WARM-UP • Word Sort Directions: – Write the following words in your notes in order of importance for being successful in this class. If you do not know what the word means put it at the bottom of your list. Number 1 would be what you think is most important. – WORDS • Class, FFA, SAE, CDE, Homework, Notes, Socializing, Class work, Projects FFA HISTORY AND BACKGROUND Know Understand Do! Know • Importance of FFA in Ag Education • Important Symbols within FFA • How FFA can benefit you • • • Do Understand Explain the FFA’s influence importance of in Ag Education FFA in Ag The meaning Education and history Define FFA’s behind FFA’s symbols and symbols their meaning FFA’s benefits to Evaluate SAE’s, students, school, CDE’s and their and community role in preparing for the future Key Learning: FFA and ME • Unit EQ: Why is FFA important in Ag Education? Concept : History Lesson EQ: What is FFA? Vocab FFA, Leadership, Ag Education Concept : Symbols Lesson EQ: What are the major symbols of FFA? Vocab Emblem, Creed, Motto Concept : Future Lesson EQ: How can FFA prepare me for a career? Vocab Active, Career Development Event, Degree, Proficiency, Supervised Agricultural Experience WHAT ARE YOU LEARNING? The importance of FFA, how to get involved, and its benefits to you and your future Essential Question •What is FFA? 1. What is FFA? • • • • Youth Organization Nationwide Real world experiences ! Concentrates on 3 main areas – Premier Leadership – Personal Growth – Career Success 1. What is FFA? • Student run organization • Three basic levels – Middle School – High School – Collegiate • Levels of Membership – Active , Alumni, Collegiate, Honorary • FUN! COPY THIS FOR YOUR NOTES! How did it all start? Timeline Activity • You will be working in your group of 4. • Each table will receive two FFA manuals. • You will be given a section of time in years. Find important events in the history of FFA within your group’s portion of time. • Groups will construct a timeline including a short description of what happened during each event. Timeline Construction • Each group will present what they have found • All groups timelines will be put in order into one complete FFA Timeline and hung up in the classroom RallyRobin • Directions for Constructing Timeline: – Student 1 will choose a date from the timeline and name the event. – Student 2 will explain to the group what happened during that event. – Student 3 will write the event on the timeline. – Student 4 will check the book to make sure all of the information written down is correct. • Roles will change each time so that after 4 events are added everyone has completed each job. Justify! • Your partner offered up their opinion as to what FFA was important and why… • Write a letter to another Animal Science Student and FFA member explaining the importance of your 3 events in FFA history 2. Where did FFA start? • 1890: Morril Act: Established land grant universities • 1914: Smith Lever Act established cooperative extension services connected to land grant universities • 1917: Smith Hughes Act established Vocational Education • Started in the 1928 – Future Farmers of Virginia – Boys with farming background met in Kansas City – Henry Groseclose • “Father of FFA” • 1965- NFA Joins FFA • 1969- Females join FFA • 1998- Congress passes law outlining the importance of FFA in vocational education • 2008- DE0036 AHS Chapter became officially chartered • What Act? QUIZ!! – Establish Cooperative Extension? – Vo Tech Education? – Land Grant universities? • When? – AHS Chartered? – NFA Joined? – AHS Affiliated? – Girls join? • What does it mean to be – Charted? – Affiliated? Where is FFA now? • Current enrollment=557,318 student members in grades seven through 12 • Number of Chapters= 7,498 local FFA chapters throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. • Largest Annual Event= National FFA Convention 2012 Attendance:56,176 attendees 3. Why did FFA start? • Vocational Education – Many students required further education during the industrialization of farming and agriculture • • • • Socialization Most up-to-date material Competitions Career preparation 4. What purpose does FFA serve? • To provide students the opportunity to increase leadership skills and explore career possibilities and interests through local, state, and nationwide competitions • Put this statement into your own words for your notes. Timeline Scramble – 2 mins • On HALF a piece of paper write down 2 events that have been included in the timeline. – Event name/Description NO YEAR • Rip the HALF sheet of paper into two pieces . Each piece should have 1 event from the timeline • Place the events in the middle of your table when finished REVIEW • Word Wall • EXIT QUESTION – Who wrote the FFA Creed? • NEXT CLASS: – FFA Emblem and Symbols Independent Warm Up Activity • Complete your FFA crossword puzzle • Use your FFA manuals • 15mins Summarizing • Choose an ACT discussed in the history of FFA. • Make