MUEN 2143 - Hill College

112 Lamar
Hillsboro, TX 76645
Course Prefix and Number
Course Title
MUEN 2143
Catalog Description:
This choral ensemble is designed to acquaint members with all types
of choral music. The repertoire varies from early sacred and secular
music to modern day spirituals and popular music. Open to any
student with previous choir experience or by consent of the director.
Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is necessary.
Lecture Hours__0__Lab. Hours__6__Semester Credit Hours__1__
Introduction and Purpose
The purpose of this class is to offer students basic instruction in four
part singing with emphasis on blend, harmony, intonation, etc.
Additional emphasis is placed on good production of tone quality.
Instructional Materials
Supplies and additional materials:
Basic formal performing attire
Each choir member will purchase a choir shirt for
informal performances
The student should be able to demonstrate, through performance,
knowledge of the following objectives or learning outcomes with a
minimum of seventy percent (70%) accuracy.
The student will develop proper choral tone and learn the
stylistic characteristics of the various historical periods of
music through study and performance of various choral
literature as well as various vocal warm-up exercises.
The student will develop through the study of the principles of
vocal production, good breathing techniques, posture, diction,
tone quality, balance and blending.
The student will learn through performance how to interpret the
music on their own part as to tempo and rhythm, phrasing,
dynamics, pitch and intonation, and spirit and/or emotion.
Methods of Instruction
This course uses a lab rehearsal setting. Music learned is presented in
live concerts. Video tapes and other audio aides are used.
Methods of Evaluation
The final grade in Chorale will be determined by the following areas:
1. Rehearsal Attendance - 30% of the final grade
2. Performance Attendance - 30% of the final grade
3. Rehearsal effort/attitude - 30% of the final grade
4. Performance tests - 10% of the final grade
Attendance Scale
0-5 Absences - 30 points
6-7 Absences -25 points
8 Absences - 20 points
9 Absences - 15 points
10 Absences - 10 points
11 or more Absences - 0 points
A missed performance earns a grade of Zero for that performance.
Performances constitute the final exam in choir.
Class policies:
Student honesty and attendance policies as stated in the catalog and
student handbook are followed.
In accordance with the requirements of the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) and the regulations published by the United
States Department of Justice 28 C.F.R. 35.107(a), Hill College’s
designated ADA coordinator, Melanie Betz, Director of Academic
Advising & Student Success, shall be responsible for coordinating the
College’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities
under ADA. Students with disabilities requiring physical, classroom,
or testing accommodations should contact the Director of Academic
Advising & Student Success, Melanie Betz, at (254) 659-7651.