
4 October 2010
WRG invites local residents to find out more about the
Limestone Quarry Wind Energy Project
Waste Recycling Group (WRG) has announced a proposal to site eight wind turbines at its
Darrington Quarry site West Yorkshire. The company will be hosting a public exhibition on Tuesday
2nd November 2010 between 1 - 8pm at the Mid-Yorkshire Golf Club to discuss the proposal with
The eight turbines would each have a maximum height of up to 125m to the tip of the blades and
would be capable of generating enough electricity to power up to 11,500 homes.
The proposal follows WRG’s review of a number of its closed and operational sites across the UK including the Limestone Quarry site near Darrington - to establish feasible locations for the possible
development of wind energy projects. The feasibility studies included a rigorous assessment of
technical and environmental aspects to ensure that the sites selected are the most appropriate for
As part of the environmental studies at the Darrington Quarry site, a temporary meteorological
(met) mast was erected on 9th September 2010 to help establish in more detail the available wind
resource. Our Environmental Impact Assessment is now well underway and indicates that the site
would be a suitable location for a wind energy project.
In order to ensure that an open and detailed stakeholder dialogue is established with the local
community, WRG is holding a public exhibition as follows:
Date :
Tuesday 2nd November 2010
The Function Room
Mid-Yorkshire Golf Club
Havercroft Lane
West Yorkshire
1pm to 8pm
Page 2
The public exhibition will provide local residents and other interested parties with the opportunity to
find out detailed information about the proposal and view photomontages to see what the
development is planned to look like. There will also be representatives on hand to answer any
questions that visitors may have about the project or about wind energy in general.
Mike Snell, Head of External Affairs at WRG, comments: “We welcome the opportunity to hear what
the local residents think about the Limestone Quarry Wind Energy Project.
“Building on its well-established track record in energy recovery, WRG is now taking an innovative
approach to finding additional ways to use its landholding to help generate renewable energy in the
“The UK is one of the windiest countries in Europe and harnessing the wind to produce clean and
renewable energy is an excellent way to provide a secure supply of electricity for people living in
the UK.”
For further information about the public exhibition, please contact Paul Davison at Proteus Public
Relations on 01295 279626 or at paul.davison@proteuspr.co.uk
Further information on the Limestone Quarry Wind Energy Project can be found at:
- endsFor further information, please contact:
Paul Davison at Proteus Public Relations on 01295 279626 or email paul.davison@proteuspr.co.uk
Note to Editors
WRG is one of the UK’s leading environmental services companies, providing waste and resource
management services to a wide range of public and private sector organisations.
A significant amount – around 200 megawatts (MW) – of renewable electricity is already generated
at WRG’s landfill sites from the methane-rich landfill gas that is produced naturally in all landfills.
The Company also recovers energy from the clean combustion of household and commercial
waste at Energy from Waste incinerators. WRG is now looking at additional ways of generating
renewable energy and the deployment of wind turbines on their closed and operational landfill sites
has been identified as the next logical approach.
WRG’s parent, FCC – the international environmental services, infrastructure and energy group –
has a strong interest in renewable energy. In particular, FCC Energía operates 14 wind farms in
Spain with 420 MW of installed capacity plus 45 MW of capacity under development.