Welcome Art Students - Saint Bonaventure High School

Welcome Art and
Sculpture Students
Find a seat and lets get
• There is NO arranged seating chart in my classroom
• Feel free to sit wherever and with whomever you like
• However! Be aware that I reserve the right to move
you whenever I choose
– Sit next to students you know you can work around
– If I feel your work is suffering, I will scramble the seating
until no one’s happy!
• Art 3 students: You will be sitting together at one of
the two tables farthest from my desk
– This will make it easier for me to help you on more
complex projects
– I also trust you to be able to do your work without needing
me to watch over you like a hawk
Let Me Introduce Myself
• My name is Mr. Thomas
– You may call me Mr. Thomas
– Though I’m sure nick names will develop as the year goes on,
they always do
• I teach both Art and Sculpture here at St. Bonaventure
• I’ve been a “life long artist”
That term is kind of silly
I’ve been drawing since I was a child
Started painting in High School and College
I prefer pencil sketches, Oil Painting, Clay and Metal sculpture
• I have a Bachelors Degree in Fine Arts
• If you’re curious, I can show you my own Artwork in the
• We will cover topics in my class that might offend you in some way,
shape or form
– I’m not afraid to speak my mind, just ask former students
• The majority of art from history features both female and male
– I’m not naïve, most of you have seen much worse
• For example, if you’ve ever done a Google image search with Safe Search off…
– If I feel your class isn’t showing the proper maturity when encountering
this material, I will censor it!
• See example… Michelangelo’s David
• I will talk about a variety of topics, including religion, war,
propaganda, sexism, racism, homophobia and a variety of other
– I will give you both facts and my opinion on all of these topics
– You always have a right to disagree with me!
• If I offend you, please talk to me about it directly
– I’d rather we solve problems within our classroom community
– To truly experience Art, we need the freedom to talk about a variety of
challenging topics
Class Information
• My class works differently then other high school
• You will be given a number of privileges and freedoms
right from the beginning of the year that you may not
be used to
• I prefer a busy, noisy classroom MOST of the time
– If we’re making artwork in class, you may talk to your
friends freely
– I will regularly play music during our in class work time as
– You are also free to bring in headphones and listen to your
own music while you work
• However, there are strict rules for us to follow if you
expect to keep these privileges and freedoms!
The Rules
• In return for the extra privileges I will give you, I expect your RESPECT in
• When I am teaching, you need to be quiet!
– Meaning that when I start speaking to the class, your personal conversations
with peers ends immediately.
– If you’re listening to music, turn it off and put your ear buds down.
– I will tolerate thoughtful questions and even an occasional joke, but do not
push it
• Before you start an art project, you will follow the steps I will teach you.
These include…
– Putting your full name, date and class period on your artwork
– Using the materials provided for their intended purpose
– Turning in your artwork on time and in the proper place
• Clean up after yourself each and every day!
– Your shared art materials go back where you got them
– Both your artwork and sketch pad go back into your cubby
– You will regularly have multiple days to complete a piece of art, so store your
work in a place where it’s easily found
Breaking Rules
• Failure to follow my rules can result in any number of
• First and foremost, detention!
– It’s quick, easy and painless for me
– I don’t give detention easily
– Trust me, when you get a detention, you will have deserved it
• I also reserve the right to give and take away any privileges I
– We can work in silence if need be
• No talking
• No music
• Lastly, letters home to your parents
– It’s my least preferred method of punishment, but if necessary,
we will get your parents involved
– I’d much rather treat you as the young adults you are, so we will
try to take care of our problems directly in class
Classroom Cubbies
• Everyone in the class will be assigned a cubby hole in the
classroom to keep your supplies in
• I’ll point them out to you
• You may pick a partner to share a cubby with
• If you have trouble picking, I will assign you to another class
• This isn’t a popularity contest, it’s just where you keep your
class materials
• When you get a sketchbook or any other supplies, keep
them in your cubby
• Please write down the number and letter of your cubby!
• I will also record who is in what cubby for my own records
Name Tags
• Task number one…
• I need to learn your names!
• I will pass out paper to you…
– Step 1: Fold the paper in half Length Wise
• Also known as “Portrait” or “Hotdog” if you’re a child
– Step 2: Write your FIRST name LEGIBLY in large letters
• The point is for me to read it, not to show off your fancy cursive handwriting
– Step 3: Go crazy with the creativity
• Do not cover up your name! Other than that, express yourself
• We will keep these inside your assigned classroom Cubby so we
don’t lose them.
• Place them in front of you on your table at the beginning of each
• I’ll learn your names as quickly as I can and these will help, but
please give me a break. There are a hundred or so of you to
remember each year. I’ll get it, just try not to be offended if I mess
up occasionally.
Morning Sketch
• Please come up and get a piece of scratch paper to
complete your first drawing
• This assignment will normally be drawn in your sketch
• If you already have a sketch book, good job!
