EE 540- Microwave Engineering Professor: Madhu S. Gupta Syllabus Instructor Prof. Madhu S. Gupta Room 403C, Engineering Building Telephone (619) 594-7015 e.mail Schedule Class : Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:30 - 6:45 p.m., Room 423B Final Examination : Wednesday, December 14, 2002, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.< Midterm : around October Pre-requisites (1) Undergraduate electromagnetic field theory (EE 340) (2) Undergraduate transmission lines (EE 450) Textbook David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 3rd ed. (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005) or David M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 2nd ed. (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1998) Purpose The objectives of the course encompass both general objectives (such as approaching a problem as an engineering professional, and learning to learn on your own), as well as the more tangible, subject-matter specific objectives, including the following: 1. Knowledge of the basic terminology, concepts, and theorems in the microwave field. 2. Familiarity with how microwave components are characterized and specified (such as port-level description, scattering parameters, Q, BW, and coupling) 3. Designing components and circuits that meet prescribed specifications, and accomplish the major types of functions performed by microwave circuits (e.g., impedance transformation, filtering, signal division or combining, amplification) 4. Procedural skills needed in design, characterization, and measurement tasks (e.g., signal flow graphs, impedance matching, power computation, error estimation) 5. Synthesis of larger circuits by combining and interconnecting basic building blocks, and deducing the specifications of the overall network by calculating the performance of designed components, and of the systems composed therefrom. 6. Comprehending professional literature of, and publications on, microwave engineering, at least at some rudimentary level. Work Load 1. Readings : From textbook; articles from professional literature and outside resources 2. Practice Problems : assigned problems, with a problem set per topic 3. Midterm and final examination Grading Letter grades, based on the composite performance on each of the following factors Homework 20% Midterm 30% Final Exam 50% Policies 1. On Exams : There are no makeup exams. Midterm and final exam are open-book. 2. On Homework : A problem set assigned on each topic; collected, graded, and returned. 3. On Dropping the Course : Permissible only in the first three weeks (by Sept. 21, 2005). 4. On Collaboration : No assistance may be given or received in completing the exams. Homework Policies Students' submitted work on problem sets collected, graded, and returned. Group discussion of problems permitted, and encouraged for learning and clarification; however, the submitted work must be done individually Purpose of Homework: familiarity with typical engineering problems, and with typical parameter values, specifications, paradigms, and problem-solving approaches; extensions of classroom work, and exposure to topics that could not be discussed in class; illustrative examples of principles discussed in class Benefits of Homework: feedback on learning; diagnostics on gaps in learning; drill; preparation for exams Major Topics 1. Review of electromagnetic field theory, transmission lines, and waveguides Plane waves, propagation characteristics, reflection at planar interfaces Lumped circuit models, waves on transmission lines, reflection and impedances Physical waveguides - hollow, coaxial, and planar; modes and characteristics 2. Microwave Network Analysis Port-level description, matrix representation, transformations Scattering parameters, their properties, measurement, and analysis Signal flow graphs, applications to scattering parameter computations One-, two-, three-, four-, and six-port network examples 3. Impedance Matching and Tuning Transformation of impedance with transmission lines Stub tuning and quarter-wave transformers 4. Microwave Resonators Resonant circuits and their physical embodiment (lumped and distributed) Cavity, dielectric, and Fabry-Perot resonators Coupling, loading, dissipation, selectivity, and Q 5. Power Dividers, Couplers, and Hybrid Junctions T-junction, two-way, and N-way power dividers Coupled lines; directional coupler, and Lange coupler 6. Microwave Filters Filter design, transformation, and implementation Periodic structures 7. Non-reciprocal Microwave Components Propagation in ferrites and ferrite-loaded transmission lines Isolators, phase-shifters, and circulators 8. Microwave Semiconductor Devices and Circuit Amplifier, oscillator, and control circuit design