附件 1:Li Yin 教授简历 姓名:Li Yin 性别:女 国籍:美国 联系方式:Department of Urban & Regional Planning, University at Buffalo , The State University of New York, Buffalo NY, 14214 Email: liyin@buffalo.edu 主 页 : http://ap.buffalo.edu/People/faculty/department-of-urban-and-regional-planningfaculty.host.html/content/shared/ap/students-faculty-alumni/faculty/Yin.detail.html 电话:01-(716)-829 5883 (办公室) 01-(716)-829 3256 (传真) 专业领域 地理信息与城市规划 学术与专业任职经历 现任美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校(SUNY-UB)建筑与城市规划学院的副教授, 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校建筑与城市规划学院地理信息系统和空间建模硕士生 专业主任, 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校地理系客座教授, 美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校布法罗分校城市研究中心的高级研究员。 曾任美国尤他大学都市研究中心的地理空间分析副主任。 1 专业学术组织 美国国家地理信息和分析中心(The National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis) 成员 美国规划院校教师协会(Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning) 成员 美国国家地理学会(Association of American Geographers) 成员 海外中国规划学人学会(International Association for China Planning) 成员 海外中国地理信息系统专业人士协会(The Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Systems – Abroad) 成员 获得科研经费情况 Sustainable Affordable Housing in Shrinking US Cities: Developing an Analytic Tool for Siting Subsidized Housing and Evaluating HUD Program Outcomes,US$124,897, 2013-2015 Obesity and the Built Environment,NIH, US$1.47 million Park Characteristics that Motivate Youth Physical Activity,Robert Wood Johnson, US$199,656,2007-2008 附件 2: 教授 Yin 行程安排及教学安排 (一)行程安排 时间 内容 8 月 13 日 抵达武汉 8 月 14 号 学术报告交流 8 月 15 日-8 月 21 日 上课(授课对象:研究生、优秀高年级本科生,相关专业教师) 8 月 22 日-8 月 23 日 考察:秭归实习基地 8 月 23 日 离开武汉 2 (二)授课安排 课程名称:Advanced GIS Applications(共 40 学时) Learning Goals: This course will introduce graduate students to intermediate/advanced GIS applications on the forefront of interdisciplinary professional and academic practice. It is built around analytical tools and 2D/3D GIS visualization that have been developed and applied in different disciplines to facilitate better process of exploration and decisionmaking. It combines lectures, readings, discussions, and hands-on exercises to help students with GIS background to develop more GIS knowledge and techniques for critical thinking, problem solving and decision-making. Schedule: 上课时间:每天上午 8:30-11:30 地 下午:2:30-5:30 点:西区信息楼 302(软件工程实验室) http://www.esri.com/traini ng August Friday 15th, 2014 Morning: Introduction 1.Using ArcMap in to the class Afternoon: Lab ArcGIS Desk top 10 and 2.Layout Design Discussion Essentials for ArcGIS 10.1 August Saturday 16th, 2014 Raja, S., Yin, L., Roemmich, J., Ma, C., Epstein, L., Yadav, P. and Ticoalu, A. 2010. “Food environment, Built Environment, and and Women's BMI: Evidence Morning: Health GIS http://www.esri.com/traini I ng Afternoon: Lab 3 Geocoding Desktop 10 in ArcGIS from Erie County, New York” Journal of Planning Education and Research, 29(4), pp444-460. Discussion Roemmich, J. N., Epstein, L. H., Raja, S., and Yin, L. 2007. “The Neighborhood and Home Environments: Disparate Relationships with Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors in Youth” Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 33(1) pp 29-38. Morning: Health GIS II August Sunday 17th, 2014 Afternoon: Lab Discussion Morning: 3DGIS Visualization August Monday 18th, 2014 Afternoon: Discussion Lab Yin, L., Raja, S., Li, X., Lai, Y., Epstein, L. H., and Roemmich, J. N. (2013) Neighborhood for Playing: Using GPS, GIS, and Accelerometry to Delineate Areas within which Youth and are Physically Active. Urban Studies, 50(14), pp2922-2939 Yin, L. 2010. “Integrating http://www.esri.com/traini 3D Visualization and GIS in ng Planning Education,” Journal of Geography in 1.Getting Started with Higher Education, 34(3), ESRI CityEngine pp419-438. 2.Creating Smart 3D City Yin, L. and Shiode, N. (2014) “3D SpatialTemporal GIS Model of Urban Environments for and Supporting the Designing and Planning Process. Journal of Urbanisim: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. 7(2). pp 152- 4 Models with ESRI CityEngine http://videoembed.esri.co m/iframe/2207/000000/wi dth/960/0/00:00:00?c=ho mepage&d=desktop 169 Tuesday Yin, L. and Hastings, J. 2007. Capitalizing on Morning: 3D GIS - Views: Assessing Visibility Using 3D Visualization and Simple Analysis GIS Technologies for Hotel Development in the City of Niagara Falls, USA. Journal of Urban August Technology, 14(3), pp59-82 19th, Yin, L. and Muller, B. 2007. 2014 Afternoon: Lab and “Residential Location and the Biophysical Discussion Environment: Exurban Development Agents in a Heterogeneous Landscape” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 34(2), pp279-295. Morning: Use/Cover Muller, B. and Yin, L. 2010. “Regional Governance and Hazard Information: The Role of Co-ordinated Risk Assessment and Regional Spatial Accounting in Wildfire Hazard Mitigation”. Land Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Change 53(1), pp1-21. August Model Wednesday 20th, 2014 Afternoon: Discussion Lab Yin, L. 2010. “Modeling Cumulative Effects of Wildfire Hazard Policy and Exurban Household and Location Choices: An Application of Agent-based Simulations.” Planning Theory and Practice 11(3), pp375-396 Yin, L. and Muller, B. 2008. “Urbanization and Resort Regions: Creating an Agentbased Simulation of Housing 5 Density in ‘Ski Country’” Journal of Urban Technology, 15(2), pp55-75. Morning: Presentation Discussion August Thursday 21th, 2014 Group Yin, L. (2013) Assessing Walkability in the City of & Buffalo: An Application of Agent-Based Simulation, Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 139(3), pp. 166–175 Hajrasouliha, A. and Yin, L. (Forthcoming). The Impact Advanced Models, and of Street Network Connectivity on Pedestrian Future Research Movement. Urban Studies Afternoon: Review, 6 http://www.spatialanalysis online.com/HTML/index. html