
COM 3110
Florida International University
College of Architecture + The Arts
Communication Arts Department
Professor Sabrina Vollrath-Bueno
Phone: 305/348-1984 (Department)
Fax: 305/348-6272
Email: svollrat@fiu.edu
Web: www.fiu.edu
University Drop Date:
Link to Academic Calendar
Business & Professional Communication for Florida International University
ISBN#: 1269218700 / 9781269218702
Course ID#:
The textbook access code can be purchased directly from the publisher
via a link in Blackboard that will be available when classes begin.
DO NOT try to register the access code until you have access to the
Blackboard shell for the course, where a unique registration link is available.
In today’s global business environment, effective organizational communication- internal and external- has a
significant impact on an organization’s success. Reasons for the increasing importance of organizational
communication are many, with workplace change front and center. Overall, the world of work has become more
complex. More than ever before, knowledge, learning, and innovation are critical to an organization’s sustainability.
Furthermore, with employees often being widely distributed geographically, communication technologies and
networks are essential for the accomplishment of a company’s operational strategy.
There are four Learning Objectives for COM 3110:
Business Writing Skills
Oral Presentation Skills
Language Skills
Managerial Communication
A. Business Writing Skills: Instructors are required to design business writing skills assignments that must consist
of a minimum of
 1 original personal mission professional goals statement
 3 original memos
 3 original letters
 1 in-class written business proposal, evaluated with the Business Writing Rubric
(comprises 10% of the student’s course grade)
These the details of these assignments and documents will be discussed in class, the purpose of these
assignments is to improve students writing skills and more importantly you help you progress toward the
Business Writing Skills Learning Objectives of this class.
B. Oral Presentation Skills: There will be an oral presentation – you will be required to do a practice run of that
speech in the Communication Arts Studio. This is further discussed in the course content section.
C. Language Skills: You will be graded throughout the semester in the following areas:
Periodic assignments and/or assessments
D. Managerial Communication: You will develop and/or improve your ability to recognize your own
communication tendencies as well as the communication tendencies of the persons you deal with professionally.
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory for all class sections. Students who are late or do not attend the first class
will be dropped from the course at the instructor’s discretion. The maximum number of students in each
class is 35.
*Note: You will be accountable to all of your team members, as it pertains to class attendance and tardiness. Your
team members will be grading you on all aspects of your participation in the team informative report; this includes
your attendance.
In addition, you must be present for all team informative presentations.
Tardiness: Tardiness will not be tolerated. As in the workplace, you will be expected to arrive on time and be
Absences and Makeup Work:
 Oral presentations and exams can be made up only under circumstances in which the student is
injured or ill. This excuse must be accompanied by medical documentation. There are otherwise no
permissible excuses for missing exams or oral presentations.
 Language/Grammar Skills exams cannot be made up under any circumstances. There will be two of
these in the semester. These will be available on Pearson only.
 Written work cannot be submitted after the deadline. Written work will be submitted via
blackboard. There will be ample time prior to the deadline to submit each assignment. If your completed
assignment is not successfully submitted within that timeframe, it cannot be accepted. Turnitin.com only
allows you to submit one file per assignment drop box. You must submit your documents in MS word
format with a .doc extension. Once you have submitted a file to an assignment drop box, you will not be
able to retract it or submit another one.
 Exams (the midterm, the final, the language skills assessment, and the in-class writing) cannot be made up.
Plagiarism: Plagiarizing is a serious academic offense. If you are caught plagiarizing an assignment, you will
receive a 0 for the assignment and an official FIU written notice. Refer to the section on plagiarism in the FIU
Student Handbook.
The Code of Academic Integrity was adopted by the Student Government Association. All
students are deemed by the university to understand that if they are found responsible for
academic misconduct they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and
sanctions as outlined in the Student Handbook. (Check policies online.)
Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates
respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of Florida International
As a student of this university:
 I will be honest in my academic endeavors.
 I will not represent someone else's work as my own.
 I will not cheat, nor will I aid in another's cheating.
Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge
through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community
service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and to
honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a
standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the
educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they
are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct
procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook.
TURNITIN.COM and Grademark
Documents submitted to a Turnitin.com drop box in this course cannot be retracted or revised once
All written assignments must be submitted to Turnitin.com by the posted deadline. Assignments
submitted by any other means or after the deadline will not be evaluated.
Turnitin.com drop boxes will be available in the Ecampus Blackboard learning management system.
Once your assignment has been uploaded successfully to Turnitin.com, you will receive a confirmation
receipt. Please keep this confirmation number for future reference. Within a few hours, your assignment
will also be assigned an originality/similarity percentage. For further information as to how the
similarity/originality percentage is calculated and why it is important, please review user guides that can
be found at http://www.turnitin.com/static/support/guides_manuals.html
Within two weeks after the assignment’s deadline has passed, you will receive written feedback on your
assignment. The written comments on your assignment are accessible using the GradeMark function
within Turnitin.com. If you do not know how to access the written comments using the GradeMark
function, please review user guides that can be found at
An incomplete grade is a temporary symbol given for work not completed because of serious interruption
not caused by the student's own negligence. An incomplete must be made up as quickly as possible but no
later than two consecutive semesters after the initial taking of the course or it will automatically default to
an "F" or the grade that the student earned in the course.
