Recreating the Primordial Quark-Gluon Soup John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 then at 10 m-seconds & 2 x 1012 Kelvin Quark-to-hadron phase transition On the “First Day” Quark-Gluon Plasma Rapid inflation gravity gravity, strong & E-W forces separate electromagnetism There was light! at 10-43 seconds weak strong John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Behavior of QCD at High Temperature e/T4 ~ # degrees of freedom e 2 30 T4 many d.o.f.deconfined F. Karsch, et al. Nucl. Phys. B605 (2001) 579 TC ~ 175 8 MeV eC ~ 0.3 - 1 GeV/fm3 few d.o.f.confined John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Modifications to QCD Coupling Constant s heavy quark-antiquark coupling at finite T from lattice QCD O.Kaczmarek, hep-lat/0503017 Nobel Prize 2004 D. Gross H.D. Politzer F. Wilczek QCD Asymptotic Freedom (1973) Constituents Hadrons, dressed quarks, quasi-hadrons, resonances? Coupling strength varies investigates (de-)confinement, hadronization, & intermediate objects. “Before [QCD] we could not go back further than 200,000 years after the Big Bang. Today…since QCD simplifies at high energy, we can extrapolate to very early times when nucleons melted…to form a quark-gluon plasma.” low Q2 high Q2 David Gross, Nobel Lecture (RMP 05) John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Phase Diagram of QCD Matter Early universe LHC Tc ~ 170 MeV Temperature see: Alford, Rajagopal, Reddy, Wilczek Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 074017 quark-gluon plasma RHIC Critical point ? color superconductor hadron gas nucleon gas nuclei Neutron stars CFL r0 vacuum John Harris (Yale) baryon density Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Quark-Gluon Quark-Gluon Plasma Plasma (Soup) • Standard Model Lattice Gauge Calculations predict QCD Deconfinement phase transition at T = 175 MeV • Cosmology Quark-hadron phase transition in early Universe • Astrophysics Cores of dense stars (?) • Can we make it in the lab? • Establish properties of QCD at high T (and density?) JohnHarris Harris (Yale) John (Yale) U.&Texas – Austin, Colloquium, 14 Nov. 2007 Physics Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider 3.8 km circle PHOBOS PHENIX RHIC BRAHMS STAR AGS TANDEMS John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions (at RHIC) Interaction of Au nuclei complete in t few tenths fm/c Gold nucleus diameter = 14 fm g = 100 (Lorenz contracted) t = (14 fm/c) / g ~ 0.1 fm/c General Orientation Hadron (baryons, mesons) masses ~ 1 GeV Hadron sizes ~ 10-15 meters (1 fm ≡ 1 fermi) John Harris (Yale) RHIC Collisions Ecm = 200 GeV/nn-pair Total Ecm = 40 TeV Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Ultra-Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision at RHIC John Harris (Yale) Hadron 07 - Frascati, Italy, 8 -13 Oct. 2007 On the “First Day” (at RHIC) PHOBOS Initial Observations: Large produced particle multiplicities ed. - “less than expected! gluon-saturation?” dnch/dh |h=0 = 670, Ntotal ~ 7500 Au + Au CGC? > 15,000 q +q in final state, > 92% are produced quarks Large energy densities (dn/dh, dET/dh) e 5 GeV/fm3 PHENIX e 5 - 15 ecritical 30 - 100 x nuclear density Large collective flow ed. - “completely unexpected!” Due to large early pressure gradients, energy & gluon densities Requires hydrodynamics and quark-gluon equation of state 1 Quark flow & coalescence constituent quark degrees of freedom! John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 How do RHIC Collisions Evolve? 1) Superposition of independent p+p: momenta random relative to reaction plane Reaction plane b John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 How do RHIC Collisions Evolve? 1) Superposition of independent p+p: High density pressure at center momenta random relative to reaction plane 2) Evolution as a bulk system Pressure gradients (larger in-plane) push bulk “out” “flow” more, faster particles seen in-plane b John Harris (Yale) “zero” pressure in surrounding vacuum Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Azimuthal Angular Distributions 1) Superposition of independent p+p: N momenta random relative to reaction plane 0 /4 /2 0 /4 /2 3/4 3/4 -RP (rad) 2) Evolution as a bulk system Pressure gradients (larger in-plane) push bulk “out” “flow” more, faster particles seen in-plane John Harris (Yale) N -RP (rad) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 1 On the First Day at RHIC - Azimuthal Distributions STAR, PRL90 032301 (2003) b ≈ 6.5 fm b ≈ 4 fm “central” collisions midcentral collisions Top view Beams-eye view John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 