Module 2-D Capacity



Introduction to Railway Capacity

C. Tyler Dick, P.E.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

© APTA and AREMA - 2015


• Introduction

• Basic Rail Capacity Concepts

• Analytical Models of Railway Capacity

• Parametric Models

• Simulation Models

• Optimization Models

• Other Considerations and Expansion Strategies

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Fields Related to Capacity

• Analytics

• Data mining

• Network optimization

• Queuing theory

• Regression modeling

• Risk modeling

• Simulation

• Utility models

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Railroad Capacity Over Time

• 19 th and early 20 th century: Great expansion of railroads

World War I: War traffic brought network to standstill due to insufficient capacity due to inefficient operations

1920s: Relative balance between capacity and traffic levels

Great Depression: Loss of traffic led to excess capacity

World War II: Congestion from war traffic

After WWII: Overcapacity as passenger and freight traffic declined

1990 - Current: Growth in traffic and market power has permitted railroads to spend substantial amounts to remove choke points

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Increasing Demands on Rail Network

Freight Growth

Low Cost


Reliability Intercity Passenger Trains

Commuter Service


Cambridge Systematics. (2007). National Rail Freight Infrastructure Capacity and Investment Study.

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Problems of Capacity Shortages

• Inability to handle more traffic

• Decreasing level of service

• Diminished ability to recover from a disruption

• Limited windows for track maintenance

• Increase time in yards, terminals and stations

• Increase cycle times

• Increase number of trainsets, rolling stock

• Increase number of crews (hours of service limitations)

• All of the above increase costs

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Capacity is an Expensive Resource

• Railway infrastructure is capital intensive and a long-term investment

• Capacity lags behind changing demands

Capital Investment as a % of Revenue

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Levels of Capacity Analysis

• Transportation Network

• Railroad Network

• Subdivision or Line

• Yards & Terminals

• Stations & Platforms

• Interlockings & Junctions

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Types of Capacity

Practical Capacity: Ability to move traffic at an

“acceptable” level of service

Economic Capacity: The level of traffic at which the costs of additional traffic outweighs the benefits

Engineering Capacity: The maximum amount moved before the system ceases to function

Ultimate Capacity: Breakdown conditions at maximum train density. The system has ceased to function and all signals are red

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What Should Capacity Measure?

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Railway Capacity Metrics

Amount Moved



Gross Tons

Revenue Tons



(Per Year)

(Per Day)

(Per Hour)

(Per Peak Hour)


Distribution of Arrival Times

Average Delay

Standard Deviation of Delay

On Time Performance

Right Car Right Train

Crew Expirations



Terminal Dwell

Blocking Time

Signal Wake

Train Miles/Track Mile

Cycle Time

Trainsets or Railcars On-Line

Track Occupation

Train Density

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Unlike highways, there is no standard railroad capacity model

• The complex nature of railroad operations and limited research funding has prevented a universal capacity model from being developed

• Currently several different models are in use

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Level of Service to Measure Capacity

• Higher delays correspond to a lower level of service (LOS)

• Maximum theoretical train volumes are never reached due to deteriorated level of service

• Acceptable level of service establishes maximum train volume

Abril, M., Barber, F., Ingolotti, L., & Salido, M. (2008). An assessment of railway capacity. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and

Transportation Review , 44 (5), 774-806.

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Different Traffic and Track Configurations will Change Delay-Volume Relationship

Acceptable Delay

Volume (Trains/D ay)

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Track Configuration

• Number of tracks

• Siding length

• Siding spacing

(distance & time)

• Crossover spacing

• Single crossovers

• Universal crossovers

• Parallel crossovers

• Geometry

• Grade

• Curvature

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Double-Track Operations: Headway

• Common on most transit and some commuter rail operations

• Each track has a dedicated “current of traffic” with trains separated by a minimum headway

• Headway is a function of safe braking distance and signal spacing or control block length

• Very high capacity if all trains in one direction travel at the same speed (i.e. no passing)

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Blocking Time Model

• Single direction on double track

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Double-Track Analytical Model:

Maximum Throughput Calculation

• The maximum traffic flow that a rail line can accommodate under ideal condition


N = Number of trains per day

1440 = Number of minutes in a day

H min

= Minimum headway (minutes)

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Heterogeneous Train Speeds

• Passenger trains travel at higher speeds than freight trains

• Speed differential leads to decreased capacity

• Passenger train on freight corridor

• Freight train on passenger/commuter corridor


• 1 minority train consumes 3 majority train slots


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Overtakes on Double Track

• Passenger or commuter trains may experience additional delay while trailing behind slower trains

• If control system allows, faster trains can use opposite track to overtake slower trains

• Interrupts flow of traffic in opposite direction, decreasing overall capacity

• A passenger train requires over 40 miles to pass a freight at track speed without delay to either train

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Single-Track Operation: Meet and Pass

• Single track poses significantly more challenges for practical railway capacity

