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Garry R Whitby
Contact Details
Mobile: RSA : +27 74 255 2040
UK :
+44 783 761 3743
Bristol University, UK: BSc Engineering
Chartered Engineer, CEng
Member of the Institution of Engineering & Technology, MIET
Member of Institute of Consultancy, MIC
Garry Whitby is an international development consultant with over 30 years experience in West,
East and Southern Africa and South & South East Asia managing and promoting development
projects and programmes, specialising in institutional development and challenge fund
He has experience in the growth and promotion of development support organisations in Africa
and SE Asia; he was a Senior Advisor to the Vietnamese Government on institutional reform of the
SME sector; he was the Chief Technical Advisor at an entrepreneurship institution in Malawi; was
the Deloitte global director on the matching grants programme of the British Government funded
business linkages and financial deepening challenge funds, which brought the private sector into
mainstream development on a commercially sustainable basis; and, was the Partner managing the
institutional support to the Swaziland Enterprise Trust Fund, a micro-finance organisation; and its
sister organisation, the Small Enterprises Development Corporation.
He was the Partner in Deloitte & Touche building and developing their Development Consulting
business, a specialist division of the firm that provided professional services to the international
donors in project and financial management, and training. He established the KPMG Development
Advisory Services business in Africa.
He has been involved in policy development and overseeing quality assurance and project
management of donor funded programmes, including: management training, project identification,
design and monitoring; management of change, institutional development and reorganisation;
management audits and M&E of development projects; and empowerment of community groups.
He has worked in the institutional transformation of government departments assisting them to
introduce improved planning, policy and management processes, and the ability to undertake
social mobilisation programmes that assist communities to take increasing responsibility for the
management and financial sustainability of public assets and institutions.
Native language
Garry Whitby
Employment History
Position Held
Mar 11 – date
PPI Consultants
Senior Partner
Mar 10 – Feb 11
Adam Smith International
Senior Associate
Sep 07 –Sep 09
Danida/ASMED (Vietnam)
Senior International Advisor
Sep 06 – Jun 07
KPMG (South Africa)
Business Development Manager
Jun 98 - Sep 06
Deloitte (South Africa)
Sep 93 – Jun 98
PPI Consultants (Malawi)
Managing Consultant
Jun 90 –Sep 93
UNDP/ILO (Malawi)
Chief Technical Advisor
Aug 88 – Jun 90
Self Employed (UK based)
Development Consultant
Jan 86 – Aug 88
ITDG (Malawi)
Operations Field Director
May 79 – Dec 85
ITDG (UK based)
Industrial Advisor
Sep 76 – May 79
Imperial Group Limited (UK)
Project Engineer
Sep 74 – Sep 76
CAV Limited (UK)
Graduate Apprentice
Garry Whitby
Professional Consultancy Experience
2011 - date
PPI Consultants
Senior Partner
June 2011 – March 2012 Associate Consultant to SBP on Commonwealth
Secretariat funded assignment, Malawi. MSME Policy and Strategy Plan
An assignment to work with key stakeholders – government, business, CSOs,
NGOs, BDS/BSS suppliers – to develop a policy which promotes micro, small
and medium enterprises, especially in rural areas; through Ministry of Industry
and Trade.
2010 - 2011
DFID, Growth & Employment in States (GEMS), Nigeria
Team Leader [Inception Phase – 6 months]
Improving business regulation in four States of Nigeria to promote better tax
reform, land administration and investment facilitation and promotion for growth
and employment creation, through the institutional development of land, tax and
investment organisations in four States, as well as liaison with Federal Ministries
and Commissions.
2007 - 2009
Danida, SME Development, BSPS Programme, Vietnam
Senior Advisor, ASMED [24 months]
Advisor to the Business Sector Programme Support, advising provisional
departments and agencies on how to reform their institutions to provide for a
better provincial business environment; with a lead role for the whole programme
of five components covering enabling environment, labour conditions, business
competitiveness, legal reform and SME research.
2006 - 2007
KPMG, Development Advisory Services, Africa Region
Manager, Development Advisory Services Unit [8 months]
Creating a development advisory business to provide professional services to
international donors and NGOs, governments and private foundations in Africa.
This involved integrating the new business unit into the KPMG network of offices
throughout Africa and inputting some internal institutional development to
enhance their provision of local knowledge, skills and contacts to development
assignments; and, how best to use their existing infrastructure from which to
launch development projects. This is seen as KPMG’s contribution to Africa’s
growth, by offering services, which nurture partnerships between the international
donor agencies, private sector, civil society, governments and communities.
Whilst establishing the new business unit, we worked on the winning proposal to
manage the DFID global Governance and Transparency Fund.
Garry Whitby
Deloitte & Touche, Southern Africa
Partner, Development Solutions [6 years]
1999- 2002 Department for International Development (DFID) – Private
Sector Development – Institutional and Management Support
Project Director – Business Development Services [inputs over 3 years]
Organisational development of two apex institutions in Swaziland:
Small Enterprises Development Corporation (SEDCO), a BDS supplier, to
refocus and develop its services; reviewing the needs of its clients for services
and workspace; facilitation of preparation of a new strategic plan; and, capacity
building of SEDCO counsellors to improve the quality of support to entrepreneurs
in the production of business plans.
