Publications & Books (Students in yellow)


Social Sciences: Publications 2011


Isolde Anderson

Anderson, I. K. (2011). “On-line Instructor’s Manual for Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and

Practice, 2nd ed.” (Northouse). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Anderson, I. K. (2011). “Uses and Gratifications of Online Guestbooks: A Study of CaringBridge.” Health

Communication, 26 (5), 546-559.

James Herrick

Herrick, J. (2011). Argumentation: Understanding and Shaping Arguments, 4 th edition. Strata Publishing.

Teresa Heinz Housel

Harvey, V. & Housel. T., eds (2011). Faculty and First-Generation College Students: Bridging the

Slide 10

Classroom Gap Together. Jossey-Bass.

Deirdre Johnston

Bach, B., Backlund, P., Delia, J., Heffrin, D., Johnston, D. & Procopio, C. (2011). “NCA Program Review

Standards: Background, Applications and Data.” Communication Education, 60(3), 279-295.

J. Roselyn Lee

Kim, J. H. & Lee, J. R. (2011). “The Facebook Paths to Happiness: The Effects of the Number of Friends and Self-presentation on Subjective Wellbeing.” Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14,



Peter Boumgarden

Boumgarden, P.A., (in press). “The Wordsmith’s Two-edged Power: Review of Mad Men.” Harvard Divinity


Social Sciences: Publications 2011


John Lunn

Lunn, J. (2012). Study Guide for Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction. Cincinnati:

SouthWestern Publishing.

Lunn, J. (2012). Study Guide for Macroeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction. Cincinnati:

SouthWestern Publishing.

Lunn, J. (2011). "Capitalism as Heresy: On Why Theologians Criticize Markets." Faith & Economics, 57, pp. 1-24.

Brian Porter

Porter, B. (2011). “Review of Business for the Common Good” by Kenman Wong and Scott Rae. The

Journal of Biblical Integration in Business.

Todd Steen

Steen, Todd P. & VanderVeen, Steve K. (2011). "Toward Leading a Team: A New Script." Christian

Business Academy Review, Volume 6, Number 1, Spring 2011, pp. 27-36.

King, Don W., editor, Steen, Todd P. et al, coeditors (2011). Taking Every Thought Captive: Forty Years of

the Christian Scholar's Review. Abilene Christian University Press.

Steen, Todd P. (2011), "In Praise of the Debt Ceiling." Capital Commentary.

Vicki Ten Haken

Ten Haken, V., Claar, V., Frey, R. & Sarucki M. (2011). "Hope for the East: Entrepreneurial Attitudes of MBA

Students in Two Transition Economies Relative to those in the United States." International Journal of

Business Excellence.

Afia Yamoah

Yamoah, Afia B. (2011) "Review of One Illness Away: Why People Become Poor and How They Escape

Poverty .” Poverty & Public Policy, Vol. 3: Iss. 2, Article 11.

Social Sciences: Publications 2011


Susan Cherup

Cherup, S. & Scholten, C. (Hope student) (2011). “Technology Integration Guided by Preservice

Teachers.” Special Education Technology Practice.

Tony Donk

Donk, T., co-editors: Pardo, L.S., Highfield, K., FlorioRuane, S. (2011). “Teacher Collaboration:

Opening and Closing the Classroom Door.

In Standing for Powerful Literacy: Teaching in the

Context of Change. Hampton Press.

Jane Finn

Holmes, V., & Finn, J. (2011). “Are Mathematics Teachers Qualified? Perceptions of Educators

Concerning the Instruction of the Michigan Merit Curriculum.” Globalizing Curriculum Across

University Disciplines (pp. 96-102). Ypsilanti: MWCIES.

Finn J. (2011). “Lessons Learned: School of Choice and an Individual with Dual Exceptionalities.”

Globalizing Curriculum Across University Disciplines (pp. 103-111).

Laura Pardo

Pardo, L.S., Field, H., & Guzdziol, G. (2011). “Keeping Kids on the Edge of their Seats during Book

Club.” Michigan Reading Journal.

Pardo, L.S., Raphael, T.E., Au, K.H. (2011). Question Answer Relationships: Comprehension Lessons,

Grades 4-5. Scholastic.

Pardo, L.S., Highfield, K., Florio-Ruane, S. (editors) (2012). Standing for Powerful Literacy: Teaching

in the Context of Change. Hampton Press.

