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Hambleton and Hariharan Swaminathan. 332 pages. 1984. Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis, Second Edition David Bartholomew and Martin Knott. 214 pages. 1999. Probabilistic Models for Some Intelligence and Attainment Tests Georg Rasch, with foreword and afterword by Benjamin D. Wright. 199 pages. 1992. Rasch Models for Measurement David Andrich. 96 pages. 1988. Rasch Models: Foundations, Recent Developments, and Applications Edited by Gerhard H. Fischer and Ivo W. Molenaar. 436 pages. 1995. Measurement Instruments Books Questionnaires and Inventories: Surveying Opinions and Assessing Personality Lewis R. Aiken. 319 pages. 1997. Rating Scales and Checklists: Evaluating Behavior, Personality, and Attitudes Lewis R. Aiken. 312 pages. 1996. Setting Performance Standards: Concepts, Methods and Perspectives Edited by Gregory J. Cizek. 520 pages. 2001. Tests & Examinations: Measuring Abilities and Performance Lewis R. Aiken. 293 pages. 1998. Foundations of Measurement: Geometrical, Threshold, and Probabilistic Representations (Volume 2) Patrick Suppes, David Krantz, R. Duncan Luce, and Amos Tversky. 493 pages. 1989. Foundations of Measurement: Representation, Axiomatization, and Invariance (Volume 3) R. Duncan Luce, David Krantz, Patrick Suppes, and Amos Tversky. 356 pages. 1990. Measurement, Judgement, and Decision Making Edited by Michael H. Birnbaum. 386 pages. 1997. Statistical Approach to Social Measurement David J. Bartholomew. 239 pages. 1996 Multivariate Analysis Books Brian S. Everitt and Applied Multivariate Data Analysis - Second Edition Graham Dunn Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences (Third Edition) James P. Stevens. 672 pages. 1996. Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences (Fourth Edition) James P. Stevens. 699 pages. 2001. Applying Generalized Linear Models James Lindsey. 280 pages. 1997. Factor Analysis Richard L. Gorsuch. 452 pages. 1983. 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Differential Item Functioning Edited by Paul W. Holland and Howard Wainer. 456 pages. 1993. Edited by Anne Boomsma, Marijtje A.J. van Duijn, Tom A.A. Snijders. 438 pages. 2001 Methods for Identifying Biased Test Items Gregory Camilli and Lorrie A. Shepard. 174 pages. 1994. Modern Theories of Measurement: Problems and Issues Edited by Dany Laveault, Bruno D. Zumbo, Marc E. Gessaroli, and Marvin W. Boss. 408 pages. 1994. Principles of Test Theories Hoi K. Suen. 236 pages. 1990. Psychological Testing Anne Anastasi and Susana Urbina. 832 pages. 1997. Reliability and Validity Assessment Edward G. Carmines and Richard A. Zeller. 70 pages. 1979. Reliability for the Social Sciences: Theory and Applications Ross E. Traub. 174 pages. 1994. A Technology for Test-Item Writing G. Roid and T. Haladyna. 247 pages. 1981. Essays on Item Response Theory Test Equating: Methods and Practices Michael J. Kolen and Robert L. Brennan. 333 pages. 1995. Test Scoring Edited by David Thissen and Howard Wainer. 422 pages. 2001. Test Theory: A Unified Treatment Roderick P. McDonald. 504 pages. 1999. Test Theory for a New Generation of Tests Norman Frederiksen, Robert J. Mislevy, and Isaac I. Bejar. 416 pages. 1993. Test Validity Edited by Howard Wainer and Henry I. Braun. 272 pages. 1988. Tests and Assessment W. Bruce Walsh and Nancy E. Betz. 474 pages. 1995. 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