Enterprise Trust Fund, a supplier of SME finance, to assist its Phase II
development, accreditation of Financial Intermediaries, development of Credit
Cycle Management techniques, and manuals; and, institutional development
through restructuring.
2000-2005 Department for International Development (DFID) – Private
Sector Development - Challenge Fund Management
Partner – Matching Grants Programme [inputs over five years]
Design, development and implementation of the Challenge Fund approach to
socio-economic development through dialogue with the private sector to develop
innovative delivery of new products and services to address the needs of the
poor by entering mass markets with commercially viable initiatives. Manager of
two successful funds: the Financial Deepening and Business Linkages
Challenge Funds in Africa and South Asia. An early lesson learnt was that top
management had to be on board and part of the process, which invariably meant
a mind-set change, certainly alignment with corporate culture, and understanding
of the institutional constraints within participating organisations.
2002-2006 Department for International Development (DFID) – Public
Sector Transformation South Africa - Financial and Procurement
Advisory Partner
Programme management unit to oversee DFID projects in the water sector in
South Africa, involving procurement of technical assistance and financial
management of the donor funds for institutional development within government
A five-year programme, Consolidation of Municipal Transformation
Programme CMTP, which supported accountable local government and propoor service delivery in South Africa. The main Programme Partners are: the
Department of Provincial and Local Government (DPLG), the South African Local
Government Association (SALGA) and the National Treasury. The programme
promoted institutional development to implement: accountable and ethical
governance; integrated municipal service delivery; improved municipal financial
management; more effective intergovernmental relations
Quality Assurance and Performance Manager on three programmes:
Identification and procurement of technical assistance, which provided
institutional development six local government organisations (LOGOSUL),
Garry Whitby
Support of the transformation process within the public sector, through the
identification and provision of technical assistance (PSTSP) for institutional
Support to the Integrated Provincial Support Programme (IPSP)
2005 United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Regional Office for South
Partner – Livelihood Development [30 days]
Developing a methodology for strategic planning leading to the re-construction
and development in the aftermath of the Asian tsunami; concentrating on the
reconstruction of the education sector, with particular emphasis on livelihood
development opportunities. Testing of the methodology in the Maldives, which
was economically devastated; institutionalising the methodology within existing
organisations and departments in the Maldives; and presenting the methodology
in Bangkok to an audience of 90 delegates from South and SE Asia.
2004 Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)
Partner – Business Planning [6 weeks]
Development of business plan and budget to implement the Regional Indicative
Strategic Plan, by Directorate and Units, by undertaking an institutional review,
for presentation to the member states.
2004 Ministry of Private Sector Development, Ghana
Partner – Advocacy [15 days]
Development of an evaluation template to assist with the selection of a variety of
private sector development interventions for support by Government.
May 1999 – July 1999, Aug 2002 United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) – Institutional Development
Senior Manager - Management Audit
Management Specialist undertaking a management audit of the Education
Foundation, an NGO which provides educational statistics and information to
Government and other decision and policy makers. The audit highlighted
necessary institutional changes and a successful programme of reform for the
Dec 2001 – Feb 2002, Dec 1998 – Feb 1999 European Union – Institutional
Advisory Partner - Management & Forensic Audit
Audit of a donor funded micro- projects in Eastern Cape investigating
mismanagement, fraud and corruption.
Management Audit of the Programme Support Unit in the Ministry of Finance in
Tanzania for EDF funded projects
Garry Whitby
1990 – 1993
United Nations Development Programme
Chief Technical Advisor – Entrepreneurship Development [37 months]
Institutional development and transformation of a government department into an
autonomous trust for entrepreneurship development. Responsible for: developing a
new management structure; implementing a commercial accounting system,
including budgeting and financial reporting; development of a business plan for
financial sustainability and raising the profile of MEDI; developing product range
and marketing; introducing improved management processes; rationalising staff,
providing human resource development and training support; providing
corporate/strategic planning, and change management advice.
Improved services provided to entrepreneurs by: introducing new entrepreneurship
development programmes, including: growth and survival, training of trainers, and
women’s entrepreneurship development; training teaching staff, curriculum
development and training material development; and introducing new services,
such as consultancies, workshop facilities and services, and facilities hire.
1993 – 1998
PPI Consultants Limited, Malawi
Managing Consultant – Livelihood Development [56 months]
Consultant to the international donor agencies in Malawi, developing and
managing programmes.
In particular, construction adviser to the DFID funded Community Schools
Programme, building 100 schools in rural and remote communities; approaches
to community involvement; developing emerging contractors to assist them
become involved in the construction of schools; as well as, small contractors to
build schools in remote areas of Malawi. This required a new approach to
construction of public structures, and reform within the institution of the Ministry
of Education.
Managing Consultant – Institutional development and strategic planning
Strategic Planning and institutional development for the Malawi Police Service,
National Statistical Office (DFID) and the Lesotho Bureau of Statistics (EU).
