General Biology II Laboratory at IRSC PLANTS Taxonomy: Domain Eukarya o Kingdom Plantae “Bryophytes” – seedless, nonvascular plants Phylum Hepatophyta – liverworts Phylum Anthocerophyta – hornworts Phylum Bryophyta – moss “Pteridophytes” – seedless vascular plants Phylum Lycopopiophyta – club moss Phylum Monilophyta – wisk fern, horsetails, ferns Vascular Plants Tracheophytes Seed vascular plants “Gymnosperms” - naked seeds o Group Cycadophyta o Group Ginkgophyta o Group Gnetophyta o Group Coniferophyta “Angiosperms” – flowering with fruit o Class Eudicots o Class Monocots Nonvascular Plants Observe live and preserved specimens on lab bench Be familiar with moss life cycle (found in lab book) o Alternation of Generations Sporophyte Generation Diploid Meiosis creates haploid spores o Haploid Male – antheridia o o o Produces flagellated sperm, dependent on water Look at slide (Mnium) - #1a Female – archegonia o o Happens in the sporangium - #2 Gametophyte Generation Produces egg Look at slide (Mnium) - #1b In nonvascular plants, the gametophyte generation is dominant Liverworts – observe Marchantia : antheridia and archegonia, gemma cups Vascular Seedless Plants Observe live and preserved specimens on lab bench Be familiar with fern life cycle Have vascular tissue so they can grow larger and live in drier environments but still depend on water for dispersal of flagellated sperm What are microphylls? What are rhizoids? Rhizomes? Sporophyte generation is dominant (differs from nonvascular) o Gametophyte is smaller Observe fern prothallus with antheridia and archegonia General Biology II Lab Packet 1 Look at slide - # 8,9 Look at slide of cross-section of fern frond to see sorus (sporangium where spores are produced) - #7 Seed Plants – Embryophytes Seed – structure that contains next generation (seed protects embryo) Sporophyte generation is dominant o Gametophyte generation is very small (microscopic) o Sporangia Female - Megasporangia produces gametophyte contained in ovule Male – Microsporangia produces gametophyte in pollen Gymnosperms – “naked seed” o Observe live and preserved specimens of the 4 groups on lab bench o Pines Be familiar with pine life cycle View difference in sizes of male and female cones Look at slide of female cone - #11 Look at slide of male cone (observe pollen) - #12 Angiosperms – flowering plants (produce flowers and fruit) o Be familiar with flowering plant life cycle o Megaspore – in the ovule Female gametophyte Embryo sac – 7 cells (1 of which has 2 nuclei) Look at slide of cross-section of Lily ovule - #15,16 o Microspore – in anther Male gametophyte in pollen grain Pollenation – transfer of pollen grain to stigma Pollen grain germinates o 2 sperm – Double Fertilization 1 fertilizes egg 1 joins cell with 2 nuclei to form triploid endosperm (nutrient source for developing embryo in seed) Look at slide of cross-section of Lily anther (observe pollen) - #13 o After fertilization: Ovule becomes seed 3 generations of tissues o 2n parent sporophyte o 1n parent gametophyte o 2n new sporophyte (embryo) Ovary becomes fruit o Monocots versus Eudicots – know differences o Flower Model and live flower specimens Be able to identify structures and know function: Stamen Carpel o anther o stigma o filament o style o ovary o ovule petals sepals General Biology II Lab Packet 2 o Seed Germination Model Eudicot seed germination Primary root (radicle) develops 2 cotyledons emerge Cotyledons are large and have almost completely taken up endosperm In some eudicots, the cotyledons protect new plant as it pushes through soil and emerges o o Monocot seed germination Cotyledon is small and is pushed up against endosperm Primary root develops Coleoptile emerges, sheath that protects emerging true leaves Fruits Simple Fruits - develop from single ovary o In other eudicots, the cotyledons stay in the soil Primary leaves develop Fleshy fruits o Drupes – cherry o Berries – grape, tomato o Tomato – ovary has many chambers o Pomes – apple Dry fruits o Legumes – pea o Samaras – maple o Nuts – oak, walnut o Grains – wheat, corn o sunflower, dandelion Aggregate Fruits - develop from numerous carpels within a single flower Blackberries Raspberries Strawberries Multiple fruits - develop from a number of ovaries of several flowers Pineapples Mulberries Figs Meristematic (embryonic tissue) Plant can continue to grow Apical meristems Terminal ends of roots, branches, stems Shoot system – stem, branches, leaves Root system - roots Cells divide and differentiate into tissues o Dermal tissue General Biology II Lab Packet 3 o o Ground tissue