EBL for grammar The PAGeS project

EBL for grammar
The PAGeS project
Peer-Assisted Grammar-revision
(ebl) Sessions
Enquiry-Based learning in Language
LLAS workshops-to-go
Durham, 26th June 2009
The Manchester context
Our first project in grammar and phonetics
Product versus process
Finding your trigger and creating your scenario
Organisation of first year core
language module
220 post - A level students
10-16 in a class
3 x 1 compulsory hours – 20 credits
Team of 7 qualified language tutors
written grammar
Our first project – the context
• Learning language rules
perceived as dull, students not
• but expecting us to fill them
with knowledge…
“There has long been concern that
traditional curricula, delivered and
assessed in traditional ways, promote
a surface approach to learning rather
that a deep or even strategic one”
Entwistle (1995)
The EBLometer
•EBL not yet explicitly applied to grammar or phonetics
•EBL/PBL ill-structured problems, open-ended enquiry
•Emphasis on process
•TBL emphasis on product – only 1 right answer!
•Focus on problems whose answers known to teacher
•Task as carrier for language item
•Problem-solving element with controlled knowledge
EBL in phonetics
The oral programme
• Listening exercises
• Debates and presentations
• Phonetics and pronunciation
Project format
• Sem 1 preparation
• Sem 2 - groups of 3 or 4 students (elect team
• Discover the scenario
• 2 weeks research period
• Consult with SLT
• Present findings to class (in French!)
• Produce exercises for peers
• Produce of a dossier (exercises, self reflection
sheets and annotated bibliography)
• Receive feedback from tutor and peers
• Phonetics lessons put on Blackboard
• Now fully embedded
EBL in grammar
• Initial project proved ‘challenging!’
• Reticence of some staff and students
“We pay fees for quality teaching, which we get,
however we wouldn’t if taught by other students”
A Facilitator (2008)
• Way forward came from students
Peer Assisted Grammar
revision (ebl) Sessions
Voluntary ‘bolt-on’ sessions;
Final and second year pairing;
Facilitate small group of first years;
Using scenarios created by SLTs based on
first year grammar programme;
• Solving the problem through discussion
and informal presentation;
• Evaluated at end of year and when
someone drops out;
• In 2nd year now with 130 students
What’s in it for me?
• ‘Peer learning’ Ashwin (2003)
“This definition assumes that peer
learning involves two groups of
students, those whose learning is
facilitated and those who
facilitate…both groups of students
should benefit from the interaction
in some way”.
PAGeS – what’s in it for me?
(first years)
Extra grammar – Fren10210 AGT1 PAGerS 6% better!
100% of first years said they had a better understanding of
grammar points covered
Top reason: “Because we had to explain the rules to
Innovative resources
Fun and motivating
Relaxed, collaborative small group environment
All thought had learnt things not related to grammar:
presentation and communication skills, working
methodically and not giving up, confronting weaknesses,
learning how yourself and others learn
“It has taught me to work in a group productively and that
other people’s knowledge can help me.”
What’s in it for me?
• Grammar!
• Ceebl facilitation training (they are not
there to teach)
• Organisational skills - setting up meetings,
negotiation, listening, asking questions,
stepping back, encouraging, giving
positive feedback, patience
“This is the only way to put any joy into
grammar…to make people aware that they
do not have to suffer alone”
(a facilitator, 2008)
Creating your language item trigger:
1) Correction-Based ‘real life’
• You are a team-leader in an export company and you notice
your team (English speakers selling to France) are making
[specified language point] errors so put together a short
presentation explaining the rules to them...
• You work for a …. and your team have been provided with
the first draft of a document [containing specified language
point problems] and must discuss and researchthe
[problem] before making improvements and justifying
• You are helping a neighbours son with his AS level
• You are helping a fellow student do their language
homework corrections, revision etc;
2) Production-based ‘real-life’ and
less ‘real life!’
• You and a friend are writing a piece for the French Society
newsletter welcoming new French Erasmus students into the
department. It is a do’s and don’ts of life at Uni so you and your
friend need to check on the use and formation of the
• You work for a translation company and your team is working
on [a piece containing examples of the specified language point]
and have to research /discuss the language point in question…
• You are writing a news bulletin…
• Relaying events to the Suspicious Inspector Poireau
• You are filling in a survey [and the answers you must provide
will contain elements of the specified language point]
3) Simple ‘explanation based’…
• The following text contains several uses of
[specified grammar point], discuss them
with your group, research the rules and
explain them;
• Compare/Juxtapose sentences and explain
• Fill-in gaps and explain choice of tense;
• Re-write in past and explain use of
• French Grammar by Chocolate