Chapter 1 Powerpoint Slides

Introduction to Motor Learning
and Control
Chapter 1
How do people acquire
motor skills?
Motor learning is the study of the processes
people go through as they acquire and refine
motor skills. One must also consider the
variables that promote or inhibit the acquisition
of these skills.
What variables might promote or inhibit
Once acquired, what is motor
Motor control is the neural, physical, and
behavioral aspects of human movement
Does the brain integrate all sensory messages?
Does arousal influence performance?
Why do we sometimes forget how to do something?
Why do we know how to do something even when
we haven’t done it in a long time?
How do people move?
Movement is the function of the interaction of
three elements:
The learner
The task
The environment
Foundational knowledge
Do they possess underlying abilities to perform?
Is the task developmentally appropriate?
Were there previous similar experiences?
Are they motivated?
Might individual differences influence acquisition of
this task?
Foundational Knowledge
Is there a high perceptual component to the task?
Is object manipulation required?
What body movements are required?
Must the task be performed under a variety of
conditions or under the same condition each time?
Foundational Knowledge
In what context will the task be performed?
Is that context predictable or unpredictable?
Is there a time limitation?
When assessing performance and making
instructional decisions, you must remember
that none of these elements exists in isolation
What is learning?
Learning is a relatively permanent change in a
person’s ability to execute a motor skill as a
result of practice or experience doing the skill
We can’t see learning because the internal
processes can’t be directly observed
So how does a facilitator of learning know if the
client/athlete/student learned?
Role of performance in learning
While we can’t see learning, we can see
Performance is the execution of a skill
Through repeated observations of a person’s
performance, we infer whether a person has
learned a skill
Inferences must be based on changes that occur
over time
Inferences must be accurate
If a person is anxious, tired, experiencing
equipment problems, does impaired
performance mean a loss of capability to do
the skill?
Could a person be ‘ON’ one day during
practice, and then revert back to previous
levels of ability the next time out?
Practical Application
Nondominant hand juggling
Two tennis balls in nondominant hand
Toss upward and when reaches peak, toss
second tennis ball; catch first, then toss, catch
second then toss
Continue this pattern for 10 minutes
Record the highest number of successful
catches you make
Can you conclude that you learned how to juggle two
tennis balls with your non-dominant hand? Why?/
Why not?
If up until the 9 minute mark you only caught the ball
twice, then you suddenly caught 6, does that mean
you learned how to juggle? Why? / Why not?
What is learning?
What learner, task and environmental factors affected
your performance and learning?
Answers to these questions due on Friday
Motor Skill
Body and limb movements required to
accomplish goal
Must be learned or re-learned
Which are motor skills?
Grasping a bottled water
Drawing back after touching a hot iron
Sewing a button
Playing the drums
The startle reflex
Ways to classify motor skills
Identify skill characteristics that are similar
Divide into two categories, which represent
extreme ends of a continuum
One dimensional systems
Size of primary musculature required; precision of
Nature of movement organization; Specificity of
where actions begin or end
Predictability/ Stability of the environment
Precision of Movement
Fine motor skill
Involving very precise movements normally
accomplished using smaller musculature
Gross motor skill
Places less emphasis on precision and is typically the
result of multi-limb movements
Precision of Movement
Nature of Movement Organization
Beginning and end points are clearly defined
Composed of a number of discrete skills whose
integrated performance is crucial for goal
Beginning and ending points are arbitrary
Predictability of the Environment
Open/closed classification system
Closed skill
Environmental context is stable & predictable
(does not change from trial to trial)
Consistency is the objective
Technique refinement is emphasized
Open skill
Performer must adapt performance to the ever
changing environment
Practice should emphasize responding to the
changing demands
Classify the following motor skills
Walking a tightrope
Mowing the lawn
Downhill skiing
Swimming in a pool
Playing a video game
Crossing the street
Gentile’s Multidimensional
Classification System
Environmental demands
Regulatory conditions
Environmental factors that specify the movement
characteristics necessary to successfully perform a skill
1. Is the environmental context stable or in motion?
1. Swimming in an empty pool lane vs. playing water polo
2. From trial to trial, do the regulatory conditions remain
fixed or do they change?
1. Does a pitched ball come in high and inside, then low and
away? Or down the middle with a pitching machine?
Gentile’s Multidimensional
Classification System
Action requirements
1. Is the performer required to change locations or
maintain body position when performing the skill?
2. Does the task require the performer to manipulate
an object or opponent or not?