o Vascular tissue Root Model Identify and know function: root cap root hairs zone of cell division zone of elongation zone of maturation _______________ _______________ _______________ Look at top of model – are you looking at eudicot or monocot root? Distinguish dermal, ground, and vascular tissue Look at slide of eudicot root (longitudinal and cross-section) and cross-section of monocot root - #18,19,20 o Root Diversity – look at examples of root diversity on lab bench and in lab book o Stems Look at slide of cross-section of eudicot stem and monocot stem, be able to distinguish #21 Herbaceous – nonwoody Observe Twig on lab bench Monocots and some eudicots Identify: o Terminal bud o Terminal bud scale scars (from last year’s growth) o Leaf scar o Stem Diversity – look at examples of stem diversity on lab bench and in lab book o Woody growth – secondary growth (Proliferating xylem) Model Identify and know function: o bark o cork o cork cambium o phloem o vascular cambium o xylem o summer wood o spring wood o __________________ o __________________ o __________________ Taking a look at this model, can you identify what would be dermal tissue, ground tissue, vascular tissue? Look at cross-section of woody stem - #22 General Biology II Lab Packet 4 o Leaves Take a look at examples on lab bench Leaf Model o Identify and know function: stoma epidermis vein spongy Mesophyll palisade Mesophyll _______________ _______________ _______________ Look at slide of cross-section of monocot and eudicot leaves - #17 Write what you observed during the following lab activities: o Tropisms (Gravitropism, Phototropism) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ o Transpiration Experiment _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ o Effects of acid rain on plant growth _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Make notation of additional information your lab instructor would like you to learn about plants: General Biology II Lab Packet 5 Structures for Practical #1 (also know function, if applicable) Abscisic acid Gametophyte Primary growth Acid rain Gemmae Prothallus Adventitious roots Germination Protonema Angiospermae Gibberellin Psilotium Anther Ginkgophyta Pteridophyta Antheridium Ginko Radicle Antipodal Gnetophyta Rhizoid Apical bud Gravitropism Rhizome Apical meristem Guard cell Root Archegonium Gymnosperm Root cap Auxin Haploid Root hair Axillary bud Hepatophyta Sclerenchyma Axillary bud Herbaceous Secondary growth Bryophyta Horsetails Seed Bulb Indusium Seed cone Capsule Integuments Selaginella Carpel Internode Sepal Casparian strip Lateral bud Sorus Chlorenchyma Leaf Spongy chlorenchyma Coleoptile Lignin Sporangium Coleorhiza Liverworts Spores Collenchyma Lycophyta Sporophyll Coniferophyta Lycopodium Sporophyte Cork Cambium Marchantia Stamen Corm Meiosis Stem Cortex Mesophyll Stigma Cycadophyta Micropyle Stolon Cytokinin Mitosis Stoma Diploid Mnium Strobilus Double fertilization Monocot Style Egg Node Suberin Embryo Ovary Synergid Embryo sac Ovule Taproots Endodermis Palisade chlorenchyma Terminal bud Endosperm Parenchyma Thallus Ephedra Pericycle Transpiration Epidermis Petal Triploid Equisetum Petiole Tuber Ethylene Phloem Vascular bundle Etiolation Phototropism Vascular cambium Eudicot Pistil Woody Fertilization Pith Xylem Fibrous roots Pollen cone Zone of cell division Filament Pollen grain Zone of elongation Frond Pollen tube Zone of maturation Fruit Pollination General Biology II Lab Packet 6 ANIMALS Taxonomy: Domain Eukarya Kingdom Animalia o Phylum Porifera – sponges, no true tissues, no true symmetry o Subkingdom Eumetazoa – tissue layers, symmetry, gut, special cell junctions Radiata – diploblastic Phylum Ctenophora Phylum Cnidaria o Class Hydrozoa, Class Scyphozoa, Class Anthozoa Bilateria – triploblastic Protostomes – 1st embryonic blastopore becomes mouth o Superphyla Lophotrochozoans Typical larvae is trochophore larvae Some have lophophore – circular ridge around mouth with tentacles A lot are marine o Phylum Platyhelminthes, Flatworms – acoelomate o Phylum Rotifera, Rotifers – psuedocoelomate o Phylum Annelida, Annelids – coelomate Class Turbellaria, Class Trematoda, Class Cestoda Class Oligiochaeta, Class Polychaeta, Class Hirudinea Segmented, coelom in each segment separated from other segment o Mostly closed circulatory system Phylum Mollusca, Mollusks – coelomate (reduced) Class Polyplacophora, Class Gastropoda, Class Bivalvia, Class Cephalopoda o Open circulatory system except in cephalopods Superphyla Ecydsozoans Exoskeleton (some that are worm-like have thin exoskeleton called