standard deviation


Statistical analyses


Statistical analysis program

It is an analytical software recognized by the scientific world

(e.g.: the Microsoft Excel program is not recognized by the scientific world)


Let’s start the SPSS software!

Paste the data onto the DATA VIEW window!

It has two windows, one of them contains the data

(DATA VIEW), and the types of the variables must be given in the other one (VARIABLES).

Exact coding of variables is the basis of successful SPSS use.

Basics of computer-based analysis

Types of data

Measurable data

Differences between data are equal


 interval scale

How old are you?

How much is your weight?

Ordinal data

 Data originating from gradation

Special type: reletad gradation positions

Nominal scale

The data are replaced by numbers.

E.g. Gender? 1. Male 2. Female

The data do not signal order

 The data cannot be added

Statistical procedures

Descriptive statistics

 If we analyze actual persons, that is population = samples

Statistical indicators

 Frequencies

 Central tendency

 Dispersion

 Correlation

Statistical procedures

Mathematical statistics

It provides the information whether we may draw conclusion based on the representative sample referring to the population.


 Population: the group which the conclusions refer to

 E.g.: university student; German people; teachers

Sample: the ones actually involved in the surveys

Representative sample: when the composition of the sample mirrors the composition of the population.

 E.g.: Gallup’s deal with the Public Opinion

Office around the time of the presidential elections in 1936

Mathematical statistics

Analysis of differences

The aims: to show the criteria in which elements differ from each other

Ordinal Nominal Types of data Scale

Number of samples

One One-sample tsamples test

Two Independent tsample


Three or more ANOVA analysis

Wilcoxon-test Crosstabs analysis,

Chi-square test

Mann-Whitney-test Cross database analysis,

Chi-square test


Cross database analysis,

Chi-square test

Mathematical statistics

Analyzing correlations

Types of data Scale

Number of samples

Two Correlate


Spearman correlate

Two or more Regression

More than two Partial correlate

Factor analysis

Cluster analysis


Crosstabs analysis,

Chi-square test

Descriptive statistics

Central Tendency


 Modus : (most frequent data)

 Median




Determining the number of categories

An odd number between 10 and 20

If the number of the samples is low (e.g.50 responders) there can be fewer categories (7 categories)

Determining the intervals

1, 2, 3, 5, 10  depending on the number of categories

Disjunction : It should be noted that the each item in the sample must be categorized into one particular category, so the groups may not overlap.

E.g.: Bad samples:

Age groups

Below 20



E.g.: God examples:

Age groups

Below 20



Absolute frequency

 Def: The number of items belonging to particular category is absolute frequency value.

 the subgroup frequencies together create the absolute frequency distribution of the sample.

Further frequency indicators

Relative frequency means the quotient of the absolute frequency values and the number of the samples.

The relative frequency gives the percent of the responders in one particular category compared to the total number of samples.

Cumulative frequency means how many items of the sample can be found all together below the upper limit of the category.

Cumulative percent means the quotient of the cumulative frequency and the number of the sample.

IT shows what percent of the sample can be found below the upper limit of the category.

Dispersion indicators

Range: the range of the samples means the difference between the highest and lowest items.

R = X max

- X min

Average difference: the average distance (absolute deviation) of the items from the average.

 Square sum:

Sum of the quadrant of the deviation from the average.


Variance the square sum divided by the degree of freedom of the sample

Degree of freedom is the number of the independent elements (the number of the responders) of the sample.

Standard deviation

 Standard deviation is the square root with a positive sign of the variance .


 More than 2/3 of the data belong to a 1 standard deviation extending to the positive and negative directions from the mean.

 More than 90% of the data belong to a 2 standard deviation taken from the mean.

 More than 90% of the data belong to a 3 standard deviation taken from the mean.

Relative standard deviation

 The Relative deviation is an indicator related which provides what percent of the mean is the standard deviation.

Relative deviation = standard deviation mean


 The quartiles are the quartering points of the sample.

Interquartiles half-extension: is the difference between the third and the first quartile: Q





Interrelations between frequency and mean indicator

Left tendency: Modus > Median > Mean

Right tendency : Modus < Median < Mean

Interrelations between frequency and mean indicatior

 Normal distribution (bell curve) :

All the three indicators coincide

Modus = Median = Mean

Mathematical statistics

Relations examinations


 Correlation coefficient is the indicator which shows the direction and strength between two data list.


r xy

 r táblázat

There is correlation between the two samples r

 xy r táblázat 

There is no correlation between the two samples

Correlation coefficient

The interpretation of the correlation coefficient

0,9 – 1 extremely strong correlation between the two data lists

0,75 – 0,9 strong

0,5 – 0,75 detectable

0,25 – 0,5 weak

0,0 – 0,25 no relationship


 If the correlation coefficient is negative  contrasting relationship

 E.g. The numbers of hours doing sports – your weight

 If the correlation coefficient is positive  data changing simultaneously

Relationship between/among variables –


 Crosstabs – illustrating the distribution of two nominal or ordinal variables on the same chart.

Crosstabs- Chi-square

 It is an indicator which shows whether the correlations in the cross tabs are valid only for the samples or for the population as well.

It cannot be used efficiently if the value is less then

5 in more than 20% of the cells.

Hypothesis analyses

 It is a method to decide whether the differences in data are significant or random.

Paired-samples T-test

The paired-samples T-test is used when the same people are asked or tested twice (e.g. one-sample experiment)

Where: z - mean s - Standard deviation t

'  z s

 n

Paired-samples T-test

 Match the t-number with the value of the

„Critical values of the t-distribution” chart

 If t’ > t chart the different is significant

 If t’ < t chart the different is random

T-test with computer

It is not necessary use the „Critical values of the t-distribution” chart, because most software provides the „p” value (Signif of t,


The „p” shows what percent is the failure rate.

If „p”<0.05 (5%) then the difference is significant

Independent t-test

 H0: two independent samples taken from the same population.

 (H0 definition: the zero hypothesis is that the difference is random )

 This type of test can only can be conductived if the variances of the two groups not too different.

 The F-test can give the answer.



 s


2 s



The F-test is the quotient of the variance squares.

If F number difference

< F chart

 there is no significant

If F number

> F chart

 there is a great difference between the variances

 the T-test cannot be done.

 you can try the Welch-test.

Independent t-test


  x

 y i n 


( x

 x i


2 n

 m m  i



( y

 y i



 n

 n

 m m

The degree of freedom = n+m-2 .

Illustration of result









0 5 10 15


20 25 30


Mean = 12,9

Std. Dev. = 5,515

N = 20







0 5 10 15


20 25 30

Mean = 12,9

Std. Dev. = 5,515

N = 20

Aim: to make the result look conceivable and visual

Egyéni eredmény







Frequency polygon

Illustrating frequency data with a line diagram.


Illustrating frequency data with a bar diagram.

The title of the X axis is intervals.

Histogram shapes

Symmetrical, normal

Symmetrical, peaked

Histogram shapes


Histogram shapes

Right side tendency

Histogram shapes

Left side tendency

Interrelations between frequency and mean indicator

Normal distribution: Mean = Median = Modus

Skewness = 0

Interrelations between frequency and mean indicator

Symmetric with two modes


Skewness = 0

Interrelations between frequency and mean indicator

Right side tendency


Skewness = (-)

Interrelations between frequency and mean indicator

Right side tendency

Mean < Median < Mode

Skewness = (+)

Normal distribution with different standard deviation

Kurtosis = 1  normal

If the Kurtosis value is bigger the polygon is flatter
