3) Accounting: Accounting refers to the tracking of network resource

Security and Privacy in Wireless LAN
Deptt. of Physics
C.D L State institute ,
of Engineering & Technology
Panniwala Mota, Sirsa (India)
Susheel Kumar
Indian Institute of Geomagnetism
New Panvel, Navi Mumbai (India)
Latika Chaudhary
Nanotechnology Department
B.V.D.U. College of Engineering
Abstract—Networks have come a long
way since their inception, and wireless
networks are the new trend in the IT
market. However, every new technology
comes with several advantages and
disadvantages. This paper addresses some
of the key advances and some of the
shortcomings of wireless networks
security. It reviews various types of
security levels currently offered by
standard wireless networks, such as the
wired equivalent privacy (WEP); the WiFi protected access (WPA); and 802.11 the latter defined as the ultimate security
available for wireless networks to date.
The paper also lists benefits of wireless
networks and examples of cost savings.
Corporations have been found to consider
wireless installations based on the lower
total cost of ownership (TCO) and return
on investment (ROI) scenarios. There are
few industries that have expanded their
boundaries in the wireless arena to
healthcare facilities and airports (travel).
With security being one of the major
concerns irrespective of the industry type,
the authors highlight factors that senior
and mid level IT management should
consider when implementing wireless
networks. The success story of General
Motors investment in wireless LANs
factories presents a best practice for
conclusions, questions still open and
opportunities for future research are
I. Introduction
Wireless local area networks (WLANs)
based on the wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi)
standards are one of today’s fastest growing
technologies in businesses, schools and
homes, for good reasons. They provide
mobile access to the internet and to
enterprise networks so users can remain
connected away from their desks. But
having provided these attractive benefits,
most existing WLANs have not effectively
addressed security-related issues. All
computer networks which by definition
consist of autonomous computing nodes are
potentially subject to security problems.
Authentication is the foundation technology
for protecting networks, servers, client
systems, data, and applications from
improper disclosure, tampering, destruction,
authentication- and access-control-based
dangers are open system authentication,
MAC address authentication and shared key
II. Threats to WLAN Environments
All wireless computer systems face security
threats that can compromise its systems and
services. Unlike the wired network, the
intruder does not need physical access in
order to pose the following security threats:
Eavesdropping: This involves attacks
against the confidentiality of the data that is
being transmitted across the network. In the
wireless network, eavesdropping is the most
significant threat because the attacker can
intercept the transmission over the air from
a distance away from the premise of the
1) Tampering: The attacker can modify the
content of the intercepted packets from the
wireless network and this results in a loss of
data integrity.
2) Unauthorized access and spoofing: The
attacker could gain access to privileged data
and resources in the network by assuming
the identity of a valid user. This kind of
attack is known as spoofing. To overcome
this attack, proper authentication and access
control mechanisms need to be put up in the
wireless network.
Fig.1 Network Infrastructure
Other security threats: The other threats
come from the weakness in the network
administration and vulnerabilities of the
wireless LAN standards, e.g. the
vulnerabilities of the Wired Equivalent
Privacy (WEP), which is supported in the
IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN standard.
III. 802.11-1997 (802.11 LEGACY)
The original version of the standard IEEE
802.11 was released in 1997 and clarified in
1999, but is today obsolete. It specified two
net bit rates of 1 or 2 megabits per second
(Mbit/s), plus forward error correction code.
It specified three alternative physical layer
technologies: diffuse infrared operating at 1
Mbit/s; frequency-hopping spread spectrum
operating at 1 Mbit/s or 2 Mbit/s; and directsequence spread spectrum operating at 1
Mbit/s or 2 Mbit/s. The latter two radio
technologies used microwave transmission
over the Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM)
frequency band at 2.4 GHz. Some earlier
frequencies, such as the U.S. 900 MHz ISM
band. Legacy 802.11 with direct-sequence
spread spectrum was rapidly supplanted and
popularized by 802.11b.
1) 802.11a: The 802.11a standard uses the
same data link layer protocol and frame
format as the original standard, but an
OFDM based air interface (physical layer).
It operates in the 5 GHz band with a
maximum net data rate of 54 Mbit/s, plus
error correction code, which yields realistic
net achievable throughput in the mid-20
Mbit/s. 802.11a too suffers from
interference, but locally there may be fewer
signals to interfere with, resulting in less
interference and better throughput.
2) 802.11b: 802.11b has a maximum raw
data rate of 11 Mbit/s and uses the same
media access method defined in the original
standard. 802.11b products appeared on the
market in early 2000, since 802.11b is a
direct extension of the modulation technique
defined in the original standard.
3) 802.11g: In June 2003, a third
modulation standard was ratified: 802.11g.
