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Child Development
Laura E. Berk 7th edition
Chapter 6
Piagetian, Core
Knowledge, and
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© Allyn & Bacon/ Longman 2007
Goals of
Cognitive Development Research
• Chart typical course of development
• Examine individual
• Uncover mechanisms
of cognitive development
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Basics of Piaget’s Theory
General theory
Considers all aspects of cognition
Constructivist approach
• Stages are invariant
• Stages are universal
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• Are psychological structures
• Organized ways of making sense of
• Change with age
 Action-based
(motor patterns) at first
 Later move to a
mental (thinking) level
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Assimilation & Accommodation
• Assimilation
 Using current schemes to interpret
external world
 Used during equilibrium
• Accommodation
 Adjusting old schemes,
creating new ones to
better fit environment
 Prompted by disequilibrium
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Adaptation and Organization
• Adaptation
 Building schemes through direct
interaction with environment
• Organization
 Internal rearranging
and linking of schemes
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Piaget’s Sensorimotor Stage
• Birth to 2 years
• Building schemes
through sensory
and motor
• Circular reactions
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Sensorimotor Substages
Reflexive Schemes
Birth –1
Newborn reflexes
Primary Circular
1 – 4 months Simple motor habits centered
around own body
Secondary Circular
4 – 8 months Repeat interesting effects in
Coordination of
Secondary Circular
8 – 12
Intentional, goal-directed behavior;
object permanence
Tertiary Circular
12 – 18
Explore properties of objects
through novel actions
12 months –
2 years
Internal depictions of objects or
events; deferred imitation
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Object Permanence
• Understanding that objects continue to
exist when out of sight
• According to Piaget, develops in
Substage 4
• Incomplete at first:
A-not-B Error
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Mental Representations
Internal, mental depictions of
 Images: objects, people, places
 Concepts: categories
 Can manipulate with mind
 Allow:
 Deferred imitation
 Make-believe play
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Progress in Finding Objects Hidden
in Two Ways
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Deferred Imitation
• Piaget: Develops at about 18 months
• Newer research:
 6 weeks – facial imitation
 6 – 9 months – copy
actions with objects
 12 – 14 months – imitate
 18 months – imitate intended,
but not completed, actions
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Development of Categorization
• Perceptual
 Based on similar overall
appearance or prominent part
• Conceptual
 Based on common function
or behavior
 Later add event categories
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Evaluation of the
Sensorimotor Stage
Timing of:
How Piaget was • Object search,
• A-not-B,
• Make-believe play
• Timing of object permanence, deferred
How Piaget
imitation, categorization, problem-solving
might have been by analogy
• All occur sooner than Piaget thought
Some suggest infants are born with core knowledge in several
domains of thought
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Gains in Preoperational
Mental Representation
• Language
 Piaget believed it developed from
sensorimotor experiences
• Make-believe play
• Dual
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Development of Make-Believe Play
With age, make-believe gradually
• More detached from real-life
• Less self-centered
• More complex
 Sociodramatic play
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Benefits of Make-Believe Play
• Practice representational schemes
• Emotional integration
• Social, language skills
• Attention, memory,
logical reasoning
• Imagination, creativity
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Progression of Drawing Skills
1. Scribbles: during 2nd year
2. First Representational
 Label already-made
drawings: around age 3
 Draw boundaries and
people: 3–4 years
3. More Realistic Drawings:
preschool to school age
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Dual Representation
• Viewing a symbolic object as both
an object and a symbol
• Mastered around age 3
• Adult teaching can help
 Provide lots of maps, photos,
drawings, make-believe
playthings, etc.