an acrostic that describes key elements about FFA that you learned today • • • • • • • • • • S : student-run M: made impact I: in all DE high schools T: taught in AG class H: happens in and outside school L: leadership learned E: Education in Ag learned V: Very wide spread E: Everyone is eligible R: Real World opportunities Warm Up-5 mins • Answer the following questions on your warm up page. Copy the questions!! – What is the purpose of an Emblem? – Do you know any emblems? – What is the difference between an emblem and a symbol? FFA EMBLEM AND SYMBOLS ESSENTIAL QUESTION –What are the major parts of the FFA emblem? What does it actually mean? • Emblem: – special design or visual object representing a quality, type, group, etc. a visible symbol representing an abstract idea • Symbol – something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible; "the eagle is a symbol of the United States" FFA Colors- 1929 National blue represents the blue field of our flag. It signifies that the organization is national in scope and open to everyone. Corn gold represents a crop grown in every state of the U.S. and national fields of crops ready for harvest – a sign of success. It helps to symbolize the commonality of the organization. Official Dress Black Bottoms White Collared Shirt Tie Official Jacket Black Shoes The cross section of an ear of corn … … represents our common interest in agriculture. Corn is grown in every state. The eagle... …is symbolic of the national scope of the FFA. The rising sun... represents progress in agriculture. The plow... ...symbolizes labor and tillage of the soil. The owl... … represents knowledge and wisdom. The words Agricultural Education surrounding FFA... ...tell us that FFA is an important part... … of an agricultural education program. This is our FFA emblem... Interview a Classmate • Find a partner that you have not yet worked with in this class. • Ask your partner 5 questions about themselves • THEN • Design them an EMBLEM based on those 5 questions. Review Charades! • Work with your shoulder partner. • Think of a piece of the FFA Emblem that we just discussed • With your FACE partner “Act Out” your section of the emblem or give descriptions without using the ITEM’s Name – Don’t talk! • Try to get your partner to “guess” what portion of the emblem you are • Switch and allow the other person to act out a different item from the emblem. Activity Break! • Piece of paper • Markers/ something to color with • Design your OWN emblem – Every item must have a meaning. They should describe you or things you’re interested in – Must have 6 – You can trace the FFA emblem as an outline FFA CREED • Written by: E.M. Tiffany • 1930- 3rd National Convention – Adopted! • Let’s Practice! – Each student will have their own copy of the FFA Creed. – Each group will read together one paragraph of the Creed FFA Creed Activity- 1 min • Independently! – Underline or highlight words that you think are important in the FFA creed. Pair Share – 1 Minute Each – Summarize the FFA Creed in a few sentences. – Why do you think the parts you highlighted are important? – Why do you think the FFA creed was written? – What purpose would a creed serve? FFA Motto FFA Degree Activity- 30 mins Create an FFA Degree hierarchy Use the Student Manual to determine the FFA degrees available to students. Include in your hierarchy what it takes to receive each degree. WANTED: FFA MEMBERS PART ONE • Read the FFA Creed • Read the FFA Motto • Read the degree requirements for – – – – Greenhand Chapter State American PART TWO • Design a WANTED AD for an FFA member you must include information about – What requirements must be fulfilled to be a member – What type of “responsibilities” they might have (in order to earn all 4 FFA degrees – Include information like who to contact WANTED: FFA MEMBER MUST BE: • In an Ag Class • In High School, Middle school or College chapter • Participate in the community and school actively • Portray a positive image of FFA in the following ways: – ……………………… Responsibilities • Be Friendly • Be Willing to travel – National Convention • Complete an SAE • Opportunities to move up in ranks include – Greenhand • (list requirements) – Chapter • (list requirements) • REVIEW • Word Wall • EXIT QUESTION: – What is the FFA members mission? • To practice brotherhood, honor agriculture opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those leadership qualities which an FFA member should possess. • NEXT CLASS: – Parliamentary Procedure/ SAEs/CDEs Closing Activity – What are the FFA officer positions? – What are the jobs descriptions and responsibilities for the FFA officer positions you know? – Do you know the FFA officers in your school? Concept Map! VOCAB: FFA, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American FFA: Parliamentary Procedure and CDEs ESSENTIAL QUESTION –Why do we use Parliamentary procedure? Warm-Up- 5 mins • Explain what is happening in this photo Parliamentary Procedure • • • • 1. What is it ? 