Rocklin High School AP Music Theory 2013

Rocklin High School
AP Music Theory
Mr. Spiess
RHS Choral/Vocal, Piano Lab, AP Theory, AVID12
RHS AP Music Theory
at a glance…
1 AP Music Theory Class at RHS
10 students Total/1TA
Students from RHS and WHS
6 Male--4 Female
Singers, Instrumentalist and Non-Musicians
No musical experience prerequisite but piano skills beneficial.
AP Theory into the future…
Continue to offer the class as long
as the district allows it.
Encourage more freshman and sophomores
to take the course
Other Courses Offered:
Concert Choir
Advanced Women's Ensemble
Chamber Choir
Men's Ensemble (2014-15)
Piano Lab
• Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Notate rhythms and pitches in treble, bass, alto and tenor clef
Sing and write all major scales and all types of minor scales
Visually identify and compose in modes
Perform the whole-tone and chromatic scales on the keyboard
Construct a circle of 5ths chart
Identify all diatonic and chromatic intervals within the octave both
aurally and in print
Transpose a melodic phrase
Write major, minor, diminished, and augmented chords in all 3
Aurally identify major, minor, diminished and augmented chords
in all 3 inversions
Write all diatonic 7th chords in all four inversions and resolve
them properly
• Aurally identify all diatonic 7th chords
Identify both aurally and visually the five types of cadences
Identify both aurally and visually all ten non-harmonic tones
Write Roman numeral analysis for traditional 4-voice texture and
label non-harmonic tones
Identify the elements of melodic phrase structure
Identify visually and aurally the four texture types: monophonic,
polyphonic, homophonic, or homorhythmic/chordal texture
Given a soprano melody, compose a bass line with Roman numeral
Realize short chorale progressions in traditional 4-voice texture
given the figured bass line, demonstrating proper voice leading
Resolve dominant 7th chords in 4-voice texture using correct voice
Analyze a 4-voice chorale and identify non-harmonic tones and
secondary chords
Analyze printed excerpts of standard works and identify the form
Be familiar with the 5 major eras of western music through listening
•Course Materials
Always bring a pencil to class. Do not use pen for
dictation exercises or compositions. Please use a threering binder and organize it into the following sections:
Sight-Singing. I will provide a packet for you which we will use
throughout the year.
Dictation. This section should contain multiple sheets of removable
blank staff paper (no clefs, measures, brackets, etc.)
Part-Writing. This section should also contain multiple sheets of
removable blank staff paper.
Handouts. I will be giving you various handouts throughout the year
to go in this section.
Notes. Regular binder paper or Cornell notepaper for notes on
vocabulary, concepts, test-taking tips, etc.
Each student is graded on:
•Daily Performance and Participation
•Assignment Completion
•Attitude (This is a frustrating course)
•Music Theory Tests
•Skills Checks
A course syllabus is online for you to see
•AP Exams
Fee: $89.00 payable at student store or online web store
Deadline: February 1st No Extensions! Fee reduction
request paperwork available late October. $5 test fee for
qualified people. Payment plans are available through the
school but must happen before the February 1st deadline.
Dates: Currently not posted.
Check out for updated info.
RHS Piano Lab Connect
New School Website
Student/Parent Connection
Piano Lab: 7NN7Z-DT5C8
Concert Choir: MTKQ9-HCDDS
Women’s Ensemble: XVX9B-HGXDF
Chamber: X7C7Z-NVMNT
AP Music Theory: G6FDZ-GFTKD
Teacher Email
Thank You
For Coming Tonight!
Please encourage your student
to persevere!
Please do not hesitate to contact
me for any reason.
Mr. Spiess
RHS Choral/Vocal, Piano Lab, AP Theory, AVID12