The Accelerator Directorate The Organization, Priorities and Accelerator R&D May 5, 2011 Norbert Holtkamp Topics • My first 100 days • Organizational adjustments • Priorities • Where do we go with Accelerator R&D • Long range planning • Summary Accelerator R&D: Strategy 2 My First 100 Days…Observations • The observations were heavily influenced by the review of AED. – Business systems + Document management systems are up to standards – “Shadow organizations” and “Shadow systems” exist • • • • Systems Engineering is not consistent across AD/Lab Significant frustration regarding Accelerator R&D. Lack of trust towards upper management. In spite of all that: Operation of user facilities and construction of new ones is doing very well. Accelerator R&D: Strategy 3 A fantastic Toy: LCLS Achievements “… and then there was light”. Coherent light. Immediately. Very short transition from commissioning to user operation Low charge (20pC) bunches for short bunch length (<10fs) Extended energy range, .5keV – 10keV Second Harmonic After Burner (SHAB) for x-rays to approx. 20 keV Operation at 120 Hz (and 120 Hz controls feedback) was seamless Operating now at approx. 4000 hrs. per year at greater than 95% accelerator availability Accelerator R&D: Strategy 4 The Organization The Resources Present Accelerator Directorate Organization Norbert Holtkamp, ALD Bob Hettel, Deputy John Seeman, Deputy ESH&Q Mike Scharfenstein Acting Business Office C. Lowe Administration H. O’Donnell SPEAR3 Accelerator Division J. Schmerge LCLS Accelerator Systems Division D. Schultz Accelerator Operations & Safety Division R. Erickson Accelerator Research Division T. Raubenheimer S0-20 Accelerator Division U. Wienands Strategic Projects Division J. Galayda Accelerator Engineering Division K. Fant • The Accelerator Directorate has a total of ~ 600 FTE. • Approximately 275 FTE are funded directly or indirectly in support of the LCLS. • Approximately 170 FTE are “hard” matrixed to the LCLS. Accelerator R&D: Strategy 6 Organizational Adjustments • Is there anything wrong with the existing organization? • Observations: – 28% of all AD employees are coded supervisors – Present org charts mix between administrative and functional supervision – Up to seven levels of management – PAUSE event pointed out deficiencies in communication and lack of clarity in supervision – Dissatisfied customers – In some areas the mission and the organization are not aligned. – Some of the current structure has been in place for more than a decade and can be rigid, cumbersome and inflexible – Rates are too high. Substantial UDT across the organization Accelerator R&D: Strategy 7 What Do We Have? - What Do We Want? Accelerator R&D: Strategy 8 The Present Organization Accelerator R&D: Strategy 9 The Biggest Change: Engineering Organization • Owns more than 2/3 of AF (>400 people) • Only 2 options: 1. AED is a directorate 2. AED splits up into 3 ~90 ~130 ~180 Accelerator R&D: Strategy 10 Restructured Organization Accelerator R&D: Strategy 1111 Funding Sources BES #1 funds WBS 1 Photon Science SIMES INST PULSE INST SUNCAT INST HEP ## funds BES #2 funds BES #3 funds WBS 2 PPA Science WBS 3 SSRL Science WBS 4 LCLS Science KIPAC Elem Particle Babar D&D Service Centers BL Operations Users Experiments BL Operations Users Experiments HEP ## funds Other Fund Sources WFO Agencies Stanford WBS 8 Accelerator Support for PPA, SSRL, LCLS Operations, Safety and Maintenance Upgrades – AIPs, small projects Research and Future Development Core Competencies and Technologies Service Centers Projects – LCLS II, LUSI, FACET, MEC (WBS 7) Accelerator