5th Grade Parent Orientation - Peoria Public Schools District 150

Parent Orientation
Rolling Acres Middle School
May 20, 2014
• Mr. Duncan
Core Teacher
The five core subjects
compose three blocks within
our scheduling. English
Language Arts, Math, and
Science/Social Studies
make up those blocks. Each
block runs for 82 minutes.
• Math
• Mrs. Emken
• Inclusion
• Mr. Morrison
• Science and Social Studies
• Miss Zielinski
• English Language Arts
• Mr. Bainter
Encore Teacher
Our school is run on an A/B
schedule. Therefore, Encore
teachers see their students
every other day throughout
the entire year.
• Band and Orchestra
• Mrs. Bally
• Art
• Miss Garcia
• Spanish
• Miss Rora
• Gym
• Ms. Roemer
• Chorus
Science class integrates a
curriculum called Science Fusion.
This curriculum has modules that
are video based projects, which
encourage thinking maps and indepth vocabulary skills. In
addition, students participate in
hands-on experiments that
directly coincide with the
computer/video activities.
Grades are primarily composed
of the Brain Check section of the
textbook, Science Investigation
Journals, and assessments.
• Materials Needed:
• Science Fusion textbook
• 1 Spiral Notebook
• Pencils
• Homework:
• The investigations are
done in the classroom,
while workbook pages
are completed at
• Materials:
Social Studies
The textbook used for this class is
called Social Studies: The United
States. The textbook is broken
down into units allowing students
the opportunity to discover new
knowledge about early Native
Americans, colonial life, the
American Revolution, the Civil
War, and how America relates to
the rest of the world. During the
first quarter, the focus is primarily
centered on map skills.
• Social Studies textbook
• 1 Spiral Notebook
• Pencils
• Homework:
• Assignments are given
approximately one to
two times per week.
Periodic projects, such
as the Native American
dioramas, map models,
timelines, and
biographies, are given
throughout the year.
Math instruction is delivered
through a curriculum called
Connected Math and other
supplemented materials.
This curriculum requires
higher level thinking and
integrates group work.
Differentiated group
activities occur throughout
the year based on NWEA
• Materials:
• 2 Plastic Folders
• Paper
• Pencils
• Homework:
• Assignments are given
three times per week
and come in the form of
Reading and
Language Arts
Instruction is provided through
the use of whole class
activities, mini lessons, and
workshop stations. Students
read a variety of texts,
including Open Court stories,
Internet articles, whole class
novels, and guided reading
• Materials:
Open Court textbook
Reading binder with Dividers
Accelerated Reader book
• Homework:
• Daily assignments
• Routine:
• Students begin class with a
“Must Do,” and then move into
daily language arts lessons.
Next, students participate in a
mini-lesson regarding reading
skills/strategies. Finally, students
apply their knowledge to
novels, weekly stories, or
workshop stations.
Sample Student Schedule
7:30 – 7:37
7:40 – 8:21
8:24 – 9:05
Reading (Miss Zielinski)
9:08- 9:49
Language Arts (Miss Zielinski)
9:52 – 10:33
Science (Mr. Morrison)
10:36 – 11:17
Social Studies (Mr. Morrison)
11:19 – 11:49
11:52 – 12:33
Choir (A) or Gym (B)
12:36 – 1:17
Art (A) or Spanish (B)
1:20 – 2:01
Math (Mr. Duncan)
2:04 – 2:45
Math (Mr. Duncan)
Homework Planners
A homework planner is given out to each student free of
charge on the first day of school.
Students carry their planners with them to each class, as well
as, bring them home daily. Planners also serve as hallway
Important documents and notes are oftentimes stapled or
clipped into the planners (i.e. progress reports).
Planners become a means of communication between
school and home.
Lost planners can be replaced for a fee as long as supplies
Homework Planner
Outside Cover
Inside Cover
Students are assigned
designated locker breaks
throughout each school
• Current Locker Break
• before school, before
lunch, after lunch, and
after school
School locks are assigned
to each student free of
Organization Tips
• Locker shelves
• Magnets
• Labeled or colored coded
binders, notebooks, and
Family Access/Websites
• Parents/Guardians can follow along with each
teacher’s grade books by way of Family Access.
This resource is available to you at www.psd150.org
• Teacher websites are available to you when you
access the District 150 Rolling Acres home page.
Each quarter, students are
assigned a pre-determined
number of Accelerated Reader
(A.R.) points that must be
attained by the end of each
Library books are identified with
a point value based on its level
of difficulty and length.
Upon completion of a book,
students take a ten question,
multiple choice test to
demonstrate their
comprehension of the story.
Points are attained by way of
success on the A.R. test.
• https://hosted22.renlearn.com/18336
• www.arbookfind.com
Web-Based Curriculum
• This district-wide assessment is
given three times per year
(Fall, Winter, and Spring).
• Data collection on each
student benefits both the
classroom instruction, as well
as, targets each student’s
learning path via Compass
Type to Learn 4
• This is a typing program to
assist students in attaining
typing skills, which will be
beneficial with computerbased assessments and
Odyssey Compass
• Students regularly utilize
Compass Learning each
week .
• Math and Reading are the
subjects most heavily
focused on during in-school
• Students are able to access
Compass Learning from
home and are permitted to
attend to any of the
offered subjects.
• We have a fifth grade iPad cart, which consists of 30 iPads.
• Students regularly use the iPads to enhance their level of learning,
research, and technology skills.
• Sample uses include: reading workshop, project research, note-taking
skills, thinking maps, and composition of writing.
Dress Code
Collared Shirts: red, white, navy, and
light blue
Pants: navy, black, and khaki
Belts must be worn.
Shirts and sweatshirts should not
have logos.
Shirts must be tucked in.
Undershirts must be dress code
Sandals must have back straps.
R.A. spirit wear is permitted.
Yoga pants are not permitted.
School-Wide Expectations
• Be respectful.
• Be responsible.
• Be ready.
• Be safe.
Expectations are stated daily during morning announcements.
Cougar Cash
Handed out as part of our
positive behavior initiative.
Students receive Cougar Cash
when caught doing the right
thing throughout each day.
Weekly drawings are held for
free dress days based on
Cougar Cash collections.
As Cougar Cash accumulates,
students earn prizes such as
free dress days, pizza parties,
job shadowing, etc.
Ace Room/Stop Sheets
ACE Room:
• The ACE room is a form of
discipline for students who
are not responding to
Stop Sheets, have an
accumulation of Stop
Sheets, or for students who
are interrupting the
learning environment.
• The ACE Room can be
used for one class period,
half a day, or the entire
STOP Sheets:
• A reflection sheet that is used
to encourage students to
accept responsibility for their
behavior and identify ways in
which they can make better
their behavioral performance.
The accumulation of STOP
Sheets may prevent a student
from attending PBIS incentives
or field trips.
Saturday School:
• Three hour Saturday
detention that is either
assigned by Mr. Barber, six
tardies in two weeks, or due
to an accumulation of four
STOP Sheets in one week.
Extra-Curricular Activities
• Athletics:
Boys’ Baseball
Girls’ Softball
Boys’/Girls’ Basketball
Girls’ Volleyball
Boys’/Girls’ Soccer
Boys’/Girls’ Track
Boys’/Girls’ Golf
• Academic:
Math Counts (7th/8th Grades)
iPad Club
Chess Club (6th Grade)
Student Council
Homework Club
Yearbook Club
Question and
Answer Session