 Point out similarities to real
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Limitations of
Preoperational Thought
• Cannot perform mental
• Egocentrism and animistic
• Cannot conserve
• Lack hierarchical
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Failure to
others’ views
from one’s
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Animistic Thinking
Belief that
objects have
lifelike qualities
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Limits on Conservation
• Centration
Focus on one
aspect and
neglect others
• Irreversibility
Cannot mentally
reverse a set of
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Piagetian Class Inclusion Problem
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Follow-Up Research on
Preoperational Thought
• Can adjust language to others and take
others’ perspectives in simple situations
• Animistic thinking comes from incomplete
knowledge of objects
• Can do simplified conservation
Illogical Thought • Can reason by analogy
• Use causal expressions
• Everyday knowledge is categorized
versus reality
• Can solve appearance-reality tasks in
nonverbal ways
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Analogy Problems
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Evaluation of the
Preoperational Stage
How Piaget was Preschoolers do develop beginnings of
logical thinking
How Piaget
might have
been wrong
Logical thinking develops more
gradually than Piaget thought
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Achievements of the
Concrete Operational Stage
• Conservation
 Decentration
 Reversibility
• Classification
• Seriation
 Transitive inference
• Spatial Reasoning
 Directions
 Maps
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Use of Maps
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Limitations of Concrete Operational
• Operations work best with
objects that are concrete
 Problems with
abstract ideas
• Horizontal décalage
 Master concrete
operational tasks
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Follow-up Research on
Concrete Operational Thought
• Culture and schooling affect
performance on tasks
 Going to school gives
experience on
Piagetian tasks
 Relevant non-school
experiences of some
cultures can help too
© Allyn & Bacon/ Longman 2007
Piaget’s Theory:
Formal Operational Stage
Hypothetico-deductive reasoning
Deducing hypotheses from a general
 Pendulum problem
• Propositional Thought
 Evaluating the logic of
verbal propositions
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Piaget’s Pendulum Problem
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Consequences of
Abstract Thought
• Self-Consciousness & Self-Focusing
 Imaginary audience
 Sensitivity to criticism
 Personal fable
• Idealism and Criticism
• Problems with Decision Making
 Inexperience
 Overwhelming options
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Follow-up Research on
Formal Operational Thought
• School-age children start developing
abstract thinking skills
 Problems with propositional thinking
 Logical necessity
 Careful thinking about major premise
• Formal operations may not be
 Training, context contribute
 Often fall back on easier thinking
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Educational Principles
Derived from Piaget’s Theory
• Discovery learning
• Sensitivity to children’s
readiness to learn
 Developmentally
appropriate practices
• Acceptance of individual
© Allyn & Bacon/ Longman 2007
Overall Evaluation
of Piaget’s Theory
Piaget’s change processes — assimilation,
accommodation, and organization — can’t
account for patterns of children’s changes
observed today
Cognitive development not always selfgenerating
Cognition not as broadly stagelike as Piaget
Piaget’s theory still inspires research
© Allyn & Bacon/ Longman 2007
Core Knowledge Perspective
• Evolutionary perspective: infants start life
with innate, special-purpose knowledge
 Core domains of thought
• Core domains prepare us
to rapidly develop key
aspects of cognition
• Development is
 Children as naïve theorists
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Suggested Domains
of Core Knowledge
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Violation of Expectation Method
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Development of
Infants’ Physical Knowledge
One solid object cannot move through
2 - 3 months
Size comparisons - notice when objects are:
• Too wide for openings
5-6 months
• Too tall for containers
7-8 months
Gravity, object support
6- 7 months
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Infants’ Numerical Knowledge
• Findings are mixed and controversial
• Infants may be able to:
 Discriminate quantities
and do simple
arithmetic up to 3
 Approximate largenumber values
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Theory of Children as Theorists
• Observe an event
• Explain, or theorize about its
 Draw on innate concepts
• Test theory against
• Revise theory
if needed
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Is Biology a Core Domain?
• Develops later than other domains
 Psychological explanations for
biological events
 Late development is
common around
the world
• More evidence is needed
© Allyn & Bacon/ Longman 2007
Evaluation of
Core Knowledge Perspective
Most serious consideration of beginnings of
Amount and nature of inborn knowledge
hotly debated
Suggests environment and experience work
together, but does not clarify how
Suggests cognitive development is
independent; little attention to learning with
© Allyn & Bacon/ Longman 2007
Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory
Cognition is based on:
• Social interactions
• Language
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Children’s Private Speech
• Piaget called this “egocentric speech”
• Vygotsky viewed it as foundation for all
higher cognitive processes
• Helps guide behavior
 Used more when tasks are difficult,
after errors, or when confused
• Gradually becomes more silent
 Children with learning and behavior
problems use longer
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Zone of Proximal Development
Tasks child cannot
do alone but can
learn to do with
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Social Interactions that
Promote Cognitive Development
• Intersubjectivity
• Scaffolding
• Guided
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Vygotsky and Make-Believe Play
• Provides Zone of Proximal
 Imaginary substitutions help
children separate thinking
from objects
 Rules strengthen capacity to
think before acting
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Vygotsky and Education
• Assisted Discovery
 Teacher:
 Guides learning
 Tailors help to
Zone of Proximal
• Peer Collaboration
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Reciprocal Teaching
• Teacher and students take turns
leading dialogue
 Ask
 Summarize
 Clarify
 Predict
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Cooperative Learning
Small groups of classmates
work toward common goals
 Cultural variations
in ability to learn
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Evaluation of Vygotsky’s Theory
Helps explain cultural diversity in
Emphasizes importance of teaching
Focus on language deemphasizes
observation, other learning methods
Says little about biological
contributions to cognition
Vague in explanation of change
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