R&D: Strategy WBS 9 Lab-wide Support Allocation Pools & Service Centers Director’s Office COO Office Planning & Assessment Finance Procurement Human Resources ESH Project Mgmt Office Facilities Computing Communications Infrastructure Projects (directly funded) 12 Detailed Breakdown 8.02 8.03 8.04 HEP LCLS SSRL Other Grand Total TOTAL WBS 8.0 38,765 95,688 12,335 6,721 153,510 SPEAR3 Core Team 0 0 8,629 0 8,629 SPEAR3 Core Team Management SPEAR3 Operations and Mainten SPEAR3 Upgrades 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,591 2,264 773 0 0 0 5,591 2,264 773 LCLS Core Team 0 68,593 0 0 68,593 LCLS Core Team Management LCLS Operations and Maintenanc LCLS Upgrades 0 0 0 2,086 39,807 26,701 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,086 39,807 26,701 6,938 6,015 0 0 12,953 445 4,448 2,046 462 5,235 318 0 0 0 0 0 0 906 9,683 2,364 1,288 12,881 3,706 0 17,876 226 0 0 350 0 0 712 696 622 449 4,321 703 0 6,090 234 0 0 1,537 0 20 1,915 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,157 622 449 6,208 703 20 8,717 30,539 8,199 0 6,721 45,460 107 0 0 5,599 4,237 2,361 1,452 8,813 3,666 3,157 648 498 0 0 6,403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,796 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,242 205 0 0 0 0 1,617 0 0 239 1,983 436 107 8,645 205 5,599 4,237 2,361 1,452 10,430 3,666 3,157 2,683 2,481 436 Sect 0 to 20 & FACET Core Team S0-20 Core Team Management S0-20 Operations and Maintenan S0-20 Upgrades 8.05 Accelerator Operations & Safet AOS Division Office Maintenance Coord, Statistics, Document Control Beam Operations MCC Systems SPEAR3 Control Center Systems Power 8.06 Accelerator Research & Develop ARD Division Office LCLS Spear3 Test Facilities ILC LARP and LHC Upgrades Accelerator Design - Physics & RF Source & Structure Developm Novel Acceleration Research High Gradient Research Accelerator Technology Develop AD Work For Others Other Accelerator R&D Accelerator R&D: Strategy 13 Long Range Planning Ten Year View of SLAC Funding Total in $Millions Base - Research, Operations & Maintenance High Energy Physics (HEP) Basic Eenerty Science (BES) - SSRL BES LCLS BES Photon Science Other - EM, Safeguard & Security, BER Ttl SLAC Base Non-Base - Projects Science Laboratory Infrastrcutre (SLI)-Research Support Bldg (RSB) SLI-Scientific User and Support Bldg (SUSB) SLI-Photon Science Laboratory Bldg BES-LCLS I & PULSE BES-LCLS II BES-LCLS 2025 BES-PEP X HEP-LSST BES-SSRL BL, incl Addt'l Staff Suprt FY2010 93 33 106 18 FY2011 89 34 123 20 FY2012 91 45 143 23 FY2013 92 48 157 30 FY2014 94 51 170 36 FY2015 97 54 185 43 FY2016 99 55 201 52 FY2017 102 57 217 62 FY2018 104 59 223 75 FY2019 107 61 228 90 FY2020 109 63 234 107 10 261 13 279 14 316 15 343 16 367 17 397 19 426 20 458 21 481 22 507 23 537 0 0 0 Outyears Total 7 39 1 47 41 - 12 12 - 36 33 - 19 - 1 - 5 30 25 - - - 96 65 60 7 2 30 12 5 91 25 10 115 44 11 95 37 11 45 24 13 15 14 13 5 9 17 6 7 40 25 7 538 469 7 399 600 500 156 93 49 71 195 189 143 87 72 39 30 72 1,014 1,969 Total SLAC - NonARRA 308 328 387 538 557 540 513 529 520 537 608 1,014 1,969 ARRA Projects 33 40 21 - - - - - - - - - Total SLAC 340 368 409 538 557 540 513 529 520 537 608 1,014 Total NonBase Projects Out Year Input from PPA - R. Alva; SSRL - S. Carlson; LCLS - S. Honl; Photon Sci N. Matlin Current Fiscal Year Accelerator R&D: Strategy 14 94 2,063 Where are We Going: Priorities, Accelerator R&D SLACs Lab Agenda Mission • Grow into the premier Photon Science Laboratory • Maintain our position as the premier [electron] accelerator laboratory • Build targeted programs in particle physics, particle