1988- 1990
Independent Development Consultant
Consultant - Enterprise Development [10 months]
Enterprise Development, Zambia Consultant to ZCCM on enterprise
development for re-trenched employees of the copper mines. Development of
business case for entrepreneurial development. [3 weeks]
Rural Industries Development, Lesotho Consultant to Lesotho Highlands
Development Project on enterprise development and training for displaced
communities, whose land was to be flooded by the Katse Dam. (EU) [6 weeks]
Enterprise Development for Refugee Affected Areas, Sudan Consultant to
ILO/UNHCR identifying income generating opportunities and business
development strategies. [6 weeks]
Rural Electrification, Lesotho Consultant to Lesotho Highlands Development
Project on the potential of rural electrification in the Maluti Mountains, as a result
of the electrification, which was happening to build the Katse dam. (EU) [2
Garry Whitby
Entrepreneurial Development, Malawi Advisor to ILO on the development of
the Malawian Entrepreneurs Development Institute. Subsequently, became the
CTA to implement recommendations. [3 weeks]
Small Industries Development, Pakistan Team Leader to develop a
programme of entrepreneurial development, and small industry promotion to
Sindh Province (EU) [3 weeks]
1979 - 1988
Intermediate Technology Development Group
Operations Field Director – Enterprise Development [30 months]
Development and design of development programmes in Southern Africa for
ITDG in the field of technological and enterprise assistance. Advisor to UNIDO
Industrial Adviser - Industrial Development [7 years]
Responsible for industrial development in under-developed countries in Africa
and South Asia.
1976 – 1979
Imperial Group Limited
Project Management Engineer
Management of engineering projects in a sawmill and ply mill in Malawi, cigarette
manufacturing in Nottingham, brewery in Bristol and snack food plant in
1974 – 1976
CAV Limited
Graduate Apprentice
Education, Professional Training & Membership
1971-1974 Bristol University: BSc Engineering
1983 Bradford University: Investment Appraisal for Development Banks and
Financial Institutions
1974 - date
Numerous courses including finance for non-financial managers,
entrepreneurship, strategic planning, change management,
institutional development
Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET)
Chartered Engineer (CEng)
Member of Institute of Consultancy (MIC)
Africa Investor, Micro-finance Goes Corporate – Expert Insight Garry Whitby
March 2006
BusinessIn Africa - Africa: -Decline of paternalism in sight – Opinion Garry
Whitby May 2005
Corporate Africa - African Private Sector is the Key to Africa’s Growth – Garry
Whitby, Burger Muller November 2005
Role of the Private Sector in Africa’s Growth – Africa Business Roundtable –
Garry Whitby Accra November 2005
Garry Whitby
Investment Climate Facility - Africa Business Roundtable – Garry Whitby Accra
November 2005
Sustainable Infrastructure in Africa – Challenge Funds a 5-Year Perspective
– British Consultants and Construction Board – Garry Whitby London January
Career Achievements (selected)
Deloitte &
(1979 – 1988)
Planning &
I established the Development Advisory Services division within KPMG Africa, in
which I developed the business strategy, trained staff from all over Africa and won
significant work, notably the management contract for the £100 M DFID funded
global Governance and Transparency Fund.
I was brought into Deloitte to turn around an ailing Development Consulting
business. Within seven months I turned a loss of USD 85,000 into a profit of USD
200,000 by re-examining the economic model of the business within Deloitte. I was
then asked to assist their consulting business in Maputo, and turned a loss making
business into profit within one year, to a success business generating profits of
USD 150,000 to USD 220,000 pa dependent on the market.
I have been involved in a number of projects and programmes with DFID such as:
Business Linkages & Financial Deepening Challenge Funds where we designed
and developed what has proved to be a new development tool in international
development, which brings socio-economic development on a commercially
sustainable basis. Through these Funds we were able to nurture a partnership
between international donors and the corporate world to work together and invest
in development to contribute to the sustainable growth of Africa and South Asia,
benefiting poor communities and people, as well as enhance shareholder value.
Community Schools project where we developed an approach involving rural and
remote communities in the development and management of their schools, but
empowering them with skills to become part of the decision making process, and
give them the confidence to take advantage of new livelihood opportunities that the
social development of their communities brought, by assisting them benefit
economically from the influx of development funding entering their community.
In Malawi, at MEDI, I transformed a government department into a sustainable
organisation, by introducing new management techniques; re-structure their
accounts from budget-based system, into an income and expenditure system,
which encouraged the making of profits. I also introduced a completely new set of
entrepreneurship development programmes in line with market forces. The
institute now offers sustainable, affordable services to entrepreneurs at
commercial rates, over 10 years since I left.
With ITDG I established their original programme of assistance in southern Africa,
and developed the operational and financial model for their Country Based offices
throughout the world. I was also able to develop their consulting business (IT
Consultants), into a business offering affordable services to international donors
and NGOs, which became profitable during my time with them.
I have been able to articulate the benefits of strategic planning to diverse
organisations from the Malawi Police Service to Statistical Offices to Business
Development organisations, all of which have developed second and third plans to
guide their operations, especially to align them with the needs of the people they
seek to serve. In management audits and evaluations I have been able to assist
ailing organisations become viable (Education Foundation, SA).
Garry Whitby