English 905 Course Description

Puente English 905
Section #36142
Tues. 12:30-1:55 Fox 103
Thurs. 12:30-1:55 Fox 102
English Instructor: Rebecca Cisneros-Diaz
Office Hours: M, W 11:00 am-1:00 pm or by appt.
Office: LA3g
Counselor: Melissa Salcido
Office Hours: Tues 10:30 - 10:55 a.m.
But you can make an appt. for any other day/
time by calling (408)741-2009
Direct Line (408)741-4014
The best way to reach me is through Angel email.
If this is not possible, then you should email me at
Office: Counseling Bldg. Rm.9
Direct Line (408)741-2102
“Hay tantísimas fronteras que dividen a la gente,
pero por cada frontera existe también un puente.”
--Gina Valdez
(“There are so many borders that divide us,
but every border also has a bridge”)
Welcome to the English component of the Puente Program! The mission of Puente Program is
to increase the number of educationally underserved students who enroll in four-year colleges and
universities, earn degrees, and return to the community as leaders and mentors to succeeding
generations. The Puente Program provides students with a supportive community and a familia
on the college campus. This English course has a Latino emphasis and is designed to help you
improve your reading and writing skills. Unlike other learning communities, the Puente Program
gives you the privilege of working closely with a professional mentor, a college counselor (Melissa
Salcido), and an English instructor (me). This Puente familia will build a bridge that gets you closer
to earning a Bachelor’s Degree. Melissa and I will do our best to assist you; but to be successful this
semester, you must put forth your very best effort as well.
Required Tools and Texts
Wordsmith: A Guide to Paragraphs and Essays 5th Edition by Pamela Arlov, 2011
Burro Genius: A Memoir by Victor Villaseñor, 2004
This I Believe by Jay Allison and Dan Gediman, 2006
English 905 Course Description
This course prepares students for college-level writing and English 001A. It covers the main
elements of sound essays including thesis statements, supporting details and evidence,
organization, coherence and basic research techniques. Students develop various writing
strategies and practice writing skills using classroom computers. In this course you may only earn
a Pass/No Pass (you need NOT submit a P/NP request with A&R).
Student Learning Outcomes
Engaging the writing process, students should be able to compose essays that contain a thesis
statement and connected topic sentences supported by details and evidence organized in unified,
coherent, and detailed paragraphs, written in prose that conforms to standard written English
grammar and usage.
Students will write a timed 500-750 word mid-term essay, then revise to 750-1000 words, then
write a reflection letter, commenting on the revision process and the final product.
Course Objectives
In a given time frame and using a computer word processing program, students should be able to
compose essays that contain a thesis statement supported by details and evidence organized in
unified, coherent, and detailed paragraphs, written in prose that conforms to standard written
English grammar and usage. Assessment: Students will write a timed essay of at least 500-750
words in the Computer Assisted Writing lab.
WVC Student Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to attend all sessions of each class. Instructors may drop students from the
class if they fail to attend the first class meeting, or when accumulated unexcused hours of absences
exceed ten percent of the total number of hours the class meets during the semester.
 In this class, you are permitted 3 absences (no questions asked). If you are absent a
fourth time (regardless of excuse), you will be dropped. In college there is no such
thing as an “excused absence.” Furthermore, it is your responsibility to inquire about
missed classwork and homework. I will not re-teach the lesson privately for you
during office hours.
 2 late entrances and/or early exits exceeding 10 minutes, count as an absence in this
Classwork and Homework (40% of course grade)
This includes journals, peer feedback on essays, textbook assignments, class participation,
and quizzes
Essays (60% of course grade)
 You will write a total of 5 essays during this course and must earn a minimum of 70% on
your cumulative essay grade
 You may revise an essay that earns below a 70%, but you must do so within one week of
getting your essay returned. You must work with me during my office hour or with a
writing center tutor. If you work with a tutor, you must get his/her signature and
annotations, then attach the original essay along with your revision.
