Study guide Kingdom Protista, Fungi, and Plantae Name:_________________________ Period: ____________ List characteristics of all of Kingdom Protista: (Prokaryote/Eukaryote, Uni/Multicellular, Auto/Heterotroph, Mobile/ Immobile, Cell wall/ no wall) a. _________________________________________________ b. _________________________________________________ c. _________________________________________________ d. _________________________________________________ e. _________________________________________________ 2. Kingdom Protista- animal-like examples and characteristics (special structures/functions) B C a. Sarcodines i. Example: _______________________________ ii. What process at D?: ________________________ D Structure Function A A B C b. Cilliates i. Example: _________________________________ D C A ii. What structure at D?: _______________________ Structure Function B A B C 3. Kingdom Protista- plant-like example (3) and characteristics (special structures/functions) a. Euglenaphyta i. Example: _____________________________________ ii. What is the purpose of C?: ________________________ Structure Function A C A B B C 4. What is a Symbiotic relationship? _____________________________________________________ a. What is a Parasite? ___________________________________________________ 5. Give 3 ways that Protists can be harmful to other organisms (what diseases are caused by them?): a. b. c. 6. Give 3 ways that Protists can be beneficial to other organisms: a. b. c. Fill in characteristics of ALL Fungi in the Kingdom Fungi: 1) __________- cellular organisms that live on their ____________ source. 2) __________________ (do not make their own food) 3) Reproduce by forming _______________. 4) Grow by forming ______________ (threadlike extensions). _____________________: clump of hyphae. Draw one. Label the parts. There are 3 main Phyla of fungi: 1) 2) 3) 1) Sporangium Fungi a. The hyphae have _______________________ at the ends 2) Club Fungi a. Produce spores from __________ shaped sacs called _____________. Draw one. Label its parts. 3) Sac Fungi a. Produce spores inside a small ______________ called an ____________. b. _______________ cells produce ASCI. LICHEN 1) A combination of a _____________ and an _______________ -- living together. 2) Have a _____________ relationship (they ______________ each other). Benefits of Fungi? ________________________________________________________________________________ How are Fungi harmful? ________________________________________________________________________________ List characteristics of all of Kingdom Plantae: (Prokaryote/Eukaryote, Uni/Multicellular, Auto/Heterotroph, Mobile/ Immobile, Cell wall/ no wall) a. _________________________________________________ b. _________________________________________________ c. _________________________________________________ d. _________________________________________________ e. _________________________________________________ What are the 5 main groups of Plants and a defining characteristic of that group: 1) _________________________________ Characteristic: ___________________________ 2) _________________________________ Characteristic: ___________________________ 3) _________________________________ Characteristic: ___________________________ 4) _________________________________ Characteristic: ___________________________ 5) _________________________________ Characteristic: ___________________________ List (or draw) the differences between monocots and dicots: Monocots Dicots - - - - - - - - What group of plants have the structure to the right? ________________________________ Which part is male? ________ Which part is female? ________ What does part G develop into after fertilization? _________________ What is made at part B? __________________________ Explain how these plants reproduce: