UCLA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY MEETING Thursday, June 5, 2014 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Charles E. Young Grand Salon Kerckhoff Hall Jan Reiff, Senate Chair Joel Aberbach, Senate Vice Chair/Chair Elect Linda Sarna, Immediate Past Senate Chair Neal Garrett, Senate Secretary & Interim Senate Parliamentarian http://www.senate.ucla.edu/ Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements / Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > Executive Board Ballot 2014 At-Large Members of the Executive Board BALLOT ACADEMIC SENATE, LOS ANGELES DIVISION Voting Instructions: All Legislative Assembly members of the Los Angeles Division are eligible to vote. The method of election is the cumulative vote, with each member casting as many votes as there are vacancies to be filled and distributing those votes among as few or as many candidates as the voter thinks fit. [Senate Bylaw 150(E)(2) Am 25 Apr 95] Open Seats – Two-year Terms There are three at-large seats open for the 2014 elections. You have three votes to cast. For example, you might cast three votes for one candidate and none for the others, or you might cast one vote for three candidates. If more than three boxes are checked, the entire vote will be invalid. Nominees Enter Your Votes (3 total) Susan Ettner, Department of Medicine - GIM/HSR Michael Meranze, Department of History William Oppenheim, Department of Orthopedic Surgery ANNOUNCEMENTS: Senate Elections, Executive Board EXECUTIVE BOARD, 2014-2015 Chair: Past chair: Chair elect: Continuing At-large Members: Ex-Officio Members: Joel Aberbach, Political Science & Public Policy Jan Reiff, History & Statistics Leo Estrada, Urban Planning Malcolm Gordon, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Kathy Komar, Comparative Literature Willeke Wendrich, Near Eastern Languages & Culture to be elected to be elected to be elected Chair, Graduate Council (to be appointed) Chair, Undergraduate Council (to be appointed) Chair, Council on Planning and Budget (to be appointed) Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements / Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > UEPRRC Emeriti Affairs Committee The University Emeriti and Pre-Retirement Relations Committee requests that the name of the committee be changed to the Emeriti Affairs Committee. The primary reasons for this proposed change is clarity and effective communication of the Committee’s role within the Academic Senate. The current name is needlessly long and difficult to recall; the initial letters of each word (UEPRRC) do not form a helpful acronym. The wording is neither efficient nor comprehensive. For example, the word “University” is unnecessary and the phrase “Pre-Retirement Relations” refers to just one of the Committee’s duties. In the end we all agreed that “Emeriti Affairs Committee” was the best choice because it is comprehensive, clear and easy to keep in mind. Members in attendance voted 7 in favor, none opposed, no abstentions, to recommend that the name of the committee be changed to Emeriti Affairs Committee. Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements / Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 No Chair, Vice-Chair, or Immediate Past Chair of the Senate, nor any Chair of a Governance Committee or of the Council on Academic Personnel, shall accept appointment to an administrative office in the University (not including Department Chair) for at least one calendar year after leaving office. After full and open debate, the Legislative Assembly may grant exceptions. [En 7 Mar 95; Am 12 Nov 96; Am 11 Feb 03] Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics C. CRITERIA. Appendix V actions should be undertaken only for academic reasons pertaining to the teaching and research functions of the University. Societal requirements, long-range fiscal considerations, and planning objectives can be taken into account. Because of the University's long-term commitments to faculty and students, Appendix V actions cannot, in general, be used to realize short-term savings, and so are not an appropriate response to transitory fiscal problems. D. DISESTABLISHMENT. Since any Appendix V action requires prior Senate review, procedures described herein shall be invoked whenever the Designated Committee, as defined below, determines that gradual or sudden reduction of resources is likely to result in de facto Appendix V action. E. REVIEW AND CONSULTATION. 1. Disestablishing a program or unit should be done with great care and consideration, and only after appropriate consultation and evaluation. 