Maine Chapter ASTD Board Meeting Notes (rev. 1/27/2014) Thursday, January 16, 2014 4:30pm – 6:30pm Location: Unum in Portland Attending: Joyce Bailey, Pamela Davis, Adele LeBorgne, Kristin Wheelock, Bethany Wiles, Sally Wilson, Matt Woodside Not Present: Mike DiRobbio, Shirley Broomfield, Michelle Winn, Tricia Richardson The meeting was called to order at 4:30pm by Sally Wilson, President. She recognized two new Board members: Bethany Wiles (co- membership with Tricia Richardson, VP of Membership; and Kristin Wheelock, VP of Operations). Financial Sally and Michelle are working together to develop the operational budget for 2014. Each member received a budget worksheet (see attached) to be completed by each with their input and expected expenses for the upcoming year. All information is due back to Michelle by 1/31/2014. Locating a CPA to assist with the chapter’s financial audit may be cost prohibitive. The going rate for a non-profit is $2,500. The committee discussed that the need may not be as intensive as a full audit. We need a review of the books. Joyce has offered to check a couple of resources (contact information is to be sent to Michelle W. for further action). Once the year- end figures have been completed, Sally will submit to Kristin for record keeping. Adele reported that the Woodland’s fee for breakfast is the same as the member registration fee. Our chapter will not make any money for the next four months. Michelle reports that the Financial Review Team is convening on Wednesday, January 29th to conduct the yearly finance review. Upon completion, their written review will be submitted to the board. National ASTD gives us the option to use a CPA or a team of volunteers and, given our time line for completing the task (1/31/2014), the volunteer team is ready and willing to complete the work for us. Chapter Newsletter Reminder of the newsletter target dates. The process and due dates have been determined for 2014 as follows: MeASTD Board Meeting Minutes 10.8.2013 Page 1 2014 Dates for Newsletters February 15, 2014 Reminders for articles to be sent out on the 25th of the prior month May 15, 2014 Submission of articles to Shirley by the 1st of the month September 15, 2014 Final copy to Sally for approval and Pam for editing and formatting by the 12th of the month November 15, 2014 Approved newsletter added to website on the 14th of the month The question remains, “Who will be responsible for the newsletter?” Currently it is part of the VP of Communications/Registrar’s role. Further conversation is needed to determine which role will assume the responsibility – maybe Marketing? Registration, No Calls/No Shows, Cancellations The committee discussed the cutoff time for registration. It needs to be by the end of the day on Wednesday. Adele has reported close to 50 attendee registrations with a few who registered a day after the cutoff. Kim and Adele will work together to determine a way to close the registration by the Wednesday prior to the meeting at 8:00pm. Strategic Planning and Chapter Operating Requirements Sally has proposed a retreat for the Chapter’s strategic planning process. Most likely two full days with a teambuilding session. Target date to be sometime in May or June, 2014 that will include an overnight. Sally will inquire with Tricia about the venue. The committee members received the Chapter Operating Requirements Workbook, 2013. Each is to review and supply information for their area. Sally needs the information electronically by 1/24/2014. National is expecting participation with the 18 elements base – set up like a non-profit business. We may want to include past chapter presidents for the historical perspective. The overall packet is due to National by 1/31/2014. Sally will compile and submit to National. Bethany reported that we have made the 42% for membership. Some members will be attending on a trial basis at the next meeting. Most of the workbook questions require answers from Membership, Finance and the President. The Board discussed potential risks for the chapter that may need actions. The committee brainstormed some ideas as follows: Reputation Linked-in is a communication tool that allows members to post comments. Matt W. is the gatekeeper and conducts periodic reviews – he removes items if inappropriate. Wild Apricot retains the membership information. It is assumed to be a safe site as national endorses and uses the site. Pam D. will check on this and obtain terminology for due diligence. The Maine ASTD member application – Bethany to check for wording of “no contact” or “wanting to share” email lists with other members. MeASTD does NOT sell its mailing list. MeASTD Board Meeting Minutes 10.8.2013 Page 2 Financial Safety The website has a legal notice of the Privacy Policy Statement. Paypal is one of the current payment methods for members. It is