.
 Maintainability is concerned with keeping the system
working and the ease of putting things right once they have
gone wrong.
 Availability is the probability that the system, when used
under stated conditions, will operate satisfactorily.
Reliability (MTBF) and Maintainability (MTTR) factors drive
system Operational Availability and Life Cycle Cost.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
 Record and determine the following:
 What functions the equipment is required to perform
 How these functions could fail
 Possible causes of the failures
 Effects the failures would have on the equipment or
 The criticality of the failures
 FMECA should be performed early enough to influence
equipment design
 The aim is to minimize maintenance requirements and
thereby cost.
There are two methods for performing a FMECA: top-down
(functional) and bottoms-up (Bill of Materials).
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)
 Determines (in most cases, from an economic point of view) if
the element or system should be discarded or repaired
 If repairing the item is feasible, establish where the repair
should take place (e.g., at home, locally, or at the factory),
expressed as an organizational level
 This analysis is conducted throughout the system life cycle
 The handling of a system element may change based on
experiences from prior decisions.
The FMECA-based LORA is sometimes referred to as an
ORLA (Optimum Repair Level Analysis)
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
Logistic Support Analysis (LSA)/Supportability Analysis
 Analyzes the support implications of system elements as
they are being developed
 Identifies features of the design that could result in excessive
expense during the operational life of the system
 These items can be the subject of trade‐offs to revise the
design to reduce later costs
 LSA can identify all the logistical resources necessary to
support the equipment and the impact on the existing
support infrastructure
 LSA is only cost effective where it is likely to generate benefit
in terms of a more supportable design or better defined
support requirements and, hence, reduced LCC.
The LSA/SA process is now referred to as Logistics
Management Information (LMI).
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
10 RCM
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Analysis
 Assesses the most cost efficient preventive maintenance
program for the system
 Best initiated very early in the Development Stage and
evolves throughout the Production Stage
 Can also successfully be introduced for systems already in
 Can be accomplished using a decision tree to lead the
analyst through a logical sequence of the nature and
frequency of applicable preventive maintenance tasks.
Four possible analysis outcomes: scheduled maintenance, run
to failure, condition-based maintenance, system redesign
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
11 Survivability Analysis
Survivability Analysis
 Performed when items must perform critical functions in a
hostile operational environment
 Threats to be considered include conventional, electronic,
nuclear, biological, chemical, and other weapons
 As well as terrorism or sabotage, erratic human behavior,
and harsh environmental conditions, such as ocean salinity
 A system is said to be survivable if it can fulfill its purpose in
a timely manner, even in the presence of attacks or failures
 Because of the severe consequences of failure,
organizations increasingly focus on system survivability as a
key risk topic.
SA is a key element during design of a system to meet AntiTerrorism/Force Protection (AT/FP) requirements.
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12 System Security Analysis
System Security Analysis
 Identifies and evaluates system vulnerabilities to known or
postulated security threats
 Recommends means to eliminate the vulnerabilities or to
at least reduce the susceptibility to compromise, damage,
or destruction to an acceptable level of risk.
SSA is a key element during design of a system to meet
hardware and software security requirements.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.2 Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis
 Comparison of the relative spending (costs) and outcomes
(effects) associated with two or more courses of action
 Helps derive critical system performance and design
requirements, and supports decision making
 Military and government acquisitions are under the scrutiny of
auditing offices to demonstrate that the money spent has
delivered the expected benefits
 Cost‐As‐An‐Independent‐Variable builds on cost‐effectiveness
studies to determine an objective cost for the system acquisition.
CE analysis compares the Return on Investment (ROI)
between two or more competing designs.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis
 Performed on electric or electronic items to ensure that they
can perform in their intended electromagnetic environments
 Also ensures that items that intentionally radiate radio
frequency energy comply with commercial, government, and
relevant international policies for radio frequency spectrum
management and do not interfere with other signals (i.e.,
EMC includes analysis/test to meet conducted and radiated
modes and emission and susceptibility aspects.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.4 Environmental Impact Analysis
 Control and restrict the environmental impact that a system may inflict
on the biosphere
 ISO 14000 series of Environmental Management standards are an
excellent resource for analysis and assessment methods for the
protection of the environment
 The focus of environmental impact analysis is on potential deleterious
effects of a proposed system’s development, construction, use, and
 Disposal analysis is a significant analysis area within environmental
impact analysis.
EI analysis/assessment are elements of system design to
meet EPA certification requirements.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.5 Interoperability Analysis
 Interoperability depends on the compatibility of elements of a large and
complex system (which may sometimes be called a system‐of‐systems
or a family of systems to work as a single entity
 Organizations want to ensure that their sunken investment in legacy
elements of the envisioned new system is protected and that new
elements added over time will work seamlessly with the legacy elements
to comprise a unified system
 Compliance with standards remains one of the keys to interoperability.
