Salford Strategic Partnership Board 23rd October 2009 Salford Recession Task Group Indicator Dashboard September 2009 Salford Recession Task Group • Formed to combat & mitigate the impact of the Recession on people, businesses and visitors to Salford. • Chaired by the Leader of the Council and attended by key partners. • Meets monthly. • Recession Indicator Dashboard – Resident, Business, Place. • Recession Partners Priorities Plan Recession Indicator Dashboard Resident monitor September 2009 10.0% 9.0% 8.0% 7.0% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% 1.0% 0.0% Worsley&B'town Claremont Aged 25-49 Kersal Swinton South Irlam Walkden South Cadishead Pendlebury Aged 18-24 Eccles Swinton North Weaste & Winton Pendleton Aged under 18 Barton Blackfriars Little Hulton Walkden North Ordsall Broughton Langworthy % of working age population in receipt of JSA Salford JSA claimant rates: Aug 2009 Aged 50+ Salford GM NW UK Source: DWP Claimant Count Aug 2009 Apr 2009 Dec 2008 Aug 2008 Apr 2008 In-Flo w Dec 2007 Aug 2007 Apr 2007 Dec 2006 Aug 2006 Apr 2006 Dec 2005 Aug 2005 Apr 2005 Dec 2004 Number of people Salford JSA: Flows In and Flows Off Off-Flo w 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Source: Claimant Count, DWP 2004-2009 Notified Redundancies Aug 2009: 280 Notified Redundancies Q1 2009: 489 23 Manufacturing 26 Transport and storage 231 Real Estate Citizens’ Advice Bureau cases in Salford Issue By Category 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Unsecured Debt (credit/store/charge cards plus unsecured loans 244 473 552 907 933 1012 Unsecured Debt (Hire Purchase arrears plus catalogue and mail order debts) 42 128 113 135 175 Redundancy 29 52 85 140 123 98 Job Seekers Allowance 80 105 162 187 218 196 Mortgage & secured loan arrears 48 89 127 112 129 Bankruptcy 20 42 45 43 58 36 Selected total 463 889 1084 1524 1636 1654 174 138 Homeless Presentations / Acceptances Year Presentations Acceptances Acceptance Rate Per ‘000 households 2006/07 1410 1057 75% 9.9 2007/08 968 587 61% 5.5 2008/09 825 461 56% 4.3 2009/10 210 116 55% N/A (Q1 01.04.09 – 31.08.09) Recession Impact Monitoring to 31.08.09 31.07.09 Monitoring Homelessness presentations 210 Of which, for mortgage arrears 1 0.47% Homelessness acceptances 116 Of which, for mortgage arrears 1 0.86% Housing Advice presentations 873 Of which, for mortgage arrears 6 0.69% Total Number on Waiting List 19, 692 households Arrears and Repossessions – Spatial Mapping Arrears and Repossessions – Spatial Mapping Recession Indicator Dashboard Business monitor September 2009 Trading Conditions • 37% of Salford firms are above average risk whilst GM has 33% and NW has 28% (BLNW 10.09.09) • Commercial property deals took an average of 211 days in quarter 1, compared to 242 in previous quarter • Gap between asking and achieved price was 11% in quarter 1 compared to 4% in previous quarter • Main business support enquiries concern access to finance and training • Still difficult to raise finance through the banks – cash flow is still a major issue Demand for business support services 2008/09 2009/10 Service Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 To date Number of business enquiries to Economic Development 218 200 234 357 223 370 Number of business starts via intensive assistance 50 50 26 39 49 50 (est) Attendance at business events N/A 55 90 105 95 120 Commercial Delphi Risk Score Number of employees Recession Indicator Dashboard Place monitor September 2009 Serious acquisitive crime Aug 08 – Aug 09 Aug-08 Se p08 Oc t08 No v08 De c08 Ja n09 Fe b09 Ma r09 Ap r09 Ma y09 Ju n09 Ju l09 Au g09 Tot al Serious Acquisitive Crime (All) 557 663 74 8 699 668 634 535 616 569 646 505 57 1 494 790 5 Burglary Dwelling 188 182 19 0 183 212 210 158 167 188 194 131 14 1 141 228 5 Theft from Motor Vehicle 254 351 43 4 401 313 264 250 324 254 313 275 30 1 235 396 9 Theft of Motor Vehicle 83 90 85 65 70 86 76 74 81 87 62 83 71 101 3 Robbery - Business 11 10 6 14 20 22 10 6 5 9 10 16 16 155 Robbery - Personal 21 30 33 36 53 52 41 45 41 43 27 30 31 483 Serious Acq. Crim e Aug 08 - Aug 09 800 Serious Acquisitve Crime (All) 600 Burglary Dw elling Theft from Motor Vehicle 400 Theft of Motor Vehicle 200 Robbery - Business 0 Robbery - Personal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Average house