There is no extension of the two-semester deadline. The student must not register again for the course to
make up the incomplete. Students who have incomplete grades on their records must remove the
incomplete by the end of the fourth week of the term in which they plan to graduate. Failure to do so will
result in a cancellation of graduation.
Incompletes are awarded only if the student has completed most of the course work. If a student misses a
significant portion of the course work, he/she should drop the course. If the drop period has ended, the
student may petition for a withdrawal—this requires the student to un-enroll in all of their courses for that
Incompletes are not to be used because a student took on too many credits and they cannot complete
everything that is now required of them.
In such cases where the course instructor determines that it appropriate to award a student a grade of "I"
(incomplete) the following steps must be followed.
Using an Official University Form the course instructor will report the following:
• The grade earned by the student to date
• The missing work and the percentage of the final grade it represents (this requires the details of the
specific missing assignment)
• The date the instructor expects the missing work to be submitted or in the case of an examination made
• The justification for awarding the grade of "I"
• Have the student sign the form
• Submit this form to the Department Chair and Dean and maintain a copy for instructor records and
provide a copy for the student
• Upon satisfying the requirements for a grade the instructor will sign off on the form and attach it to the
change of grade form she or he will submit.
Students with disabilities, as defined by law, have the right to receive needed accommodations if their
disabilities make it difficult to perform academic tasks in the usual way or in the allotted time frame. In
order to receive accommodation, however, students with must register with
Disability Resource Center:
Voice: (305) 348-3532
University Park Campus, GC 190
TTY: (305) 348-3852
Email: drcupgl@fiu.edu
Fax: (305) 348-3850
Please refer to the University Policy on Sexual Harassment.
The University's policy on religious holydays as stated in the University Catalog and Student Handbook
will be followed in this class. Any student may request to be excused from class to observe a religious
holyday of his or her faith.
The Center for Excellence in Writing is available to assist you with your business writing skills. The
Center is located in the Green Library, Room 125. (Biscayne Bay Campus - Library, 1st Floor). The
website for the Center is: w3.fiu.edu/writing center
The Communication Arts Studio offers students on both campuses instruction and coaching on:
delivering presentations
developing and giving the all-important one-minute "elevator speech"
practicing and perfecting job interview skills.
The studio is open five days a week at MMC and BBC with both day and evening hours. Our experienced
speech communications staff are eager to assist students with organizing ideas, speaking more
confidently, improving body language, reducing anxiety, improving eye contact, and incorporating visual
aids to create dynamic and focused presentations or prepare for any kind of public speaking. The contact
information for the studio – located on both campuses – is below.
Communication Arts Studio
Communication Arts Department
Modesto Maidique Campus: VH 230
Biscayne Bay Campus: HL 155
Phone: 305-348-0069/ 305-919-4140
Email: communicate@fiu.edu
Website and Appointment Link: communicate.fiu.edu
Business Writing Skills: You will develop and/or improve your ability to use clear, concise language, to select an
appropriate format, and to write the following professional business documents: memorandums, cover letters,
resumes, speech outlines, speech notes, citations, bibliographies, and reports.
 Memorandum: Memos, when to use them, how to write them will be addressed. Two memorandums will
be submitted.
 Resume: A professional resume will be designed for this class.
 Cover Letter: A cover letter to accompany the resume will be written and submitted.
 Persuasive Letter: A persuasive letter will be written and submitted.
 Bad News Letter: A bad news letter will be written and submitted.
Oral Presentation Skills: You will develop and/or improve your ability to select, organize, and effectively deliver
information in a business-like manner with appropriate language, articulation, non-verbal communication, and visual
supporting materials.
 Introduction Presentation: Students shall have three minutes to tell the class something unique about
themselves. Also, students will follow additional guidelines given on the first day of class.
 Career Interview: Students will work in a team of two to cover some of the basics of interviewing skills.
The team will function as both the interviewer and the interviewee. Each student will submit the job
posting, cover letter, and resume to Turnitin on blackboard by the specified deadline. The interview will be
four to six minutes in length. Business professional attire is a requirement for this mock interview.
o Students should review:
 Chapter 14: “Applying and Interviewing for Employment”
Language Skills: You will develop and/or improve your ability to use English grammar and mechanics to improve
your written and public speaking skills. There will be two Language/Grammar exams given within this course.
Interpersonal/Small Group Communication: You will develop and/or improve your ability to recognize how well
you communicate with others and specifically how you communicate with others in a problem-solving small group
setting. Our goal will be for you to develop essential critical listening, conflict management, time management, and
problem solving skills.