 Your final exam, as stated above in the assessment description, is a revision of a previously
written essay, with an attached reflection letter. This will count as Essay #5
The Writing Center
Located in the library near the TV wing and digital music studio, the Writing Center is an open
computer lab where students can receive free one-on-one peer tutoring with any writing
assignment for any class, application letters and essays, etc. The required LS110E registration
forms will be provided in class or you may print one off the website. Go to
www.westvalley.edu/caw or call 408.741.2509 for more information.
Fall ‘14 Writing Center Hours
Open Computer Lab ~ Mon-Weds 9-6 & Thurs 9-5
Tutoring Available ~ Mon 11-5; Tues 10:30-3:30; Weds 11-5:30; Thurs 10:30-4
 You will be responsible for your own learning.
 You will complete the assignments to the best of your ability by their due dates.
 You will tell me, early in the semester, if you have ever been diagnosed with a particular
learning style, a learning disability, or if you had an ILP
 You will be respectful of your peers, the texts, and your instructor.
 You will participate in peer revision workshops AND/OR take advantage of tutoring in the
Writing Center
 You will be present physically and mentally. This means you will be attentive and
engaged during class and not distracted by your cell phone or other device. If you must
take or make a call/text, please exit and re-enter quietly.
 You will contact me or see me during office hours when you have questions, concerns, or
need help.
 You will be academically honest
Academic Dishonesty
Dishonesty includes but is not limited to in-class cheating, out-of-class cheating, plagiarism,
knowingly assisting another student in cheating or plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false
information to College staff, faculty, administrators or other officials.
Plagiarism: unauthorized use of expression of ideas from either published or unpublished
work(s) as a student’s own work for a grade in a class. This also includes the violation of
copyright laws, including copying of software packages.
When a student is charged with plagiarism or cheating related to a class, and the instructor has
reasonable proof or documentation or the student admits the violation, the instructor may select
one or more of the following options:
a. Issue an oral or written notification and warn the student that further acts of this sort will
result in additional disciplinary action.
b. Issue a NP or a failing grade (“F”) or “0” for the assignment in question
c. Refer the student to Victoria Hindes, the Vice President of Student Services, for
disciplinary action.
Additional Information and Resources
Emergency Evacuation Procedure For Classes Taught in the FOX CENTER:
In the case of a campus emergency, our evacuation procedure is to assemble in parking Lot #5, just
outside the Fox Center heading towards Fruitvale Ave. Take all belongings (as practical) and
evacuate together. If you are separated from the class, you must meet us in Lot #5 for roll call.
Students under the age of 18 must stay with the instructor at all times. No one should leave campus
or the assembly area unless instructed to do so by the instructor or another official (police, fire,
etc.); this will ensure that everyone is accounted for in case of an emergency. Thank you for your
Counseling: personal and academic counseling is available to students. Call 741-2009 or visit
http://www.westvalley.edu/services/counselingservices.html or their distance counseling website
at http://www.westvalley.edu/services/distancecounseling.htm.
Disability and Educational Support Program (DESP) services: West Valley College makes
reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. College materials will be
available in alternate formats (Braille, audio, electronic format, or large print) upon request. Please
contact the Disability and Educational Support Program at (408) 741-2010 (voice) or (408)
741-2658 (TTY) for assistance.
EOPS - (Extended Opportunity Programs and Services) - Educational and financial support services
for low-income and educationally under-prepared students. (408)741-7023
Hate Speech: Reporting incidents of hate speech and/or hate crime is one form of action we can
take. Instructors, counselors, school administrators, and district police officers can be contacted
to report hate speech and/or hate crime. Another way to report these types of incidents is to use
WeTip, an anonymous online school safety program. To file a report, go to www.wetip.com and
click on “submit a tip”. WeTip also allows you to report crimes such as arson, weapons, bullying,
child molestation/pornography, drug sales/trafficking at school, gang violence, graffiti, violent
crimes, vandalism, and vehicle theft. Also, feel free to let me know of anything you’d like to report
and I can help assist you with the process.
