GFS Presentation BATEC NVC Meeting 2014 5_28_14 version

BATEC 2014 External Evaluator
Report to NVC
G Snyder
May 28, 2014
Three Primary Objectives for the
• Defining, extending and strengthening computing pathways
and career opportunities in the disciplines of computer
science, information technology, data networking, digital
media and data analysis.
• Facilitating strategic partnerships between industry and
academia in order to build awareness, generate interest and
support learning opportunity in ethnically diverse urban
• Conducting actionable research to inform policy makers, IT
educators, employers and workforce development agencies of
the subject of integrated curriculum and applied IT education.
Work over the past year has
accomplished the following results
• Transforming curriculum
• To transform both in content and in development
• Transforming pedagogies for instruction
• To increase professional skills proficiencies
• Transforming industry/academic engagement
• To improve quality and nature of outcomes
• Transforming workforce development issue
• To ground discussions in real-time data and
projections for career growth
During the evaluation year, the grant sponsored 24 projects at 10 institutions
within the context of BATEC’s mission and primary objectives.
University of Massachusetts Boston
• Leadership and Fiscal Management, Graduate Coursework to Support Exploring CS, Research
in Middle Skill Employment, Summer Institutes, BSIT
• Boston Public Schools
• High School Internships and Exploring Computer Science
• Bunker Hill Community College
• Curriculum Modification, Stackable credentials
• Mass Bay Community College
• Cross Discipline Learning Communities, Internships (CC), Tech Bay Laboratory
• Middlesex Community College
• Secure Programming Track (CS), Secure System Administration (IT)
• Quinsigamond Community College
• Health IT (Certificate), Internships (CC)
• ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Chicago Public Schools
• Early College HS, Exploring CS, IT Problem Solving,
• City Colleges of Chicago
• CS, IT, Digital Networking
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• College of Southern Nevada
• Content in Context, Internships (CC), Interview Prep / Speed Networking
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Mid Pacific ICT Center
• Publication and Promotion of ICT pathways, Awareness of pathways and opportunities for HS
BATEC - UMass Boston
i. Leadership and Fiscal Management
ii. Coursework to Support Exploring CS
iii. Research in Middle Skill Employment
iv. Summer Institutes
v. BS IT
BATEC Collaboration
• With BATEC collaboration, partners:
• Have enhanced and greatly increased the scope of an
educational initiative that was either planned or already
under way.
• In one case a partner cited that they were able to undertake a new
initiative regarding skills validation that was only a ‘maybe
someday’ opportunity without BATEC.
• Specific ways in which scope increased as a result of BATEC
• Contact with more community based organizations or industry
• Ability to add locations, venues or participants
• More opportunity to interact with stakeholders
BATEC Contributions
• Intangible contributions include:
• examples and models of successful prior practice (all)
• Tech Apprentice using the Tech Boston Model (MPICT)
• Contacts and sharing with other stakeholders and
contributors (all)
• Use of developed BATEC best practices (Chicago, Nevada)
• One-on-one consulting with BATEC staff (all).
• Tangible contributions include:
• Financial support to initiate or augment activities
• Expansion to state or regional activities beyond what
would have been supported otherwise
• Financial support for various types of professional
• Financial contributions were not blank checks. When there was a
specific challenge to be overcome (logistics, release time, help
with stipends, and so forth) BATEC negotiated agreements to
provide this support.
Learning From Each Other
• When asked what they have learned from
other BATEC partners, responses included:
• Sharing approaches and challenges in areas such
as career pathways
• Approaches to dual enrollment
• Approaches to career readiness events
• Creation of a forum for interacting
BATEC Greatest Lasting Change
• When asked to describe the greatest lasting
change they envisioned resulting from the
BATEC partnership, common responses
A clear and cogent educational pathway
Skills alignment across curricula and institutions
New opportunities to communicate
More satisfied employers.