Vicki-Lynn Holmes

Holmes, V. (in press). “Depth of Teachers’ Knowledge: Frameworks for Teachers’ Knowledge of

Mathematics.” Journal of STEM Education.

Holmes, V., & Finn, J. (2011). “Are Mathematics Teachers Qualified? Perceptions of Educators

Concerning the Instruction of the Michigan Merit Curriculum.” Globalizing Curriculum Across

University Disciplines (pp. 96-102). Ypsilanti: MWCIES.

Social Sciences: Publications 2011


VickiLynn Holmes (con’t)

Holmes, V (2011). “Standardizing the Inquiry Lesson: Improving the Caliber of Science Inquiry.”

Electronic Journal of Literacy Through Science.


Virginia Beard

Beard, Virginia Parish (2011). “Homelessness in Ottawa County Michigan: The ‘Gap’ Population.”

Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless.

Beard, Virginia Parish (2011). “Kenya.” Global Encyclopedia of Religion, Sage Publishers.

Jeff Polet

Polet, Jeff (2011). “Christianity and the Cultivation of Global Citizens.” Modern Age, 52(3), pp. 208-


Polet, Jeff (2011). “Punishment for Some, Discipline for All: Foucault and the Techniques of Political

Violence.” In The Philosophy of Punishment in the History of Political Thought, ed. by Peter

Koritansky. Columbia: University of Missouri Press.

Polet, Jeff (2011). “Review of God, Philosophy and Universities.” Voegelin View.


Jane Dickie

Dickie, J.R., Krieg, X., & Kondo, H. (in press). “Attachment and Hikkikomori in the United States and Japan.” International Journal of Social Psychiatry.

Social Sciences: Publications 2011


Lorna Hernandez Jarvis

Jarvis, L.H., Shaughnessy, J.J., Chase, L., Barney, C. (2011). “Integrating Undergraduate Research into

Faculty Responsibilities: The Impact on Tenure and Promotion Decisions.” CUR Quarterly, 31,


David Myers

Diener, E., Tay, L., & Myers, D. G. (in press). “The Religion Paradox: If Religion Makes People Happy,

Why Are So Many Dropping Out?” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Myers, D. G. (2011). “Zuczuciem Do Przeczuć” (trans: With a Feeling of Foreboding). Charaktery

Magazyn Psychologiczny (Polish psychology magazine interview), pp. 24-27.

Myers, D. G. (2011). “The Social Animal.” In M. Jeeves (ed.), Rethinking Human Nature. Grand Rapids,

MI: Eerdmans, pp. 206-223.

Myers, D. G. (2011). “Get in the Hearing Loop.” Audiology Today, p. 14.

Myers, D. G. (2011). “By Enabling Hearing, Churches Lead.” Breaking Barriers, p. 3.

Myers, D. G. (2011). “Harnessing the Human Factor in Hearing Assistance.” Association for

Psychological Science Observer, pp. 11-12.

Myers, D. G. (2011). “Together We Say, Let’s Loop America!” Hearing Health and Technology Matters



Myers, D. G. (in press). “The Hearing Loop Movement is Accelerating.” Advance for Audiologists.

Myers, D. G. (2012, published in 2011). Psychology in Everyday Life, 2nd Edition. New York: Worth


Myers, D. G. (2013, in press). Psychology, 10th Edition. New York: Worth Publishers.

Myers, D. G. (2011). “The Hearing Loop Movement is Accelerating.” Advance for Hearing Practice

Management, p. 34.

Myers, D. G. (2011). “Paradoksy Religijności” (trans: Paradoxes of Religion). Charaktery Magazyn

Psychologiczny (Polish psychology magazine interview), pp. 44-45.

Social Sciences: Publications 2011


Patricia Roehling

Roehling, P. V. & TrentBrown, S. (2011). “Differential Use and Benefits of PowerPoint in Upper level versus Lower Level Courses.” Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 20, 113-123.

Roehling, P. V., Vander Kooi, T., Dykema, S., Quisenberry, B., & Vandlen, C. (2011). “Engaging the

Millennial Generation in Class Discussions.” College Teaching, 59, 1-6.