2. The review process shall include substantive participation by all relevant parties--faculty, students, Academic Senate, staff, and Administration. 3. All parties who would be affected by a contemplated Appendix V action shall have timely access to relevant information consistent with the provisions of University personnel policy F. SAFEGUARDS FOR STUDENTS. Students enrolled in a program or unit which is disestablished, consolidated, transferred, discontinued or suspended should have reasonable opportunity to complete their degrees in the program. G. SAFEGUARDS FOR FACULTY. Every effort shall be made to minimize the disruptive effects of Appendix V actions upon the careers of the affected faculty. Policies and procedures governing faculty tenure and related matters shall be strictly followed. A proposal or recommendation for an Appendix V action must be accompanied by a plan for reassignment of the affected faculty. http://www.senate.ucla.edu/FormsDocs/Appendices/appv.htm Legislative Assembly > Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics The Academic Senate received a proposal from the Department of Applied Linguistics for the following actions: 1. Disestablishment of the Department; 2. Discontinuance of its graduate degree and certificate programs, undergraduate minor in Language Teaching, and African Languages B.A. (including all undergraduate and graduate courses and subject areas); and 3. Transfer of the Applied Linguistics B.A. Program to the Department of Linguistics, effective July 1, 2014. At its meeting on May 2, 2014, the Graduate Council reviewed the proposal in full and, despite some reservations expressed by the membership about the circumstances that led to this ultimate situation, the action received unanimous approval (11 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions) with a motion to encourage the Administration and interested faculty members to further explore the option to establish a graduate interdepartmental degree program in Applied Linguistics. At this time, however, the Council feels that the proposal equates to a de facto disestablishment, and is necessary due to the lack of faculty oversight and leadership of the Department. Legislative Assembly > Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics Committee on Rules and Jurisdiction Questions for the Executive Board before moving the action to the LgA: 1. Why are the students being transferred to Linguistics rather than Communication Studies? Was transferring the students to the Department of Communication Studies an option? [Additionally, there was no consideration given to the option of housing the graduate programs into the Department of Communication Studies, which does not offer its own graduate degree program.] 2. Did the Graduate Council interview any graduate students or hold any hearing to determine the students’ preference or the best department to transfer …” [The Graduate Council did not interview students due to the de facto nature of the action.] Executive Board: Expressed a concern about African languages and the decline in opportunities to study them at UCLA. [Felt this was separate from the Appendix V action because the “home” of African languages has moved between several departments. It will be forwarding a request to the administration to address the issue of the loss of African language instruction on campus. Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > Election Results Vice Chair/Chair Elect Leobardo F. Estrada, Urban Planning Committee on Committees: Gp 3: Joseph F. Nagy, English Gp 12: Eghbali Mansoureh, Anesthesiology Gp 14: Antoinette S. Gomes, Radiological Sciences Gp 17: Kym F. Faull, Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences Executive Board: Susan Ettner, Medicine William Oppenheim, Orthopaedic Surgery Michael Meranze, History Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Diversity in Research James S. Economou Vice Chancellor for Research University of California Los Angeles Annual Remarks to UCLA Academic Senate June 5, 2014 Minority students – especially African American – tend to view predominately White campuses as: • • • • hostile, alienating, socially isolating less responsive to their needs and interests estrangement from campus community Heightened discomfort in interactions with faculty and peers Smedley in Harper and Hurtado Adaptation of minority students in a predominately White college • • • • • Heightened concerns over academic preparedness Question about their legitimacy as students at a competitive university Perceptions of negative expectations from White peers and faculty Concerns over family expectations and finances Demands of attending a competitive university Smedley in Harper and Hurtado Nine themes of Campus Racial Climates (Harper & Hurtado; Solórzano et al) 1. Incongruence of stated institutional values regarding diversity and reality. 