Bryan College of Health Sciences General Studies Plan for Assessment of Student Learning 2015-16 Bryan College of Health Sciences Mission The mission of Bryan College of Health Sciences is to provide education in the health professions emphasizing clinical and academic excellence through collaboration with Bryan Health System and the healthcare community. Bryan College of Health Sciences Goals The goals of Bryan College of Health Sciences are to prepare graduates who: Document1 Are qualified to practice in entry level, mid-level, and advanced practice roles in diverse healthcare environments; Are critically aware of their individuality; Maintain a clear understanding of professional scope of practice; Value life-long learning as a means of personal and professional growth; Participate as responsible citizens within the community; and Are capable of meeting the health care needs of an ever-changing society. General Studies Philosophy Statement The Philosophy of general education of Bryan College of Health Sciences is built on the premise that education is more than a program of study. It is a lifelong, interactive process that builds on previous experience and expands one’s world view promoting a change in attitudes, beliefs, values and/or behaviors. General education establishes a broad foundation of knowledge that is essential to the development of an educated person. Multidimensional, holistic growth of the individual is promoted through an integrated study of the Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Communication, Mathematics, Humanities, and Business/Management. A core of general education knowledge is fundamental to any area of study within Bryan College of Health Sciences. The educational process enables the graduate to think critically; communicate effectively both in written and oral forms; understand the forces of nature; participate as a contributing member of a culturally diverse, ever changing society; make ethical decisions; apply mathematical logic and reasoning skills; understand management as a response to economic and social factors; and value learning as a life-long process. Learning Objectives and Competencies Categories of Study Natural Sciences General Studies Learning Outcomes 1: Demonstrate an understanding of the forces of nature, including life and physical sciences that affect them. Social Sciences 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of political, social, cultural and economic factors in shaping values, beliefs, traditions, and behaviors in a diverse society. Communications 3: Demonstrate the ability to communicate and interpret meaning accurately and effectively through writing and speaking skills. Mathematics 4: Demonstrate the ability to apply mathematical logic and scientific reasoning skills in problem solving. Humanities 5: Demonstrate the ability to understand, appreciate, and engage in creative thinking, philosophical thought, and ethical decision making. Business/ 6: Demonstrate the ability to Management understand current economic, ethical, social, and legal factors that relate to business and management practices. Competencies 1a. Apply scientific concepts. 2a. Demonstrate responsible citizenship. 2b. Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural differences. 3a. Communicate effectively through writing. 3b. Communicate effectively through speaking. 4a. Apply critical thinking. 4b. Calculate accurately. 5a. Engage in creative thinking. 5b. Apply ethical reasoning. 6a. Recognize business/management trends 6b. Apply management practices as they relate to healthcare. 2 Measures and Methods for Assessing Learning Objectives 1. Course Specific Rubrics Corresponds to Outcomes 1-6 Corresponds to Competencies 1a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4a, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b General studies rubrics have been developed to be completed on assignments within courses where particular general education components are likely to be evaluated, e.g., the writing competency in the English Composition course. Instructors are asked to complete the general education rubric for any of the general education competencies that can be assessed with a particular assignment. There may be one component or several, e.g. if a student writes a paper on business/management trends, it can be assessed for writing as well as business/management trends. Likewise, if an oral presentation is given, the student can be assessed on the rubric for speaking. It can be assumed that all papers/projects/presentations would require critical thinking, which can then be assessed using the rubric. The following competencies can potentially be evaluated with the course specific rubrics: Scientific Concepts Cultural Sensitivity Writing Speaking Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Ethical Reasoning Recognize Business/Management Trends Apply Management Practices Benchmark: At least 70% of students assessed will score at or above the “competent” level on the General Studies Rubric for each competency being measured by the portfolio. Data will be trended and appropriateness of benchmarks will be evaluated. 