Design-an-Odyssey Project

Name ______________________________________________________________________________ Period ______ Date _________________________
Design-an-Odyssey Project
We recently have learned a lot about Greek mythology, including Greek gods and goddesses, some of the heroes, and
what personal traits make them heroic. Now, it is your turn to create your own hero and his or her own epic story!
Working with your group members, figure out what kind of hero you want to have, and then use this worksheet to guide
you in the creation of your odyssey.
1. What is the hero’s name?
2. What heroic traits does your hero have? You must have at least 3 traits that your hero will use during his/her odyssey.
3. Why is your hero traveling around the Mediterranean world? What is s/he in search of, or where is s/he trying to go?
4. Using your maps from last week and, if you choose, textbooks, find at least three places (you can absolutely have more
than three!) in the ancient Mediterranean world to where your hero will travel. Label them on the map on the back of this
sheet, and draw a line showing your hero’s travel timeline (where s/he went and the order in which s/he went).
5. Using the space below, and extra paper if necessary, write down the events of your hero’s journey. Do not write in
complete sentences, but instead bullet point the main events. There are five bullet points below to get you started. Make
sure that in your story you include monsters that s/he encounters, gods s/he deals with, and where s/he meets these
people. Also make sure your story has a beginning, middle, and end.