• No longer simply limited by train spacing

• Must consider “meets” of trains traveling in opposite direction

• These impose constraints on schedule

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Meets on Single Track

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Meets on Single Track

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Meets on Single Track

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Single-Track Analytical Model:

Return Grid Calculation for Meets

• Capacity of single track with meets

C = Capacity in trains per day

1440 = Number of minutes per 24 hours t = Minutes to travel between sidings t/2 = Average dwell time waiting for opposing train to arrive m = Delay for each meet due to braking, entering the siding, running the length of the siding, leaving the siding and accelerating to speed

2 = number of trains per pair

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Calculation Methodology

Siding A

Time 0

Time t

Time t+m

Time t+m+t/2

Time 2t+m+t/2

Siding B

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Impact of Different Types of Trains

• Differing train operating speeds causes deviations from regular return-grid model, decreasing capacity



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Overtakes on Single Track

Pass Delay

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Heterogeneous Operations and Capacity

• Simple headway and grid models only work when all trains operate at the same speed

• Actual trains have different

• Operating speed

• Acceleration and braking characteristics

• Priority

• Station stopping patterns

• Particularly apparent where passenger and freight operations share track infrastructure

• From a capacity perspective:

1 freight train ≠ 1 passenger train

• These differences decrease capacity and require more complicated capacity analysis tools

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Parametric Models

Parametric Models are developed from statistical analysis of collected operating or simulation data

• Key infrastructure and operating parameters are identified to predict a delay-volume curve

• Attributes include

• Average speed

• Speed ratio

• Priority

• Peaking

• Siding spacing and uniformity

• Percent double track

• Signal spacing

• FRA and CN have well-known parametric models

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Average Speed

Speed Ratio



Siding Spacing

Siding Spacing Uniformity

Signal Spacing

Track Outage

Slow Orders

% Dbl Track













CN Parametric Model Example

Average Speed


Siding Spacing

Signal Spacing

44.4 mph Speed Ratio



7.77 miles Uniformity


% Double Track













0 10 20 30

Volume (Trains per Day)


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Conference . Phoenix, 1999. 1194-1200. Web. 21 May 2012.

50 60


Railway Simulation Tools

• Calculate train movements and make decisions under the same rules as railroad dispatchers

• Account for different equipment types, train consists, train handling characteristics, terrain and track conditions

• Common uses of Simulation Tools:

• Develop operating plans

• Diagnose bottlenecks and recommend schedule changes

• Evaluate various capital improvement scenarios

• Assess the impact of adding new trains to a network

• Many simulation models are available depending on the purpose and task of the study

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Types of Simulation Tools

• Passenger timetable development (passenger)

• OpenTrack

• Viriato

• Specify timetable and identify conflicts

• RailSYS

• RailEval

• Non-timetable (freight) and resolve conflicts with dispatching logic

• Rail Traffic Controller

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Optimization Models

• Identify required system settings to achieve an optimal level of performance

• Can become computationally complex for large railway networks with multiple train types

• Example applications

• Passenger timetable development

• Station platform and track assignment

• Rolling stock and crew cycles

• Infrastructure investments for running time improvement on shared corridors

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Strategies to Increase Capacity

• Operations options:

• Increase average speed

• Reduce traffic peaking

• Reduce the variability in speed

• Reduce number of meets & passes

• Increase length & weight of trains

• Improved acceleration and braking

• Scheduling

• Infrastructure options:

• Add or lengthen passing sidings

• Additional tracks

• Add staging and terminal tracks

• Add station platforms

• Improve junction design

• Grade separations

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Passenger Scheduling Strategies

• Fleeting

• Train Type: Reduce delays due to different train types operating on the same line

• Train Direction: Reduce delays on single tracks lines by reducing the meet delay

• Express and Skip-Stop scheduling

• Decrease travel time by bypassing intermediate station and terminals

• Minimize conflicts with trains in the same direction

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Incremental Capacity of

Infrastructure Expansion

ST, siding every 21.4 miles bidirectional running, DT directional running, DT

Volume (trains/day)

Kahn, Ata M. Railway Capacity Analysis and Related

Methodology . Ottawa, 1979. Print.

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But at what cost?

• New passing siding

• $8 million and up

• Second main track

• $1 million per mile for rail, ties and ballast

• $4-6 million per mile depending on embankment, drainage and signals

• Bridges, grade separations and tunnels can quickly increase costs

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Other Capacity Factors

• Mainline capacity consumed by

• Local service to freight rail customers

• Deadhead and repositioning moves

• Passenger boarding delays

• Locomotive and rolling stock failures

• Track inspection

• Track maintenance

• Difference between practical and engineering capacity

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Rail Capacity Research Needs

• Models that capture yard-mainline interaction

• Predicting the impact of higher speed passenger and freight trains on the same corridor

• Creating new theoretical & parametric models

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Copyright Restrictions and Disclaimer

Presentation Author

C. Tyler Dick, P.E.

Senior Railway research Engineer

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

205 North Mathews Ave

Urbana IL 61801


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