University of Massachusetts Boston Sizing Middle Skill
Employment Gap, Phase II Research Project
Full report available at BATEC Website
Used a variety of economic data to assess the quantitative alignment of workforce
demand and educational readiness. Analyzed this alignment both nationally and in
each of four metro areas (Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas, and San Francisco). This
analysis, along with additional employment and wage data, and written analysis,
are included with a profile of each of the four metro areas.
Occupations studied include:
Computer Systems Analysts
Medical Records and Health Information Technicians
Web Developers
Big Data Cluster
Report Highlights:
There are more than 5.6 million IT workers in the U.S.
Growth in IT jobs is expected to remain strong through 2020.
Almost a third of all jobs for this group of occupations are middle-skill.
The skill requirements of these middle-skill jobs can often be satisfied by graduates of a twoyear degree program.
National research is insufficient to understand the dynamics of these workforce segments.
There is wide variance between metro areas with regard to workforce supply/demand issues.
BATEC National Summer Institute 2013
• Hosted at Bunker Hill
Community College in
Boston the weeks of 29
July and 5 August, 2013.
• Delivered ten intensive
train-the-trainer courses
to 130 unique national
audience participants (10
participants took a
second course).
• All courses ran for one
week, allowing for
between 31.5 and 40
classroom hours.
BATEC National Summer Institute 2013
At conclusion of the Institute each
participant answered “As a result of this
training,” statements, gauging their
understanding and capabilities. All
questions were answered on a scale of
Strongly Disagree (1), Disagree (2), Agree
(3), and Strongly Agree (4).
Courses averaging 3.5 or more on each
objective included: Security+, App
Inventor, Windows 8 and Server 12, IT
Problem Solving,
• The only courses posting two or more
learning outcomes under 3 were Oracle
(a double course, continuing beyond
Summer Institute) and Windows 8
Programming (in 4 of 5 categories).
• The 130 course participants
teach or serve approx 18,000
• The median number of students
served by the 2013 cohort was
140 students per year.
Bachelor’s of Science in
Information Technology (UMB)
• Pathways to careers in IT for both high school graduates
and students of community colleges IT-related degree
• Four specialization tracks: business intelligence, computer
forensics, information architecture and systems
• “Applications-path” format for students which includes:
– A core of technical knowledge (nine courses),
– An area of specialization or track within IT (four or five courses,
depending on track selection),
– Three professional electives in an application or domain area
(preferably outside of IT but within business), and
– Two wrap-up courses (project management and IT capstone), in
addition to general education requirements.
Bachelor’s of Science in
Information Technology (UMB)
Boston Public Schools
i. High School Internships
ii. Exploring CS
Boston Public Schools High School Internships
• One of BATEC’s longest, continuous running initiative in its seventh year of
• Places high school students (juniors and seniors) in paid, summer,
technology-relevant internships.
• Led by Felicia Vargas (Tech Boston Academy), and staffed by Olu Ibrahim
(Boston Private Industry Council).
• Created by BATEC and a manual describing its implementation is publically
available on website.
• Supported by both repeat and new employers, and additionally by several
• Strives, every year, to grow in both the number of participating interns
and the number of participating employers.
• Last year, a record number of students (132) were placed in paid, summer
internships. This year, the program is on track to meet, or exceed, this number.
• The results of this initiative have been studied over the life of the program.
• Participants in this internship program overwhelmingly attend college
(93%) and choose Computer and Information Technology programs (75%).
Bunker Hill Community College
i. Curriculum Modification
ii. Stackable Credentials
Bunker Hill Community College Curriculum
• Bunker Hill Community College is modifying their Fast Track
certificate in Data Support as proposed with feedback from
BATEC industry focus groups.
Bunker Hill Community College Stackable Credentials
• Developed and implemented a flexible, replicable curriculum model that
integrates employability skills across a “stackable” curriculum and “fasttracks” time to completion and workforce entry.