2. Discussions about “race” are unpopular 3. Racial Self-Segregation 4. Gaps in Social Satisfaction by Race 5. Reputational Legacies 6. Overestimation of Minority Student Satisfaction 7. It’s Very White Around Here 8. Minority Staff on Campus 9. “No One Ever Asked Us About Climate” Gender Diversity • • • • • • Underrepresentation in ladder faculty Underrepresentation in certain disciplines Underrepresentation in leadership positions Disparities in compensation Longer time to tenure Issues of work-life balance Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Cabinet FY 2013-14 Research Development Staff Shady Hakim Erna Sardarian Amy Hawkins Julie Skrupa Ornah Medovoi Michelle Popowitz Mary Jo Spaulding Jill Sweitzer Paul Cleland Michael Elliot Student Workers Jazmin Barajas Andrea Cabrera Kim Nguyen Justus Winn-Howard Zachary Robinson REFERENCES Bowen, W.G. and Bok, D. The Shape of the River. Princeton University Press 1990 Harper, S.R. and Hurtado, S. Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education, 3rd Ed., ASHE Reader Series, 2011 Hurtado, S. et al. Enhancing Diverse Learning Environments: Improving the Climate for Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education, 1999 Mays, V. M., et. al. Using the science of psychology to target perpetrators of racism and race-based discrimination for intervention efforts… Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 2013 Smith, D. Diversity’s Promise for Higher Education. Jith Press 2001 Stulberg, L.M. and Weinberg, S.L. Diversity in American Higher Education, Routledge DIVERSITY INITIATIVES in the OFFICE OF VICE CHANCELLOR FOR RESEARCH • UCLA Diversity and Faculty Development Newsletters • Transdisciplinary Seed Grants – Diversity, Cultural Awareness, and Inequality • Diversity Grant Support Team (DiGST) • Research Initiative for Diversity and Equity (RIDE) Excerpt: Newsletter with Diversity-Themed Funding Opportunities and Research-Related Events UCLA Diversity & Faculty Development Newsletter • Distributed monthly • ~850 subscribers • Includes funding opportunities (grants, awards, fellowships) from government and private sources • Includes opportunities related to: - Broadening participation/increasing diversity - Conducting research on diversity in various contexts - Research on diverse and/or underrepresented populations - Opportunities where diverse individuals are particularly encouraged to apply OVCR Transdisciplinary Seed Grants • Promote research and scholarship of intersection between disciplines • Must have at least 2 PIs, the primary investigator from a North Campus discipline • Statistics on TSG Program - 5 cycles - 174 applications - 63 funded - Including contributions of partners: $1,493,100 invested to date. • RFP Themes - curiosity-driven scholarship - health & welfare - research informatics - diversity, cultural awareness, & inequality Transdisciplinary Seed Grants – Diversity, Cultural Awareness, and Inequality Tracks Project Title Investigators Transition to High School in Los Angeles: Opportunities and Risks Sandra Graham(Education) Jaana Juvonen (Psychology) Meredith Phillips (Public Policy) Lifting the Fog: Networks of Career Opportunity for Minorities Barbara Lawrence (Management and Organizations) Mark Stephen Handcock (Statistics) Community Resilience through Culture: Thom Mayne (Architecture) David Eisenman (Community Health Sciences/General Internal Medicine Strategy for Reconstruction in Haiti and Health Services Research) Robin Derby (History) Eui-Sung Yi (The Now Institute, SOAA) Claudine Michel (Department of Black Studies, UCSB) Nadège T. Clitandre (Global & International Studies, UCSB) Facing the Future: Changing Paradigms in Global Health Delivery Bonnie Taub (Latin American Studies, Anthropology & Community Health Sciences) Reza Jarrahy (Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Pediatrics) Social Justice in the Classroom: Teaching Young Children about Inequality and Poverty Rashmita Mistry (GSE&IS-Education) Bernard Weiner (Life Sciences Division-Psychology) Frederick Zimmerman (Health Policy & Management) Renewal: Lifting the Fog: Networks of Career Opportunity for Minorities Barbara Lawrence (Management and Organizations) Mark Stephen Handcock (Statistics) Diversity Grant Support Team (DiGST) GOAL - Increase the capacity for writing and assembling large diversityrelated grant opportunities Opportunities: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Annie E. Casey Foundation Ford Foundation William T. Grant Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation W. K. Kellogg Foundation John D and Catherine T MacArthur Fo. