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Rules and Regulations for Students Enrolled in Homeschool Classes @ Blueberry
Blueberry Home School Classes are designed to support parents in educating their
children. In order to have an optimum learning environment there are a few rules that
must be followed. All students must be registered homeschoolers in their county. If you
do not know how to register we can help you; just inquire at the front desk.
Conduct Code:The number one rule at Blueberry House is the Golden Rule: Do unto
others as you would have them do unto you. Kindness in word and deed is expected
behavior at Blueberry House. Students, who consistently hurt others through their
behavior, are subject to being expelled from the program.
Bullying: All complaints of bullying will be promptly investigated. If substantiated,
immediate action will be taken. We do not tolerate bullying in any form.
Class Participation: Students are expected to attend and participate in all of their classes.
Students, who miss eight or more days in a trimester, will be at risk of expulsion.
Exceptions will be made for family vacations. Students who refuse to do the class work
will be put on a two week probation. During that two weeks, parents, tutors, and the
Director will work together to create a behavioral and academic plan to get the student on
track. If after two weeks, the student is still not participating in classes, that student will
be expelled from the program. There will be no refund for the remaining days in the
month. A refund will be given if tuition has been paid in advance for the months
following the month the student is expelled. There will be no refund of any fees; such as,
book fees, registration, etc. A student, who consistently disrupts the learning process for
other students, will go through the same discipline process as stated above.
Dress Code
Girls: All skirts and shorts must be no shorter than the length of the extended arm to the
fingertips. Clothes must not have holes and low cut neck lines. Bra straps must be
covered at all times. Tank tops are not allowed. All shirts and blouses must have a visible
sleeve. Skirts must be no shorter than 1" above the knee. Girls may wear hats that are
made to match their outfits; however, no bill caps or outdoor hats are to be worn during
school hours.
Boys: Hair styles must be short and not fall below the top of the collar or over the
eyebrows. No baggy pants will be allowed. Boxers and underwear must be covered at all
times. No muscle shirts will be allowed. No hats or bill caps are to be worn indoors
during school hours.
All Students: All objectionable words on tattoos and clothing must be covered at all
times. If you have any questions about what is considered objectionable, see the Director
before allowing the child wear the clothing in question. No lip, nose, or tongue jewelry
will be allowed by boys or girls. Any type of Goth clothing or accessories is not
Drugs, Vaporizers, Alcohol, and Tobacco: The use and/or possession of these
substances will not be tolerated. Students using or possessing these substances will be
automatically and swiftly expelled from the program. We have a no tolerance rule for
such activity.
Sexual Conduct: Students who do not behave themselves in an appropriate manner to
the opposite sex will be brought up for discipline. If the behavior continues after that,
they will be immediately expelled. Students caught kissing or inappropriately touching
the opposite sex, will be immediately expelled.
Special Needs: Special Need students with academic learning difficulties are welcome at
Blueberry House. Our tutors and staff have all been trained to work with students who
learn differently. Our requirement is that the students have the potential to learn and that
all behavior falls under the Behavior Code as stated above. We are not a day care and as a
result, students must be able to participate in classes that have been leveled and designed
to fit their learning needs. We are not able to accommodate special needs as it applies to
physical needs; such as special computers or classroom equipment. We do allow
therapeutic balls for sitting during class time. If a child needs a therapeutic ball, the
parent is expected to provide that.
Lunches: Students need to bring sack lunches. Students do not have use of the
microwave or refrigerator. We do not furnish eating utensils or plates. Students should
bring water bottles or an insulated refillable cup for drinks.
Cell Phones: The use of cell phones during the academic day is strictly forbidden for
students working at the K-8th grade levels. These students are not allowed to bring a cell
phone for any reason. Students may not have cell phones in their back packs or in their
lockers. A student who is found with a phone in their possession will be given a warning.
The second violation of this rule could result in a two day suspension. Students taking
course work at the high school level may bring their phones to school, but phones must
stay in their lockers and in the off position during the school day. A student who violates
any of the above rules, will be given a warning the first time. The second violation of this
rule will result in the loss of all cell phone privileges for the remainder of the academic
year. If the student brings a phone on the premises after the second violation, he or she,
risk suspension for the rest of that trimester. If parents need to reach their child, they are
required to call the office.
Electronic Devices: All other electronic devices capable of getting on the Internet are
strictly forbidden for students working at the K-8th grade levels. Students, who must stay
after class to wait for parents, may bring a Kindle or other game playing device that
cannot access the Internet. Those devices must stay in their backpacks or lockers during
the hours of 8:30 - 3:15. These students must get special permission from the
administrator before bringing their devices. Students who violate this rule will be subject
to the same disciplines as those violating the cell phone rules. Students taking course
work at the high school level may bring electronic devices; however, these devices will
be used strictly for academic purposes. Students who violate this rule will be subject to
the disciplines listed under cell phone violations.
Cameras: All cameras are strictly forbidden. The one exception is for the designated
photographers of the school year book. If the students in charge of year book
photography are found taking photos that are not intended for school use, they too will
lose their camera privileges and are subject to the same disciplines as stated above under
the cell phone rules.
All students will have access to school computers under teacher supervision and for
academic purposes only.
Students in grades 6-12 will be required to sign this form upon registration into the
program. Parent signatures are also required.
Print and sign this form.