“Fast-Track Certificates”: Completion in Two (2) Semesters
“Fast-Track Courses”: Offered in Compressed Time-Frames
“Stackable”: No Wasted Credits…All Courses Roll-Up To Higher Level Certificate &
• “Multiple Entry Points”: Start at 16CR, 29 CR of Full AS
• All 16-29 credit Certificates “Roll Up” to Associate Degrees and all
Associate Degrees Are Now Transferrable To The UMASS BOSTON BS
Degree in Information Technology
• Faster Completion in Two (2) Semesters Possible
• Workforce Certificates (16-19 credits) -> Career Certificates (27-29 credits) ->
Associates Degrees (60+ credits -> BSIT (120+ credits)
• Balance Between Entry-Level + Middle Skills Employment
• Enrollment samples:
Cisco Health Information Networking (HIN) Certificate Current = 13 Students 2014
Projected = 40 Students
Entry Level ICT Stackable Certificates (PC Hardware Support Specialist, MS
OfficeSupport Specialist, Cisco CCNA Current= 52 Students 2014 Projected = 80
Fast Track Data Support Certificate 30 students enrolled
Database Option Associate’s Degree 47 students enrolled
Mass Bay Community College
i. Cross Discipline Learning Communities
ii. Summer Bridge
iii. Internships (CC)
iv. Tech Bay Laboratory
Mass Bay Community College
Cross Discipline Learning Communities
• Faculty from different disciplines conduct a collaborative learning
community where students participating in four different courses
(Digital Imaging, Web Design, Project Management, and Web
Development) together as a team to complete a common project, the
Shopping Cart Experience.
• Students present as a team in a Poster Session style MassBay STEM
Expo organized May 6th
• Students Impacted Spring 2014: 61
• Considering adding a writing class that would contribute web content,
adding 20 additional students.
• Exportable: It could be replicated or the method could be used to fit a
different mix of courses.
• Measures of success: Completeness, quality and functionality of
website at the end of the course. Team project presentations during
STEM Expo. Participation in the Technology Internship Program.
Evaluations received from employers that participate in TIP.
MBCC Summer Bridge
• Two-week STEM program the month of July for High
Schools in the Metro West area . Students have an
opportunity to sign up to take a college credit course, or
explore technologies by participating in 2.5 day
workshops. In addition students also participate in
college preparedness workshops and activities.
• modeled after the Bunker Hill CC program
• Marketing launched in February, Registration started
April 1st, program will run July 7 – July 18.
• 33 students completed in 2013
• 33/35 enrolled students finished the program
• Potential students impacted: goal of 60 for 2014
MBCC TechBay
• Technology support center operated by students to help other
students with technology related issues. Technicians must apply
with a completed resume. They must either have a certification or
be second year STEM students and have experience in at least two
technical areas.
• Opened 10 hours/week. Launched in October, closed beginning of
December. Launched in early February, added one day (2 hours) per
week in Framingham, concluded early May.
• Students paid $10/hr (BATEC funded)
• Documentation / curriculum: Logs of student issues. Records for 90
students/staff being served, about 80% reporting.
• Students impacted: 9 technicians, 90 students
MBCC Technology Internship Program
• Student-employer networking event that provides an opportunity
for employers to interview students. Students apply to take part in
the event, and must attend meetings to learn resume writing,
interviewing and follow-up skills. Employers interview about 9
students for 7 minutes each. After the event employers may offer
internship positions to students. Employers have access to
students’ resumes and work samples. This program is offered every
• Modeled after a program at QCC
• Students Impacted: 36 total. 7 have completed internships, 8 have
been placed in internships, 9 are still interviewing.
Middlesex Community College
i. Secure Programming Track (CS)
ii. Secure System Administration (IT)
Middlesex Community College Secure Programming Track
• Defined a new curriculum track for Secure Software
Development in the Computer Science degree program.
Created four new course offerings and revised the content of
three existing courses.
• The Computer Science degree program had not been modified or updated
in many years. The content was generic, and required more focus.
• Worked collaboratively with industry advisors (MIT Lincoln Labs and
MITRE Corporation), consulting faculty (Jaime L’Heureux, Bunker Hill
Community College) and NSF ATE Center Investigators (John Sands, CSSIA)
• Goals:
• Curriculum compliant with the educational recommendations of the
Department of Homeland Security and the National Security Agency.