astrophysics & cosmology 16 Accelerator R&D: Strategy SLAC Particle Physics+Astronomy and Accelerator Research … the programs, facilities and infrastructure SLAC operates PPA • FERMI • LSST • LHC support • EXO • LC • Super B Accelerators • NC LC Technology • High Power RF • High Gradients • FACET • LASER Acceleration • TEST beams Accelerator R&D: Strategy 17 Example: Maintain our Status as the Premier Electron Accelerator Laboratory • Innovative technologies for accelerators – – – – NC high gradient acceleration Dielectric ECHO Plasma NC accelerator for DOE (and worldwide) 4 • Novel approach for high brightness beams – Beam generation FACET – Beam/ -manipulation – Laser-Beam manipulation/diagnostics Accelerator R&D: Strategy 18 Beyond HEP: The SLAC Multi-Program Environment … the technology HEP supports at SLAC benefits the entire lab… AD • Beam Dynamics • Technology infrastructure • Test Facilities • Research on future colliders • Computation …and back PPA • Detector R&D • Computing • Data acquisition & management Accelerator R&D: Strategy LCLS,SSRL & Photon Science LCLS Operations LCLS Experiments Data acquisition Data storage High brightness beams Low Emittance Beam Acceleration New light source concepts 19 The Laboratory Mission - The Accelerator Role Grow into the premier Photon Science Laboratory Maintain our position as the premier [electron] accelerator laboratory Build targeted programs in particle physics, particle astrophysics & cosmology Seeding schemes that will change FEL designs R&D Program @LCLS LC, Beam Manipulation Next Generation Injectors Injector Test Infrastructure LC, Super KEKB, Ultra short pulses Diagnostics. Timing/Synchronization LC User adapted applications Linac designs for specific needs LC, MC Enabling Technology RF Power (at any band) and new power sources LC, MAP, Project X, everywhere The “ultimate” storage ring Beam Dynamics and Feedback systems Super B / Super KEK B “Doubling the energy” Plasma Wake Field Acceleration FACET and its experimental program 20 Accelerator R&D: Strategy Priorities: LCLS-II as a Part of LCLS-2025: What SLAC Envisions present LCLS NEH Hall FEH Hall LCLS-2025 soft x-ray hard x-ray LCLS II is key step on path to LCLS 2025 Accelerator R&D: Strategy LCLS Accompanying FEL R&D Program Z.Huang J.Hastings B.Hettel Sector 0 FEL R&D Test Facility A staged approach to a five to 15 to 30 Million$ Test Facility that serves SLAC and others (LBNL, ANL) Accelerator R&D: Strategy 23 Redirecting where: Status on the Photon Side • The R&D plan is consistent with SLACs mission statement • The plan includes other laboratories and serves not only SLAC but other national programs and the worldwide community • All elements of the plan will happen depending on time and funding because they are all mission critical • … it’s a good and complete plan, although details are missing! Accelerator R&D: Strategy 24 Redirecting where: What about the HEP part? • B.Brinkman (Oct 2009) • There are a number of promising emerging accelerator technologies now under investigation with HEP support: – – – – – High-Gradient RF Structures Muon Accelerators &Colliders Photonic Band-Gap Structures Superconducting Radio Frequency Wake Fields in Plasmas or Dielectrics Accelerator R&D: Strategy 25 Other SLAC Accelerator Research Program • Strong programs in Advanced Accelerator concepts, High Power RF (HPRF) and Beam physics and Diagnostics – Utilize SLAC core competencies in HPRF and accelerator design – Leverage SLAC test facilities, infrastructure and computation effort • SLAC HEP Accelerator R&D program at crossroads – World-leading