Unlawful Discrimination/Sexual Harassment
If you have a complaint or someone has shared information with you as a student or employess that
is unlawful discrimination or sexual harassment, contact the Associate Vice Chancellor of Human
Resources at West Valley-Mission Community College District, Human Resources Department,
(408-741-2060). If the Associate Vice Chancellor is not available, contact the President of the
Unlawful Discrimination/Sexual Harassment Statement:
If you have a complaint or someone has shared information with you as a student that is unlawful
discrimination or sexual harassment, contact the Vice President Dr. Victoria Hindes at 741-2020 to
discuss the matter with her.
Health and Safety Information for WVC Students
Stress Management
Get a jump on Managing Stress by seeking tips on: Getting Good Sleep;
Ideas for “Brain” Food and Eating Well; Time Management, Concentration and Test-Taking
Strategies; Realistic Relaxation Breaks
Have concerns about a fellow student? Confidential consultation is available.
Where? Student Health and many other on-campus Support Resources!
Non-Smoking Policy!
West Valley College is a Smoke Free Campus and we thank you for honoring
the college policy and supporting a healthy campus! Smoking is prohibited on campus with the
exception of the numbered parking lots around the perimeter of College Circle. FREE and
Confidential Smoking Cessation Support, including Nicotine patches and gum, is available in
Student Health Services, No Butts About It! http://westvalley.edu/services/health/smoking.html
WVM Alert
WVC has a mass notification system which informs all college users of emergencies via
the mode you select (e.g., text, cell phone, email, work phone, home phone). Please sign up at:
Accidents on Campus
If you experience an accident while on campus the College requires the
following: Claim must be filed within 90 days of the incident - a specific form needs to be
Claimant’s own insurance plan is considered Primary; District Plan is only used after
the primary plan Claimants are expected to pay a $50 deductible (Athletes may pay a higher
Maximum benefit is $50,000 per injury (Athletes may receive higher maximum
Maximum time allowance for submitting claims is one year from date of incident
QUESTIONS? Contact Health Services @ 741-2027
Consider this a contract. If any of your expectations are not met, discuss this with me
Disclaimer: The instructor may make changes to the syllabus during the semester. It is the
student’s responsibility to stay informed of these changes. Students who miss a class should
contact the instructor during office hours.
This is a tentative schedule. Actual assignments and due dates will be posted on our ANGEL
course page under the LESSONS tab.
Course, peer, and instructor introductions
Syllabus comparisons, letter of introduction, family picture
Burro Genius Preface-Ch.3; Assign Essay #1
Burro Genius Ch.4-7
Burro Genius Ch. 8-10
Burro Genius Ch. 11-14; Essay #1 Due
Fri. 9/12
Vasona Park Picnic
Burro Genius Ch. 15-18
Burro Genius Ch. 19-Afterward; Assign Essay #2
Sat. 9/20
UCD Puente Student Motivational Conference
Wordsmith Chapters 2
Essay #2 Due
Wordsmith Chapters 3-4
Wordsmith Chapters 5-6
Wordsmith Chapters 8 &10
This I Believe, 3 essays
This I Believe, 3 essays; Assign Essay #3
Wordsmith Chapters 13-14
Essay #3 Due; This I Believe, 3 essays
Conferences – No English Class Meeting
This I Believe, 3 essays
This I Believe, 3 essays ;Wordsmith Chapter 15; Assign Essay #4
This I Believe, 3 essays; Essay #4 Due
Wordsmith Chapter 16
Veteran’s Day-No class
This I Believe, 3 essays
Wordsmith Chapter 17
This I Believe, 3 essays; Wordsmith Chapter 18
This I Believe, 3 essays; Wordsmith Chapter 19
This I Believe, 3 essays; Wordsmith Chapter 20
This I Believe, 3 essays; Wordsmith Chapter 21
Select Essay to Revise for Final Exam; Wordsmith Chapter 22
Final Essay Due with Final Reflection Letter
Tues. 12/9/14