1 On the First Day at RHIC - Azimuthal Distributions STAR, PRL90 032301 (2003) b ≈ 10 fm b ≈ 6.5 fm b ≈ 4 fm peripheral collisions Top view Beams-eye view John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 1 Elliptic Flow Saturates Hydrodynamic Limit z • Azimuthal asymmetry of charged particles: dn/d ~ 1 + 2 v2(pT) cos (2 ) + ... y x Mass dependence of v2 Requires • Early thermalization (0.6 fm/c) curves = hydrodynamic flow zero viscosity, Tc = 165 MeV • Ideal hydrodynamics (zero viscosity) “nearly perfect fluid” • e ~ 25 GeV/fm3 ( >> ecritical ) • Quark-Gluon Equ. of State John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Identified Hadron Elliptic Flow Complicated Complicated v2(pT) flow pattern is observed for identified hadrons d2n/dpTd ~ 1 + 2 v2(pT) cos (2 ) 15000 quarks flow collectively Baryons Mesons If the flow established at quark level, it is predicted to be simple KET KET / nq , v2 v2 / nq , nq = (2, 3 quarks) for (meson, baryon) John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 If baryons and mesons form from independently flowing quarks then quarks are deconfined for a brief moment (~ 10 -23 s), then hadronization! John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Universality of Classical Strongly-Coupled Systems? Transport in gases of strongly-coupled atoms RHIC fluid behaves like this – a strongly coupled fluid. Universality of classical strongly-coupled systems? Atoms, sQGP, ……. AdS/CFT…… K.M. O’Hara et al Science 298 (2002) 2179 AdS5/CFT – a 5D Correspondence of 4D Systems our world - 3 + 1 dim brane horizon Extra dimension (the bulk) • Analogy between black hole physics and equilibrium thermodynamics • Solutions possess hydrodynamic characteristics Similar to fluids – viscosity, diffusion constants,…. MULTIPLICITY Entropy Black Hole Surface Area DISSIPATION Use strongly coupled N = 4 SUSY YM theory. Viscosity Graviton Absorption Derive a quantum lower viscosity bound: h/s > 1/4 John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Ultra-low (Shear)Viscosity Fluids 4 h/s h/s (water) >10 h/s (limit) = 1/4 QGP T = 2 x 1012 K Quantum lower viscosity bound: h/s > 1/4 (Kovtun, Son, Starinets) From strongly coupled N = 4 SUSY YM theory. 2-d Rel Hydro describes STAR v2 data with h/s 0.1 near lower bound! John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 “The RHIC fluid may be the least viscous fluid ever seen” The American Institute of Physics announced the RHIC quark-gluon liquid as the top physics story of 2005! see John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 It Flows - Is It Really Thermalized? “Chemical” equilibration (particle yields & ratios): Particles yields represent equilibrium abundances universal hadronization temperature Small net baryon density (K+/K-,B/B ratios) mB ~ 25 - 40 MeV Chemical Freezeout Conditions T = 177 MeV, mB = 29 MeV T ~ Tcritical (QCD) John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Particles are thermally distributed and flow collectively, at universal hadronization temperature T = 177 MeV! John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 On the “Second” Day (~ Year) at RHIC Probing Hot QCD Matter with Hard-Scattered Probes leading particle hadrons hadrons leading particle parton energy loss: modification of jets and leading particles & jet-correlations John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 High Momentum Hadrons Suppressed - Photons Not Deviations fromdevbinary scaling of hard collisions: RAA /g N AA N coll N pp/ g Photons Hadrons factor 4 – 5 suppression John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Dynamical Origin of High pT Hadron Suppression? How does parton lose energy? What happens to the radiation? eE q ~ m L What is the dependence on the type of parton? For collisional energy loss what about recoil energy? DEgluon > DEquark, m=0 > DEquark, m>0 Important to measure DE of gluons light heavy quarks… One parameterization of energy loss John Harris (Yale) ^ = m2 / L q Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 ^ Parameterization of Parton Energy Loss q Eskola, Honkanen, Salgado, Wiedemann Nucl Phys A747 (2005) 511 q ~ m L q^ = 5 – 15 GeV2 / fm John Harris (Yale) from RHIC RAA Data Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Interpretation of the Parton Energy Loss Energy loss requires large 2 qˆ 5 -- 10 15 GeV /fm (also : Dainese, Loizides, Paic, hep-ph/0406201) RHIC data sQGP q ~ m L QGP Pion gas Cold nuclear matter R. Baier, Nucl Phys A715, 209c John Harris (Yale) F. Karsch, et al. Nucl. Phys. B605 (2001) 579 Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Heavy Quark Suppression Using fixed order next-to-leading log (FONL) cross sections Armesto, Cacciari, Dainese, Salgado, Wiedemann, PLB637:362, 2006 for charm and beauty Insufficient Suppression from theoretical models! Important to measure DE of gluons light heavy quarks… DEgluon > DEquark, m=0 > DEquark, m>0 John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 AdS5/CFT Again! - Initial Results:Parton Energy Loss from J. J. Friess, S. S. Gubser and G. Michalogiorgakis,arXiv:hep-th/0605292. 