Instructor: Email: Los Angeles Harbor College Syllabus- Psychology 3-Sect 4902 Spring Session-1st 8 weeks February 7-March 31, 2012 Jontae’ Watkins, MA Course Title: Department: Psychology 3 Psychology (PACE) Location: NEA 127 Tuesday: 7:55 pm-10:00pm Saturdays are required: Feb 25, March 10, 24, &31. Book: Office Hrs: Social Psychology 8E: Saul Kassin, Steven Fein, Hazel Rose Markus Tues/Weds: 5:30-7:50pm NEA 153 Course Description This course is the study of the process of personal growth, which will help the students to process into strategies that will help them in their own self-exploration. Student Learning Outcomes (1) Identify and differentiate the various approaches to the scientific study of personality and personal growth and adjustment. (2) Demonstrate familiarity of basic biological, physiological, and psychological concepts used in describing personal growth and psychosocial development across the lifespan. (3) Generate and apply concrete examples of different psychological perspectives underlying personal growth, personality and psychological adjustment. (4) Describe specific research methods and the general principles of research ethics for the study of human beings. (5) Apply psychological principles and develop “new” interpersonal, occupational, and social skills for life-long personal growth. (6) Differentiate between individual and socio-cultural differences as applied to personal growth and adjustment. 1 Course Materials Observations Discussion groups Current Events (1 point each for a total of 5 current events). Guest Speakers Internet Lectures Exams Films Student Presentations Course Requirements/Methods of Evaluation Attendance/Participation First Test Term Paper Final Observations/Quizzes Current Events 30% 5% 30% 20% 10% 5% GRADING 90-100= A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D Below 60=F GRADING POINTS WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS Item Description 1 Content and Conceptualization 2 Logical organization of thoughts, ideas and structure 3 Spelling, Grammar, APA format, etc. Total Percents 60% 20% 20% 100% SEE CLASSROOM/LAHC POLICIES LISTED BELOW: ***ATTENDANCE: Excessive absentism and tardiness will result in 20 points off final grade…. Late Arrival or early departure will constitute loss of class participation points at the discretion of the instructor. 2 Talking excessively in class is rude and disrespectful to Instructor and fellow classmates, this will result in loss of class participation points at the discretion of the instructor. STUDENT DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES: SEE EDUCATION CODE SECTION 6300/Board Rule 9803 STANDARDS OF STUDENT CONDUCT: Board Rule: 9803.10, 9803.11 Disability Accommodation Statement: Students who may need a reasonable accommodation(s) for this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact DSPS Office or the Office of Special Services as soon as possible. All information will remain confidential. Financial Aid: All students seeking financial aid may go to the financial Aid office during regular business office hours. PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism or academic dishonesty, whether accidental or deliberate, is a serious violation of the Student Code of Conduct. The instructor has the option of using classroom sanctions or elevating the case to campus level. It is plagiarism to go to the Internet, find an article, copy it and drop it into your word processor or onto your documents on your computer. It is plagiarism to copy directly (verbatim) from a book, magazine, periodical or journal without citing it as another’s work. There are a few things that you can do that will help you to avoid being charged with academic dishonesty. Please note the following: 1) Anytime that you use the words or ideas of another person without giving credit, it is considered plagiarism, WHETHER YOUR ACTIONS ARE INTENTIONAL OR NOT! 2) Differences between direct and indirect quotes: a) b) Direct Quotes: Includes the exact wording from the source. Indirect Quotes: Summarizes or paraphrases the content from the source. 3) APA in-text requirements: a) Direct Quote: Author’s last name, publication date, and page number. 3 b) 4) Indirect Quote: Author’s last name, publication date. Punctuation requirements: ALL word-for-word quotations MUST be placed in quotation marks. 