• Improve the alignment of program with local workforce needs and to
develop a program that would be perceived as differentiator in the
regional market
Middlesex Community College Secure System
Administration (IT)
• The Network Security Administration track was added, as a
transfer option, to the Information Technology degree program.
• The curricula for six new courses were developed, the curricula for four
existing courses were modified.
• Program/Course descriptions and Student Outcomes were documented
and submitted for and approved by governance in April 2014.
• The contents of this new degree program will impact all of the students
enrolled in the Information Technology degree program (700 students, 5
year estimate). It will help to grow enrollment and increase student
success (transfer, employment).
Quinsigamond Community College
i. Health IT (Certificate)
ii. Internships (CC)
Quinsigamond Community College Health IT
Health Information option was created in the Computer Information Science
degree program.
This was the outcome of an Academic Program Review that restructured the CIS
degree program combining two existing options (Web and Applications
Development) and creating two new options (Transfer CIS and Health Information).
Local industry is forecasting career opportunities for the skills and outcomes of this
option. This growth is forecasted to be 21% in the current decade (2010 to 2020).
The option will be offered both as a pre-degree stackable certificate and as a post
degree graduate certificate.
• The initiative was supported by local industry representatives from CVS, Meditech,
Reliant Medical Systems, and Lahey Hospital.
• The initiative was supported by a student intern working at U/Mass Medical in their
billing department
• The certificate option and the degree program were proposed to and approved by
• Promotional material to support enrollment beginning in the Fall of 2014 was
created and printed
• Expect to enroll 30-60 students, annually, in this program.
• Expect to impact approximately 200 students over a five year period.
• Program, and its materials, are available to exported to other campuses and other
Quinsigamond Community College Internships
The structured internship initiative is an institutionalized program at QCC. CIS students
are required to complete an internship.
Prior to the development/adoption of this model, students had difficulty
finding/securing internships in their field of study.
This year, placed 11 students in supervised internships.
Students, enrolled in this initiative were qualified prior to the event (course
prerequisites), prepared as part of the initiative (professional skill training), and
participated in a speed networking event attended by qualifying employers (11
companies and approximately 20 industry representatives.).
All students were able to complete an internship, and satisfy the requirements of the
internship course.
All students (11) were placed in qualifying internships.
Three students were paid during the internship, eight (8) students were not paid during
the internship.
Seven students received offers of employment from the company at which they
Three students received offers ranging from $9 to $14 per hour
One student received an offer of $26,000 per year
Two received offers ranging from $55,000 to $65,000 per year (with benefits).
One student is employed as a contractor at over $75.00 per hour.
Chicago Public Schools
i. Early College HS
ii. IT Problem Solving
iii. Exploring CS
iv. Computer Science for All (CS4All)
Chicago Public Schools Early College HS, IT
Problem Solving, Exploring CS
Goal was to launch the two courses in the academic pathways of Computer Science, Web
Development and Networking. These courses would introduce rigor into the computing
coursework, and begin to develop computational thinking skills.
The course, Exploring Computer Science (freshman level HS course), was articulated for credit at
City College of Chicago.
Learning objectives for IT Problem Solving have been set. The college level course, from Bunker Hill
Community College, was adapted for High School students. CPS retrofitted IT Problem Solving to
Early College High School classrooms.
This initiative has been implemented in five schools.
Two courses, Exploring Computer Science and IT Problem Solving, were incorporated into the Early
College high school curriculum. Exploring Computer Science was offered as a freshman-level
course. IT Problem Solving was offered as a sophomore level course.
Every freshman at Early College high school was required to take Exploring Computer Science, every
sophomore at Early College high school was required to take IT Problem Solving.
13 high school faculty have been trained and credentialed to teach these classes.
A total of 869 freshman have completed the Exploring Computer Science course.
A total of 600 sophomores have completed the IT Problem Solving course.
A total of 60 juniors/seniors have completed college-level IT courses.
Beginning spring, 2016, expect to graduate 425(~70%) with high school degrees and 320 (75%) or
more with significant college credit
Chicago Public Schools Computer Science for All
• Computer Science for All (CS4All) is a broad based initiative designed to add
Computer Science education to all K-12 schools.