3+1D H. Liu, K. Rajagopal and U. A. Wiedemann, arXiv:hep-ph/0605178, recent PRL John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Hard Scattering (Jets) as a Probe of Dense Matter II STAR p + p jet event JetSTAR eventAu+Au in e+e-(jet?) collision event Can we see jets in high energy Au+Au? John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Hard Scattering (Jets) as a Probe of Dense Matter II 200 GeV Au + Au central collision (STAR) Ejet = 21 GeV Can we see jets in high energy Au+Au? John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Where Does the Energy Go? dev correlations JetJet correlations in in central Gold-Gold. central Gold-Gold. proton-proton reactions. Away side Away side jet jet Color wakes? disappears for reappears inMüller particles Strong J. Ruppert & B.back-topT > 2 GeV pT >particles 200peaks. MeV back Mach cone from sonic boom? H. Stoecker J. Casalderrey-Solana & E. Shuryak Cherenkov-like gluon radiation? I. Dremin A. Majumder, X.-N. Wang Medium-induced gluon radiation? Polosa, C. Salgado Azimuthal Angular Correlations Lost energy of away-side jet is redistributed to rather large angles! John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 The suppression of high pT hadrons and the quenching of jets indicates the presence of a high density, strongly-coupled colored medium. ! John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 “Basic” Summary from RHIC Have created the hottest matter ever on Earth T > 2 x 1012 K > 100,000 times hotter than the core of Sun It has characteristics of a soup of quarks and gluons It flows like a liquid, better than any we know or have made It is opaque to the most energetic parton probes x It has some properties predicted in AdS/CFT (string theory) with black hole in 5D projected onto our 4D world! On the Horizon…….. Heavy Ions in the Large Hadron Collider! John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Geneva with Large Hadron Collider Superimposed RHIC and LHC: Cover 2 – 3 decades of energy (sNN ~ 20 GeV – 5.5 TeV) What the(Yale) properties of hot QCD in this temperature range (T ~ 150 – 600 John are Harris Hadron 07 - Frascati, Italy, 8 -13 Oct.MeV)? 2007 LHC Heavy Ion Program LHC Heavy Ion Data-taking Pb + Pb at sNN = 5.5 TeV (1 month per year) • LHC Collider Detectors - ATLAS - CMS - ALICE John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Simple Expectations – Heavy Ion Interactions at LHC √sNN (GeV) SPS 17 RHIC 200 LHC 5500 T / Tc e (GeV/fm3) 1.1 3 1.9 5 3.0 - 4.2 15-60 hotter denser tQGP (fm/c) ≤2 2-4 > 10 longerlived factor 28 Lead nucleus diameter ~ 14 fm g = 2,700 (Lorenz contracted) t ~ (14 fm/c) / g < 0.01 fm/c John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Why Heavy Ions at the LHC? • Expect different timescales, shorter interaction times, higher energy (T) ! Does system still equilibrate rapidly? Thermal model still applies? T still ~ Tc (lattice QCD)? Does it flow? Elliptic Flow change? v2 still saturated? More or less v2? Is the QGP still strongly- (or weakly-) coupled? Liquid? More like a gas? No longer “nearly-perfect” fluid flow? Impact on energy loss!! • Understand parton energy loss! – What are the microscopic processes? mass and flavor dependence? use high pT jets & tag heavy quark jets • Understand response of the medium! Strongly interacting quarks and gluons away-side response? use punch-through & associated jet • Color screening of the medium! Deconfinement? (compare LQCD), initial T, other effects J/y & Y states John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 The ALICE Heavy Ion Experiment John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 ALICE Collaboration Spain/Cuba Romania Japan Brazil South Africa Korea USA China India Croatia Armenia Ukraine Mexico JINR Italy Russia France Netherlands Hungary UK Greece Sweden Germany Finland Poland Norway Slovak Rep. Czech Rep. ~ 1000 Members ~ 30 Countries CERN Denmark ~ 100 Institutes • US Members Cal. St. U. – San Luis Obispo Creighton University University of Houston Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab Oak Ridge National Lab Ohio State University