2. Human Anatomy and Physiology (HAPS) test Corresponds to Outcome 1 Corresponds to Competency 1a The HAPS standardized test is administered to all students at the completion of either Anatomy and Physiology II (BIOS204) or Physiology (BIOS235). The HAPS test will be utilized to assess the scientific concepts competency. Benchmark: At least 50% of students assessed will score at or above the 50th percentile on the HAPS Comprehensive Exam. 3. American Chemical Society (ACS) Standardized Exams Biomed Corresponds to Outcome 1 3 Corresponds to Competency 1a The American Chemical Society (ACS) Standardized Exam for General Chemistry is administered to Biomedical Sciences students at the completion of General Chemistry II (CHEM120). The American Chemical Society (ACS) Standardized Exam for Organic Chemistry is administered to Biomedical Sciences students at the completion of Organic Chemistry II (CHEM220). The ACS exam will be utilized to evaluate the scientific concepts competency. Benchmark: We first used this measurement tool in 2014-15, but the sample size was small and insufficient for benchmarking. We will continue to collect data from the ACS exams to determine trends. 4. Sonography, Physics and Instrumentation (SPI) Registry Exam Sonography Corresponds to Outcome 1 Corresponds to Competency 1a The SPI Registry exam is required for all sonographers to become registered. The results of this exam will be used to assess the sonography students’ ability to apply scientific concepts as it relates to physics. Benchmark: A 75% pass rate will be utilized as this is the national average determined by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (ARDMS). 5. Responsible Citizenship Assessment Corresponds to Outcome 2 Corresponds to Competency 2a During the 2015-16 school year, the General Education Assessment Subcommittee will explore the continued relevance of maintaining responsible citizenship as a General Education competency. 6. Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Corresponds to Outcome 2 Corresponds to Competency 2b The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a standardized tool which measures cultural sensitivity and internalization of diversity, will be administered to all students upon enrollment into the College and will be repeated upon graduation. Results will be analyzed by the General Education Assessment Subcommittee to assess trends and growth in the students’ abilities to demonstrate cultural sensitivity. Benchmark: The average IDI Developmental Orientation for the 2015-16 graduating class will be at least seven points higher than the average Developmental Orientation for 4 the 2011-12 incoming class. A seven point difference indicates statistical significance on the IDI assessment. 7. Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency (CAAP) – Writing Essay Test Corresponds to Outcome 3 Corresponds to Competency 3a The CAAP Writing (Essay) Test is administered to both Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Health Professions students. Health Professions Sonography students are assessed after admission and prior to starting classes in their major. Health Professions Biomedical Sciences students are assessed after their sophomore year. BSN students will be assessed during their Level III Nursing Practicum. The CAAP writing essay test will be used to assess the writing competency. Test results are benchmarked against national norms for students at four-year institutions. The percentage of students who score at or above the 50th percentile will be calculated. Benchmark: At least 50% of the students will score at or above the 50th percentile on the CAAP Essay Test. 8. Health Sciences Reasoning Test (HSRT) Corresponds to Outcome 4 Corresponds to Competency 4a The HSRT is administered to all students at the same time as the CAAP Essay test. It will be utilized to evaluate the critical thinking competency. Benchmark: At least 50% of the students will score at or above the 50th percentile on the Health Sciences Reasoning Test. 9. Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Critical Thinking Assessment – Entrance and Exit BSN Corresponds to Outcome 4 Corresponds to Competency 4a All BSN students will take the ATI Critical Thinking Assessment upon enrollment at the College and again upon graduation. The results will be utilized to measure students’ critical thinking skills. Benchmark: At least 50% of the students taking the exam will score at or above the national norm for BSN programs and all types of nursing programs. 10. Math Assessment 5 Corresponds to Outcome 4 Corresponds to Competency 4b During the 2015-16 school year, the General Education Assessment Subcommittee will work to identify a measure to assess the calculation competency. Benchmark: Data from this assessment year will be used to establish a benchmark for future assessment plans. 11. Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Leadership Test (legal/ethical items only) BSN Corresponds to Outcome 5 Corresponds to Competency 5b The BSN students complete the ATI Leadership Test during their final semester. The test includes five items which measure content on ethics. Results for these items will be compared against the national norm for BSN programs and all types of nursing programs Benchmark: At least 50% of the students taking the exam will score at or above the national norm for BSN programs and all types of nursing programs. 