5) Exception to the rule: Common Knowledge – if the same information can be found in three or more sources and those sources do not cite an earlier source, the information is considered common knowledge. Also, commonly known facts (e.g., Washington, D.C. is the capital of the U.S.) do not need a citation, even if you had to look them up. 6) When in doubt, CITE. Late Assignments LATE WORK: Late work will not earn the full points possible. Students will lose two points for each day the assignment is late. ABSOLUTELY NO: CELL PHONES, IPADS, NOTEBOOKS, TAPE RECORDERS OR OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES ALLOWED IN CLASS: Out of consideration for others, please turn your cell phone and pagers to the silent mode. If they do not have a silent or vibratory mode, please turn them off. These items tend to distract the other students when they ring during class discussions or learning team activities. ABSOLUTELY NO TEXTING, TAKING PICTURES, OR RECORDING IN CLASS!!! ABSOLUTELY NO ELECTRONIC DEVISES IN CLASS UNLESS STUDENT REQUIRES FOR ADA (American Disabilities Act). ***All assignments are to be typed. Handwritten assignments will receive half credit. ***All term papers will be typed in the American Psychological Association format. (Instructor will distribute the term paper format in class during the course of this session). 4 Weeks Of Study/Lecture Weeks 1-3: Chapters 1-3: Part 1: Introduction: These sections include: (1) What Is Social Psychology, (2)Doing Social Psychology Research, Part 2- Social Perception: (3) The Social Self, Weeks 4-6: Chapters 4-6: (4) Perceiving Persons, (5) Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination Part 3-Social Influence: (6) Attitudes, Weeks 7-8: (7) Conformity, (8) Group Processes, Part 4: Social Relations: (9) Attractions and Close Relationships, (10) Helping Others, (11) Aggression, Part 5: Applying Social Psychology, (12) Law, (13) Business, (14) Health Midterm: TBA Final Exam: 50 question exam, 10 page Term Paper Additional Resource Materials Adams, J.S. (1965). Equity in Social Change. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology. Alderman, D. (1972). Elation, Depression, and helping behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Allport, G.W. (1954) The nature of Prejudice, Reading, MA: Internet Resources American Psychological Association Videos/Psych In Film: Babe Apollo 13 To Kill A Mockingbird Schindler’s List 5 ASSIGNMENTS –Sect 4902-Social Psychology NOTE: Assignments must be turned in on the date they are due!! APA Format is required for all papers written in Psychology/Behavioral Sciences and In MY CLASS. *** American Psychological Association (APA) Assignment #1: Reading: Read Chapters 1,2, & 3 by February 14,2012. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: Type a 1-2 page essay for Chapter 1: What is Social Psychology and how is it used IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Please do not use the book, or the internet or dictionary for this written assignment: You may ask family and friends and include your findings in your paper. Due: February 21, 2012. Assignment #2: Reading: Read Chapters 8, 9, &12 by February 25,2012 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: Type a 2 page essay on Yourself. WHO AM I? Include in this paper your self concept, expound on whether your perception of self is intrinsic, extrinsic or both, and what is your overall emotions/feelings while doing this assignment. You may reference Chapter 3 for this assignment. APA format required. Due: February 28,2012 Assignment #3: Reading: Read Chapters: 4, 5, & 14 by March 10,2012. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: Type a 1-3 page essay on What is Stress? Include in your paper, what causes your stress and its cultural implications as it is applicable to you and lastly, how do you manage stress? APA format required. Due: March 10,2012 Assignment #4: Reading: Read Chapters: 6,7,11 by March 24, 2012. Internet Assignment: Research/Print the Stanford Prison Experiment, bring to class for discussion. 5pts. Due: March 20,2012. Assignment:#5: FINAL TERM PAPER: Due: March 31, 2012. Note: All formal term papers require a cover sheet. Students will type a 10 page term paper on a topic of your choice that is subject matter related. E.g. Polygraph Test, Conformity, etc. This paper should include numerous citations/quotes at least between 5-20. You must use at least 5-10 resources such as the internet, magazines, books and periodicals/journals. APA format Required. Due: March 31, 2012. Note: No email assignments or term papers accepted. All assignments will be turned in on time in class or you will loose points. Have a great Spring Semester!!! 6 7