This works in the 2.4 GHz band (like
802.11b), but uses the same OFDM based
transmission scheme as 802.11a. It operates
at a maximum physical layer bit rate of 54
Mbit/s exclusive of forward error correction
codes, or about 22 Mbit/s average
throughput. 802.11g hardware is fully
backwards compatible with 802.11b
hardware and therefore is encumbered with
legacy issues that reduce throughput when
compared to 802.11a by ~21%.
4) 802.11-2007: In 2003, task group TGma
was authorized to "roll up" many of the
amendments to the 1999 version of the
802.11 standard. REVma or 802.11ma, as it
was called, created a single document that
merged 8 amendments (802.11a, b, d, e, g,
h, i, j) with the base standard. Upon
approval on March 8, 2007, 802.11REVma
was renamed to the then-current base
standard IEEE 802.11-2007.
5) 802.11n: 802.11n is an amendment
which improves upon the previous 802.11
standards by adding multiple-input multipleoutput antennas (MIMO). 802.11n operates
on both the 2.4 GHz and the lesser used 5
GHz bands. The IEEE has approved the
amendment and it was published in October
2009. Prior to the final ratification,
enterprises were already migrating to
802.11n networks based on the Wi-Fi
conforming to a 2007 draft of the 802.11n
6) 802.11ac: IEEE 802.11ac is a standard
under development which will provide high
throughput in the 5 GHz band. This
specification will enable multi-station
WLAN throughput of at least 1 Gigabit per
second and a maximum single link
throughput of at least 500 megabit per
second, by using wider RF bandwidth, more
l streams (up to 8), and high-density
modulation (up to 256 QAM).
7) 802.11i: In addition to 802.1x standard
created by IEEE, one up-and-coming
802.11x specification, which is 802.11i,
provides replacement technology for WEP
security. 802.11i is still in the development
and approval processes. While these
elements might change, the information
provided will provide insight into some of
the changes that 802.11i promises to deliver
to enhance the security features provided in
a WLAN system. The 802.11i specification
consists of three main pieces organized into
two layers. On the upper layer is the 802.1x,
which has been discussed in the previous
section. As used in 802.11i, 802.1x provides
a framework for robust user authentication
and encryption key distribution. On the
lower layer are improved encryption
algorithms. The encryption algorithms are in
the form of the TKIP (Temporal Key
Integrity Protocol) and the CCMP (counter
mode with CBC-MAC protocol).[12]
IV. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
WEP provides two functions. One is to
ensure privacy through encryption and the
other function is to offer a form of access
control. WEP uses a symmetric encryption
scheme where a shared key is used for both
encryption and decryption. The encryption
method used is the RC4 stream cipher
system from RSA. A 40 bit shared secret
key forms the heart of the system. This key
must exist in both the client and access point
in order for it to work. Two other additional
features were added to augment the system.
An Integrity Check Value (ICV) field,
which does a 32-bit CRC check on the data
frame. The result from the ICV is added to
the end of the frame. It is to prevent a
hacker from modifying or changing the
contents of the packet during transmission.
An Initialization Vector (IV) is also added
to the shared secret key in each packet to
ensure that each packet has a different RC4
key. The IV is a 24-bit field, which
produces a 64-bit field when combined with
the 40-bit key. This IV is sent in clear text in
a WEP data frame and the 802.11b standard
states that changing the IV with each packet
is an optional feature.
Fig.2 Example of Shared Key Authentication
The WEP encryption standard was the
original encryption standard for wireless. As
its name implies, this standard was intended
to make wireless networks as secure as
wired networks. Unfortunately, this never
happened as flaws were quickly discovered
and exploited. There are several open source
utilities like aircracking, weplab, WEP
crack, or air snort that can be used by
crackers to break in by examining packets
and looking for patterns in the encryption.
WEP comes in different key sizes. The
common key lengths are currently 128- and
256-bit. The longer the better as it will
increase the difficulty for crackers.
However, this type of encryption is now
being considered outdated and seriously
flawed. In 2005 a group from the FBI held a
demonstration where they used publicly
available tools to break a WEP encrypted
network in three minutes. WEP protection is
better than nothing, though generally not as
secure as the more sophisticated WPA-PSK
encryption. A big problem is that if a
cracker can receive packets on a network, it
is only a matter of time until the WEP
encryption is cracked.