2. When do we use it? 3. Why do we have it? 4. How does it work? 1. What is it? • Parliamentary procedure is the body of rules, ethics, and customs governing meetings and other operations of clubs, organizations, legislative bodies, and other deliberative assemblies 2. When do we use it? • At any meeting ! • When important decisions need to be made by an entire group or club • When trying to discuss or present new ideas 3. Why do we have it? • TO KEEP ORDER!! – Make sure every member has the chance to be heard – Each member has the chance to vote – Each member has the chance to bring up new topics for discussion or that need decisions 4. How does it work? • Parliamentary Procedure Activity 30mins – Break up into groups. – Read Script 1, 2 and 3 CDEs Career Development Event Compete Locally Compete State wide Compete Nationally! Examples • • • • Ag Mechanics Forestry Floriculture Dairy Foods CDE Activity- 30 Minutes • Research a CDE • Summarize on your own sheet of paper – What your CDE is – How you compete in your CDE – What types of subjects are covered in your CDE competition – What are the career possibilities ? – Are there proficiency awards? If so what are they? – What are the SAE Opportunities? Concept Map! VOCAB: FFA, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American, SAE, Parliamentary Procedure FFA: Supervised Agricultural Experiences WARM-UP • Turning SAE into JOB! • A word ladder starts with one word and changes into a new word. • Change one letter at a time into a new word. • Try to turn SAE into a JOB J-O-B ___ ___ ___ S-A-E Wanted: Landscape Maintenance worker, Operate a lawn mower and power blower. Need a person who can work with out supervision. Experience required. Call 515-7743. Vet Assistant needed. Mayflower Animal Hospital needs an experienced individual to work 20 hours a week. Duties including bathing animals, grooming and feeding of animals. Apply in person at 316 Walnut Street. Wanted: Dependable person to handle over the counter sales in a busy garden center. Pay is $7.50 an hour. Neat appearance important along with the ability to work with people. Experience in working with plants a must. Call 515-2396 for an interview. Essential Question • What benefits do SAEs provide to students? What was the same in all 3 ads? • Each advertisement wanted the person to be experienced. People who have experience have the edge in landing a job. But: – How do you get experience without first having a job? – How do you get a job without first having experience? Gaining Experience!! • Question: – How can you gain experience to get a job (or prepare for college)? • Answer: – Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) SAE • Supervised Agricultural ExperiencePrograms consist of planned practical activities conducted outside of class time in which students develop and apply agricultural knowledge and skills. How Does a SAE Help Me? • Develop skills that can be used in getting a job • Provides the opportunity to make money • Develops skills that can be used in starting you own business • Helps development management skills How Does a SAE Help Me...? • Learn record keeping skills • Improves analytical and decision making skills • Teaches responsibility • Provides the opportunity to explore possible careers How Does a SAE Help Me...? • Develops knowledge and skills that could be helpful in college, as a hobby or for recreation. • Provides the opportunity to win awards: FFA proficiency awards are based on the SAE program. In addition to winning awards, money can be won at regional, state and national levels How Does a SAE Help Me...? • FFA degrees are partially based on the SAE. You must have a SAE program to advance. • In order to be a state or national officer, you first must have an advanced FFA degree which is partially based on SAE. • Could help the grade in Agriculture class. Types of SAE • Entrepreneurship • Placement • Research – Experimental – Non-Experimental • Exploratory • Improvement • Supplemental Entrepreneurship • The student plans, implements, operates and assumes financial risks in a farming activity or agricultural business. In Entrepreneurship programs, the student owns the materials and other required inputs and keeps financial records to determine return to investments. Entrepreneurship examples: Growing an acre of corn Operating a Christmas tree farm Raising a litter of pigs Running a pay-to-fish operation Growing bedding plants in the school greenhouse • Owning and operating a lawn care service • A group of students growing a crop of poinsettias • • • • • Placement • Placement programs involve the placement of students on farms and ranches, in agricultural businesses, in school laboratories or in community facilities to provide a "learning by doing" environment. This is done outside of normal classroom hours and may be paid or non-paid. Research • An extensive activity where the student plans