Gwenda Schmidt

Kranjec, A., Cardillo, E.R., Schmidt, G. L., Lehet, M., & Chatterjee, A. (in press). “Deconstructing

Events: The Neural Bases for Space, Time, and Causality.” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

John Shaughnessy

Shaughnessy, J.J., Zechmeister, E.B., & Zechmeister, J.S. (2012). Research Methods in Psychology (9th

Edition). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Helder, E. & Shaughnessy, J.J. (in press). “Self-generated Retrievals While Multitasking Improve

Memory for Names.” Memory.

Jarvis, L.H., Shaughnessy, J.J., Chase, L., Barney, C. (2011). “Integrating Undergraduate Research into

Faculty Responsibilities: The Impact on Tenure and Promotion Decisions.” CUR Quarterly, 31,


Sonja Trent-Brown

Roehling, P. V. & TrentBrown, S. (2011). “Differential Use and Benefits of PowerPoint in Upper Level

Versus Lower Level Courses.” Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 20, 113-123.

VanderStoep, S.W. & TrentBrown, S. (in press). “Cultivating a Positive Collaborative Experience with

Undergraduates.” To appear in E. Landrum & M. McCarthy (Eds.) Teaching Ethically: Addressing the

Ethical Challenges Facing Undergraduate Teachers of Psychology. Washington, D.C.: APA Books.

Trent-Brown, S. A., Vanderveen, J. D., Cotter, R., Hawkins, K., Schab, A., Dykstra, S., Frisella, A. (2011).

“Nature in Our Neighborhood: A Preschool Nature Enrichment Program of the Outdoor Discovery

Center Macatawa Greenway.” Technical Online Report

Social Sciences: Publications 2011


Scott VanderStoep

VanderStoep, S.W., Landrum, R.E., & Handelsman, M.M. (2011). “Questions (and Answers) About

Elements of the Graduate Application Process.” Eye on Psi Chi, 15(5), 14 – 17.

VanderStoep, S.W., Landrum, R.E., & Handelsman, M.M. (2011). “Questions (and Answers) About

Successful Psychology Graduate Admissions: Three Heads ARE Better than One.” Eye on Psi Chi, 15(4),

12 – 15.

VanderStoep, S.W. & TrentBrown, S. (in press). “Cultivating a Positive Collaborative Experience with

Undergraduates.” To appear in E. Landrum & M. McCarthy (Eds.) Teaching Ethically: Addressing the

Ethical Challenges Facing Undergraduate Teachers of Psychology. Washington, D.C.: APA Books.

Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet

Panayiotou, G., Witvliet, C.V.O., Robinson, J.D., & Vrana, S.R. (2011). “A Startling Absence of Emotion

Effects: Active Attention to the Startle Probe as a Motor Task Cue Appears to Eliminate Modulation of the

Startle Reflex by Valence and Arousal.” Biological Psychology, 87, 226-233.

Witvliet, C.V.O., DeYoung, N.J., Hofelich, A.J., and DeYoung, P.A. (2011). “Compassionate Reappraisal and Emotion Suppression as Alternatives to Offense-focused Rumination: Implications for Forgiveness and Psychophysiological Wellbeing.” The Journal of Positive Psychology, 6, 286-299.

Witvliet, C.V.O., Hinman, N.G., Exline, J.J., & Brandt, T. (2011). “Responding to Our Own Transgressions:

An Experimental Writing Study of Repentance, Offense Rumination, Selfjustification, and Distraction.”

Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 30, 223-238.

Witvliet, C.V.O. (2011). “Understanding and Approaching Forgiveness as Altruism: Relationships with

Rumination, Self-control and a Gratitudebased Strategy.” In M.R. Maamri, N. Verbin, and E.L.

Worthington, Jr. (Eds.) A Journey through Forgiveness, pp. 99-107. Oxford, England: Inter-Disciplinary


Social Sciences: Publications 2011


Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet (con’t)

Witvliet, C.V.O. (in press). “Empirical Studies of Forgiveness as an Altruistic Response: Relationships with Rumination, Suppression of Negative Emotions, and a Benefitfocused Reappraisal.” In M.R.

Maamri, N. Verbin, and E.L. Worthington, Jr. (Eds.) Mapping Forgiveness. Oxford, England: Inter-

Disciplinary Press.


Todd Wiebe

Wiebe, T. (2011). “Covert Action Information Bulletin.” In G.P. Hastedt (Ed.), Spies, Wiretaps, and

Secret Operations: An Encyclopedia of American Espionage. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Wiebe, T. (2011). “Review of the website OMB Watch.” College & Research Libraries News, 72(3).

