MANAGMENT OF VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS RIADH ABID Imaging Departement Elfarabi Sfax Tunisie INTRODUCTION Vast / varied clinical / evolutionary/ prognosis: variability Subiquitous: Multiple specialistis Nomenclature and classification CLASSIFICATIONS Merland J.J: Ann.Chir.Plast: 1980, 2, 105. Muliken J.B : Plast Recons. S: 1982, 69, 412 Hambourg classification: 1988/1989 Iternationnal Society for the Study of Vascular Anomamlies (ISSVA Rome 1996) The IAN Jackson classification 1993 The orbital society classification J Rootman VASCULAR ANOMALIES VASCULAR TUMOURS INFANT VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS V A S C U L A R T U M O U R S HEMANGIOMA LOW FLOW HIGH FLOW Capillary malformations CM Arteriovenous fistula AVF Venous malformations VM CMV RCIH NCIH Lymphatic malformations LM Arteriovenous malformations AVM HEMANGIOMA HEMANGIOMA transient error of vascular morphogenesis proliferation of endothelial cells identical to the parenchyma angioformateur endothelial marker, GLUT-1: + HEMANGIOMA / CLINICAL three clinical types: Tuberous sub cutaneous Mixed HEMANGIOMA / EVOLUTION Evolution triphasic spontaneously resolvent Is mostly not present at birth Is discovered after a few weeks Grows disproportionally until 6 or 9 months Still stable until 18 month Involute slowly in 3 or 5 years HEMANGIOMA / HOW TO BEHAVE Imaging : not required mainly echo Doppler seldom MRI How to behave Abstention in 90% of cases( monotoring) therapeutic intervention in 10% of cases Corticotherapy local or general Avlocardyl surgery repararatrice VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS LOW FLOW VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS CAPILLARY MALFORMATION PORT- WINE STAIN (PWS) Capillary dilatation Macular erythema which is present at birth and persists throughout life Localized or extended Clinical diagnosis Mostly aesthetic problem LASER PULSE DYE IS THE TREATMENT OF CHOICE PWS INDICATOR OF COMPLEX SYNDROMA false PWS: management see avm PWS cutaneous marker of systematized vascular malformation Sturge Weber Krabbe Klippel Trenaunay Parkes Weber CAPILLARY-VENOUS MALFORMATION CVM gradual expansion of the sector venular immediately post capillary with or without agenesis of draining veins swelling particular ability to invade without cleavage plane of neighboring structures difficult surgery bleeding recurrence CVM CMV / CLINICAL Compressible blue swelling No thrill Local normal temperature Outbreaks painful and infla mmatory FUNDAMENTAL CHARACTERISTIC change in size depending on the position CMV / IMAGING Plain X – ray: phleboliths Echo- Doppler: venous signal IRM / TDM: depth extension / bone extension direct opacification: before sclerotherapy CMV / DIRECT OPACIFACATION diagnostic confirmation number of compartments appreciation of the venous return CVM / THERAPEUTIC MEANS Medical Treatment elastic stockings Low doses of aspirin seem to minimize phlebothromboses Surgery : incomplete resection bleeding recurrence VENOUS SCEROSING AGENTS Sodium tetradecyl sulphate 3% et 1% Alcohol / Asolute Ethanol Ethibloc Polidocanol / Asclera and Aethoxysklerol causes fibrosis inside varicose veins, occluding the lumen of the vessel, and reducing the appearance of the varicosity. Ethanolamine oleate : Ethamolin a sclerosing agent. It works by creating scar tissue inside a swollen or dilated (wider than normal) vein to prevent bleeding. SCLEROTHERAPY Sclerotherapy induces an inflammatory reaction that will worsen the symptoms during the week following intervention. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents or corticoids) must be given to minimize the symptoms. There should be a time delay of 1–3 months between each sclerotherapy session MECHANISM OF ACTION scerosant agent causes irritation and inflammation of blood vessel walls that will worsen the symptoms during the week following intervention. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents must be given to minimize the symptoms. healing of this inflammation leads to fibrosis and sclerosis with collapse of cubicles There should be a time delay of 2–4 months between each sclerotherapy session Tow needles technique low pressure sclerotherapy K.R.HAMZA CIRSE 2011 ALEX. BERNACLE CIRSE 2011 LYMPHATIC MALFORMATION LM LYMPHATIC MALFORMATION /LM Vesicules with lymphatic fuid without flux Present at birth bat can became evident later /Never regress Expand with inflamation LYMPHATIC MALFORMATION /LM Clincal: Cystic , Tissue, Mixed Diagnosis: clinical / ultrasound Extension : sometimes TDM / IRM Tretment: Surgery: recurrence HIHG FLOW MALFORMATION ARTERIOVENOUS MALFORMATION AVM /DEFINITION Anatomically : abnormal communication without an interposed normal capillary network between artery and a vein