• Goal is to have at least one Computer Science course available in 100% of the high
schools (within three years), and 25% of the elementary and middle schools (within
5 years).
• Plan is to adopt the developed curriculum for this purpose.
• The initiative, and its goals, were created (and announced) in November 2013. A
Computer Science department was created, and an application process for local
area schools was created.
• The first cohort (46 schools, 250 faculty) of participating schools was selected in
February 2014, orientation sessions were held in March 2014. Online professional
development will be offered in May 2014.
• On-campus professional development will be offered this summer.
• Initial course offerings will be launched in September 2014.
• This initiative has created a large amount of positive press, both regionally and
nationally, for the Chicago Public Schools.
• There is considerable enthusiasm and interest to participate among the faculty and
City Colleges of Chicago
i. CS
ii. IT
iii. Digital Networking
City Colleges of Chicago: BATEC Involvement has
supported program development, professional
development, and leveraged support
• IT Problem Solving Training
• Faculty from CCC received training from Bunker Hill faculty on
methods used in introductory course
• 17 CCC faculty attended training
• CIS 118: Information Technology Problem Solving
• 2 sections offered at Wright College
• 51 students enrolled
• 5 of those students enrolled in other CIS courses
• Professional meetings
• IT Summits with industry professionals and transfer institutions
• Four IT Summits with significant input on curriculum, semester maps,
and job expectations
• Set the stage for ongoing curricular sharing with 4YCs
City Colleges of Chicago: BATEC Involvement has
supported program development, professional
development, and leveraged support
• Teacher training
– Support from local industries trains teachers and STEM
providers with Raspberry Pi / Arduino training
– More than 100 Raspberry Pi and Arduinos distributed
– 3 unique projects created
– STEM Academy created
– Additional 60 RPi’s to be given away
• Leveraged support
– Awarded $600,000 S-STEM award based on a Bunker Hill model
– 18 students awarded scholarships; 100% set to
graduate/transfer by end of summer
College of Southern Nevada
i. Content in Context
ii. Internships (CC) Interview Prep and Speed
iii. Tech Know How Lab
College of Southern Nevada Content in Context
A series of workshops was developed to increase faculty awareness of the importance of professional
skills; to promote deep industry engagement; to increase faculty proficiency in teaching, evaluating and
grading professional skills in the context of ICT course offerings; and to share implementations of same
within the learning community of the workshop.
Workshop deliverables were mandated of each participant. These deliverables include a pre-workshop
syllabi, a post workshop syllabi integrating professional skill elements, a poster presentation describing
instructional changes, sample exercises assessment tools and grading rubrics.
Exit surveys from participants measured the perceived quality, relevancy and practicality of the workshop
An Evaluation of workshop deliverables were made by faculty peers.
An Evaluation of workshop deliverables were made by industry representatives.
The 2013 Las Vegas workshop was completed by 11 community college faculty members from the College
of Southern Nevada. These 11 faculty members have integrated skill development exercises from the
workshop into classes that are taught to over 2,600 students each year.
The 2014 Cleveland workshop was completed by 11 faculty members from community colleges and high
schools in the city of Cleveland. These 11 faculty members have integrated skill development exercises
from the workshop into classes that are taught to over 1,250 students each year.
The third workshop is was held at the College of Southern Nevada last week. Enrollment consisted of 12
participating faculty members from College of Southern Nevada.
The fourth workshop will be held in Boston, MA during the week of 7 August. Enrollment will consist of 25
participants (faculty from community college systems throughout the country).
College of Southern Nevada Internships (CC)
CSN changed the intended focus of this initiative from Student Internships to Student Professional
Development. They abandoned the focus of Internships placements for Community College
Students and settled for a different goal of Professional Development.
CSN elected to abandon the original goal of offering this initiative once each semester, content to
offer it once per year.