Purdue University University of Tennessee Wayne State University Yale University John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 The ALICE Experiment Installation John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC LHC Heavy Ions – expectations based on pQCD predictions & RHIC results • a lesson from RHIC – guided by theory + versatility + “expect the unexpected” • Soft Physics (pT ≤ 2 GeV/c) with heavy ions at LHC – • smooth extrapolation from SPS RHIC LHC? LHC Particle Multiplicities John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC LHC Heavy Ions – expectations based on pQCD predictions & RHIC results • a lesson from RHIC – guided by theory + versatility + “expect the unexpected” • Soft Physics (pT ≤ 2 GeV/c) with heavy ions at LHC – smooth extrapolation from SPS RHIC LHC? • expansion dynamics different (initial state, flow, HBT, evolution of T, strange/charm/beauty) • Elliptic Flow John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Hard Probes with LHC Heavy Ions Significant increase in hard cross sections (pT or mass > 2 GeV/c) at LHC – slarge pT /stotal ~ s Rate 2% at SPS 50% at RHIC 98% at LHC • “real” jets, large pT processes • abundance of heavy flavors • probe early times, calculable sbb (LHC ) ~ 100 sbb (RHIC) scc (LHC) ~ 10 scc (RHIC) John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Jet-finding - Learning from Tevatron & RHIC p + p experience (CDF) - most of energy within cone of Au + Au experience (STAR) - HI Background Must suppress “soft” background: h - small jet cones R = 0.3-0.4 pT /cell (GeV/c) R = (Dh2 + D2) < 0.3 200 GeV Au + Au central collision (STAR) Ejet = 21 GeV - pT cut: pT > 1 – 2 GeV/c - EbyE out-of-cone background energy h John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Hard Probes in ALICE Heavy Quarks (mass/color dependence of parton energy-loss) Displaced vertices (Do K- +) from tracking • Electrons from Transition Radiation Detector & EMCal • Quarkonia (initial temperature, Debye color screening, recombination) • J/y, , ’ (excellent), ’’(2-3 yrs), y’ (very difficult) V(r) Confined Bound state (e.g. J/y) c c Deconfined r Color Screening Color screening of cc pair results in J/y (cc) suppression! John Harris (Yale) Quarkonium dissociation when rDebye ~ 1/(sT) < rqq Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Hard Probes in ALICE Heavy Quarks (mass/color dependence of parton energy-loss) Displaced vertices (Do K- +) from tracking • Electrons from Transition Radiation Detector & EMCal • Quarkonia (initial temperature, Debye color screening, recombination) • J/y, , ’ (excellent), ’’(2-3 yrs), y’ (very difficult) T/TC Karsch hep-lat/0502014v2 1/r [fm-1] (1S) J/y(1S) b’(2P) c(1P) ’’(3S) ’(2S) John Harrismelting (Yale U.)order of cc: ’, c, J/y Measure US ’’, LHC’, User’s bb: Meeting, 24 October 2008 Summary – ALICE the Heavy Ion Experiment ALICE is a versatile, heavy ion detector at the LHC Overview: Soft Probes – “ala RHIC” • Expansion dynamics different from RHIC • Soft physics measurements ala RHIC + extended PID • Day 1 physics + US Members: Cal. St. U. – San Luis Obispo Creighton University University of Houston Hard Probes – Jet Quenching Lawrence Berkeley Nat. Lab • Jets, g , pi-zeros, leading particles to large pT Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab Oak Ridge National Lab Ohio State University Hard Probes – Heavy Quarks Purdue University • Displaced vertices (Do K- +) from TPC/ITS University of Tennessee • Electrons in Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) Wayne State University Yale University Hard Probes – Quarkonia Affiliated members: Kent State University • J/y, , ’ (excellent), ’’(2-3 yrs), y’ ??? University of Texas – Austin John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Questions – Quark-Gluon Plasma at RHIC & LHC - How does the system evolve and thermalize from its initial state? - What are the properties & constituents (vs. T) of the QGP? - Can we understand parton energy loss at a fundamental level? - How does hadronization take place? - Is the QCD Phase Diagram featureless above Tc? Coupling strength vs T…. - Are there new phenomena? - What’s the range of validity of the theories (non-pQCD, pQCD, strings)? - Can there be new developments in theory (lattice, hydro, parton E-loss, string theory…) and understanding……across fields……? John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 Special Thanks for Contributions to This Presentation!! Miklos Gyulassy Mike Lisa Thomas Ullrich Urs Wiedemann John Harris (Yale) Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Wayne State U. 12-4-08 The End