a cuticle) Groups: Phylum Nematoda - pseudocoelomate Phylum Arthropoda – coelomate (hemocoel) o Open circulatory system o Most diverse and numerous animals on earth o Typical larvae is naupilus Chelicerates – Horseshoe crabs, Class Arachnids Crustaceans – Class Crustacea Myriapods - Class Chilopoda, Class Diplopoda, Insects/Hexapods st Deuterostomes – 1 embryonic blastophore becomes the anus, all coelomates, internal skeletons Phylum Echinodermata, Echinoderms Class Astroidea, Class Ophiuroidea, Class Echinoidea, Class Holothuroidea, Class Crinoidea o Phylum Chordata, Chordates – notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, post-anal tail Subphylum Urochordata, Urochordates - tunicates Subphylum Cephalochordata, Cephalochordates - lancelets Subphylum Vertebrata, Vertebrates Superclass Agnatha, Jawless Fishes o Hagfishes General Biology II Lab Packet 7 o cartilaginous Lampreys cartilaginous, many parasitic Gnathostomes – “jaw mouths” o Class Chondrichthyes, Chondrichthyans – cartilaginous fishes o Class Osteichthyes, Ray-finned fishes – bony fishes o Class Amphibia, Amphibians – tetrapod legs allowed movement from water to land o Amniotes – skin impermeable to water, kidneys excrete concentrated urine, amniotic egg Class Reptilia and Class Aves, Reptiles – includes birds and squamates Class Mammalia, Mammals For all of the animal groups, familiarize yourself with the following characteristics of each group: Make Flash Cards!!!!!! It might be very helpful To make flashcards, also!!! Phylum Porifera o o Observe preserved specimens on lab bench Look at slide of Grantia - #24,25 o Assymetrical o Do these organisms have true organized tissues? o At what life stage do these organisms have mobility? o Identify osculum and choanocytes Phylum Cnidaria o Observe preserved specimens on lab bench o General Characteristics o Two germ layers Radial symmetry Class Hydrozoa – Hydra, portuguese man-of-war Look at hydra slide - #26 Look at Obelia medusa and polyp - #27,28 Hydra Model Identify and know function of: o mouth General Biology II Lab Packet 8 gastrovascular cavity o tentacle o basal disk o gland cell o mesoglea o cnidocyte o ________________ o ________________ o Class Scyphozoa – “jellyfish” o Class Anthozoa – hard corals and soft corals Phylum Platyhelminthes (flat worms) o Class Turbellaria – free-living flatworms Planaria Model Identify and know function of: o eye spot o brain o pharynx o auricles o ovary o gastrovascular o testis o ______________ o flame cell o ______________ Look at slide of Planaria - #29,30 o Class Trematoda – flukes and Class Cestoda – tapeworms o Parasites Phylum Nematoda o Protostomes o Pseudocoelomates o Complete digestive system o Many are parasitic o Have cuticle that is molted as it grows o Identify differences between sexes of Ascaris Phylum Rotifera Phylum Mollusca cross-section of Ascaris - #31 o Observe preserved specimens on lab bench o General Characteristics: Protostomes Coelomates 3-part body – muscular foot, visceral mass, mantle Complete digestive system o Class Polyplacophora – chitins o Class Gastropoda – snails, slug o Class Bivalvia – clams Clam model Identify and know function of: o foot o mouth o gill o stomach o gonad o anus o intestine o kidney General Biology II Lab Packet 9 o o heart o ______________ o mantle o ______________ o ______________ Class Cephalopoda – octopus, squid closed circulatory system considered to be the most intelligent invertebrates Look at the squid biomount Identify following structures: o _________________ o _________________ o _________________ o _________________ o Phylum Annelida – segmented worms o General characteristics: Protostomes Coelomates Complete digestive system Closed circulatory system General Biology II Lab Packet 10 o Class Oligochaeta – earthworms Earthworm Model o brain o gizzard o hearts o dorsal vessel o esophagus o clitellum o seminal vesicle o ______________ o seminal receptacle o ______________ o crop Look at slide of cross-section of earthworm - #32 Identify and know function of: Notice the typhlosole – fold that increases surface of intestine o Class Polychaeta – sand worms, feather dusters o Class Hirudinea – leeches Phylum Arthropoda o Observe preserved specimens on lab bench o General characteristics: o Protostomes Coelomates “jointed legs” hard exoskeleton – chitin, undergoes ecdysis open circulatory system complete digestive system Chelicerates – horseshoe crabs and arachnids (spider, ticks, scorpions) General Biology II Lab Packet 11 o Crustaceans – crabs, lobster, shrimp o Look at crawfish model, identify