Social Sciences: External Grants Awarded in 2010-11

Elizabeth Colburn (Upward Bound Program) – U.S. Department of Education

Maureen Dunn (Kinesiology) – “Home-based Balance Rehabilitation in Multiple

Sclerosis: Effect on Nintendo Wii Fit,” National Multiple Sclerosis Society

Eva Folkert (Kinesiology) – “NCAA Division III Ethnicity Minority and Women’s

Internship,” National Collegiate Athletic Association

Fonda Green (CASA Program) – United Way, City of Holland, Fifth Third Bank,

Holland/Zeeland Community Foundation, Holland Junior Welfare League,

Louis and Helen Padnos Foundation

Kim Hawtrey (DEMA) – “Seeking Open Dialogue with Theologians about

Economics,” Great Lake Colleges Association

Mary Inman (Psychology) – “Connecting the Dots: Building the Sustainability

Community at Hope College,” Great Lakes Colleges Association

Deirdre Johnston (Communication) – “Communicating Across Differences:

Interactive CrossCultural Exercises to Promote Understanding,” Great Lake

Colleges Association

Roger Nemeth (Sociology) – “Measuring the Social Carrying Capacity of

Wolves,” Great Lakes Colleges Association

Christian Spielvogel (Communication) – “Education Ventures Program

Fellowship,” Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Debra Swanson (Sociology) – “Learning about Service Learning,” Great Lakes

Colleges Association

Vicki Ten Haken (DEMA) – “Business Transition of Long-Lived Firms,” Japan

Ministry of Education

Steve VanderVeen (DEMA) – “LdOut 3, The HYPFund Fremont Area Community


Social Sciences: Faculty Honors, Awards and Championships 2011

Jorge Capestany (DeWitt Tennis Center) "Facility Manager of the Year" and "Outstanding Education of the Year" award by the Midwest Division of the United States Professional Tennis Association (USPTA)

Susan Cherup (Education) – Academic Computing Advisory Team (ACAT) Innovation Award

Kevin Cole (Kinesiology) MIAA Men's Track & Field Co-Championship

Annie Dandavati (Political Science) – Ruth and John Reed Faculty Achievement Award

Bob Ebels (Kinesiology) MIAA Men's Golf Championship

Meg Frens (Kinesiology) - President's Excellence Award from the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers' Association


Charles Green (Psychology/Phelps Scholars Program) Ruth and John Reed Faculty Achievement Award

Jim Herrick (Communication) - Argumentation: Understanding and Shaping Arguments was recognized by Oxford

Bibliographies Online as a "must read" work in argumentation

Yooyeun Hwang (Education) - Excellent Lecturer Award, Catholic University of Korea, South Korea .

Mary Inman (Psychology) – Provost’s Award for Service to the Academic Program

Tonia Gruppen (Kinesiology) - Athletic Training Awareness Project received "Best in Michigan" award from GLATA

Stacy Jackson (DEMA) - Kenneth J. Weller Professor of Management Endowed Chair

Deirdre Johnston (Communication) – was one of 25 people selected nationally for the Council of Independent

Colleges 2011-12 Senior Leadership Academy

Kinesiology – Hope won its 33rd MIAA Commissioner's Cup for the 11 th consecutive year

Pamela Koch (Sociology) - Social Sciences Young Investigators Award (with students Lindsey Rhodes & Matt


Roselyn Lee (Communication) – 1st Place in the Faculty Research Paper Competition, Communication Technology

Division (CTEC) for “Understanding the ‘Friend-rich’: the Effects of Self-esteem and Self-consciousness on Number of Facebook Friends.”

John Lunn (DEMA) - appointed President of the Association of Christian Economists

Brian Morehouse (Kinesiology) - MIAA Women's Basketball Co-Championship

David Myers (Psychology) - Presidential Award from the American Academy of Audiology

Matthew Neil (Kinesiology) - MIAA Men's Basketball Championship

Mark Northuis (Kinesiology) - MIAA Women's Cross Country Championship

John Shaughnessy (Psychology) – selected by the Alcor chapter of the national Mortar Board honorary society to be featured in their “Last Lecture Series” where he presented his address entitled, “What Do We Recognize?”

