[UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Name__________________________ Unit Two: Anatomy of Cells Note Packet (DIN Sign off and Note Pack MUST Be Returned on Day of Individual Test For a Test Grade) Page 1 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Page 2 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Unislawski - Living Environment Cell Structure & Function Note/Study Packet What is in this pile of papers???? 1. DIN Sign Off Sheet: This must be brought to EVERY class. I will sign/stamp it at the start of class IF AND ONLY IF - It is out when I come to your seat - You are working on the DIN I will only come once; no second trips *** A completed packet (notes + DIN, handed in the day of the INDVIDUALTEST will count as a 100 test Grade for the unit *** 2. Cell Structure Vocabulary Practice Sheet & glossaryt Cell Structure Vocabulary Quiz Date: ________________ 3. Blank Flash Cards: These (or an alternative study tool) must be completed as part of your quiz grade! 4. Last, but not least, unit notes The Test Dates for this Unit: Group Test: _______________ Individual Test: _________________ (DIN Sign off and Note Pack MUST Be Returned on Day of Individual Test For a Test Grade) Page 3 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Cell Structure and Function Learning Objectives New York State Education Department Living Environment Core Curriculum Performance Indicators: 4.1.2a, 4.1.2c, 4.1.2f, 4.1.2g, 4.1.2i, 4.1.3a, 4.2.1g, 4.5.1b, 4.5.1f, 4.5.2a, 4.6.1e, 1.2.3a, 1.3.1a Upon the completion of this section the student will: discuss and compare the following relative organizational levels: cell, tissue, organ, and organ systems. recognize that improvements in the light microscope and microscopic techniques during the last four centuries have allowed the development of the cell theory. state the cell theory. convert micrometer measurements to millimeters and vice versa. describe the appearance and chief function(s) of the following organelles found in both plant and animal cells; nucleus, nuclear membrane, nucleolus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, cytoplasm, food vacuole, contractile vacuole, lysosome, mitochondrion, Golgi apparatus, and plasma membrane. relate the structure of the plasma membrane to its function. discuss the role of the centriole in animal cells. state the role of the cell wall and chloroplasts in plant cells. define the following terms associated with processes of the plasma membrane; diffusion, concentration gradient, osmosis, solute, solvent, permeability, and semi permeable. given osmotic situations, correctly indicate the direction of osmotic flow and explain why this is so. explain the differences between passive transport and active transport. explain the difference between pinocytosis and phagocytosis. Feed the Need to Read and Succeed Please make certain to READ (not just skim the words or find the answers to questions) the following pages that reinforce this section of the information. Pages 169-181 Page 4 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline 1. What are the four levels of organization within an organism? a. b. c. d. 2. What did Anton van Leeuwenhoek study? a. What were the organisms that he drew? 3. State the three parts of the cell theory: a. b. c. The First Cells 4. Define prokaryotic organisms - a. Where is the DNA located in these organisms? b. What else is missing in these types of organisms? Page 5 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline 5. Define each of these parts of a prokaryotic cell: a. Plasmid – b. Ribosomes – c. Pili – d. Flagella – e. Cell Membrane – These organisms have ____________________________. Page 6 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline 6. The eukaryotic cell can be divided into two parts: _______________ and _______________. 7. Define cytoplasm – 8. Do prokaryotic cells have cytoplasm? 9. Define organelles – Page 7 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Animal Cell Diagram Page 8 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Plant Cell Diagram Page 9 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline 10. The nucleus contains: ______________________________________________________. 11. What is the nuclear envelope? 12. The nucleus is the ____________ ______________ of the cell. 13. What is the purpose of nuclear pores? 14. Define chromatin – 15. What does the nucleolus produce? 16. Proteins are synthesized on __________________________. a. Where are the two places these are found? 17. Ribosomes are made of _______________ and ____________________. a. Ribosomes produce _______________________ by following instructions from _________________. b. Each ribosome is like a _____________________________. 18. What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum? 19. The endoplasmic reticulum is connected to the _______________________. Page 10 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline 20. Describe each region of the E.R.: a. Smooth ER – b. Rough ER – 21. What are the four functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum? a. b. c. d. 22. What are the two functions of the rough endoplasmic reticulum? a. b. 23. What is the golgi apparatus? 24. Describe the functions of the golgi apparatus: Page 11 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Organelles that Store, Clean Up, and Support 25. What are vesicles and vacuoles? 26. Plant cells have _________________________. a. What happens when this is empty? 27. What is the purpose of lysosomes? a. Lysosomes can digest __________________, ____________, _______________, and ____________________. b. Lysosomes can also breakdown _____________________________. 28. What is the cytoskeleton? a. What is the other function of the cytoskeleton? b. What do centrioles do? Organelles that Capture and Release Energy 29. All life requires _____________. 30. The two ways organisms can get energy is by: a. b. 31. Photosynthesis occurs in _______________________. 32. Cell respiration occurs in _______________________. 33. What is the function of mitochondria? a. Mitochondria convert ________________________________________ into ______________________________ for the cell to use. Page 12 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline b. Mitochondria have two ______________________. c. The inner membrane is _________________________ to increase the ______________________ for _________________________. 34. What is the function of chloroplasts? a. Where are chloroplasts found? Plasma Membrane 35. The plasma membrane is a _______________________________. a. What does the plasma membrane do? 36. What is the structure of a plasma membrane? 