sales prices £200,000 Start of credit crunch Average House Sales Price (£) £180,000 £160,000 £140,000 £120,000 £100,000 £80,000 £60,000 £40,000 £20,000 £- 2002 Q1 2003 Q1 2004 Q1 2005 Q1 2006 Q1 2007 Q1 2008 Q1 2009 Q1 Manchester Salford Manchester Salford Pathfinder Total number of house sales 3700 Start of credit crunch 3300 Number of sales 2900 2500 2100 1700 1300 900 500 100 2003 Q1 2004 Q1 Manchester 2005 Q1 2006 Q1 Salford 2007 Q1 2008 Q1 2009 Q1 Manchester Salford Pathfinder p Pathfinder p Manchester p Salford p ar M Se ar M Se ar M Se 04 3 09 08 08 07 07 06 06 05 05 04 ar p M Se ar M Se ar pt 0 M Se % of Total Properties Residential void rates 15% Start of credit crunch 10% 5% 0% And so…our response has developed… • • • • • • Cabinet Credit Salford Salford Strategic Partnership Recession Task Group Audit Commission Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnership Frequency Governing Body Attendees Monthly Greater Manchester Executive Political Leaders Monthly Association of Greater Manchester Chief Executives Chief Executives Monthly Team Manchester Economic Development Leads Lead ED Officers - GM Districts/ Commission Monthly TMEDL Task and Finish Group GM Partners /ED Leads Bi-Monthly Salford Local Strategic Partnership Board Monthly Salford Recession Task Group Monthly Credit Salford Main LSP Board Partnership Board Officer Executive Response – Partners Priorities Plan • Developed by the Salford Recession Task Group. • Range of actions designed to mitigate the impact of the Recession. • Monitored monthly via the Recession Task Group • Includes newly developed Recession web pages: Getting and keeping a job Deliver local support to reduce impact of economic downturn Develop and deliver working neighbourhood teams Integrate worklessness/ 14-19 agendas Reduce re-offending and assist the rehabilitation of offenders Improve job opportunities for care leavers Maximise the take-up of educational maintenance allowance Expand pathways to employment programme to support worklessness Getting and keeping a home Deliver Salford Housing Options Point – SHOP Tackle increasing homelessness Deliver effective housing applications process Develop plans for delivery of a Council managed mortgage scheme Protect people’s homes Disrupt and prevent acquisitive crime that affects people’s homes. Address the increased risk of domestic abuse, associated homelessness and economic impact on families Supporting new and existing businesses Deliver prompt payment to suppliers Deliver business start up support Deliver support for existing businesses Encourage local economic benefit Promote Salford’s commercial premises Tackle businesses dealing in counterfeit products Develop tourism in Salford to support local businesses Support businesses by tackling crimes that impact on them Knowing where to turn – publicity about resources of help Launch tackling recession website and helpline Promote sources of recession help Target financial support/ advice Enhance access to benefits advice and income maximisation Enhance access to debt advice Maintaining income and managing debt Deliver fast-track benefit claims service Design flexible debt recovery procedures Promote affordable credit and combat illegal money lending Develop the financial inclusion agenda Promote affordable warmth Develop and implement child poverty strategy Deliver quality income/ debt advice to employees Making the most of public resources Deliver the Council as an exemplar employer Develop the local employment benefit of Mediacity:UK Integrate community safety with other activity in areas that recession has hit hardest Promote take-up of free school meals Develop the horticultural academy So that we… ‘…do create a robust, growing and dynamic City economy that plays a leading role at the heart of Greater Manchester and meets the needs and aspirations of Salford people’ Salford Economic Development Plan So that we… ‘…do create a robust, growing and dynamic City economy that plays a leading role at the heart of Greater Manchester and meets the needs and aspirations of Salford people’ Salford Economic Development Plan So…the Council and its Partners are doing a lot… • • • • What does the Recession feel like for you in Salford? Are we taking the right approach? What more can we do? What could you bring to the table?