Guided Reading Lesson Plan Date: _December 7, 2011____________________________ Group: ____Jessica and Serena__________________________ Text: ___Hermit Crab by: Beverley Randell___________________ Level: ___7-8_________ Learning Targets Iowa Core Curriculum (RF.1.4): I can: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support my understanding. I can: Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. Before Reading Relate the topic to the reader: What do you think this animal is? Where do you think the Hermit Crab lives? Have you ever seen a Hermit crab before? Summary statement: Today we are going to read Hermit Crab, by Beverley Randell. This book is about a Hermit crab who is trying to find a new home. What do you think a hermit crab uses for its home? Picture walk/preview: Now we are going to open the book and look at the pictures. Please turn to pages three. Point to the Hermit Crabs home. Do you think her home or shell is big enough for her? Can you frame the word shell? What do you think it will start with? Turn to page five. What did the Hermit Crab find? Do you think this would make a good home for her? On page 4, point to the word big that is in big black letters. Why do you think big is in big black letters? How might you say that word? Turn to page 7. Oh, no! What did Hermit Crab find inside the big shell? Can Hermit Crab use the big shell for her home? Why not? Can you frame the word inside? What two words do you see in inside? Turn to page 9. Ah, oh! Now what did Hermit Crab find? How do you think Hermit Crab feels? What might the fish do to her? Why? Can you frame the word hungry? What letter do you think it starts with? Turn to page 11. What does Hermit Crab see now? Predict: What do you think Hermit Crab do now that he sees the shell? Repeat unusual language: p 6 Oh, no! p 10 question mark breaks the pattern Locate key vocabulary: hermit crab, shell, inside, hungry, Set the purpose: Read to find out if Hermit Crab can find a new home. State the strategy focus: How do you know when you need to read in an excited voice? How about a questioning voice? That’s right. We need to make sure we are paying attention to the punctuation makes at the end of each sentence because it will tell you how the sentence should be read. During Reading Prompts: Can you reread this page for me? Can you explain to me what they are doing in this step? What do you think is going to happen next? Second reading (reread until others are finished) After Reading Respond to text: Did you enjoy the story? What was your favorite part? Did you think Hermit Crab was going to be eaten by the big fish? Check predictions: Were your predictions correct? Do you think Hermit Crab will outgrow her new shell? Return to text/review reading strategies used: point out any strategies the students used well such as rereading, stretching out words, or using their fingers, go back to p 14 When you read this page did it seem different from the rest of the book? When you came to this page, how did you read it? The words on this page are italicized because we are telling the fish to go away and leave Hermit Crab alone. Word Work Type of word work: Word Sort sh and ch in the initial position Words: shark, shoe, ship, shave, shirt, shell, sheep, shovel, shorts, cheese, chair, chain, chick, chop, chef, chin, cherry, church, child Procedure: I do, we do, and you do. Read each word. Model a few. Help me put the word Mix them up and they do by themselves. in the correct column. Assessment Text reading: See if the students are able to accurately and fluently read the text, while comprehending the story. Take a running record of both students. Word work: See if the students can accurately categorize the words into their prospective categories.