Informative Team Presentation: Students will work in groups for this informational presentation wherein
they will disseminate data and facts on a business related topic to be approved by the instructor. Each
individual speech will be three to four minutes in length. The group will submit a research paper with the
specific purposes, in text citations and complete bibliography. Visual aids should be selected thoughtfully,
carefully and creatively; the purpose is to clarify and reinforce the topic. The speech, itself should be
delivered extemporaneously. 4x6 index cards may be used for notes. Evaluation will be based on
establishing eye contact, avoiding distracting mannerisms and/or language, formulating a sharp, specific
purpose statement, fulfilling the functions of an introduction and conclusion, limiting main points and
arranging them properly and employing transitions effectively.
o Students should review:
 Chapter Ten “Understanding and Planning Reports and Proposals”
 Chapter Eleven “Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals”
 Chapter Twelve “Developing Oral and Online Presentations”
o No late work will be accepted as this information pertains directly to the presentation.
Notes On Presentations:
Please DO NOT READ INFORMATION. Speeches read to the audience will automatically receive a grade
reduction of 25 points because of the effect it has on delivery, tonality, and nonverbal communication, particularly,
eye contact. 4x6 index cards with key words, phrases, main ideas, quotations, statistics, are suggested. DO NOT
It is necessary to organize and practice speeches with group members. Practice speeches but do not memorize them.
Dress as if you are presenting the speech formally for your company. Remember, dress affects your credibility, selfconfidence, and oral presentation in general.
Grading: Final letter grades are determined by accumulation of points.
Language/Grammar Pre-Test
Language/Grammar Quizzes
Language/Grammar Post-Test
Introduction Presentation (Individual)
Bad News Letter
Persuasive Letter
Cover Letter
Career Interview (Mock Interview)
Midterm Exam
Writing Exam
Final Exam
Team Informative Presentation/Report
Work Plan: 10
Rough Draft : 10
Progress Report Memo: 50
Grading Scale
Group Individual Grade: 10
Team Presentation: 50
Final Report: 70
COURSE CALENDAR (subject to change)
All dates are tentative and the instructor holds the right to change due dates and presentation dates,
providing ample written notice to students. Any changes will be announced in class, via bb messages, and
listed on Blackboard. Assignments are due the day they are listed.
1/13~Syllabus review; Introduction Speech
1/15~Establish Teams; Establish partners for Career Interview
DUE: Language/Grammar Pre-Test (available in Pearson) closes on 1/16 at 11:55 p.m.; Read:
Chapters 1, 2, 3
1/20~ Lecture: Prepping for the Interview
1/22~Work on team report, specifically selecting a topic
1/27~Lecture: Public Speaking
1/29~Work on team report
DUE: Informative Team Presentation topic due in class (one per team – should include all members
of the team and the topic to be submitted at the beginning of class via bb messages); Memorandum
in BB by 11:55 p.m.; Read: Chapters 4, 7, 8
2/3~Lecture: Visual Aid Recommendations
2/5~Work on Work Plan
DUE: Work Plan Report in BB (one per team); Read: Chapters 9, 13, 14
2/10~Work on team report
2/12~Work on team report
DUE: Bad News Letter in BB by 11:55 p.m.; Persuasive Letter in BB by 11:55 p.m.
2/17~Work on team report
2/19~Work on team report
DUE: Cover Letter and Resume in BB by 11:55 p.m.; Rough Draft of team report due in BB by
11:55 p.m. (one per team)
2/24~ Midterm Exam & Writing Exam (available in BB) – No Class
2/26~ Midterm Exam & Writing Exam (available in BB) – No Class
3/3~ Career Interview
3/5~ Career Interview
3/10~ Spring Break – NO CLASS
3/12~ Spring Break – NO CLASS
WEEK OF 3/16-3/20
3/17~ Career Interview
3/19~ Career Interview
DUE: Progress Report in BB by 11:55 p.m. (one per person)
3/17~ Use class time to meet and practice for Team Informative Presentations
3/19~ Use class time to meet and practice for Team Informative Presentations
3/24~ Team Informative Presentations – Teams: 1, 2
3/26~ Team Informative Presentations – Teams: 1, 2
3/31~ Team Informative Presentations – Teams: 3, 4
4/2~ Team Informative Presentations – Teams: 3, 4
4/7~ Team Informative Presentations – Teams: 5, 6
4/9~ Team Informative Presentations – Teams: 5, 6
DUE: Final Team Report in BB by 11:55 p.m. (one per team)
4/14 ~ Study for Final Exam and Language/Grammar Post-Test – NO CLASS
4/16 ~ Study for Final Exam and Language/Grammar Post-Test – NO CLASS
4/21~ Final Exam (BB) and Language/Grammar Post-Test will be available, starting at 12:00 a.m.
4/30~ Final Exam (BB) and Language/Grammar Post Test (Pearson)–closes at 11:59 p.m.