37. Draw a phospholipid below: Label the hydrophobic and hydrophilic part: 38. What is the purpose of the cell wall? 39. What organisms have a cell wall? 40. The cell wall is _____________ of the cell membrane. Page 13 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Cell Membrane Processes New York State Education Department Living Environment Core Curriculum Performance Indicators: 4.1.2a, 4.1.2c, 4.1.2f, 4.1.2g, 4.1.2i, 4.1.3a, 4.2.1g, 4.5.2a Upon the completion of this section the student will: define the following terms associated with processes of the plasma membrane; diffusion, concentration gradient, osmosis, solute, solvent, permeability, and semi permeable. given osmotic situations, correctly indicate the direction of osmotic flow and explain why this is so. explain the differences between passive transport and active transport. explain the difference between pinocytosis and phagocytosis. Feed the Need to Read and Succeed Please make certain to READ (not just skim the words or find the answers to questions) the following pages that reinforce this section of the information. Pages 184-189 41. What is the plasma membrane? 42. The plasma membrane exhibits ________________________. a. What does this mean? 43. The plasma membrane is made of ______________________. a. Phospholipids contain both __________________________ and ____________________________ regions. 44. What does the fluid mosaic model state? Page 14 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline 45. Sketch the phospholipid bilayer of a cell: 46. What determines most of the membrane’s functions? 47. Define peripheral proteins – 48. Define integral proteins – 49. Sketch the phospholipid bilayer with proteins: Page 15 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline 50. List the six major functions of membrane proteins: a. b. c. d. e. f. 51. The cell membrane is __________________________. 52. Small molecules can pass through the membrane (easily / slowly ) a. Examples: 53. Large molecules can pass through the membrane (easily / slowly ) a. Examples: 54. Why are transport proteins needed in cells? 55. What do channel proteins do? 56. What do carrier proteins do? Types of Cell Transport 57. Define diffusion – 58. Diffusion is considered passive transport. What does this mean? Page 16 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline 59. Label the diagram below: 60. Define osmosis – 61. The direction of osmosis is determined by ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________. a. Define solutes - 62. Water diffuses across a cell membrane from a region of ______________________________ to a region of __________________________________________. 63. Define isotonic solution – a. What happens to a cell in this situation? 64. Define hypertonic solution – a. What happens to a cell in this situation? 65. Define hypotonic solution – a. What happens to a cell in this situation? Page 17 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline 66. Why can’t animals survive in hypertonic or hypotonic environments? 67. Give an example of an organism that has adapted to survive in a different environment: 68. Plant cells have ___________________. 69. Cell walls are _________________ than plasma membranes and do not _______________. 70. What does the plant cell look like in an isotonic environment? 71. What does the plant cell look like in distilled water? 72. What does the plant cell look like in salt water? 73. Define facilitated diffusion a. This increases the _______________ of transport. b. This is considered: ( active / passive ) transport. 74. What does active transport do? a. Active transport requires _____________________. b. What is ATP? c. Active transport is performed by _________________________ in the membranes. 75. What is exocytosis? 76. What is endocytosis? 77. Define the two types of endocytosis: a. Phagocytosis: b. Pinocytosis: Page 18 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Glossary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 19 Active Transport – movement of molecules from low to high concentration; energy is required Amino Acid – the building blocks of proteins ATP – energy molecule that organisms use for energy Carbohydrate – organic compound used as the main source of energy Cell Membrane – thin, flexible barrier around a cell that controls what goes in and out Cell Wall – strong layer around a plant cell that provides support and protection Chloroplast – organelle that stores energy from the sun; performs photosnnthesis Chlorophyll – the green pigment in a chloprlast that absorbs sunlight Glucose – the carbohydrate that your body burns in the process of respiration Cytoplasm – the “goopy, gloppy” substance indise a cell that holds other organelles in place. Diffusion – movement of molecules from high to low concentrations; requires no energy DNA – organic compound that controls the production of proteins Enzyme – tye of PROTEIN that speeds up chemical reactions; biological catalysts Mitochondria – organelees that release energy from food; perform cellular respiration Nucleus – organelle that sotres DNA; controls clls activities Organelle – specilalized structure inside a cell that performs cellular functions Protein – organic compound used for growth and repair of the body Ribosome - organelle responsible for making proteins Selectively Permeable – wil only let certain things in and out Vacuole –sac like organelle that holds food water or waste Page 19 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Page 20 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Page 21 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Cell Structure/Function DIN Sign Off Sheet Lesson 1 Date _________ Lesson 9 Date _________ Lesson 2 Date _________ Lesson 10 Date _________ Lesson 3 Date _________ Lesson 11 Date _________ Lesson 4 Date _________ Lesson 12 Date _________ Lesson 5 Date _________ Lesson 13 Date _________ Lesson 6 Date _________ Lesson 14 Date _________ Lesson 7 Date _________ Lesson 15 Date _________ Lesson 8 Date _________ Lesson 16 Date _________ Page 22 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Cell Structure/Function DIN Sign Off Sheet Lesson 17 Date _________ Lesson 25 Date _________ Lesson 18 Date _________ Lesson 26 Date _________ Lesson 19 Date _________ Lesson 27 Date _________ Lesson 20 Date _________ Lesson 28 Date _________ Lesson 21 Date _________ Lesson 29 Date _________ Lesson 22 Date _________ Lesson 30 Date _________ Lesson 23 Date _________ Lesson 31 Date _________ Lesson 24 Date _________ Lesson 32 Date _________ Page 23 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Page 24 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Flash Cards Page 25 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Page 26 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Page 27 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Page 28 [UNIT 2 - CELLS] Notes Outline Page 29