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Nellie Mae Education Foundation Rockefeller Foundation Russell Sage Foundation Spence Foundation NIH: NIGMS NIMHD NHCBI NCI NICHD US Department of Education Department of Defense DiGST • Identify funding opportunities • Assemble and support faculty/student applicant teams • Knowledge of funding requirements • Experience with foundation and federal funding agencies • Leverage other infrastructure resources on campus * Ability to build teams and collaborations among diverse constituencies Research Initiative for Diversity & Equity RIDE • Grant mechanism from OVCR to stimulate research on mechanisms to enhance campus climate with respect to diversity • Budgets from $5,000 - $25,000 • Faculty, students and staff eligible to apply RIDE Proposals by PI Status Student 20 Dean/Vice Chancellor/ Vice Provost 3 Faculty 42 Staff 14 Campus Distribution of RIDE Applications - 2014 RIDE Proposal: Submissions by School 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 “Do I Belong Here?”: Examining the Experience of Low Socioeconomic Status of Students at an Elite University • Students from low socioeconomic backgrounds – especially underrepresented groups – may feel marginalized due to multiple stigmatized identities. • Project will examine: - How markers of low social class and status can affect academic performance and contribute to an unfavorable campus climate - Test interventions to increase feelings of belongingness and to reduce stereotypes. RIDE Proposals 2014 Building Leaders to Advance Community on Campus (BLACC) • Develop interventions to counter experience of isolation and invisibility of Black UCLA students • Plan to engage entire Black student population with: - Rich and vibrant Black LA Community (mutually beneficial) - Targeted courses and programs offered by Bunche Center, Department African-American Studies and others - Hiring Black Student Engagement Specialist – outreach, assessment student needs, create community-building events. RIDE Proposals 2014 Women Engaged in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (WE-STEM) • UCLA School of Engineering has ~ 20% women students • Plan social and academic interventions to advance needs of female scholars in STEM majors: - Monthly community meetings to bond the community - Monthly seminars highlight female STEM faculty research - Fiat Lux course - Mentorship RIDE Proposals 2014 Fostering Awareness through Mentorship and Education (FAME) Program • Mentorship is key factor in fostering socialization, academic success and career preparedness. • Propose a one year pilot: 30 African-American (esp STEM) students will be matched with faculty and staff members - Individual mentorship and group activities - Support an inclusive UCLA Community that fosters a positive campus climate for AA students - Improve graduation rates and time to degree RIDE Proposals 2014 Advancing Campus Identity Diversity • Workshops made available to all official UCLA clubs and organizations. - Provide diversity training - Emphasizes positive self-identity development - Post-workshop survey RIDE Proposals 2014 Social and Racial Equity Workshops for Graduate Students • Series of workshops (up to 6) to infuse social and racist justice issues into graduate student education • Multiple schools will be invited to partner: Public Affairs Law Anderson Medicine School of Public Health Education and Engineering RIDE Proposals 2014 Impact of Diversity Fellowships on Graduate Student Success • UC and UCLA investing for decades significant resources in fellowships for entering doctoral students who advance diversity: Cota – Robles fellowships and Graduate Opportunity Fellowships (GOF) • Total investment = $7.7 million/year • What is impact? How would success be measured? Are these fellowships effective? • Compare recipients to non-recipients in 5 large UCLA departments RIDE Proposals 2014 In Their Own Words: A Qualitative Understanding of Racial Campus Climate among ethnic minority undergraduates at UCLA • Personal testimonies are after missing from social climate research. - types of racial discrimination experienced by students - how