• Date: 8-21-14
• Draw a mythological creature doing something you
did over summer break…
– A griffon going mountain bike riding
– A unicorn playing in the ocean
– A giant playing riding the Tea Cups at Disneyland
Some Classroom Business
• I have two things to take care of this morning
• We need to write a list of which cubby (supply box)
belongs to which student
– I will pass around a small note pad
– Please write you and your partner’s name next to your
cubby number/letter
– Try to go in order! I will be writing these into a word
document and it’s easier for me if it’s in numerical order
• I will also be making my seating chart today
– Your name tag should be in front of you on your desk
– Make sure you’re sitting where you want to stay for the
– I’m willing to change your seats in the future, but for
now, this is your assigned seating
• I do not expect you to be good at Art when you enter
my class
– Some of you already enjoy Art
– Many of you might not draw at all and took my class
because you were embarrassed to dance
• I grade based mainly on effort
– This means that as long as you use your in-class time wisely
and work hard on your assignments, you will do just fine
• During your average week, you will have an opportunity
to earn 35 points total
– 20 points per weekly assignment
– 5 points per weekly quiz – Both vocabulary and art history
– 10 points for weekly participation
What is Art?
• You tell me!
• Can you explain what Art actually is?
• What is Art’s purpose in culture?
• Why did we start making Art?
• Why do we still make it?
Here’s My Speech
• What’s the point of Art?
• In High School
– Self expression
– Doing something for yourself
• Art isn’t a team sport (mostly)
• In the Real World
– Art is culture
• it’s a visual, tactile or auditory memory of history
• Told through the prism of the human mind
– Art is a profession
• Actors, writers, musicians, comedians, you name it, they are all ARTISTS
– It’s also 90% of the entertainment you consume
• Moves, TV, Video Games, Music
• Make Art!
Some of you may never pick up a paint brush or sculpting tool again
That’s ok!
But you need to make Art in a different way
Find a creative outlet in your life!
It’ll help you feel accomplished for the rest of your life
Hello Art 3
• Don’t think I forgot about you…
• Despite being in the same class as Art 1 students, you will be creating
different work than them
– Your assignments will mirror them, but be far more complex
• I expect better, more well thought out artwork from you than from my
• To do this, you will need to be able to work independently…
– This means you will often need to do independent research about future
– I will often speak to you about your assignments on Fridays to give you
the weekend to research and plan
• I will always be here to help and encourage you, but you must be selfmotivated if you hope to succeed
• The goal of this year is to complete a large amount of stand out
artwork that we could use to create a portfolio
• Portfolios are a collection of your best artwork that can be sent to
colleges or potential employers!
– That’s how you get into an art college or get a job in the art world
Morning Sketch
• 8-22-14
• Draw a symbol that represents you in some
– Do you know what a “symbol” is?
• Think of the golden arches for McDonalds
• All sports teams have a symbol as well
– Think of your interests, maybe combine different
things you like to make something about you
Free Draw
• You will have the next 30 minutes to draw
anything you want
• Feel free to look up something to draw on your
phone, but be quick about it!
• I will be collecting these drawings at the end of
the period
• This will help me gauge your current level of
artistic ability
Advanced Stick Figures
• I don’t like stick figures!
– They’re boring
• Some of you will rely on them when doing your
morning sketches
– This goes for Art and Sculpture students
• So I’m going to teach you two different ways to
draw the human figure
– Jointed Stick figures with bubble muscles
– Star people
• Both of these methods are more expressive than
regular stick people
• Please watch me and follow along in your
Art 3 Assignment
• We will begin the year with Perspective
• You remember 1 and 2 point perspective?
– I’ll show you a few pictures just to remind you
• This year, we will be doing 2 point perspective to start with
– You should already be familiar with it, we did it last year
– BUT! Considering you’re Art 3 students, I expect a more complex version
• This weekend, look up an explanation of 2 point perspective
– It’s also worth a Google Image search to get a better idea of what I’m
asking for
– Perhaps try to do something other than a street corner?
– The interior or exterior of a house would be a fun challenge
• Come to class next week with a basic understanding
– We will begin the week by doing small, thumbnail sketches to give you
an idea of what your final picture will look like
– Expect this thumbnail process for most of your projects
– It’s always better to plan before you begin your final work
• “Look before you leap!”
Syllabus Review
• You can read the syllabus on your own time
• It needs to be read and signed by your parents
• I need the signed syllabus returned to me by Friday of
next week
• Materials!
– You need a Sketch Book by Monday of next week
• Sketchbooks need to be spiral bound or stitched
• Cheap Glued sketch books are NOT acceptable
• They cost around 5$ at any Art Store
– Both Aaron Brothers and Michaels can be found locally
– You also need a Pencil
• Regular no. 2 pencils will work for now
• If you enjoy drawing, I would suggest you purchase a small set of
sketch pencils, ranging from 4H to 6B
• If you’d like more information about which to buy, just ask