Caroline Simon – (Interim Dean for Social Sciences) appointed to serve as mentor in a national program for graduate students selected for the Lilly Graduate Fellows Program of the Lilly Fellows Program in the Humanities and the Arts

Tom Smith (DEMA) – Janet L. Andersen Excellence in Teaching Award

Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet (Psychology) - John H. and Jeanne M. Jacobson Professor of Psychology Endowed


John Yelding (Education) – co-recipient (along with Jon Huisken) of the Vanderbush-Weller Development Fund


Social Sciences: Faculty/Student Collaborative Research 2011


“You are in My Space, But That's OK: Sustaining an Innovative Culture in the Workplace,” Isolde

Anderson/Ayanfeoluwa Olonade

"Disregard for Rules: A Cultural Study of a Student Newspaper Group,” Isolde Anderson/Holly


“The Role of Communication Technology in Patient-Physician Relationships: Technology

Violating Immediacy Expectations,” Rebecca Johnson/Kevin Watson

“Building Group Cohesion and Leadership Self-efficacy: Assessing the LdOut3 Youth Leadership

Mentoring Program,” Rebecca Johnson/Reed Swift/Adrienne Thompson

“One to None: Evaluating the Impact of the STEP Program Launch Event,” Rebecca Johnson/Joe

Wasserman/Shaun Groetsema

“Communicating Culture: Perceptions of Global Communication,” Deirdre Johnston/Julia Peterson/

Alison Bernard

“Effects of Diversity Cues on Person Perception on Social Network Sites,” J. Roselyn Lee/Leo Herzog


“Lasting Success: What Can We Learn from Companies that Have Survived Over 100 Years?” Vicki

Ten Haken/Katelyn Rumsey/Sarah McAlpine/Aaron Rittenhouse


“New Graduation Requirements in Michigan and the Impact on Students Who Are at Risk and/or

Special Needs,” Jane Finn/Vicki-Lynn Holmes/Marcy Blowers/Nydia Chavarria

“Transition Planning Inventory Results of the Friendship House,” Jane Finn/Sara Lidgard

Social Sciences: Faculty/Student Collaborative Research 2011


“Increasing Conceptual Understanding of Mathematical Procedures,” Kimberly Arsenault/Vicki-Lynn

Holmes/Leah Boer/Brittany Holloway/Sarah Lohman/Jonathan Wielenga

“The Effects of Project-Based Learning (PBL) Approach on the Achievement and Efficacy of High

School Mathematics Students: A Longitudinal Study Investigating the Effects of the PBL Approach in

Math Education,” Yooyeun Hwang/Vicki-Lynn Holmes/Kristen Bosch/Anna Filcik

“Teaching Algebra Concepts Through Technology (TACT2),” Vicki-Lynn Holmes/Lindsay Nieuwkoop


“Home Based Balance Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis: Effect of Nintendo Wii Fit,” Maureen

Dunn/Kirk Brumels/Kirstin Robinson/Lauren Gaines/Kate Nelson/Chris Schmelz/Kelly Lufkin/Ryan


“The Effect of a Jillian Michael’s High Intensity Interval Training Home DVD Program Compared to

Continued Moderate Intensity Exercise on Physical Fitness in Collegeaged Students,” Maureen

Dunn/Abby Gaskell/Amanda Witte/Bethany Kicz/Kirsten Bonzelaar

“Running on ‘5 Hour ENERGY,’ Effects on One-mile Timed Run and Perceived Exertion in College

Students,” Maureen Dunn/Stephanie Brown/Brianna Cooney/Kyle Poe/Stacey Underwood

“The Effectiveness of DVD-based High-Intensity Workouts on Overall Fitness Compared to

Conventional Physical Activity,” Maureen Dunn/Claire Bird/Katie Lovinger/Kyle Plachta/Andrew Young

“The Effectiveness of the Xbox 360 Kinect Dance Central Game to Improve Physical Fitness

Compared to a Traditional Cardiovascular Workout,” Maureen Dunn/Lauren Geers/Craig Tank/Kyle


“Video Game-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis: Effect of Motor Function,” Maureen

Dunn/Erin Holstad

“DVD-Based High Intensity Exercise or Moderate Intensity Exercise: Which Type is More Beneficial to

Overall Fitness?” Maureen Dunn/Kevin Cole/Kristine Baldwin/Salome Emmanuel/Zachariah Jones/

Brittany Schimmel

“Effects of Creatine on Body Composition and 60 Yard Dash Performance of Division III Baseball