Fig3. WEP Encryption
In November 2008 Erik Tews and Martin
Beck - researchers at two German technical
universities (TU Dresden and TU
Darmstadt) - uncovered a WPA weakness
which relied on a previously known flaw in
WEP that could be exploited only for the
TKIP algorithm in WPA. The flaw can only
decrypt short packets with mostly known
contents, such as ARP messages. The attack
requires Quality of Service (as defined in
802.11e) to be enabled, which allows packet
prioritization as defined. The flaw does not
lead to key recovery, but only a keystream
that encrypted a particular packet, and
which can be reused as many as seven times
to inject arbitrary data of the same packet
length to a wireless client. For example, this
allows someone to inject faked ARP packets
which make the victim send packets to the
open Internet. This attack was further
optimized by two Japanese computer
scientists Toshihiro Ohigashi and Masakatu
Morii. Their attack doesn't require quality of
service to be enabled. In October 2009,
Halvorsen with others made further
progress, enabling attackers to inject larger
malicious packets (596 bytes, to be more
specific) within approximately 18 minutes
and 25 seconds. In February 2010, a new
attack was found by Martin Beck that allows
an attacker to decrypt all traffic towards the
client. The authors say that the attack can be
defeated by deactivating QoS, or by
switching from TKIP to AES-based CCMP.
The vulnerabilities of TKIP are significant
in that WPA-TKIP was, up until the proofof-concept discovery, held to be an
extremely safe combination. WPA-TKIP is
still a configuration option upon a wide
variety of wireless routing devices provided
by many hardware vendors.
AAA stands for Authentication,
Authorization, Accounting. These are
necessary protocols used for remote network
1) Authentication: Authentication refers to
the process where an entity's identity is
authenticated, typically by providing
evidence that it holds a specific digital
identity such as an identifier and the
corresponding credentials. Examples of
types of credentials are passwords, one-time
tokens, digital certificates, and phone
numbers (calling/called).
2) Authorization: The authorization
function determines whether a particular
entity is authorized to perform a given
authentication when logging on to an
application or service.
3) Accounting: Accounting refers to the
tracking of network resource consumption
by users for the purpose of capacity and
trend analysis, cost allocation, billing.
The Extensible Authentication Protocol
(EAP) is a general authentication protocol
defined in IETF (Internet Engineering Task
Force) standards. It was originally
developed for use with PPP. It is an
authentication protocol that provides a
authentication mechanisms. These include
Kerberos, public key, smart cards and onetime passwords. With a standardized EAP,
interoperability and compatibility across
authentication methods become simpler.
For example, when user dials a remote
access server (RAS) and use EAP as part of
the PPP connection, the RAS does not need
to know any of the details about the
authentication system. Only the user and the
authentication server have to be coordinated.
By supporting EAP authentication, RAS
server does not actively participate in the
authentication dialog. Instead, RAS just repackages EAP packets to hand off to a
RADIUS server to make the actual
authentication decision.[12]
As with wired networks, tracking
down WLAN DoS attacks can be difficult,
slow, and inefficient. Radio jamming can be
tracked down fairly easily with the handheld
or laptop tools used for detecting rogue
access points, and some of the permanently
placed detection systems will also be useful
to track these problems down. Most of the
other attacks can only be unmasked by
careful monitoring and analysis with a
protocol analyser. Some of these
vulnerabilities could be mitigated with
changes to the standards, but none of them
are on a standards track for now.
Fig4. Denial of Service Attack
With increasing number of mobile devices
with 802.1x interfaces, security of such
mobile devices becomes a concern. While
open standards such as Kismet are targeted
towards securing laptops,access points
solutions should extend towards covering
mobile devices also. Host based solutions
for mobile handsets and PDA's with 802.1x
interface. Security within mobile devices
fall under three categories:
1. Protecting against ad-hoc networks
2. Connecting to rogue access points
3. Mutual authentication schemes such as
WPA2 as described above
Wireless IPS solutions now offer wireless
security for mobile devices. Mobile patient
monitoring devices are becoming an integral
part of healthcare industry and these devices
will eventually become the method of
choice for accessing and implementing
health checks for patients located in remote
areas. For these types of patient monitoring
systems, security and reliability are critical.
WLANs should only be deployed
with full awareness of the potential security
breaches they can introduce. In fact, an
enterprise’s security policy should define:
who is allowed to use WLANs; who is
permitted to install and configure WLANs;
what standards of authentication, access
control, encryption, and integrity assurance
must be met in varying types of facilities;
what current and future features must be
available in wireless products that will be
deployed; how unauthorized access points
will be discovered and corrected; and
numerous other wireless-oriented issues. If
there are unprotected WLANs connected to
an enterprise network, it’s crucial that these
WLANs be located outside the firewall and
other perimeter defences. Wherever
WLANs are attached to the enterprise
network, it’s crucial to install and maintain a
secure authentication system that is
commensurate with the security risks the
enterprise faces. In addition, it’s crucial to
find and secure any unauthorized access
points. In most cases, enterprises will want
to update their existing access point
firmware and software, client driver
software, and authentication servers to the
WPA standards, and only purchase WPAcompliant products going forward.
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