accelerator research program with unique but expensive infrastructure and test facilities – Most near-term application industrial or scientific radiation sources – Accelerators have potential to impact community and economy Accelerator R&D: Strategy 26 The Reality: FY2011 funding vs budget situation B&R KA120201 KA120202 KA1101021 KA1201020 KA1301021 KA1301022 KA1401020 KA1501020 KA1502011 KA1503020 KA1301031 KA1301032 KA1301032 KA1301025 KA1301025 KA1501050 KA1102053 KA1102054 Description B-Factory Operations Total B-Factory Support Total B-Factory Complex Total Proton: Energy Frontier Electron Non-Accelerator: Cosmic Frontier Non-Accelerator: Intensity Frontier Theoretical Research Core EPP Research Accelerator Science Accelerator Development Detector R&D Core Technologies R&D Core Programs Core Programs FTEs LSST CDMS/SNO R&D LSST R&D EXO Operations FGST Operations FACET Operations Research Projects Total LHC Support (LARP) ATLAS Operations LHC R&D Program Total ILC R&D Total Other Total Projects/LHC/ILC/Other SLAC HEP Total Core Programs + EXO/ISOC Ops Core Programs + EXO/ISOC Ops FTEs FY 2010 12,019 2,930 14,949 4,300 8,312 17,332 3,463 7,795 41,202 8,659 3,333 4,341 16,333 57,535 300 2,145 0 0 0 2,445 2,281 2,328 4,609 11,766 2,479 21,299 93,783 57,535 FY 2011 Feb AFP 8,880 900 9,780 3,800 6,667 12,000 1,500 7,620 31,587 9,534 3,647 3,578 16,759 48,346 FY 2011 Budget 9,341 4,664 14,005 4,245 7,230 15,884 1,678 8,665 37,701 10,617 3,537 3,400 17,555 55,256 220 0 4,000 1,500 5,000 6,000 16,500 1,845 1,509 3,354 8,257 44 28,155 86,281 700 4,812 1,778 2,884 6,000 16,174 2,371 1,446 3,817 9,257 2,826 32,074 101,335 59,918 220 Accelerator R&D: Strategy • Where will SLAC be in 3-5 years? • • Following trend: ~ $ 6-7 M Following trend ~ $ 3 M • 0 unless there is a FACET II • Following trend ~ $ 3.5 M • Depends: 0- < $ 2 M _______________________________ That’s ~ $ 15 M versus ~ $ 31M 27 Programmatic Elements and Direction in the Future NC Linac Design & Construction Pulsed Power Modulators High Power RF Advanced Accelerator FEL Physics R&D: High Gradient, LASERs/PLASMA Accelerator Computations Very useful for SLAC Largely funded through grants BEAM Dynamics Unique capability @SLAC. DOE will partially fund Instrumentation High rep rate, ultrafast Fully aligned with SLAC mission DOE fully funds 100% Accelerator 28 R&D: Strategy AD-Status Overview and Outlook • R&D infrastructure: – HEP funded AD infrastructure is about $ 30M / y • Probably shrink to $ 10M / y by 2015 – BES funded AD infrastructure is << $ 10M / y • could grow to $ 20M / y • In order to maintain and grow this infrastructure AD would need a ~$30M - $40M program by 2015. • Sources: DARPA, BES, NP, HEP, FS, DOD, Industry, NIH • AD is approx $ 150M/y now and will be in 2015/2016 because LCLS II construction money. Without WFO AD can not grow/maintain. • Management decision: not more than 20% of the AD base! Accelerator R&D: Strategy 29 Other Sources of Funding- is it a Solution? • WFO funding can support infrastructure and technology that can not be full covered by funding through base/core programs. • SLAC has technology, infrastructure and intellectual capabilities that can benefit industries, other agencies and the nation. • Risks: – Fluctuations in funding can not be covered by Laboratory Base budget – Effort becomes very scattered without clear direction and alignment with lab core mission – AD can’t raise the ~$ 35M /y and AD infrastructure will fade away – WFO becomes substantial part of base budget and threatens lab core missions through shift in priority Accelerator R&D: Strategy 30 WFO: Is It Realistic? Lab Topic Time Funding Scale Funding Risk CERN Ongoing structure fabrication & testing 2010-11 ~300k None LLNL First phase of MEGa-ray construction 2010-11 ~750k None FNAL Project-X rf system development 2011 ~400k None LANL Design studies for MARIE 2011 ~300k Low LCLS SLED pulse compressor upgrade 2011-12 ~600k Low LLNL Complete MEGa-ray 250 MeV linac 2011-12 ~1600k Low LLNL Joint LLNL/SLAC DARPA AxIS Prop. 2011-14 ~7200k Med CERN Additional CLIC structure testing at SLAC 2012-13 ~800k Med CERN Three additional klystron-based test stands (SATS) 2012-14 ~2200k# Low LANL R&D for MARIE on high grad. long-pulse linacs 2012-14 ~5000k High LCLS X-band deflector (klystron, waveguide, …) 2013 ~800k Med LCLS-II Bunch compressor linearizer 2013 ~800k Low LCLS Energy dither (600 MeV w/ 4 XL4’s & 16 struct.) 2014-15 ~5400k High ELI-NP High gradient 600 MeV linac for gamma ICS 2014-16 ~8000k# Med PSI Energy dither / energy upgrade (0.4 ~ 2 GeV) 2016 ~10M$ per GeV# # = funding may be split between SLAC and industry ~500k additional internal SLAC LDRD funding in FY11 31 Accelerator R&D: Strategy High WFO by Directorate at SLAC Today * Directorate Photon science $ 826 Particle & Astro $1,096 SSRL $5,961 LCLS $105 Operations $1,729 Accelerator $3,434 AD-BES $1.901 Adv Sci Comp $132 $13,151 We intend to grow this to > $ 22M in FY12 !!! Accelerator R&D: Strategy 32 More recent initiatives – We will do! • The Muons: Engage in MAP-Berkeley and SLAC will make a proposal together. Approx 6 FTEs each. • Plan for FACET II • Maintain the Linear Collider (at SLAC or elsewhere) • Engage with HP RF industry • Start WFO others program (and infrastructure) • Be the center for normal conducting RF accelerators and especially linacs, HP RF sources and pulsed power Accelerator R&D: Strategy 33 Budget Realities • SLAC operates the only hard x-ray laser for another couple of years. • There a core competencies that SLAC wants to maintain and that the DOE wants to maintain within the complex • There are new projects and opportunities for the Accelerator directorate: – LCLS II, ITF, FEL R&D programs, NGLS participation… – Develop, implement and execute a healthy Work For Others program – Look for the future of HEP: SUPER B, LHC, Linear Collider, Muon Collider… but better be patient! 34 Accelerator R&D: Strategy Summary • The largest part of the Accelerator Directorate is very straightforward although challenging to maintain and to improve • The Accelerator Research and Development is facing a major shift and we need to calibrate ourselves whether: – The path makes sense – The path is realistic – The path allows address to the full breath of opportunities • There will be a series of talks addressing the elements of the plan Accelerator R&D: Strategy 35 Flat Organizations … • Tuned for matrix organizations • Reduces the number of layers “above” – We will go from ~>20% supervisors to ~ 6% Empowers employees reduces layers through which to filter messages thus improves communication Reduces costs to the organization (= efficiencies) Encourages accountability Enhances creativity and productivity through empowerment Accelerator R&D: Strategy 36 Administrative Supervisor vs. Functional Lead Functional Lead Role Administrative Supervisor • Under the direction of the supervisor: • Not a Position, but a Role • Makes all personnel actions – Plan and assign work – Provide coaching and guidance on performance of job duties – may be Subject Matter Expert – Communicates and monitors compliance with policy, procedure and protocol – Provides performance feedback to supervisor – Executes WPC – – – – – Hires Evaluates Promotes Transfers Terminates • Compensation decisions • Administers corrective action • Writes and delivers performance evaluation • Responsible for WPC • Does not replace BU leads Accelerator R&D: Strategy 37 “You Can’t Manage What You Don’t Measure” Possible Metrics for AD • • • • Customer Satisfaction Cost (overhead, UDT) Turn-around time (determine baseline) Quality of output (reliability and availability of systems post installation and operation) • Long term safety performance • System function and performance vs customer requirements Accelerator R&D: Strategy 38 Living in the Matrix: An example Administrative Authority Functional Authority Accelerator R&D: Strategy 39 FEL Accelerator R&D Test Facilities – One Idea T. Raubenheimer Three parallel experimental efforts: Cathode Test Facility/ ASTA (low E) Photocathode R&D aimed at understanding LCLS lifetime and damage issues Test rf gun modifications before installation in LCLS-I or II Longer term R&D aimed at high brightness cathodes with lower thermal (coatings, smoothness, new materials) Combined HB program requires ~3M/yr new funding Injector R&D Program LCLS-II Injector NLCTA Facility (<~250 MeV) (135 MeV) Simulation and experimental Full injector configuration; program aimed at significant opportunity for R&D improvement in brightness; before LCLS-II low-E seeding; technology turn-on and ultrafast technique development 1) Design studies on rf gun design, CSR microbunching and cathodes 2) Rf gun development and testing at NLCTA in 2012 3) NLCTA R&D on injector beam physics Early construction, commissioning in ~2013/14 to study injector physics before LCLS-II operation Core Capabilities and how they map onto the Mission NC Linac Design & construction Pulsed Power Modulators High Power RF Advanced Accelerator R&D LASERs/PLASMA FEL Physics Computer Aided Design Very useful for SLAC Largely funded through grants BEAM Dynamics Unique capability @SLAC. DOE will partially fund Instrumentation High rep rate, ultrafast Fully aligned with SLAC mission DOE fully funds 100% Accelerator 42 R&D: Strategy Presented at GAD Review Jan 2011: Scenario C ++ FY12 FY13 303 330 687 1,000 1,100 800 350 500 1,900 400 Normal Conducting RF Will it ever happen and even if, is it sufficient 800 to support the 294 base without High Performance rf modeling 369 a mayor 316 385 construction End Station Test Beam design 327 program?? 392 0 0 FACET design 780 0 0 0 FACET II 150 CLIC R&D 560 549 78 0 Project-X collaboration 65 63 0 0 Feedback and LLRF program 348 224 136 192 Spending Totals 9,646 4,888 4,286 3,544 5,417 1,200 420 0 0 700 0 0 210 6,010 GAD Funding LHC Accelerator Research INFN Super-B design Super – B X-band Klystron Development Power Source technology X-band rf technology FY08 11,232 FY09 4,052 1,130 538 FY10 3,333 961 650 FY11 3,538 142 44 359 605 1,806 487 473 1,022 Accelerator R&D: Strategy 43 HEP Accelerator R&D Priorities at SLAC • Advanced accelerator R&D with potential for major impact – Plasma Wakefield program although $6M FACET operations support will limit the user program severely – Dielectric laser acceleration and NLCTA programs – SLAC needs strong leadership and vision!!! • Beam dynamics core capability and computing mostly supported externally already • High gradient and X-band programs – Unique capability world-wide but applications unclear • Must define approach to normal-conducting linacs – Ongoing High Power RF (HPRF) program • Possibly redirect High Gradient program toward power sources – Continued collaborations with LLNL, LANL and CERN Accelerator R&D: Strategy 45