Interoperability is an important factor when a system must
interface successfully with foreign (NATO) systems.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.6 Life‐Cycle Cost Analysis
 Life‐cycle cost (LCC) analysis is a method of economic evaluation that
takes into account all relevant costs of a system over a given period of
time adjusting for differences in the timing of those costs
 Decisions made during the early stages of a project inevitably have an
impact on future expenditures
 An LCC analysis results in a timetable of expenses so that an
organization can cover its costs. If all costs cannot be covered, it may
not be possible to produce the system.
Life Cycle Cost is sometimes referred to as Total Cost of
Ownership – includes Government and contractor costs.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.6 LCC Analysis Methods
 Expert Judgment – Consultation with one or more experts. Good for
sanity check, but may not be consistent
 Analogy – Reasoning by comparing the proposed project with one or
more completed projects that are judged to be similar, with corrections
added for known differences. May be acceptable for early estimations
 Parkinson Technique – Defines work to fit the available resources
LCC analysis includes top-down (parametric model) and
bottoms-up (accounting model) methodololgies.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.6 LCC Analysis Methods (cont’d)
 Price‐To‐Win – Focuses on providing an estimate, and associated
solution, at or below the price judged necessary to win the
 Top‐Down – Based on developing costs from the overall
characteristics of the project from the top level of the architecture
 Bottom‐Up – Identifies and estimates costs for each element
separately and sums the contributions.
The GE/RCA-developed PRICE model was an early
mainframe-based batch process LCC methodology.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.6 LCC Analysis Methods (cont’d)
 Algorithmic (parametric) – Uses mathematical algorithms to
produce cost‐estimates as a function of cost‐driver variables,
based on historical data
 Design‐to‐Cost or Cost‐As‐An‐Independent‐ Variable – Works on
a design solution that stays within a predetermined set of
 Wide‐band Delphi techniques – Builds estimates from multiple
technical and domain experts. Estimates are only as good as the
 Taxonomy method – Hierarchical structure or classification
scheme for the architecture.
Several variations of LCC analysis exist. The goal is to
perform sensitivity analysis to identify cost drivers.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
LCC Costs
 LCC normally includes the following costs:
LCC cost phases include research and development,
acquisition, operations and support and disposal.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.7 Manufacturing and Producibility Analysis
 The capability to produce a system element is as essential as the
ability to properly define and design it
 A designed product that cannot be manufactured causes design
rework and program delays with concomitant cost overruns
 Producibility analysis is a key task in developing low‐cost, quality
 Critical producibility requirements are identified during system
analysis and design and included in the program risk analysis, if
Manufacturing/Producibility analysis determines the best
way to build a design from a cost/schedule standpoint.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.8 Mass Properties Engineering (MPE) Analysis
 Ensures that the system or system element has the appropriate
mass properties to meet the requirements – including weight, the
location of center of gravity, inertia about the center of gravity,
and product of the inertia about an axis
 Typically, the initial sizing of the physical system is derived from
other requirements, such as minimum payload, maximum
operating weight, or human factors restrictions
 Mass properties estimates are made at all stages of the system
life cycle based on the information that is available at the time
MPE analysis/test defines weight, cg location, moments and
products of inertia - critical elements of a flight system.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.8 MPE Analysis (cont’d)
 One trap in MPE is that design managers may believe that their 3‐D
modeling tools can be used to estimate the mass properties of the
system or system element.
 This is problematic because not all parts are modeled on the same
schedule and most parts are modeled neat, that is, without such items
as manufacturing tolerances, paint, insulation, fittings, etc., which can
add from 10 to 100% to the system weight.
 For example, the liquid in piping and tanks can weigh more than the
structural tank or metallic piping that contain it
System weight must be tracked during development along
with size, power and reliability (SWP and R).
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.9 Safety & Health Hazard Analysis
 Safety and health hazards are hazards to the well‐being of
human operators, maintainers, administrators, or other system
 The system safety program begins in the conceptual stage, and
continues throughout the system life cycle
The FMECA can be adapted to perform a safety and health
hazard analysis to meet FAA/AAR/OSHA requirements.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.10 Sustainment Engineering Analysis
 Sustainment engineering helps ensure that a system continues to
satisfy its objective over its intended lifetime
 In that timeframe, system expectations will expand, environments
in which the system is operated will change, technology will
evolve, and elements of the system may become unsupportable
and need to be replaced
 Sustainment Engineering is an integrated effort designed to
address industry needs regarding aging systems and a need to
maintain those systems in operation
SE includes end of production, vanishing vendors, substitution of
parts/materials and Service Life Extension Programs (SLEP).
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.11 Training Needs Analysis
 Training needs analyses support the development of products
and processes for training the users, maintainers, and support
personnel of a system
 Training analysis includes the development of personnel
capabilities and proficiencies to accomplish tasks at any point in
the system life cycle to the level they are tasked
 An effective training analysis begins with a thorough
understanding of the concept documents and the requirements
for the system‐of‐interest
Training System Requirements Analysis => System Approach
to Training => Instructional System Development
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.12 Usability Analysis/Human Systems Integration
 Human Systems Integration is the interdisciplinary technical and
management processes for integrating human considerations
within and across all system elements over the system life cycle
 it promotes a “total system” approach that includes humans,
technology (i.e., hardware, software), the operational context,
and the necessary interfaces between and among the elements
to make them all work in harmony
Man Machine Interface (MMI) => Human Machine Interface
(HMI) => Human Systems Integration (HSI).