structures found during dissection Insects and relatives Chilopods – centipedes Diplopods – millipedes (2 pairs of legs per segment) Insects/Hexapods – insects Grasshopper Model - Identify and know function of: o brain o heart o nerve ganglion o crop, o malpighian tubules o trachea o spiracles o ________________ o ________________ Insects o Head, thorax, abdomen o 3 pairs jointed appendages and 2 antennae o Respiration – tracheae o Insect Metamorphosis Complete Metamorphosis Drastic change Larvae does not resemble adult Example is butterfly Incomplete metamorphosis Gradual change Larvae (nymphs) resemble adult Example is grasshopper Phylum Echinodermata o Observe preserved specimens on lab bench o General characteristics: Endoskeleton Adult can be radially symmetrical (pentrahedral) but larvae are bilateral Most unique feature is water vascular system General Biology II Lab Packet 12 o Class Astroidea – sea stars Sea Star Model - Identify and know function of: tube feet radial canal (down arms) ampulla ring canal anus spines mouth aboral side pyloric stomach oral side cardiac stomach madreporite gonads _______________ o Class Ophiuroidea – brittle stars o Class Echinodea – Sea urchins o Class Holothuroidea – sea cucumber o Class Crinodea – sea lillies o Deuterostomes – up until this point we have been seeing protostomes Phylum Chordata o Observe preserved specimens on lab bench o General characteristics: Chordate characteristics Dorsal tubular nerve cord Notochord (supporting rod) Postanal tail Pharyngeal gill slits - Can become gills; or in terrestrial chordates, will be modified during embryological development Subphylum Urochordata – tunicates o Subphylum Cephalochordata – lancelets o Deuterostomes o Look at lancelet model and slides - #33,47 _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Subphylum Vertebrata – Vertebrates Superclass Agnatha – jawless fishes Superclass Gnathostoma – jaws Class Chondrichthyes – sharks, rays Class Osteichthyes – bony fish Class Amphibia – amphibians Class Reptilia – reptiles and Aves (birds) Class Mammalia – mammals Make notation of additional information your lab instructor would like you to learn about animals: General Biology II Lab Packet 13 Page 14 Arthropod Grasshopper Arthropod Crawfish Mollusca Squid Mollusca Clam Annelida Earthworm Nematoda Roundworm Planaria Platyhelminthes Cnidaria Hydra Porifera Sponge Animal Symmetry Type of Body Cavity Digestion Circulation Respiration Excretion Page 15 Arthropod Crawfish Mollusca Squid Mollusca Clam Annelida Earthworm Nematoda Roundworm Planaria Platyhelminthes Cnidaria Hydra Porifera Sponge Animal Locomotion Support Segmentation Appendages Nervous Habitat Other Page 16 Chordata Pig Chordata Amphioxus Echinodermata Sea Star Animal Chordata Pig Chordata Amphioxus Echinodermata Sea Star Animal Locomotion Symmetry Support Type of Body Cavity Segmentation Digestion Appendages Circulation Nervous Respiration Habitat Excretion Structures for Practical #2 (also know function, if applicable) Acoelomate Diploblastic Instar Prototherian Adductor muscle Diplopoda Intestine Psuedocoelomate Adult Dorsal nerve cord Kidney Pupa Agnatha Echinodermata Labial palps Radial canal Amoebocyte Echinoidea Larva Reproductive polyp Amphibia Egg Malpighian tubule Reptilia Annelida Epidermal cell Madreporite Ring canal Anthozoa Esophagus Mammary glands Rotifera Antenna Excurrent siphon Mammalia Scolex Anus Eutherian Mantle Scyphozoa Arachnida Eye Marsupial Seminal receptacle Arthropoda Eye spot Medusa Seminal vesicle Astroidea Fat body Metamorphosis Setae Aves Feeding polyp (Meta)nephridia Septa Bivalvia Filter feeder Mollusca Spicule Brain Flame cell (protonephridia) Monotreme Spiracle Carapace Foot Nematocyst Spongocoel Cephalochordata Forewing Nematoda Stomach Cephalopoda Gastric ceca Nemertea Stone canal Cephalothorax Gastric mill Notochord Swimmerets Cestoda Gastropoda Nymph Tentacles Chelicerata Gastrovascular Oligochaeta Teste Ophiuroidea Tracheal tubes Chilopoda cavity Choanocytes Gills Osteichthyes Trematoda Chondrichthyes Gizzard Ovary Triploblastic Chordata Gnathostomata Ovipositor Tube feet Clasper Gonad Pharyngeal Turbellaria Clitellum Green gland Cnidaria Hair Pharynx Umbo Cnidocyte Heart Placental Uniramia Coelomate Hemichordata Planula Urochordata Corona Hexapoda Platyhelminthes Uropod Crinoidea Hindwing Polychaeta Valves Crop Hinge ligament Polyp Ventral nerve cord Crustacea Hirudinea Polyplacophora Vertebrata Ctenophora Holothuroidea Porifera Visceral mass Cuticle Hydrozoa Post-anal tail Water vascular system Detritus feeder Incurrent siphon Proglottid