not clear what responsibility level they have – Bethany will look into this as a third party outsource. Monthly chapter meeting cancellation: there is currently enough money in the account to cover the reimbursement to the members. Currently one person is responsible for the bank deposits – the committee discussed setting up “dual control” for the counting of the money received and being deposited. Obtaining financial audits helps to mitigate risk. Does the host venue have liability insurance? Adele will inquire with the Woodlands. Sally will review the insurance policy and inquire with Mike DiRobbio. Web access is password protected and it includes a members’ only area. The Operating Requirements workbook does not have to have all items completed as long as we can make clear that discussion has taken place; that action plans have been developed; that the items will be reviewed at another Board meeting and be ready for 2015. All action items need to have follow-up and be sent to Kristin W. by Friday, February 14, 2014. Membership satisfaction is to be periodically evaluated in order to meet CORE requirements. Current practice is having members complete a monthly evaluation sheet at the end of each presentation. It is assumed that we may need to do something in addition to the evaluation sheets. Kim D. will reach out to Katie V. to see what has been done in the past and inquire as to whether or not we have a Survey Monkey account. Board Positions Three members have terms ending in 2014: Tricia Richardson – VP of Membership Pam Davis – VP of Technology Adele LeBorgne – VP of Communications/Registrar The committee discussed having the positions be transitional throughout the summer. Sally will inquire with Mike D. about the process for succession planning. Marketing for the positions might include role descriptions and call for candidates via the resource table. Elections are held in May. The VP of Marketing role description needs to be reviewed. The committee needs to determine if social media should be added to the role. Adele presented the VP of Communications/Registrar role. The committee discussed and suggested possible edits. MeASTD Board Meeting Minutes 10.8.2013 Page 3 Upcoming Monthly Programming Shirley B. has programming scheduled through June, 2014. Presenters historically receive $50 towards a Maine Chapter membership. It is not clear what is done for presenters visiting from another state. Joyce will seek clarification from Shirley. Bethany mentioned that members would like to have an advance listing of the topics. The committee discussed the pros and cons. It could be risky in the event that the presenter cancels and we have to make changes. Pam suggested that we make a list of competencies covered for the upcoming months. This would involve less risk and provide members an opportunity to plan their schedules for attending. The last couple of months, the emailed registration memo has not included enough information. Pam switched to a new template that will include pictures and topic info of the monthly presenters. Other Items: Adele had an idea for badge collection – intentionally collect the badges in a bowl and use them for a drawing. We have three books that can be used for the drawing. It was noted that Matt W. currently checks the P.O. box for mail and distributes at the monthly meeting. This includes membership payments. To Do’s Action Item Complete budget information and submit to Michelle Check resources for CPA to assist with chapter audit and report back to Sally Develop a process for closing the monthly registration on Wednesday 8pm prior to the Tuesday meeting Inquire about strategic planning venue Review and complete operating requirements workbook sections and electronically submit to Sally Develop a statement to be added to the member application regarding whether or not members want their email shared with other members Determine the responsibility level of Paypal Check to see if the Woodlands is an insured venue Review of the insurance policy with Mike D. Determine the best method of collecting membership satisfaction information Submit Board registration information to Sally: email, street address, job, company Alert Michelle to set the Woodlands on bill pay for electronic invoicing MeASTD Board Meeting Minutes 10.8.2013 Who All Board Members Joyce Bailey Target Date 1/31/2014 ASAP Adele LeBorgne & Pam Davis Sally Wilson All Board Members 2/12/2014 Bethany Wiles 3/6/2014 Bethany Wiles Adele LeBorgne Sally Wilson Pam Davis 3/6/2014 3/6/2014 3/6/2014 3/6/2014 Kristin Wheelock Bethany Wiles Adele LeBorgne ASAP 3/6/2014 1/24/2014 ASAP Page 4 The meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm. Next meetingis on Thursday, March 6, 2014 - location to be determined. A request will be made to TD North for hosting. MeASTD Board Meeting Minutes 10.8.2013 Page 5