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.12 Human Systems Integration
 Human Systems Integration (HSI) is the interdisciplinary technical and
management processes for integrating human considerations within and
across all system elements over the system life cycle
 The primary objective of HSI is to ensure that human capabilities and
limitations are treated as a critical system element
 Systems and Design Engineers often lack the expertise or information
needed to fully specify and incorporate human capabilities with the
capabilities of the hardware and software
HSI experts are often PhD/Psychologists.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
30 HSI Domains
 Manpower – Addresses the number and type of personnel in the various
occupational specialties required and potentially available to train,
operate, maintain, and support the deployed system
 Personnel – Considers the type of human knowledge, skills, abilities,
experience levels, and human aptitudes (i.e., cognitive, physical, and
sensory capabilities) required to operate, maintain, and support a
system and the means to provide (i.e., recruit and retain) such people
Define the M&P types and quantities with the knowledge, skills
and abilities required to operate and maintain the system.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
31 HSI Domains (cont’d)
 Training – Encompasses the instruction and resources required
to provide personnel with requisite knowledge, skills, and
abilities to properly operate, maintain, and support systems
 Human Factors Engineering (HFE) – Involves an understanding
of human capabilities (i.e., cognitive, physical, sensory, and
team dynamic) and comprehensive integration of those
capabilities into system design beginning with conceptualization
and continuing through system disposal
The training development process includes analysis,
design, development, integration and evaluation (ADDIE).
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
32 HSI Domains (cont’d)
 Environment – In the context of HSI, this domain involves
environmental considerations that can affect the ConOps and
requirements, particularly human performance
 Safety – Promotes system design characteristics and
procedures to minimize the risk of accidents or mishaps that
cause death or injury to operators, maintainers, and support
personnel; threaten the operation of the system; or cause
cascading failures in other systems
The environmental (EPA) and safety (OSHA) domains are
important elements of HSI.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
33 HSI Domains (cont’d)
 Occupational Health – Promotes system design features and
procedures that serve to minimize the risk of injury, acute or
chronic illness, and disability and to enhance job performance of
personnel who operate, maintain, or support the system
 Habitability – Involves characteristics of system living and
working conditions, such as the following: lighting, ventilation,
adequate space, vibration, noise, temperature control,
availability of medical care, food services, suitable sleeping
quarters, sanitation, personal hygiene facilities, and
fitness/recreation facilities
Occupational health (OSHA) and habitability are additional
important considerations in system design.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
34 HSI Domains (cont’d)
 Survivability – Addresses human‐related characteristics of a
system (e.g., life support, body armor, helmets, plating,
egress/ejection equipment, air bags, seat belts, electronic
shielding, alarms, etc.) that reduce susceptibility of the total
system to mission degradation or termination; injury or loss of
life; and partial or complete loss of the system or any of its
Design for survivability is critical to the Warfighter that
operates, maintains and uses the system.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
35 Key HSI Activities & Tenets
Initiate HSI Early and Effectively
Identify Issues and Plan Analysis
Document HSI Requirements
Make HSI a Factor in Source Selection for Contracted Development
Execute Integrated Technical Processes
Conduct Proactive Tradeoffs
Conduct HSI Assessments
Human Systems Integration (HIS) is a key element of the
System Engineering process.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
9.13 Value Engineering
 Achieve the essential functions at the lowest LCC consistent with
required performance, reliability, availability, quality, and safety
 VE is not a cost reduction activity, but a function oriented method to
improve the value of a product
 Value Engineering uses a systematic process (i.e., formal job plan),
VE‐certified facilitators/team leads, and a multidisciplinary team
approach to identify and evaluate solutions to complex problems in the
life‐cycle of a project, process, or system
Value Engineering (VE) provides the best value product or
service as opposed to the least cost for the Government.
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
So, Don’t Let Your System Fail
Through The Lack Of Good Specialty Engineering
I remember them!
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering
Specialty Engineering Activities
9 Specialty Engineering Activities
9.1 Design for Acquisition Logistics – Integrated Logistics Support
9.2 Cost‐Effectiveness Analysis
9.3 Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis
9.4 Environmental Impact Analysis
9.5 Interoperability Analysis
9.6 Life‐Cycle Cost Analysis
9.7 Manufacturing and Producibility Analysis
9.8 Mass Properties Engineering Analysis
9.9 Safety & Health Hazard Analysis
9.10 Sustainment Engineering Analysis
9.11 Training Needs Analysis
9.12 Usability Analysis/Human Systems Integration
9.13 Value Engineering
9.14 References
Listed alphabetically – not by importance
Space Coast Chapter of INCOSE – International Council on Systems Engineering