Wheel organ Deuterostome Ingestion Protonephridia Digestive gland Insecta Protostomes slits/pouches Page 17 Typhlosole Tissues and Systems and Pig Tissues o Be able to identify, name function, and typical location of each Observe slides under microscope o o 4 major types: Epithelial Simple squamous - #44 Simple cuboidal - #44 Simple columnar - #44 Stratified squamous - #35 Pseudostratified epithelium - #37 Muscle Skeletal - #38 Smooth - #38 Cardiac - #38 Nervous Neuron - #39 Neuron Model – Identify: o Cell body o Axon o Myelin sheath covering axon o Dendrites – extensions of cell body The tiny, orange structures you see attached in this area are the axon terminals of another neuron Areolar - #49 Dense fibrous - #48 Adipose - #40 Blood - #43 Compact bone - #41 Hyaline cartilage - #42 Skin Model o o 3 sections left – hairy scalp middle – armpit right – sole of foot (notice thick epidermis) Identify epidermis arrector pili muscle dermis sense organs subcutaneous layer _________________ hair follicle _________________ oil gland sweat gland Connective skin slide - #35 Kidney Model o 3 parts Cross-section of kidney Magnified nephron Page 18 o Magnified Bowman’s capsule of nephron Identify ureter collecting ducts nephron renal pyramids bowman’s capsule renal pelvis glomerulus peritubular capillaries proximal convoluted tubule ______________ Henle’s loop ______________ distal convoluted tubule Heart Model o Be able to trace a drop of blood through the heart Start with entering through vena cava Include chambers and valves End with aorta Know the connections to the pulmonary and systemic circuits o Open atrium to observe fossa ovalis between the 2 chambers o Identify Chambers Right, left atrium Right, left ventricles Valves Tricuspid Bicuspid Aortic semilunar Pulmonary semilunar Septum (wall between ventricles) Vessels Inferior and superior vena cava Pulmonary trunk leading to pulmonary arteries Pulmonary veins Aortic arch Coronary artery Page 19 PIG DISSECTION o Follow incision and storage directions carefully!!! o Review the external anatomy of your pig, identify the sex of your pig o For the pig practical, you will have to identify each listed structure, organ, or vessel AND name 1 function: o Vessels (review diagram on Dr. Capers’ website) Coronary artery Descending thoracic aorta Pulmonary trunk Dorsal (abdominal) aorta Pulmonary artery/vein Celiac artery Posterior vena cava Anterior mesenteric artery Anterior vena cava Renal artery/vein Brachiocephalic vein Hepatic vein Subclavian artery/vein Hepatic portal (optional) Internal/external jugular Common iliac artery/vein Carotid artery Umbilical artery/vein Aortic arch o Pharynx o Thymus o Epiglottis o Thyroid o Larynx o Heart o Esophagus o Pericardial sac o Trachea o Right/left atrium of heart o Lungs o Right/left ventricle of heart o Diaphragm o Ductus arteriosus between aorta and o Liver o Gall bladder o Ureter o Stomach o Kidney o Duodenum of small intestine o Urinary bladder o Jejuno-ileum of small intestine o Urethra o Pancreas o Oviduct OR vas deferens o Mesentery o Ovary OR testes o Colon o Vagina OR penis o Spleen o Uterus OR bulbourethral gland o Rectum o Uterine horn OR epididymis o Caecum o pulmonary trunk Page 20 PIG DISSECTION Groups: Students will work in teams of three (reader, cutter, assistant cutter). Individuals in the group will take pig practical on the group’s pig. Be careful not to destroy anything from test list. (Keep the thymus!) PROPER ATTIRE is required for your protection. In keeping with Federal regulations, students are required to wear closed toe shoes in laboratory. The attire worn in the laboratory work setting should include full coverage of legs and upper arms, hair restraints for long hair, no dangling jewelry, and no low cut shirts or blouses. During dissections the student should provide protective eye-wear such as glasses or goggles and gloves (well-fitting kitchen type rather than disposable). **Optional: lab coat or apron to protect clothing; Vicks VapoRub to block pig odors No dissection can be done in “Open Lab.” Can only LOOK and not mutilate. Study details about opening the pig BEFORE you report to lab. MARK THE LAB MANUAL MODIFICATIONS in your lab manual BEFORE you report to lab. It is important to mark these CHANGES IN YOUR LAB MANUAL. Then, during lab, you will not make a mistake that could cost you points on your pig practical. PREPARATION FOR DISSECTION: 1. Roles of dissection team members: a) cutter, b) assistant to cutter, c) reader with lab manual. 