and conducts a major agricultural experiment using the scientific process. The purpose of the experiment is to provide students "hands-on" experience in: – 1. Verifying, learning or demonstrating scientific principles in agriculture. – 2. Discovering new knowledge. – 3. Using the scientific process. Research Examples • Comparing the effect of various planting media on plant growth • Determining the impact of different levels of protein on fish growth • Comparing three rooting hormones on root development • Determining if phases of the moon have an effect on plant growth Examples, continued • Analyzing the effectiveness of different display methods on plant sales in a garden center • Demonstrating the impact of different levels of soil acidity on plant growth • Determining the strength of welds using different welding methods Non-Experimental Research • Students choose an agricultural problem that is not amenable to experimentation and design a plan to investigate and analyze the problem. The students gather and evaluate data from a variety of sources and then produce some type of finished product. Non-Experimental Examples: • A marketing plan for an agricultural commodity • A series of newspaper articles about the environment • A land use plan for a farm • A landscape design for a community facility • An advertising campaign for an agribusiness Exploratory • Exploratory SAE activities are designed primarily to help students become literate in agriculture and/or become aware of possible careers in agriculture. Exploratory SAE activities are appropriate for beginning agricultural students but is not restricted to beginning students. Exploratory Examples: Observing and/or assisting a florist Growing plants in a milk jug "greenhouse" Assisting on a horse farm for a day Interviewing an agricultural loan officer in a bank • Preparing a scrapbook on the work of a veterinarian • Attending an agricultural career day • • • • Improvement (minor component) • Improvement activities include a series of learning activities that improves the value or appearance of the place of employment, home, school or community; the efficiency of an enterprise or business, or the living conditions of the family. An improvement activity involves a series of steps and generally requires a number of days for completion. Improvement Examples: • • • • • • • Landscaping the home Building a fence Remodeling and painting a room Overhauling a piece of equipment Building or reorganizing a farm shop Renovating and restocking a pond Computerizing the records of an agricultural business Supplementary (Minor) • A supplementary activity is one where the student performs one specific agricultural skill outside of normal class time. This skill is not related to the major SAE but is normally taught in an agricultural program, involves experiential learning and does contribute to the development of agricultural skills and knowledge on the part of the student. The activity is accomplished in less than a day and does not require a series of steps. SAE and the Full Plate When thinking about the different components of a SAE program, it might help to think of a meal. No one likes an empty plate! SAE and the Full Plate If we add a steak to the plate, this is similar to having an Entrepreneurship SAE. For decades, Entrepreneurship has been the foundation of SAE. But a steak by itself doesn’t make a balanced meal! SAE and the Full Plate The passage of the Vocational Education Act of 1963 caused more interest in off-farm agriculture. This resulted in adding Placement as a type of SAE. We can think of the potato as Placement on our SAE plate. SAE and the Full Plate With the increased emphasis on science in agriculture, a need arose in the 1990s for a new type of SAE activity - Research. The green beans represent this addition to our SAE plate. SAE and the Full Plate We now have a full plate. However, our meal would be improved by the addition of several additional items. These additional items help round our our SAE plate. We call them minor SAE components. SAE and the Full Plate The addition of a soup or salad helps start a meal. Exploratory activities are designed to help students start their SAE programs. SAE and the Full Plate A beverage would help compliment the meal. Supplementary SAE activities help complement the SAE program. SAE and the Full Plate Adding a dessert rounds our our meal. Improvement activities help round out the SAE plate. SAE and the Full Plate While a SAE program can contain just one or two different types of activities, the goal should be to have a full plate of different activities. This maximizes learning. SAE: Fill Your Plate Planning an SAE Activity A) SAE General idea (1 sentence) B) SAE Type is _____ because ______ C) Basic Planning Who What items would help would you you with need ? this? How long would it take? How would you complete your records 3 possible problems you might face while completing this SAE 2 