students respond - effects of incidents on academic performance - advantages of having critical mass or ethics minority students - has racial climate improved: • Analysis may provide insight into experiences that will help shape initiatives to improve campus climate RIDE Proposals 2014 UCLA Directory for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Collaboration • Virtual gathering place for members of UCLA to share information, learn about resources, and advance inclusive policies. • Online communications infrastructure that would include a listing of organizations, resources and activities on campus • Track and catalog diversity-related efforts RIDE Proposals 2014 Mission of a Comprehensive Research University • Prepare young women and men to lead constructive lives and become leaders and contributing members of society • Create and disseminate new knowledge for the benefit of society The Diversity Challenge • How will American’s universities address the diversity of Society’s Grand Challenges – a sustainable environment, disparities in health, poverty and inequality, K-12 education, the creation of employment – unless they are tackled by diverse teams of faculty, students and staff? • How will we face the leadership ranks of industry, law, medicine, business and public service – in a diverse multicultural global society – unless we have a diverse pipeline of talented and passionate students? Justice O’Connor “numerous studies show (Grutter v. Bollinger) that student body 2003 diversity promotes learning outcomes, and better prepares students for an increasingly diverse workforce and society, and better prepares them as professionals” America’s research universities are the envy of the world, to a large degree because our society has entrusted us to educate its future leaders and to create new knowledge, and they have largely given us the authority to align our missions and values and to decide best how to accomplish this goal. Adapted from: WG Bowen, D Bok The Shape of the River Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > GOLD SHIELD AWARD WINNER 2014 Gold Shield Award Winner BRENDA STEVENSON Department of History Legislative Assembly > AGENDA 2:00-2:05 Welcome & Brief Announcements Executive Board Voting Announcement 2:05-2:15 Approval of Consent Calendar • LgA minutes, April 10, 2014 • Committee Name Change (UEPRRC to the Emeriti Affairs Committee-EAC) • 2012-2013 Annual Reports o Committee on Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) o Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) o Committee on International Education (CIE) o Committee on Teaching (COT) • Bylaw Changes: DGSOM 2:15-2:20 Exception to Bylaw IV.E.3 2:20-2:30 Appendix V Action: Applied Linguistics 2:30-2:40 Approval of New Degree: Masters of Applied Economics 2:40-2:45 Updates on UC and Campus Issues 2:45-2:50 Announcement of Election Results 2:50-3:15 Vice Chancellor James Economou 3:15-3:30 Vice Chancellor Steven Olsen 3:30-3:45 Chancellor Gene Block 3:45-3:50 Gold Shield Award Announcement 3:50-3:55 Senate Award Announcements Legislative Assembly > DEI AWARDEES Committee on Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2014 DIVERSITY, EQUITY and INCLUSION AWARD STEVEN LOPEZ Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry RICHARD YARBOROUGH Departments of English & African American Studies Legislative Assembly > DISTINGUISHED TEACHING AWARDEES Teaching Assistants Nancy Salem, Nursing Ashley Feinsinger, Philosophy Kristin Mann, Classics Rees Garmann, Chemistry and Biochemistry Benjamin Sher, Film, Television & Digital Media Legislative Assembly > DISTINGUISHED TEACHING AWARDEES Non-Senate Faculty Robert Foster, Management Mitchum Huehls, English Teddi Chichester, Writing Programs Legislative Assembly > DISTINGUISHED TEACHING AWARDEES Senate Faculty Earl G. Freymiller, Dentistry Hilary Godwin, Environmental Health Sciences Hiroshi Motomura, Law Undergraduate Mentorship Award Paul H. Barber, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Distinction in Teaching at the Graduate Level Felicity A. Nussbaum, English Eby Award for the Art of Teaching Neil K. Garg, Chemistry and Biochemistry Legislative Assembly > FACULTY RESEARCH LECTURERS 117th Faculty Research Lecturer: Utpal Banerjee Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology 118th Faculty Research Lecturer: Efrain Kristal Department of Comparative Literature Legislative Assembly > OLIVER JOHNSON AWARDEE Oliver Johnson Award for Distinguished Leadership in the Academic Senate Kathleen Komar Department of Comparative Literature