2. Protect your dissection station from scratches which are difficult to polish away. Lay down the plastic sheeting found in the lower cabinet at your workstation over the area where the dissecting pan will be placed. 3. Obtain your dissection pan from a lower student cabinet in your group area. 4. Label 2 tags: student names, class time using Sharpie. One tag will be placed on pig’s leg, one will be kept to put on outer bag before storage. 5. Obtain pig. 6. Place pig in dissection pan. 7. Cut 2 pieces of string (one for each set of legs), tie string on one leg, wrap under the pan and tie on the opposite leg (this is to keep the pig secure in the pan). 5. Instructor will give instructions for the lab and then turn on the exhaust fan. For future dissections, you will: Remove the pig from the wet bag. Save this bag for storage of the pig. The preservative fluid from the bag should be dumped down the sink followed by lots of cold water to remove the fluid from the plumbing trap so we do not have to breathe this chemical. Procedure for Storage of Pig: 1. Spray down the pig both externally and internally so that all tissues are moist. Leave strings on legs attached. 2. Place your pig in your inner (wet) plastic bag. Keep it laying LONG to fit storage tray. 3. Expel all air from bag. 4. Fold over the top of the bag to create a water tight closure. Secure with a twist tie. 5. Place bagged pig in a second (dry) plastic bag. Fold over top of bag and secure with a twist tie that has the second labeled tag attached. 6. Store the pig in the plastic pan that you have labeled with your names. The plastic pan is then stored in the cabinet indicated by your instructor. CLEAN dissection pan and tools with soap and water (hot water at back wall sinks), then rinse with alcohol, Dry tools before returning them to the plastic bag in your assigned student drawers. BIOHAZARD - PIG PARTS GO IN BIOHAZARD CONTAINER, EVERYTHING ELSE (GLOVES, PAPER TOWEL, ETC) CAN GO IN REGULAR TRASH. Page 21 Identify the sex of your pig. Pharynx: Make deep cuts (4 – 6 cm.) to expose epiglottis. OPENING THE PIG: o THORACIC INCISIONS: 1) Locate the cuts already found in skin at the neck region of you pig. This was where the latex was injected into the pig’s arteries and veins. EXTEND this cut to the midline of the neck. 2) Insert the mall probe in under the skin and sternum (breast bone) to free any attachments in the path of your incisions. 3) Use the large bandage scissors to cut the costal cartilage along one side of the sternum until you feel the resistance from the diaphragm. **DO NOT separate the body wall from the rib cage as if you were skinning it. 4) Open the left side of the neck along the line of the clavicle toward the left forelimb. This will help you identify major vessels in neck and to forelimb. 5) Now that you have opened the pig’s thoracic cavity toward the diaphragm, turn the pig around and extend the mid-ventral incision up into the neck region toward the chin. Again provide access by loosening tissue under the skin with your mall probe. o ABDOMINAL INCISIONS: 6) Turn the pig back around so that you work toward the abdominal cavity. 7) Pierce the diaphragm (with the mall probe) and continue. 8) Lift the ventral abdominal wall with the mall probe before cutting it with the bandage scissors. Notice thinness of the abdominal region of the body wall. Be careful to keep lower blade up close to the body wall and not ripping into deeper organs. Avoid cutting too deeply 9) See p. 379 to make the horse shoe cut around the umbilical cord and the male genital opening. 10) Cut the body wall at an angle along the groin. Do this on both sides. 11) Locate the umbilical vein. Tie a knot around the middle of this vein. Cut the vein near the tie. This will prevent tearing this vein on your test list. 12) Drain out the fluid. 13) Find the diaphragm. Carefully cut the diaphragm away from the body wall. This will preserve the diaphragm in one piece and also free it from its attachment to the body wall. o To provide easier access to thoracic organs and vessels, use bone cutters (diagonals) to cut the ribs at the backbone: Roll the lungs to the opposite side and place the straight edge of the bone cutter close to the vertebra and snip each of the 12 ribs on one side. Roll the lungs over to the opposite direction and repeat . NECK REGION: thymus, larynx, trachea, esophagus, thyroid THORACIC CAVITY: pericardial sac, heart, lungs (lobes of R and L lung) HEART AND LUNGS: -- fetal pig heart- Note only two vessels from the aortic arch (correct names: innominate artery (not brachiocephalic artery as in human- I will hold you for human names only) and