Haemodynamic: high flow Active the most severe vascular malformation and the most difficult to handle Artery capillary vein HIGH FLOW MALFORMATIONS AVFistulas: a single point of communication between feeding artery and draining vein AVMalformations: nidus with several arteriel feeders and one severel draining veins AVM / NIDUS It consist of arteriel feeders (alimenteur)and enlarged draining veins AVM / CLINICAL / DIAGNOSIS Hot mass or swelling red or purplish throbbing with thrill souflante Bleeding episodes AVM / EVOLUTION UNPREDICTABLE Present at birth but may became evident laiter Neverr regress May remain quiescent Can become evolutionary Spontaneously hormonal changes: pregnancy puberty puncture incomplete surgical biopsy AVM / COMPLICATION Evolutionary AVM Bleeding Ischemia necrosis Cardiac failure AVM / /MONITORING Initial assessment echo Doppler / angio CT / MRI Angiography: subclinical stigma of scalability Monitoring: regulirement or if Scalability AVM /CLASSIFICATION / SCHROBINGER Stage 1: lesion-pink-bluish, stain warm, Doppler US- AV shunting (quiescent phase) Stage 2: lesion –pulsation, thrill, bruit ( expansion phase ) Stage 3: dystrophic skin changes, bleeding, ulceration, pain ( destruction phase) Stage 4: high output cardiac failure THERAPEUTIC / MEANS abstention Syrgery : often inadequate Amount bleeding incomplete resection with recurrence proximal ligation of the artery should be avoided ineffective by a develloppement of a network arteriolar can causes a flare evolutionary closes the door to the embolization AVM / THERAPEUTIC MEANS Embolization arterial percutaneous venous Combination: arteriel / percutaneous / venous Multiples sessions AVM /ANGIO ARCHITECTURE Uterstanding the anatomy of the various of AV communications is the most important factor to traiting theses lesions by embolization. Arterio- venous Arteriolo-venous More than three feeding vessels communicating with an identifiable venous sac Arteriolo-venulous THERAPEUTIC AGENTS N-Butyl cyano acrylate Alcohol Onyx PVA / Embospheres Coils …… GOALS OF TREATMENT Control /Prevention of complications / bleeding Stabilization / control of growth aesthetic aspects Curative Preoperative PURPOSE OF TREATMENT EXCLUDE THE NIDUS Treatment of AVM Simple vascular malformation percutaneous sclerotherapy Treatment of AVM Vascular malformation with several feeding arteries and drainage veins. begins with a flow-control procedure (the drainage vein) Additional sclerotherapy to the nidus is then performed. Treatment of AVM vascular malformation with several drainage veins and feeding arteries, one of which was embolized. This is an ineffective procedure that makes the latent feeding arteries apparent. Without ablation of the nidus, a good outcome cannot be expected. HEMANGIOMA / TAKE HOME MESSAGES Diagnosis: clinical appearance triphasic evolution Imaging : not required mainly echo Doppler How to behave Abstention in 90% of cases( monotoring) therapeutic intervention in 10% of cases Local or general corticotherapy surgery repararatrice CVM / TAKE HOME MESSAGES Diagnosis : clinical Therapeutic managment Sclerotherpy percutaneous Sclerosis constutie the treatment of choice and first-line. She can avoid a difficult surgery and often incomlete In other cases it allows the preparation of the deed operative avoiding mutilating and iterative surgery AVM / TAKE HOME MESSAGES Definition : abnormal communication between A and V Diagnosis : clinical Iitial assessment and regular monitoring Evolution : unpredictable Therapeutic management AVM /THERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT A MULTIDISCILINARY DECISION REGULAR MONITORING AVM QUIESCENT: abstention AVM EVOLUTIONARY therapeutic intervention embolisation CONCLUSION Vascular malformations are varied and ubiquitous classification distinguishes vascular malformations according to the affected area (artery, vein, capillary, lymphatic) and according to the flow (high and low flow) The clinical directed imaging, therapeutic prognosis Vascular malformations require multidisciplinary management MANAGMENTS OF VASCULAR MALFORMATIONS Plastic surgeon Pediatricia Dermatologist Interventional radiologist Vascular surgeon Orthopedic surgeon Pathologist Nursing staff Maxillo facial surgeon Pédiatric surgeon FLOW RELATED CLASSIFICATION AND RECOMMENTED TREATMENT Slow flow lesion SCLERTHERAPY Intermediate flow lesion SCLEROTHERAPY+/-EMBOLIZATION High flow lesion EMBOLIZATION +/- SCEROTHERAPY Merland J.J: Ann.Chir.Plast: 1980, 2, 105. Muliken J.B : Plast Recons. S: 1982, 69, 412 Goleria - 2012 - Medical - 222 pages The ian Jackson classification (1993) J.Dubois Nov 2001 , RadioGraph 21, 1519-1531 L.Flors and all sep 2011 RadioGraph, 31, 1321-1340. H Hideki October 2005 RadioGraphics, 25, S159S171.