12. Exit Survey Corresponds to all Outcomes Corresponds to all Competencies All students in the Schools of Nursing and Health Professions complete an exit survey upon graduation. Surveys include a section asking students to assess their attainment of general education competencies, rating themselves on a 4-point scale (4=Strongly Agree, 3=Agree, 2=Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree). The surveys will be used to assess all competencies, and the General Studies Assessment Subcommittee will evaluate survey responses annually. Benchmark: At least 70% of the students will score themselves at a 4 or above on the general education competencies. 13. Alumni Survey Corresponds to all Outcomes Corresponds to all Competencies The Schools of Nursing and Health Professions administer an Alumni Survey to all graduates 12-18 months and 3-6 months respectively following graduation. Surveys include a section asking graduates to assess their attainment of general education competencies, rating themselves on a 4-point scale (4=Strongly Agree, 3=Agree, 2=Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree). The surveys will be used to assess all competencies, and the General Studies Assessment Subcommittee will evaluate survey responses annually. 6 Benchmark: At least 70% of the students responding to the survey will score themselves at a 4 or above on the general education competencies. 14. Employer Survey Corresponds to all Outcomes Corresponds to all Competencies The Schools of Nursing and Health Professions administer an Employer Survey to the current employers of all alumni who return the Alumni Survey. Surveys include a section asking employers to assess our graduates’ attainment of general education competencies, rating them on a 4-point scale (4=Strongly Agree, 3=Agree, 2=Disagree, 1=Strongly Disagree). The surveys will be used to assess all competencies, and the General Studies Assessment Subcommittee will evaluate survey responses annually. Benchmark: At least 70% of the employers responding to the survey will score the graduates at a 4 or above on the general education competencies. Analysis of Assessment Results The General Studies Assessment Subcommittee will collect the results of all assessment methods for the academic year. During the fall, the Subcommittee will evaluate all measures for attainment of general education learning objectives and determine gaps in learning based upon established benchmarks. Determining Reasons for Gaps in Student Learning The General Studies Assessment Subcommittee will present the gaps in student learning to the following constituencies as appropriate to explore possible reasons for gaps. Faculty teaching general education courses Faculty in BSN and health professions programs Undergraduate Studies Committee Faculty Senate Other groups as appropriate Following these discussions, the General Studies Assessment Subcommittee will clarify and identify the reasons for the gaps and submit them to the appropriate course faculty and administration for review. Adjustments to Narrow Gaps The appropriate constituencies will determine programmatic and/or operational adjustments to address identified gaps in learning. When needed, recommended adjustments will be presented to the appropriate Subcommittees, faculty, and/or Deans for review and evaluation. Reports on 7 recommended changes will go to the General Studies Curriculum Subcommittee, Undergraduate Studies Committee and/or the Faculty Senate as needed. Planning and Budgetary Implications The costs of standardized testing have been included in the General Education budget. Recommended programmatic and/or operational adjustments will be integrated into annual planning and budgetary processes and inclusion in strategic planning as appropriate. As needed, the Subcommittee will present program requests to the appropriate Faculty Senate Subcommittees and operational requests to Leadership Council. Correlating Adjustments to Changes in Outcomes Each fall, when conducting the annual evaluation of assessment results, the General Studies Assessment Subcommittee will determine improvements in student learning and correlate those improvements to previous programmatic and/or operational adjustments. General Studies faculty, the General Studies Assessment Subcommittee, and the appropriate program faculty will routinely discuss ongoing changes and their impact on student learning. Refining the Assessment Plan and Processes Each fall, the General Studies Assessment Subcommittee will evaluate the effectiveness of methods, measurements, and data analysis to determine if assessment processes need revision. 8 Bryan College of Health Sciences GENERAL STUDIES Assessment Matrix for General Studies Competencies Measure Program Outcome/Competency Measured 1a. Apply scientific concepts 2a. Demonstrate responsible citizenship 2b. Demonstrate cultural sensitivity 3a. Communicate effectively through writing 3b. Communicate effectively through speaking 4a. Apply critical thinking X X X X 4b. Calculate accurately 5a. Engage in creative thinking 5b. Apply ethical reasoning 6a. Recognize Business Trends 6b. Apply Mgmt. Practices X X X X Direct Course Specific Rubrics HAPS ACS SPI Registry Exam Responsible Citizenship Assessment IDI CAAP Writing HRST ATI Critical Thinking Assessment (Entrance/Exit) Math Assessment ATI Leadership Test (ethical items only) All X All Biomed X X. Sonography X TBD X All All All X X X BSN X All X X BSN Indirect Exit Survey Alumni Survey Employer Survey Document1 All All X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X All X X X X X X X X X X X