Unit Three Level G Vocabulary

Ar tic’ u late
 (verb) to pronounce distinctly; to express well in words; to
connect by joint or joints
(Adj.) expressed clearly and forcefully; able to employ
language clearly and forcefully; jointed
Sentence: Few people can articulate their emotions
during times of stress. (verb)
Sentence: The most articulate student in the class was
chosen to mediate the debate. (adj.)
Synonyms: (v.) pronounce, elucidate; (adj.) eloquent
Antonyms: (v.) mumble, slur; (adj.) tongue-tied; halting
Ca vort’
 (verb) to romp or prance around exuberantly to make
 Sentence: The actors in the musical cavorted on
 Synonym: gambol
Cred’ ence
 (noun) belief, mental acceptance
 Sentence: The government and the public failed to
give credence to the reports of an impending water
 Synonyms: credit, trust, confidence
 Antonyms: disbelief, skepticism, incredulity
De cry’
 (verb) to condemn, express strong disapproval; to
officially depreciate
 Sentence: Every arm of government and every
educational institution should decry bigotry in all its
 Synonyms: denounce, censure, devalue
 Antonyms: tout, commend, extol, laud, praise
Dis sem’ ble
 (verb) to disguise or conceal, deliberately give a false
 Sentence: The young man was able to dissemble his
feelings and admitted to having committed the crime.
 Synonyms: dissimulate, mask, feign
Dis traught’
 (adj.) very much agitated or upset as a result of
emotion or mental conflict
 Sentence: The workforce became distraught in the
wake of the 1929 stock market crash.
 Synonyms: frantic, distracted
 Antonyms: calm, composed, collected
Eu’ lo gy
 (noun) a formal statement of commendation; high
 Sentence: The best friend and longtime law partner of
the deceased delivered the eulogy at the funeral.
 Synonyms: panegyric, encomium, tribute, testimonial
 Antonyms: philippic, diatribe, invective
E vince’
 (verb) to display clearly, to make evident, to provoke
 Sentence: The crowd did not evince any signs of
panic but moved in an orderly fashion to the nearest
 Synonyms: exhibit, manifest, occasion
Ex hume’
 ( verb) to remove from a grave; to bring to light
 Sentence: Suspecting foul play, the coroner issued an
order to exhume the body immediately.
 Synonyms: disinter, unearth, uncover
 Antonyms: bury, inter
Feck’ less
 (adj.) lacking in spirit and strength; ineffective, weak;
irresponsible, unreliable
 Sentence: Although a feckless youth, he eventually
matured into a hard-working and responsible citizen.
 Synonyms: feeble, helpless, incompetent, ineffectual
 Antonyms: competent, capable, effective
Mur’ ky
 (Adj.) dark and gloomy, obscure; lacking in clarity and
 Sentence: Many visitors have claimed to see a
mysterious creature in the murky waters of Loch Ness
in Scotland.
 Synonyms: dim, cloudy, unclear
 Antonyms: clear, transparent, lucid, limpid
Ne far’ i ous
 (adj.) wicked, depraved, devoid of moral standards
 Sentence: Brutus and Cassius hatched a nefarious
plot to assassinate Julius Caesar on the steps of the
Roman Senate.
 Synonyms: iniquitous, reprehensible
 Antonyms: virtuous, honorable, praiseworthy,
Pi’ quant
 (adj.) stimulating to the taste or mind; spicy, pungent;
appealingly provocative
 Sentence: The chef was an expert in making those
piquant dishes that are characteristic of South Indian
 Synonyms: tangy, zestful
 Antonyms: bland, insipid, tasteless, mild
Pri mor’ di al
 (adj.) developed or created at the very beginning;
going back to the most ancient times or earliest stage;
fundamental, basic.
 Sentence: The primordial stages of most civilizations
are founded on common needs met by common goals.
 Synonyms: original, primeval, primal
Pro pin’ qui ty
 (noun) nearness in place or time; kinship
 Sentence: The propinquity of the two cities has
created a greater metropolitan area that in effect is one
 Synonyms: proximity, similarity
 Antonyms: remoteness, distance
Un won’ ted
 (adj.) not usual or expected not in character
 Sentence: The listless student answered with
unwonted spirit when the subject of military tactics
was raised.
 Synonyms: unusual, uncommon, unexpected, atypical
 Antonyms: usual, customary, typical
U to’ pi an
 (adj.) founded upon or involving a visionary view of an
ideal world; impractical
 Sentence: A number of American religious groups like
the Shakers have built separate communities based on
utopian schemes.
 Synonym: idealistic
 Antonyms: realistic, pragmatic
Ver’ bi age
 (noun) Language that is too wordy or inflated in
proportion to the sense or content, wordiness; a
manner of expression
 Sentence: The contract was full of meaningless
verbiage that seemed designed to confuse the lay
 Synonyms: verbosity, prolixity, diction, jargon
Ver’ dant
 (adj.) green in tint or color; immature in experience or
 Sentence: The tourists on safari traveled over the
verdant grasslands of Kenya in search of native
 Synonyms: artless, naïve
 Antonyms: scorched, sere, barren, arid
Vis’ cous
 (adj.) having a gelatinous or gluey quality, lacking in
easy movement or fluidity
 Sentence: The varnish left a viscous residue that was
hard to remove on the wood.
 Synonyms: gummy, sticky, thick
 Antonyms: runny, watery, aqueous