CSN leveraged portions of the BATEC-developed model for Internships that has been prototyped
and developed in the Boston-area community colleges. CSN adopted, with modification, the five
step process of student qualification, student preparation, employer recruitment,
student/employer matching and follow-up/placement in ways that were appropriate for the
programs, students and environment of Southern Nevada.
CSN faculty from the Computer and Information Technology department qualified 37 students to
participate in this initiative. Student qualification was determined by their course of study and the
attainment of a minimum GPA.
The students were prepared for this event by a combination of CIT faculty and career services
personnel. The students were offered resume preparation assistance and required to attend a 2hour workshop on interview and presentation skills.
Industry representatives, supportive of the school, were solicited to participate in a speed
networking event. A total of 40 representatives from 25 companies attended the event.
Direct engagement of students and employers, facilitated by the academic institution is a goal of
BATEC’s outreach agenda
CSN has elected to institutionalize this initiative, and to expand the scope of its implementation to
other departments and other schools.
College of Southern Nevada Tech Know How Lab
BATEC sponsored a series of outreach initiatives for enrolled students to promote
academic and career pathways in ICT. These initiatives consisted of faculty
presentations and student technical assistance provided at the Tech Know How
Lab. The Tech Know How Lab is a facility organized, developed and run by ICT
students under faculty supervision.
The Tech Know How Lab is a study hall where students word individually on course
work, collaborate on projects, get assistance with computer applications
associated with CSN’s coursework, and learn about ICT career pathways to make
an informed choice on an ICT major, particularly students with non-declared or
general studies majors.
Students at CSN have access to ICT faculty and subject matter experts through
presentations on various ICT subjects, e.g., paper publications, web design,
Internet search techniques, spreadsheet and modeling, database management,
mail merge, digital imaging, social media, and project-sponsored workshops.
Motivates students to enroll in and advance in ICT courses and consider and
Attendance of approximately 15 students in each of 10 ICT Awareness Briefings.
48 students attended the 8 offered workshops
ICT Workshop exit surveys from students
Mid Pacific ICT Center
i. Publication and Promotion of ICT pathways
ii. Awareness of pathways and opportunities for
HS students
Mid Pacific ICT Center Publication and
Promotion of ICT pathways
• Identifying and strengthening the linkages
between pathway and academy programs at
SFUSD high schools; bridge programs at local
CBOs; ICT programs, courses, certificates and
credentials in the five ICT-related departments at
CCSF, 4-year colleges and universities; ICT
industries and employers; and essential
supporting elements that increase student
• DE program completions (15); Views of ICT
Awareness videos (744); Students attending
panel discussions (40); ICT faculty attending
articulation PD (8)
Mid Pacific ICT Center Awareness of pathways and
opportunities for HS students
• The focus of BATEC funded work has been a partnership of stakeholders
that will help develop and support pathways that improve participation
among inner city K-14 students in STEM, and particularly ICT, to meet
workforce demand.
• A new initiative with Tech SF working with SFUSD, CCSF and Ohlone
College under MPICT auspices has the potential for effective collaboration.
• There has been significant work in the development of high school to
community college articulation of a Python programming course, and the
establishment of dual enrollment initiatives to track students into ICT
related courses.
• A summer 2013 kickoff included dual enrollment classes in digital media.
• A series of stakeholder summits designed to generate and sustain interest
from SFUSD and other stakeholders were held this past year.
• The BATEC partnership is providing support for high school career
awareness and STEM career mapping that was not present before.
Other / Misc
• Link Tracking & Analytics Tools
• Google Analytics
• Survey Monkey used for online surveys
• Evaluation, curriculum feedback, etc
• Partner and Affiliate sites
Challenges and Opportunities
• Measuring Impact to Student Level
• Bandwidth
• Resources, people, time
• Data Collection& Measurement
• Lots of people doing good stuff
• Data to collect:
Graduate outcomes – STEM persistence, postsecondary
enrollment, choice of majors.
Outcomes for student technicians (jobs).
Number of repeat employers, number of students
participating and returning, number of internships
• Sustaining operation past NSF Funding
• Building next generation of leaders
Special thanks to BATEC Team
and especially Pete Saflund