
Chapter 8 -Sectional Conflict
* The territory gained by the US in
the Mexican-American War
greatly increased sectional
Slavery & Westward Expansion
• 1846 David Wilmot
• Penn.(Dem)
• The Wilmot Proviso:
proposed that slavery
not be allowed in any
territory gained from
• Angered Southerners
• Northern Democrats &
Whigs passed it in the
• Senate refused to vote
on it (led by John C.
Calhoun of SC)
Election of 1848
** Two Political Parties were national parties
** Both parties tended to “sit on the lid” of the slavery
• Democrats nominated Gen. Lewis Cass (veteran
of 1812) –”father of popular sovereignty”
• Popular Sovereignty- allow the settlers who
move to the territories to decide whether they want
slavery or not (idea had lots of appeal) .
• Platform- silent on the issue of slavery in
territories won from Mexico.
The Whigs
• Nominated Gen. Zachary Taylor (Southerner& slave
•Platform- dodged all issues regarding slavery-talked about
their candidate’s “homespun” appeal.
The Free Soil Party
•organized by Conscience Whigs, anti-slavery Democrats;
men in the North who did not trust Cass or Taylor on slavery.
• Platform: supported the Wilmot Proviso- against slavery in
territories because slaves might take white settler’s jobs.
•Nominated- Martin Van Buren
Election 1848-Results
• Zachary Taylor won!
• Van Buren pulled votes from Cass in NY
Sectional Balance-South is well off
• a Southerner in the Whitehouse (La. -slaveholder)
• Southern majority on Supreme Court
• Southerners can block in the US Senate
• Cotton fields expanding & profitable
• 15 free/ 15 slave states= veto any proposed amendment
Gold Discovered In California
• 1848- Gold discovered near Sutter’s Mill on the American
River= settlers & miners move west= (“Forty-Niners”).
•1849- enough people had moved to California = California
applied for statehood as a free state (urged secretly by Taylor)
& drafted a constitution that excluded slavery.
• Southern “Fire-eaters” threatened to secede.
Major gold strikes
The Senate Debates the Issue
• Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, & Daniel Webster
appeared on national stage for last time.
• Henry Clay proposed a series of compromises & was
helped by young Sen. Stephen Douglas (Ill.)
• John C. Calhoun (SC) – rejected Clay’s compromises
because they did not protect southern rights or
• Leave slavery alone, return runaway slaves.
Seventh of March Speech
• Daniel Webster (68 yrs. Old)- liked Clay’s
compromise; gave a 3 hour speech.
• Called Seventh of March Speech- urged
concessions to the South (new Fugitive Slave
Law), declared that God had already deemed
much of the Mexican cession off limits to
slavery-due to climate= no plantations.
**The Compromise of 1850:
• Pres. Taylor died & VP Millard Fillmore took over
1. California in as a free state= tipped power in
Senate permanently to the North
2. New Mexico & Utah- slavery decided by popular
sovereignty (both unsuited for cotton)
3. Slave trade outlawed in D.C. but not slavery itself
4. New Fugitive Slave Act- “Bloodhound Bill”
• Mistake by the South!!
Fugitive Slave
Act of 1850
• Any African-American
could be accused as a
runaway slave to be taken
into custody of the white
person accusing him/her
• No trial
• Financial incentives ($10)
for federal judges who found
in favor of slave holders.
• Any northerner could be
compelled to catch runaways
or face jail or fines.
Effects of the Act
• Northerners upset –
possible jail time
• Drove Northerners to acts
of defiance (civil
• Violence between
abolitionists and proslavery advocates rose
• Abolitionists:
▫ Aided in the escape of
▫ Sent anti-slavery mailings
to the south
Henry David Thoreau
• Romantic Author
• Wrote ‘Civil
▫ People should
break a law if it is
• Anti-slavery activists
used this essay to
justify defying the
Fugitive Slave Acts
The Underground Railroad
Escape routes for slaves
Deepened Southern mistrust of Northerners
Safe houses aided runaway slaves
Began in the 1830s
Members were ‘conductors’
Harriett Tubman – most famous conductor
▫ Called Moses for leading her people to freedom
• Used song to give directions
• Levi Coffin –white man provided a safe house
▫ 3 underground railroads converged at his house
Harriet Beecher Stowe
• Uncle Tom’s Cabin
▫ Book about slave
• Changed
perceptions of slavery
• Sold millions of
• Southerners tried to
ban the book
Frederick Douglass
• Former slave who
• Powerful orator
• Abolitionist
• Gave speeches to
anti-slavery groups
in the North
• Urged to enlist
black troops