Players,” Maureen Dunn/Kevin Cole/Christopher Harwood/Colton Bodrie/Dane Roach/Jesse Fazi

Social Sciences: Faculty/Student Collaborative Research 2011


“The Effects of Creatine Supplementation on a 6-Week Linear Periodization Resistance Training

Program,” Maureen Dunn/Kevin Cole/Daniel Kraakevik/Zachary Vossen

“Effects of Caffeine Ingestion on Cognitive Performance after Maximal Anaerobic Activity,” Maureen

Dunn/Kevin Cole/Ryan Richter/Ryan Holmes/Cory Gowman/Garrett Stier

“Does Drinking Chocolate Milk at Half-time Lead to Better Second Half Performance than Gatorade?”

Maureen Dunn/Kevin Cole/Sarah Antrobus/Megan Sliva/Kristina Bectel/Liisa Mosher

“High Intensity Interval Training as a More Time Efficient and Beneficial Strategy to Improve Both

Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance,” Maureen Dunn/Kevin Cole/Amanda Norton/Kylie Padgett/

Logan Neil/Paul Bowen

“Effect of High Intensity Resistance Training on Running Economy,” Mark Northuis/Salome

Emmanuel/Kate Nelson/Kyle Barnes (grad)

“Barefoot Training and its Effects on Balance, Proprioception, and Stability in the Elderly

Population,” Stein Slette/Emilee Anderson/Emery Max


“Politics of the Apocalypse: the Effect of Premillennial Eschatology on American Political Behavior,”

Paula Booke/Alison Bryon

“Network of Followers: The Effect of Media Type on the Candidate Evaluations in the 2010 Midterm

Elections,” Paula Booke/Kevin Haley

“Network of Followers: The Effect of Media Type on the Candidate Evaluations in the 2010 Midterm

Elections / Politics of the Racial Divide in American Theology,” Paula Booke/Lee Marcus

“Business Liberals and Reform Liberals: Thoughts about the Analysis of Pre-1935 Thinking

Regarding American Foreign Policy,” Jack Holmes/Daniel Owens/Stewart Elzinga

Social Sciences: Faculty/Student Collaborative Research 2011


“Friendship Pressures and Body Image,” Mary Inman/Nicole Kubinec

“Parents’ Orientation to Work Over the Family Life Course,” Patricia Roehling/Kerry Smith

“Modality and Figurativeness in the Neural Basis of Sentence Processing,” Gwenda Schmidt/Ashley

Drew/Elizabeth Miller/Nathan Axdorff

“Implicit and Explicit Metaphor Processing,” Gwenda Schmidt/Liz Fast/Audrey Weil/Steven

Agauas/Ashley Drew

“The Effects of Explicitness and Figurativeness on Language Processing: An ERP Divided Visual

Field Study,” Gwenda Schmidt/Audrey Weil/Erin Hildebrandt/Amanda Layman/Brooke Dykstra/Davis


“Modality and Figurativeness: An ERP Divided Visual Field Study,” Gwenda Schmidt/Jonathan

Snavely/Michael Harper/Erika Dvorak/Anna Strong

“Healthy Beginnings – Access to Health Care Pilot Project,” Sonja Trent-Brown/John Davis

Vanderveen/Alexandra Egedy/Emily Staley/Angelina Matthews

“Perception and Psychoacoustics: Acoustic Correlates of Speaker Variation in Children,” Sonja

Trent-Brown/Ryan Tussey/Jacqueline Canonaco/Kirsten Peterson/Jonathan Vanderbeck

“Perceptual Identification of Speaker Ethnicity and Gender by African American Listeners,” Sonja

Trent-Brown/Imari Smith/Kukua Hinson

“Information Recall from Nonattended Passages in Dichotic Listening,” Sonja Trent-Brown/Elizabeth


“Tritone Paradox,” Sonja Trent-Brown/Kirsten Peterson

“Listener Reaction Time in Speaker Ethnicity and Gender Identification,” Sonja Trent-

Brown/Jacqueline Canonaco/Ryan Tussey

“The Relationship Between Stress, Injury, and Perceptions of Sport Participation among Division III

Athletes,” Scott VanderStoep/Rebecca Palmitier/Andrew Rose

“Parent’s Perceptions and Behaviors of Youth Sports Experiences,” Scott VanderStoep/Cory Schmidt

