9.11.2014 Minutes

U.P. Collaborative Development Council
Thursday, September 12- 1 pm eastern
Landmark Inn, Marquette MI
12:00 PM
Attending: Lois Ellis, Caralee Swanberg, Jen Tucker, Kathy Reynolds, Donna LaCourt, Stacey WellingHaughey, Dave Nyberg, Joel Schultz, Amy Clickner
Virtual: Mark Slown, Jeff Ratcliffe, Vicki Schwab
1. MDARD Update
M. Dibernado
a. Donna gave updates in Mike D's absence. Grant opportunities coming in October and
November and will send info to the LSCP to distribute. They have information on their
MDARD Facebook site as well. Also another opportunity on specialty crop grant coming
in January.
b. 50% of Michigan asparagus crop was not picked this year due to inability to find
workers. MDARD is working on the talent issue and the need to attract migrant
2. Regional Training Session Update
a. Clickner gave update on regional training session
A. Clickner
3. Regional Partner updates
a. Stacy Welling-Haughey- has been attending county commission meetings to update on
economic impact of recreation. Remember there are trust fund dollars available! $33m
in the UP from the trust fund since its inception. Talked about GEMS program and
needing more leads from the east end of the UP if anyone can help. Stepping up in
marketing in their department
b. Lois Ellis- talked about PPT moving forward. Discussions about how to abate the
essential services fee and that there may be an option for companies with $25m or
more. Also, Economic gardening program has been updated for criteria to participate.
LSCP to send out updated information. Keep this in mind for your companies. MEDC has
new COO, Steve Arwood. Visited with the Governor in August.
c. Dave Nyberg- talked about deep freeze funds. Announcement coming this afternoon
regarding eligible communities. Updated on energy. One of the generation project in
the MISO cue is Invenergy Thermal Development, LLC, which signed a letter of intent
with Cliffs Natural Resources. He talked about travel commission, award won by City of
Marquette for digital communications, Steve Arwood in Escanaba tomorrow.
d. Joel Schultz- updated on training funds process as MW is the intake for this; RPI plan
ready to be submitted for next cycle of funding; fill rate is currently 59% and the issue is
believed to be the change by employers going to more part time employees looking to
separate full and part time. Health care and minimum wage increase has impacted this
and there needs to be a discussion on how we as a state deal with this.
e. Jen Tucker- updated more details on the deep freeze funds. Calls are currently being
made to the communities now. Staff hours and let runs are items not covered in the
funds. Deadline is Monday to register for RRC best practice training in September. She
expanded on reasoning behind why some preventative measures and staff time are not
eligible. Hard infrastructure is what is covered and approved by HUD (federal) for
urgent need. Staff time is a cost that communities already have to cover and not
included. The positive is that the MEDC and state have worked hard to find ways to
approve dollars to the tune of $7m for assisting communities. Most received 94% of
their request. She also discussed LMI list and how you can engage in a survey if you
meet several requirements including a valid project that would need LMI status.
4. Roundtable
a. Clickner- shared PMBC templates that the LSCP uses to encourage businesses to apply;
Lois will be providing region 1 info on businesses that have participated; potential to
have a UP or region 1, 2, 3 summit. Group is agreeable to moving forward with a May
2015 event. PMBC will be doing an exercise at the UPEDA bi-national conference to
introduce the concept on October 17. Also, start to think about upcoming cycle for CDC
grant dollars. Will we want to continue on our rural wage study activities? Joel has
some concerns about study finding thus far.
b. Schwab- updated on the UP fair with 82,000 in attendance and other activities.
Designation for a Michigan fair letters of support needed. Next week Toyota bass
fishing tournament.
c. Reynolds- updated on DNR grants, Hiawatha water trail, and alley project with MEDC
funding potential or crowdfunding, tourism going well.
d. Swanberg- things are continuing to be busy and going well