COURSE NUMBER: ECON 2113 (CRN 10788) COURSE TITLE: Business Statistics INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Latanich, BU-104, Hours: 10:00 - 12:00 MW, 11:00 - 1:00 TR, and by appointment. Phone: 870-680-8046, FAX: 870-972-3714, email: REQUIRED TEXT/MATERIALS: Groebner, Shannon, Fry, & Smith, Business Statistics, Prentice-Hall, 6th ed., 2005. CONTENT OBJECTIVES: This course equips business students with analytical skills. These skills not only give business students more confidence in their abilities, but also make them more appealing to prospective employers. The class will introduce students to statistical analyses that are commonly used in business and economics: LEARNING AREA OBJECTIVES: Descriptive statistics: Data types; tables, graphs, and charts; numerical description of data. Probability: General probability; discrete & continuous probability distributions; sampling distributions. Inferential statistics: Estimating population means, individual values, and population proportions, testing hypotheses about a population mean and a population proportion EXPECTATIONS The best policy for getting a good grade is to regularly review and keep up with the material, and to do all the assigned problems. At times we will use MS-Excel in class. If you need to brush up on your MS-Excel skills, you may want to do that early on in the semester. You will also need to bring a calculator to class. The CD supplied with the textbook contains the PowerPoint presentations of the chapters. You may also download them from my course website, as shown in class. Please read through the PowerPoint materials before class, since this would allow better use of our time together in class. I encourage folks to make wise use of my office hours. An example of a wise visit is to review the class material and come prepared with questions / problems. An example of an unwise visit is to ask me to repeat an entire class lecture for your sole listening pleasure. EVALUATION Exams and final Homework Assignments Quizzes 80% 10% 10% NOTE: Tests, quizzes, and homework assignments are designed as random samples of the material covered. The only thing that counts is a correct answer. There is no partial credit for incorrect answers. The lowest grade (F) can never be below 50%. GRADE SCALE: 100 - 89.01 = A 89 - 79.01 = B 79 - 69.01 = C 69 - 59.01 = D 59 - 00.00 = F INCOMPLETE POLICY: Given only for extraordinary reasons and then only after consultation. Failure to drop, withdraw, or to obtain an incomplete will result in a course grade of "F." ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Academic dishonesty is contrary to ASU’s academic policies. Anyone caught cheating, or engaging in plagiarism, will receive an F for the course and will be asked to leave the class. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Class attendance is mandatory. After three absences (with the fourth) students will be assigned a failing grade. DISABILITIES: If you have a Learning Disability that would cause you to have unique needs pertaining to assignments or exams, please provide a written statement to that effect from the Office of Disability Services. When the statement has been provided, I will work with you to accommodate your needs. Please remember, it is your responsibility to contact me to arrange times to meet, etc. CLASS SCHEDULE: Chapter 1 - The Where, Why, and How of Data Collection Chapter 2- Graphs, Charts, and Tables: Describing Your Data First Exam Chapter 3 - Describing Data Using Numerical Measures Chapter 4 - Using Probability and Probability Distributions Second Exam Chapter 5 - Discrete and Continuous Probability Distributions Chapter 6 - Introduction to Sampling Distributions Third Exam (includes chapters 3 and 4) Chapter 7 - Estimating Population Values Chapter 8 - Introduction to Hypothesis Testing Final Exam (includes chapters 3, 4, 5, 6) ###