L subclavian artery). Note the aortic duct or ductus arteriosus which connects pulmonary trunk and aorta in fetal circulation – difficult to locate so do not attempt in first day of lab. VESSELS – identify all of the vessels listed ABDOMINAL CAVITY – if brownish material appears, rinse it out with the Carosafe fluid. NEVER allow WATER to touch your pig. Water will leach out the preservative and anti-fungal agent. Believe me, you do not want to lose that protection. - locate: all organs structures listed – Does the pig have an appendix off of its caecum? URINARY SYSTEM Pig kidney: expose the pig kidney. Do not dissect or remove the kidney itself. Study using the model in the lab. Identify in pig: ureters, urinary bladder, urethra as it exits the bladder, peritoneum Study structures and functions on the kidney modeland the nephron model Page 22 REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Compare the male and female reproductive tracts RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Do NOT remove respiratory system. How many lobes in pig’s R and L lung? DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Do Not open the stomach to observe the rough rugae. Do Not cut the mesenteries holding the small intestine. Do Not open the intestines VESSELS – identify all of the vessels listed _______________________ Differences between fetal pig and human: Check the torso model in the lab and the figure. List 4 differences (check out the aortic arch and vessels,lungs, appendix, large intestine). Page 23 THE MICROSCOPE Parts of the binocular compound microscope Identify parts, know their functions: o Ocular, diopter adjustment, ocular micrometer, pointer, body tube or head, revolving nose piece, objectives (scanning, low-power, high-power, oil immersion), arm, coarse adjustment knob, fine adjustment knob, base, light source, iris diaphragm, iris diaphragm lever, condenser, condenser height control knob, pull-out phase adapter, stage, graduated mechanical stage controls, power switch, electrical cord, plug. Computation of total magnification of specimen being viewed: Magnification = ocular x objective (ocular on this scope is 10X) Scanning (red band) 4X x 10X = 40X Low-power (yellow band) 10X x 10X = 100X High-power (blue band) 40X x 10X = 400X Oil immersion (white band) 100X x 10X = 1000X Care and handling of microscope: Report any problems with your microscope to your instructor IMMEDIATELY. 1. Locate your microscope by number in the cabinet. Carry with two hands, one under base and other around the arm. Keep the microscope near your body. 2. Place scope gently on the lab table on top of plastic sheet. 3. Do not disassemble your microscope or reorient the oculars. 4. Keep the scope and lens systems clean. Clean lens with lens paper (in drawer) Clean stage and slides with Kim wipes (on lab bench) Storage of your microscope: This is the way microscopes are to be stored in the cabinet. Scanning objective (4X with red band) in position! Power switch off. No slide left on the stage. All lenses and the stage must be clean. Graduated mechanical stage centered. Stage in the full down position. (Do not lower the condenser.) Cord wrapped around the cord holder. Plastic dust cover is on. The microscope sets above its number on the cabinet shelf. Focusing the Microscope: Clean slide to be viewed. Wipe gently with a Kimwipe. If oily, place a few drops of 70% ethyl alcohol onto the Kimwipe and gently wipe the cover slip and bottomof slide. Never place alcohol directly onto a prepared slide. Place the slide down on the front of the stage with the label facing up and in position to be read, use stage clip to hold slide in position Turn on the light to sufficient intensity to produce a WHITE background (not yellowish). Note that the condenser is in the full up position. Locate the condenser height control knob forward from course / fine adjustment knobs. Use the course adjustment knob to bring the slide into focus. Page 24 Use the iris diaphragm lever to adjust the amount of light striking your specimen. More light will be needed for preserved and stained slides and at higher magnifications. Less light is required for thin preparations and unstained slides. Remember the condenser remains in its full uppermost position. Moving to next higher magnification power Center the specimen to be examined further in the CENTER of the field of view. These microscopes are parfocal. This means that the specimen is focus at the center of the field of view will be in partial focus as the next power. Grasp the revolving nosepiece and rotate it to