“Compassionate Reappraisal and Emotion Suppression as Alternatives to Offense-focused

Rumination: Implications for Forgiveness and Psychophysiological Wellbeing,” Charlotte vanOyen

Witvliet/Nathan DeYoung/Alicia Hofelich

Social Sciences: Faculty/Student Collaborative Research 2011


“Responding to Our Own Transgressions: An Experimental Writing Study of Repentance, Offense

Rumination, Selfjustification, and Distraction,” Charlotte vanOyen Witvliet/Nova Hinman//Timothy

Brandt/Julie Exline (Case Western University)


“Cross Cultural Communications: A Century of Reformed Church Mission Work in the Middle East,”

Donald Luidens/Anne Jamieson

“Measuring Childhood Obesity and Wellness: A Pilot Study,” Roger Nemeth/Chad Bucholz/Matt

Herm/Trevor Lake/Kaitlyn Leikert/Jana Miller/Scott Roden/Lindsay Tracy

“The Social Construction of a Predator,” Roger Nemeth/Matt Herm

“Milk & Medicine: A Program for Orphans in Zambia,” Deborah Sturtevant/Lindsey Boeve/David


“Open the Back Door, Close the Front,” Deborah Sturtevant/Tanya Paul/Ziye Liu

Social Sciences: Student Awards 2011


Ayanfe Olonade - J. Ackerman Coles Award for Scholarship in Communication Studies

Jolene Jeske and James Nichols - Theodore L. Nielsen Award

Julia Peterson - A.A. Raven Prize in Communication

Alison Bernard - M. Harold Mikle Prize for Communication

Phoebe Burtless-Creps - Lambda Pi Eta Book Award

Katherine Maguire - NCA Junior Award

Laura Grimm and Julia Peterson - Phi Beta Kappa

Jessica Snitko - Michigan Association of Broadcasters Foundation Scholarship


Lauren Zahn - Alfred Andrews Award for Outstanding Accounting Student

Kelsey Bos and Andrew Klinkman - Allan C. Kinney Memorial Award

Jonathan Herrman, Stephanie Kahn, Jacob Rollenhagen, and Katelyn Rumsey - Economics,

Management, and Accounting Faculty Recognition Award -- Ken Gibson Memorial

Erin McIntyre - Deloitte & Touche Outstanding Junior Accounting Student Award

Megan Scholten - Outstanding Junior Economics Student

Matthew Rutter and Stephanie Skaff - Steve Kupres Business Leadership Award

Chelsea Wiese - Crowe Horwath LLP Outstanding Accounting Student Award

Nicole George, Michael Kroneman, Grace Martin, Michael Van Laan, and Alicia Wojcik - Plante and

Moran Book Award

Mark Donkersloot, Kelly Dunbar, Charles Patchak, William Payne, Johnathan Ryan, and Wayne Titus

- Baker Scholars

Social Sciences: Student Awards 2011


Alexander Harsay - Marguerite E. Kinkema Special Education Award

Spencer Vanderheide - Elizabeth Vanderbush Award

Kendra Donze, Ryan Martinez, Luther Olson, and Kimberly Slotman - Catherine Morrison Junior

Science and Math Book Awards

Anna Lokers and Emily Kreichelt - Catherine Morrison Senior Science and Math Award

Katelyn Byker, Amanda Dudgeon, Lindsey Lane, Ryan Martinez, Brittany Melpolder and Sarah Sohn –

Vanderbush Scholarship

Alisha Compagner and Amber Lemme – Martha Tucker Bultman Scholarship

Lindsey Lane – Lamont and Ruth Dirkse Scholarship

Laura Tjepkema – Violet Thomasma Lewis Scholarship


John Donkersloot $7,500 NCAA Postgraduate Scholarship (Men’s Track) and Otto Vander Velde All-

Campus Award

Andy Thomson MIAA Sportsmanship Award (Men’s Golf)

Tara Klein - Susan Allie Physical Education Award and National Association of Sport and Physical