Ways you prevent these problems from occurring 1 question you try to answer while completing this SAE I chose this Practice project because Journal Entry My Visual would look like , and include Pretend you chose this project. Write 3 sentences explaining why you chose it (relate to a possible career or something you like, or learned in ANSC Basic design of your visual 3 Good Things Write a 3 sentence journal entry 3 things they should add to their plan Summary: On the back of your “Practice SAE Plan” Summarize the Activity Explain what we did in this activity What did we do? Write a Step by Step Guide Summarize the steps of planning an SAE project (modeled after when we did today in class) Should be 5-10 steps in length Why did we do this? What did you learn? How would you explain this to someone who knows NOTHING about an SAE project or where to start. What steps ensure a successful project? SAE Frayer Model • Each student will be responsible to have a completed SAE upon graduation • Record Books are required for all SAEs –What interests you ? Record Book • Accurate!!! • Record – All money put into the project – All money coming out from the project – Working experience – Hours worked – Who you worked with/for – Photos of activities • Anything Important !!! SAE and THE AET • Each student will complete their SAE in the online forum at theaet.com – Chapter Number: DE0036 – Username and password are the same – Will be assigned to you in the computer lab • WRITE IT DOWN! What to expect… Category 0- Not Present 3- Partially complete, lacks organization 5- Completed 0- Not Present 3- Partially complete, lacks organization 5- Completed 1. Cover Page: Title of project, your name, teacher’s name, year 2. Intro: Idea Essay Typed or hand writen 3. SAE Action Plan, Mid Way Check Point, ¾ Check Point 4. Specific Paperwork: PDF Printed Report from AET.com (varies depending on project. All students should have BOLD items) Finances , Time Investment, Journal Entries, Description, Learning outcome (1 page double spaced in length answering the questions below) SAE Agreement 5. At least 3 Photos (student included in photos) with captions Category 6. Organized (in a binder/folder) in order above 7. Oral Presentation: clear, easy to understand, answers the questions below, no reading from slides 8. Visual (poster/ PowerPoint) Poster: Contrasting colors, legible, able to be read from at least 3 feet away Powerpoint: Contrasting colors, at least 5 slides in length, photos included 9. All handwriting/ typing in full sentences, Legible 10. On time Due: SAE In-Class Activity • Each student will complete their SAE Action Plan. • Action Plans are required to receive your Greenhand Degree from AHS • This is due at the end of class SAEs @ AHS • SAE Project- Put it in writing! – 2 page double spaced essay • • • • • • • • What is your SAE? What type of SAE are your performing? Where will this SAE take place? What types of materials will you need? What would success look like for your SAE? What should your SAE look like at the end of this year? What will your journal entries include in theaet.com? Include a timeline for your SAE for the entire semester. Review • Word Wall • EXIT QUESTION: – How do you join FFA? • NEXT CLASS: – Review for Test – TAKE TEST Videohttp://www.ffa.org/index.cfm?method=c_abo ut.mission Concept Map! VOCAB: FFA, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American, SAE, Parliamentary Procedure Do you have that? • • • • • • • • FFA Crossword puzzle Recite FFA Motto Degree hierarchy CDE Activity SAE Action Plan worksheet completed Vocabulary Sheet (Word Wall Words) Essential Question/Exit Question sheet Greenhand Degree Application filled out – (IF YOU ARE AN FFA MEMBER) Time for Review!- 20mins • Take out a sheet of paper . • Individually answer each of the following questions. • You can consult your neighbors for help. • KEEP A COPY TO STUDY FROM! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Define the following vocabulary: 1. FFA, CDE, SAE, Chapter (Degree), Greenhand, American (Degree), Leadership, Active, State (Degree), Agriculture Education Who was Henry Groseclose? What did he do for FFA? Who is E.M. Tiffany? What did he do for FFA? Who were the NFA? Why are they important to FFA? What are the 6 parts of the FFA emblem? What does each part stand for? What are the 3 main areas of Agriculture Education? How do they all work together?(Remember the diagram to help you!) List the FFA degrees. Include where each degree is awarded (state, local, national level etc) What are the 3 major ACTS n Ag Education and what did they do for Ag Education? What are the 5 types of SAEs? List their defining features and what should be included in their record books How does FFA prepare you for a career? List the 2 parts and give examples CONCEPTS • 1. FFA SAE and Instruction work together • 2. FFA has along history in agriculture • 3. FFA provides opportunities for $, competitions and degrees