Task Examples for Gentile’s
Multidimensional System
Neither body
transport nor manipulation
Both body
transport and
and fixed
Doing a sit up
Moving a
chess piece
Climbing a
Shot put
and variable
Writing ABC’s
with foot for
“Round the
clock” in darts
Following a
dance pattern
that has been
placed on the
With a partner,
following a
dance pattern
that has been
placed on the
Moving and
Floating on a
river in an
inner tube
Running down
a hill
Walking on
crutches in a
clear hallway
Moving and
Riding in a
tube pulled by
a speedboat
Playing Fooze
Skating on a
crowded ice
Skiing a
slalom course
How to apply this
classification system
When you know the level of complexity of a
skill, you can design learning experiences that
build from simple to more complex
Ultimately, you lead to practice conditions that
simulate the conditions under which the skill
will be performed
Practical Application
Determine a progression of learning
experiences from simple to more complex
within your area of study.
Because each learner is unique, not all
instructional strategies are effective for all
Individual Differences
Individual differences are relatively stable and enduring
characteristics that make each of us unique
Body configuration
Physiological make-up
Learning styles
Type and amount of previous movement experience
Developmental level
Cultural background
Psychological make-up
Genetic traits that are prerequisite to the
development of skill proficiency
Existence of a single, general motor ability?
Can a person be born an ‘all around athlete’?
Specificity hypothesis?
Do we develop specific abilities rather than all
around abilities? Research does not support a
single, general motor ability
Fleishman’s Taxonomy
Groups motor abilities into two categories of
fundamental abilities:
1. Perceptual motor abilities
2. Physical proficiency abilities
These abilities are stable and genetically determined
Perceptual Motor Abilities
Control precision
Manual dexterity
Multi-limb coordination
Finger dexterity
Response orientation
Arm-hand steadiness
Reaction time
Wrist finger speed
Speed of limb movement
Rate control
Physical Proficiency Abilities
Static strength
Dynamic flexibility
Dynamic strength
Gross body coordination
Explosive strength
Gross body equilibrium
Trunk strength
Extent flexibility
Thinking about your abilities
List three movement activities for which you
feel particularly skilled.
What abilities do you think you possess that
allow you to perform these skills so well?
Are any of these abilities important to the
performance of more than one of the tasks
See abilities on pp. 13 & 14
Motor Abilities
People tend to perform motor tasks well
according to their motor abilities
Abilities limit the ultimate level of performance
proficiency of an individual
For example, body type will influence the ability to become
an elite sprinter or a sprinter ‘wanna be’
However, avoid making final judgement on a person in
early stages of practice. As experience and practice
increase, performers may become more successful at
using their underlying abilities to become more skilled
What should practitioners remember
about abilities?
We should expect to see differences in
patterns of abilities
We should identify patterns before providing
instructional assistance
One tennis player may demonstrate more consistent
contact with ball while another player may cover the
court better
Abilities of player one? Abilities of player two?
What should practitioners remember about abilities?
Create practice opportunities that challenge the
person to work on those aspects of
performance for which their abilities are not
well suited
The challenge will come when the performer must
work on their weakness, when they would rather
work on things they do well
What should practitioners remember about abilities?
Abilities are not the only contributing factor
Previous experiences
Body configuration
Personal characteristics
Performance success will most likely result
from a combination of factors: abilities, age,
experience, practice, motivation, mood
A way to use abilities in motor
Task analysis approach to determine which
movement components to emphasize during
Task Analysis
The breaking down of a skill into its
component parts and corresponding
underlying abilities
Through task analysis, we can understand
skill requirements better
Then we can identify a learner’s strengths and
weaknesses and modify instruction to help them
acquire the skill
Task Analysis Example
Practical Application
For a skill of your choice, perform a task
analysis to determine the critical elements of
the task and the underlying abilities required
for proficient performance
How would you use this information to design
learning experiences?
Summary on abilities
People differ in their abilities
Research supports fundamental abilities
There exists a number of independent fundamental
Different combinations of these abilities underly
motor performance
Some abilities play dominant roles in task
performance while others are secondary
Some abilities may be important for a number of
different tasks
Putting it all together
Practitioners can:
Perform a task analysis to determine the
requirements of a task
Then identify the important abilities necessary to meet the
Design learning experiences to capitalize on
strengths and practice activities to work on their
Look at progression of skills according to the skill
classification systems for appropriate difficulty
Practical Application
A frequent challenge is finding ways to assist people
who must compensate for deficiencies in their abilities
when they are learning or relearning a skill. What
factors might be considered to assist each of the
A 10 year old who consistently misses a pitched ball
A 60 year old with paralysis of the preferred hand caused by
stroke who is trying to relearn the task of opening a bottle of
A 30 year old with a loss of vision in one eye who is trying to
learn how to play a musical keyboard
Exit Slip
What is the relationship between learning and
Briefly summarize each classification system.
What role do motor abilities play in individual
What factors should practitioners be aware of
when trying to predict someone’s future
performance success?