Education (NASPE) Outstanding Major of the Year Award

Emilee Anderson - Human Kinetics Junior Book Award in Athletic Training

Kelsey Bos - Miner Stegenga Award

Erika Bruinsma and Sara DeWeerdt - Alvin W. Vanderbush Student Athlete Award

Kathryn Sawyer - Kathleen White Memorial Award

Kara Vande Guchte - John Schouten Award

Brian Wiese - Lawrence "Doc" Green Award in Athletic Training

Will Bowser and Carrie Snikkers - Dorothy and Russel Siedentop Award

Social Sciences: Student Awards 2011


Emily Corstange and Kathryn Sawyer - William and Mabel Vanderbilt Sr. Family Award

Jenna Grasmeyer - MIAA Freshman of the Year (Volleyball)

Tarwo Konbloa - MIAA Newcomer of the Year (Soccer)

Liz Ellis (basketball-defensive), Andrea Reinecke (softball pitcher), Kara Vande Guchte (track & field),

Heidi Grooters (track & field), Nicholas Rinck (track & field), and Logan Neil (soccer) - MIAA Most

Valuable Player

Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving Teams - presented the 2010-11 Academic Award from the

College Swimming Coaches Association of America

Eight members of the Men's Tennis team - named Scholar-athletes by the Intercollegiate Tennis

Association (ITA).

Men’s Tennis Team - presented the ITA All-Academic Team Award

Men's Tennis, Volleyball, Women's Swimming & Diving, Women's Tennis, Women's Cross Country,

Women's Track & Field, Women's Soccer, Women's Basketball, Women's Golf, and Softball – presented the 2010-11 MIAA GPA Team Award

2010-11 MIAA Academic Honor Roll included 190 Hope College student-athletes

82 Athletic Blanket Winners


Shannon Brenneman, Allison Bryan, Nathan Bult and Caleb Park - James Dyke van Putten Political

Science Prize

Michael Blauw, Araksya Mikaelyan, Renee Wynveen and Brian Yount - Renze Lyle Hoeksema Prize in

Political Science

Alison Bernard, Christina Bowles, Alyssa Carlburg, James Colten, Christopher Darling, William

DeBoer, Ashley Fraley, Joel Hartleroad, Lauren Miller, Daniel Owens, Krista Pajor, Kassondra Parker,

Ryan Richter and Alyssa Zeldenrust - Political Science Department Book Award

Social Sciences: Student Awards 2011


Ariel DuVal and Alex Hughes - C. James Stringer Award

Arianna Cappucitti - Ter Keurst Scholarship

Sara Duhr - Phyllis VanderVelde Scholarship

Lindsey Bandy, Ashli Brennan, Jacqueline Canonaco, Alexandra Egedy, Kirsten Peterson, Lindsey

Sisson, and Imari J. Smith – Mortar Board

Bradley Boelkins, Jeanine De Jong, Silvia Diffenderfer, Sarah Eklov, Andrew Gehl, Abbey Johnston,

Stephanie Kahn, Chelsea Lynch, Karly Murphy, Loan Nguyen, Kendra Short, Rachel Sikkema, and

Elizabeth Van Oss - Phi Beta Kappa

Mickael Nunez, Hannah Karaptian, Abbey Johnston, Stephen Agauas, Loan Nguyen, Stephanie Kahn,

Ashley Garza, Paola Munoz, Sarah Eklov, Chelsea Lynch, Trevor Coeling, Karly Murphy, Jaime

VanHeest, Elizabeth VanOss, Kelsey Hawkins, Ryan Cotter, Corinne Schild, Ann Frisella, Amanda

Schab, and Sara Dykstra - Sigma Xi Research Award

Katie Opatik-Duff, Kendra Short, April Sugimoto, Emily Van Til - CrossRoads Project Lilly Scholars

Jeanine DeJong - Dean of Students Peter Bol Award

Emily Feldhake- L ászló Tökés Award

Hannah Green - Academy of American Poets Award Honorable Mention

Abbey Johnston - American Association of University Women Award

Chelsea Lynch - Southland Medal (Gerrit H. Albers Gold Medal)


Lindsey Rhodes and Matt Herm - Social Sciences Young Investigators Award

Jessica Ortiz and Melanie Weimer - Jeanette Gustafson Memorial Award

Shannon Brenneman - Senior Sociology Reward

Justin Baker - Senior Social Work Award

Blair Riddle - Mortar Board

Shannon Brenneman, Laura Imbrock, and Chelsea Lynch - Phi Beta Kappa



Deborah Van Duinen

Melissa Villarreal


Kevin Cole


Teresa Heinz Housel

Laura Pardo

Sonja Trent-Brown
