SIXTH TEACHING A. Introduction T: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good morning, miss. T: How are you today? Ss: I'm fine thank you. And you? T: I'm fine too, thank you. Do you still remember how to write and tell dates? Ada yang masih inget gak cara menulis dan membaca tanggal? Ss: Yes. T: Yes? Okay. Please look at this calendar. What date is it? Ss: January the first, two thousand and fifteen. T: Okay, please answer it. S: The first of January, two thousand and fifteen. T: Is that right? Ss: Yes. T: Please repeat it once again. The first... Ss: The first of January, two thousand and fifteen. T: So, you read it as first not one, okay. How about this one? Ss: The second of February, two thousand and fifteen. T: The second of February, two thousand and fifteen. So, not two, okay, it's second. This one. Ss: The third of February, two thousand and fifteen. T: The third of February, two thousand and fifteen. How about this one? Ss: The eleventh of March, two thousand and fifteen. T: The eleven or the eleventh? Ss: The eleventh. B. Presentation T: Okay, very good. If you want to write down the date, write down the date, you have to write down the... Ayo, kalau mau nulis tanggal, yang pertama harus ditulis apa? S: Hari T: Hari. Yes, the day. And then? Ss: The ordinal number. T: The ordinal number or the date or the year or the month? The day, and then? Ss: Ordinal number. T: Ordinal number, okay. Ss: Month. T: Month, and? Ss: Year. T: And year, okay. Are you sure? Ss: Yes. T: Are you sure? The day? Yes, the day is right. And then? Ss: The month. T: Okay. The month first, okay. So, this is wrong. The month, and then? Ss: The ordinal number. T: Yes, the ordinal numbers or the date, okay. And the last one is the... Ss: Year. T: Year. Kalau year mesti pake ordinal numbers lagi gak? Ss: No. T: No? Okay, good. Do you have to put a comma? Ss: Yes. T: Where do you have to put the comma? Ss: After the date. T: After the date. In here? Ss: Hmmm T: After the month? Ss: No. S: Iya bener, date. T: After the date. Is that right you have to put a comma after the date? Ss: Yes. Ss: No T: No? Ss: After the day. T: After the day? Only that? Ss: Yes. T: After the day and after the date? How about after the date? So, we have to put a comma after the day and also the date. Yordy, kita harus taruh komanya dimana? Kalau menulis tanggal, taruh komanya dimana? Between the day and the month or between the month and the date or between the date and the year? Ayo, dimana? S: Between the... T: Between the... S: Ordinal numbers... T: Ordinal numbers and... S: Between the ordinal numbers and date. T: Between the ordinal numbers and the date? Ini sama ordinal numbers dengan date. Ayo, listen ya. Everyone, please listen. Don't forget to put a comma between the date and the year and also between the day and month. And don't forget to write down the month with a caiptal, capital letter. For example, April. Don't forget to use a capital letter. Jangan lupa pakai huruf... Ss: Kapital. T: Kapital. Very good. That's how you write down the date. How if you want to tell the date? Kalau kasih tau tanggalnya apa yang disebutkan pertama kali? The... Ss: The day. T: The day, and then? The month or the date or the year? Ss: The date. T: The date, and then? Ss: Month. T: The month, and the last one is the... Ss: Year. T: Year. Do you have to put a comma? Ss: Yes. T: Where? S: In year. S: In... T: In? S: In year. T: Yes, you have to put a comma between the month and the year. Very good. So, you have to put a comma in here. And also between the day and the date. Very good. So, this is how you write down the date and this is how you... S: Tell. T: Tell the date, okay. Now, I want.. I will choose some students to come in front and write down the date and I will choose another student to tell the date, okay. Okay, now I will choose some studets. Please sit down nicely. Do not make any sound, okay. Yordy, please come infront. Ayo maju. Pascal, please come infront. Jessie, plase come in front. Please write down the date based on how you write the date. Berdasarkan bagaimana cara menulisnya bukan berdasarkan cara membacanya ya. Ya, this is the date, this is the month, and this is the year. Yordy, please do number two. And Jessie, please do number three. For number four... Thank you, Yordy. For number four, Rani please come forward. And for number five, Jona please come forward. Do it yourself, don't look at your friend's. Let's check it together. For number one. Evryone. Gungde, please pay attention. Okay, Jona, thank you. For number one, is that right? January first, two thousand and fifteen. Is that right? Ss: No. T: No? Why it is wrong? Do you know? Who knows? Yes, Rio, right? Yes, Rio. S: No comma. T: Sorry? S: No comma. T: No comma? This is a comma. Is that right? Ini komanya disini. Apakah benar komanya disitu? S: No. T: No? So, where should you put the comma? S: Sebelum tahun. T: Sebelum tahun? In here? Yes, that right. So, this is wrong, okay. January frst, this is already correct, but you have to put a comma in here, okay. How about number two? July seventh, two thousand and one. Is that right? Ss: Gak ada komanya. T: Gak ada? Ss: Komanya. T: Gak ada komanya. Dimana harus taruh komanya? Ss: Between. T: Between... Ss: The date and year. T: Between the date and the year. Very good. How about this one? March comma twenty-seventh comma two thousand and six. Is that right? Ss: No. T: No? Why it is wrong? Who can help me to answer it? Siapa yang mau maju dan benerin? Yes, please. S: (come forward to give the correction) T: Neil membenarkan menjadi seperti ini. Komanya sudah dihapus and he also add "th" in here. Is that right? Ss: Yes. T: Is that right? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, very good. So don't forget to put the symbol, okay. Simbolnya jangan lupa. Kalau first, ditambah... Ss: "st" T: Kalau second? Ss: "nd" T: Kalau third? Ss: "rd" T: Kalau fourth until tenth? Ss: "th" T: Okay. S: Itu bukan twenty-seventh. T: Oh iya. It's not twenty-seventh. Very good, Michelle. Twenty-ninth. It's suppose to be twentyninth. Very good. How about this one? Ss: Salah. T: Salah? Yang benar bagaimana? Please tell me. Ss: Komanya. T: The comma. So this is wrong. Where shoould we put the comma? Between the... Ss: Between the date and the year. T: Between the date and the year. Very good. How about this one? February comma two comma two thousand and two. Ss: Salah. T: Salah? What is the correct answer? S: February second. T: Second? Are you sure? Okay, please raise your hand if you want to correct it. Yes, you. Sorry, what is your name? S: Isabel. T: Isabel. Okay. Please come forward, Isabel. February eigthteenth with "th" comma two thousand and two. Is that right? Ss: Yes. T: Are you sure? Benar gak yang ini? Sudah benar? Ss: Benar. T: Okay, good. Now, I want some students to read it. Gungde, please read number one. Please tell the date. The... Tell the date. S: The first T: The first... S: Of T: Of... S: January T: January... S: Two thousand and fifteen. T: Two thousadn and fifteen. Is that right? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, very good. The second one. Michelle, please read it. The... S: The seventh of July... T: Oh, it's supposed to be twenty-seventh, okay. S: The twenty-seventh of July... T: The twenty-seventh of July.. Everyone, please listen, two thousand... S: Two thousand and one. T: Twenty-seventh of July, two thousand and one. Is that right? Ss: Yes. T: Okay, very good. How about number three? Yes, Yola. S: The twenty-ninth of March, two thousand and six. T: The twenty-ninth of March, two thousand and six. Is that right? Ss: Yes. T: Yes, very good. Number four. Feli, please read it. S: The December twenty-five, two thousand and eight. T: The December twenty-five, two thousand and eight. Is that right? Ss: No. T: So, what is the correct answer? Ss: The twenty-five of December, two thousand and eight. T: The twenty-five or the twenty-fifth? Ss: Twenty-fifth. T: Twenty-fifth, that's right. So, you do not say it as twenty-five, this is twenty-five, you write it down like this. But if you write it down like this, you have to say it as twenty-fifth, don't forget. How about the last one? Yes, Bivi. S: The eighteenth of February... T: Yordy, please listen. S: Two thousand and two. C. Production T: The eighteenth of February, two thousand and two. Okay, very good. Now, I want you to practice on how to write down the date and tell the date. Ayo dibagikan ke temannya. Dibagikan ayo tanpa mengobrol ya. Sudah dapat semua? Do you already got the paper? Ss: Yes. T: Please look at the paper. Plase look at the paper, okay. For the first part, you have to write down the date, the date in here based on how you tell the date. Jadi berdasarkan bagaimana kalian membaca atau memberitahu tanggal. And for the second part, you have to write down the date based on how you write the date. Berdasarkan cara menulisnya, okay. You have fifteen minutes to do it. Ss: (doing the exercise) T: Sudah selesai ya? Sudah selesai belum? Ss: Belum T: Two more minutes, okay. Ayo dikerjakan. Okay, now we are going to check it together.Please, everyone. Yordy, sudah selesai belum? S: Sudah. T: Okay. Now, I will choose some of you to come in front to write down the answer, okay. Tapi dilakukannya cepat ya ditulisnya, tidak ngobrol-ngobrol didepan. For the others, please check your answers if you answer it wrongly then you have to write down the correct answer, okay. Gungde, please write down number one part one. Please write down the answer. Radit, please write down the answer of number two part one. Vania, please write down the answer of number three part one. Yordy, answer number four part one. Yordy, ayo nomor empat. For the rest, yang belum selesai diselesaikan dulu. Ayo-ayo tidak ngobrol. Radit langsung ditulis. Don't tell your friend. Vanya, please answer one part two. Chiara, answer part two number two. Yang lain dicek ya jawabannya. For number three part two, Christo. Part one number five, Rio. Part one number six, Jona. Wait for the markers. Part two number four, you. What is your name? S: Peony. T: Peony. For part two number five, yes you. What is your name, sorry? S: Luna. T: Okay, Luna. S: Miss, tadi saya nomor berapa? T: Number six, part one. [00:39:11.20]