the next power lens (low power – yellow band). Only minor adjustment with the coarse adjustment (for scanning and low-power objectives ONLY), then fine adjustment (no more that 2 revolutions) if needed. Again center the specimen being viewed and rotate nosepiece to next power (high power – blue band). Focus using ONLY fine adjustment. To use the 100X objective, you need to add a drop of immersion oil on the slide. After observations have been completed: Move the revolving nosepiece to low and then to scanning. Do not drag the oil immersion objective (longest objective) across the cover slip – scratching it ! Open the spring stage clip and slide the microscope slide out to the forward edge of the stage. Return the clean slide to where you obtained it (your slide box or the side counter). Do not lower the stage or turn off the light if you have another slide to view. View other slides that are assigned. After last slide of the day is finished, prepare the microscope for storage as outlined Oil immersion techniques: (used to visualize bacteria) Focus the slide as before under the scanning, low power, and high power objectives. Now the stage and lighting are set for the best resolution of the specimen. DO NOT lower stage! Rotate the revolving nosepiece back the way you came to high (back to low, then to scanning). Do not drag the long oil immersion objective over the cover slip. Place a drop of immersion oil (from your drawer) on the cover slip where the light is passing through the slide. Be careful not to allow any oil to flow over the edge of the slide onto the condenser lens or onto the stage. Looking from the side of your scope, visually confirm that the objective will not touch the cover slip of the slide. Rotate the revolving nosepiece DIRECTLY from Scanning (4X) objective to the 100X objective. You can see the oil come into contact with the 100X objective. Focus using the fine adjustment knob. You may need more light. Move the iris diaphragm lever to allow more light on the slide. After study of specimen is complete, turn the revolving nosepiece DIRECTLY from 100X objective to the 4X objective. This avoids bringing other long lenses in contact with the oil. Open the spring stage clip and remove slide forward toward the edge of the stage. CLEAN the slide – Remove most of the oil by blotting cover slip with a Kimwipe, add some 70% ethyl alcohol on a clean Kimwipe and remove any remaining oily residue. Return clean slide to where you obtained it (your slide box or side counter) CLEAN the 100X objective if you are through using oil for this lab session. Blot (do NOT rub) the objective with a clean Kimwipe. Use lens paper to polish the 100X lens until no oily residue is observed on the Kimwipe. Use lens paper to check other objectives to be sure no oil is on them. ***Never use any liquid to clean you microscope lenses.*** Using phase contrast optics: This type of microscopy is used when live, unstained specimens are to be viewed. (Micro Lab) Focus the specimen as you have been instructed above on 4X, 10X, and 40X. Page 25 When you are in best focus on high power (40X objective), push the phase ring holder (under stage) into the path of light. Make sure the condenser is raised to its highest position. Also, make sure the lever controlling the amount of light entering the condenser is fully open. You may also have to turn the light source on full. Only the high power (40X) objective may be used with the phase contrast optics. Using dark field optics: This type of microscopy is used when studying diatoms and algae. (Micro Lab) Obtain a dark field adapter. Your lab instructor who will show you where to obtain the adapter numbered for your microscope. Remove the blue filter and snap it onto the bottom of the adapter. Snap the top of the adapter to the bottom of the condenser. Focus normally. Your best resolution will be at low power. Note the different colors. Measurement of a specimen using the microscope: Use the ocular micrometer – the small “ruler” in the right eyepiece. For small specimens which will fit under the ocular micrometer: Position ocular micrometer over specimen. Move the slide on stage to position the specimen. You can move the ocular micrometer by rotating the ocular. The size of the specimen can be determined by multiplying the number of ocular micrometer spaces covered by the specimen by the conversion factor for that objective as given in the following: o OBJECTIVE OCULAR MICROMETER CONVERSION FACTOR Scanning 25 microns (micrometers) Low-power 10 microns High-power 2.5 microns Oil immersion 1.0 microns Page 26